HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 160-1932 0~TI~ 0~ DOG RAOING T~0K~ IN T~ OITT 0~ S0~H S~ ~R~OIS00 ~ PROVIDING LI0~ING 0F T~ S~. The City Oounoil of the City of South S~ ~r~oisoo do ordain as follows: Section 1: It~'!S here~y'deolared to be u~awful for person, person, firm or corporation within the Oity of South S~ ~ranoisoo to maint~n or operate raci~ track contests between dogs ~or between ~y' meoh~io~ device ~d ~y dog or dogs, for any re- w~d er otherwise, without having the permit and license required by this ordin~ee. Section 2: Application for such permit and license shall be made in writing to sa.i~ Oity Oouncil, ~d shall contain the name of the applicant, and designation of the place where it is proposed to operate Such raoi~ track, a specification of the time duri~ w~eh 'it is proposed to operate the s~e, and a statement that, if a permit is grated ~d a license is issued, the applic~t or applicants will strictly comply with all provisions of this ordin~oe regulating the mainten~oe and operation of such raoi~ track~ Section S: Sal~ City Oouneil shall consider such applica- tion ~d the applic~t or applio~ts and ~y protest which may be filed. If said Oity Oouncil shall find that the applicant is a fit ~d proper person, or that such applicants ~e fit and proper perso'~, ~d that the operation of such race track at the place designated in the application wAi'i not be prejudicial to public good, peace or health, said Oity Oo~eil may gr~t said permit. Section 4: The lioe~e herein require~ m~t be proo~ed from the Clerk of said Oity of South San Erancis~o. Upon the grating of ~y such p~mit, the Oity Olerk shall, from time to time on the request of the holder or holders thereof, issue to such holder or hold- ers a license for such portion of the period of time included in s~h permit as may be designated by such holder or holders. Rayment of the license tax provided for in this ordinance must be made to the tax collector of said 0ity of South San ~rancisco in advance, at the time of the issuance of each such license, for the entire period specified in such license. Section 5: The license tax to be paid hereunder shall be Twenty-five ~)ollars ($25.00) each day duri~ which said race track shall be operated under any license which may be issued. Section 6: No license issued under this ordinance shall authorize the maintenance and operation of such dog racing track, except at the location designated in the permit and license. Section ?: No permit shall be issued hereunder for the operation of such race track during the months of January or Decem- ber of any year. Section 8: No permit shall be granted hereunder for the operation of any such race track in said 0ity, except in the portion thereof lying west of Linden Avenue, South of Railroad Avenue, East of the Valencia Street Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad,~ and north of Tanforan ~venue. Secti~on 9: At all times the premises on which said race track is to be maintained and operated shall be kept in a strictly sanitary condition. No dogs or ~other animals shall be housed or quartered in any place at or about said premises, which shall not be kept at all times in a strictly sanitary condition. Section 10: No dogs, which shall at any time be used or permitted to engage in any racing contest on such track, shall be housed or quartered at any time in any other portion of said city ~ than that specifically referred to in said Section 8 hereof. ~1. Section ll: No dogs, which shall at any time be used or permitted to engage in any such racing contest on such track, shall be exercised or trained on any public street or highway in said city or in any other portion of said City than that spoecifically referred to in Section 8 hereof. Section 1E: All police o~i'icers, who may be necessary in the preservation of peace in and about said racing track, shall be members of the police department of said City of ~outh San Francisco and may be appointed by the City Council of said City on the recommenda- tion of the person or persons to whom such l~ermit may be granted, if found to be suitable, and shall be paid fo~ their services by the holder or holders of such permit. All premiums for workmen's compensation insurance on such police o±'ficers shall be paid in advance to said city by the holder or holders of such permit. Section 13. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars I$300'00), or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three ~3) months, or by both such fine and imprisoz~nent. Section 14. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterprise and The South Sail ~rancisco Journal", a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration o~ thirty 130) days from and after the date of its passage. ?assed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this ~ day of JulT, 1932, by the following Ayes, Councilme No es, Councilmen ~~ -3- Approved: 'o~ ~i~ ~ s~ ~r an ci seo. Attest: