HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 304-1950 ~%0, ,~,. .... ORDINANOE NO. ' B~TWEEN ORAND ~~ ~ PI~ A~, A~ ON ~e 0~ 0o~o~ o~ ~e 0~ o~ ~ou~ ~n ~r~oo ..... Section 1. It shall be ~la~ful ~o~ any person, persons, cm compomat~on tc ~mk ~y moto~ vehicle, as that e~pmes- sion is define~ in ~e Vehicle Code cf the State cf Callfc~la, on om along ~e east side cf Ba~hcme Ml~ay be~een Gman~ ~venue an~ Pine ~venue, in said c~ty. Mectlon M. It shall be ~lawful Ccm any person, pemsons, om compomation to patak any mctom vehicle, es ~at e~pmes- sion is defined in the Vehicle Code of the State of 0aliCo~ia, on or along ~e west si~e of Dubuque Avenue be~een G~and Avenue and Butle~ Avenue, in said city. Section ~. Any ~rscn, persons, or corpcmation who shall violate this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis~e~anor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be p~ishe~ by a fine of not less ~an ~~ DO~8 ($20.~), or by imp~iso~ent fo~ a period not exceeding ~IR~ (~0) Da~, or by both such fine and impris o~ent. Section ~. No sentence imposed ~o~ violation of this o~dinance ~y be suspende~. Section 5. ~ls ordinance shall be publishe~ once in the 80~ ~ FRANCIBC0 E~RPRIBE-JO~NAL, a newspapem cf general circulation, publishe~ an~ circulated in said City of Mouth Man Francisco, an~ shall take effect and be Lu force upon ~e e~piration of ~IRTY (~0) DA~ after its adoption. Introduced this ~~ day of Nov~ber, 1950. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the Olty of South San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Olty of South San F~anclsco this ~th day of December, 1950, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen: Victor Boidc, Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, Emilio Cortesi Noes, Councilmen: None Absent, Oouncllmen: Charles K. Elder Approved: attes t: -2-