HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 603-1970 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA MAY, 1968 Reprinted June, 1968 July, 1969 The undersigned hereby certifies that this document is an official copy of the approved a~ adopted "Subdivision 0rdinanc~ of the City of South San Francisco." January 2,1970 M. Pass, AIP City Planner and Secretary to the Planning ~ommiss ion HAI-Ii~T. ~ISE ax~d ASSOCIATES. INC. E E E PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA MAY, 1968 Reprinted June, 1968 July, 1969 O~d~r~On¢~. #603 ~u~v~s ~on~ ur_ct ltt.~c e o~ t ty o~ ~aBc 1s co TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 - ADOPTION Purpose Chapter 2 - DEFINITIONS Chapter 3 - REQUIREMENTS BY TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Industrial Subdivisions Commercial Subdivisions Residential Subdivisions Chapter 4 - GENERAL DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS Length of Blocks Walkways Utility Easements Non-Access and Planting Strips Water Courses and Drainage Monuments Lots Abutting on Improved Streets Roads and Streets Optional Design and Improvement Standards Chapter 5 - STREET DESIGN Chapter 6 - IMPROVEMENTS General Requirements Parks and Recreation Land School Sites Off-Site Improvements Chapter 7 - EXCEPTIONS Exceptions based on hardship Planning Commission Action Chapter 8 - TYPE OF SUBDIVISION AND PROCEDURE Chapter 9 - STANDARD SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE T~ntative Map Data Required and Design S t atemen ts Covenants Completeness and Filing Action By Planning Commission Appeal Improvement Plans P age 1 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 10 11 13 13 14 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued Chapter 10 - FINAL. MAP ....... · .......... · Time Limit ........................ For~l * · · · · · · · · · · · · . · . · · · . · . · o . · Pac~e 27 27' 27 Data Required ..................... ~8 Additional Material ................... 29 Procedure for Submitting Final Map ........... 31 Approval by City Council ................ 32 Recording ....................... 23 Chapter 11 - MINOR SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE ......... 34 Filing ......................... 34 Tentative Parcel~ap Data Required and Design ................ 34 Statements ....................... 35 Filing and Action by Planning Commission ........ 35 Extension of Time ................... 36 City Council Action on Appeal ............. 36 Parcel Map Limitation of Approval ................ 36 Submission ...................... 37 Chapter 12 - EXCEPTIONS FROM ORDINANCE AND SUBDIVISION ALTERNATE ................... 38 Chapter 13 - ENFORCEMENT ...... . ............ 38 Chapter 14 - PENALTY .................... 38 Chapter 15 - NAME 39 Chapter 16 - SEVERABILITY 39 Chapter 17 - ENACTING' 39 CHAPTER 1 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DESIGN, IMPROVEMENT AND SURVEY DATA OF SUBDIVISIONS AND CERTAIN OTHER DIVISIONS OF LAND AND THE.FORM AND CONTENT OF TENTATIVE, FINAL AND PARCEL MAPS THEREOF: PROVIDING PEN- ALTI.ES FOR THE VIOLATION HEREOF; AND DESIGNATING AN-'ADVISORY AGENCY; SAID ORDINANCE BEING ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AS AMENDED, AND TO THE GENERAL POWERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ADOPTION 1.01 The City Council of the City of South San Francisco, State of California, in conformity with the provisions of. the Sub- division Map Act" Div. 4, Part 2 of the Business and Professions Code, Ch. 2, as amended, does ordain as follows: Purpose For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare; the design, imProvement and survey data of subdivisions; and the. form and content of tentative, final and parcel maps thereof; and the procedure to be followed in securing of- ficial approval thereof shall be governed by the provisions of the aforesaid acts adopted by the Legislature of the State of California, and by the additional provisions of this Ordinance, and shall comply with the provisions of the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. 1.02 Further, it is the purpose of this Ordinance to encour- age new'concepts and innovations in the arrangement of building sites within subdivisions. Deviations from the traditional mechanical aP- proach to the subdivision of land are encouraged in order to facil- itate the ultimate development of the land in a manner that will be commensurate with contemporary living patterns and technological pro- gress. 1-,03 The Planning Commission is hereby designated as the Advisory Agency with respect to subdivisions as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California. a. The Planning Commission shall have all the powers 'and du~i'es with respect to tentative, final and parcel maps, and the procedure relating thereto, which are specified by laW and by this Ordinance. CHAPTER 2 o DEFINITIONS 2.01 City Council shall mean the City Council of the City of South San Francisco° 2.02 The designation of any particular officer herein shall mean the particular officer of the City of South San Francisco° 2.03 ao "Freeway" - An arterial street which is character- ized by limited access, grade-separated intersections, and median Strip dividers° bo "Expressway" - An arterial street which is character- ized by limited access, at - grade intersections, and median strip di- viders. ¢. "Arterial (Artery)" - A street of general city or city-county importance, which carries traffic on four moving lanes between different areas of the city and county. do "Collector Street" - That which collects traffic from a Minor Street, a subdivision or other area and carries said traffic to an Arterial Street. e. "Minor Street" - That which is used primarily for access to abutting properties° f. "Alley" - Any public or private way which affords a secondary means of access to abutting property. 2.04 Planning Commission shall mean the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco and the Advisory Agency referred to in the State Subdivision Map Act. 2.05 Average Cross Slope° The average cross slope of an area is defined to be t~he ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the vertical difference in elevation to the horizontal distance between two points on the perimeter of the area, with the line connecting the two points being essentially perpendicular to the contours between the two points° The Planning Commission shall have the authority to determine the average cross slope of a subdivision and shall also be empowered to designate different portions of any subdivision as having different cross slopes° In all cases the cross slope of an area shall be determined prior to any grading operations~ 2.06 Design refers to street alignment, grades and widths, alignment and widths of easements and rights-of-way for drainage, .sanitary sewers, water, utilities and other facilities for public use or benefit, including but not limited to recreation sites; lot area, width, depth and shape and pattern as required in this Ordin- ance. 2.07 Easement, Dedicated shall mean an easement dedicated to and accepted ~y the City, to be used for streets, alleys, other pub- lic ways or places, sanitary sewers, drainage, utilities or other public purpose. 2.08 Final Map refers to a map prepared in accordance with the Subdivision Map ACt and this Ordinance, which is designed to be filed with the San Mateo County Recorder. 2.09 Improvement refers to such street work, drainage struc- tures, utilities, landscaping, parks, or other facilities to be in- stalled, or agreed to be installed by the subdivider, on the land or appurtenant land thereto, to be used for public streets, highways, ways and easements, as are necessary for the general use or benefit of the lot owners in the subdivision and the surrounding area as a condition precedent to approval and acceptance of the final map, or parcel map thereof. 2.10 Lot shall mean a parcel of land established, or to be estab- lished, by---~he Standard Subdivision Procedure or Minor Subdivision Procedure, as provided herein. 2.11 Lot Width, Average - the sum of the length of the front and rear lot line divided by two. In the case of irregularly-shaped lots having four or more sides, "average lot width" shall be the sum of the length of two lines, drawn perpendicular to one side line at the widest and narrowest portions of the lot, divided by two. 2.12 Lot Depth, Average - the sum of the length of the two side lines of the lot divided by two. 2.13 Lot Depth - the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines, measured in the mean direction of the side lot lines. 2.14 Lot Line, Front - in the case of an interior lot, a line separating the lot from the street; and in the case of a corner lot, a line separating the narrowest street frontage of the lot from the street, except in those cases where the latest recorded tract deed restrictions, approved as part of the subdivision approval, specify another line as the front lot line. 2o15 Lot Line, Rear - A lot line which is 'opposite and most dis- tant from the front lot line and, in the case of an irregular, tri- angular or gore-shaped lot, a line within the lot most nearly par- allel to and at the maximum distance from the front lot line, having a length of at least ten (10) feet. 2.16 Lot Lines, Side - line or a rear lot line. any lot boundary line not a front lot 2.17 Owner - the individual, firm, partnership or corporation having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be sub- divided to commence and maintain proceedings to subdivide said land under the law of the State of California and this Ordinance. 2.18 Parkway - the area between the back-of-curb and the prop- erty line, but not including the sidewalk° 2.19 Parcel MaE refers to a map showing the division of land as described in the following cases: (1) Any parcel or parcels of land which is divided into four or less parcels; (2) The whole parcel before division contains less than five acres, each parcel created by the division abuts upon a public street and no dedications or improvements are required; (3) Any parcel or parcels of land divided into lots or parcels, each of a gross area of 20 acres or more, and each of which has an approved access to a maintained public street; (4) Any parcel or parcels of land divided into lots or parcels, each of which is forty (40) acres or more° (5) Any parcel or parcels of land having approved ac- cess to a public street which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial development and which has the ~approval of the govern- ing body as to street alignments and widths, provided however, that the Planning Commission may require the filing of a standard subdivi- sion on such industrially-zoned land where it deems it in the public interest and approved and filed in accordance with law under the Stand- ard Subdivision Procedure. 2.20 Pedestrian Way - an easement exclusively'for pedestrian use. 2 o21 Person - an individual, person, partnership or corporation° 2.22 Reserve Strip - a strip of land not less than one foot in width deeded to the city for the purpose of regulating access to any arterial street or to a partially dedicated or dead-end, alley, street or highway° 2.23 Subdivision shall mean any real property improved or unim- proved, or portion thereof, shown on the latest adopted Assessment Roll of the City as a unit or as contiguous units, which is divided by a subdivider, including condominiums and community apartment pro- jects, -whether immediate or future, by any person, firm or corporation or their assigns, within any period° The following, however~ are not subdivisions within the meaning of this Ordinance° a. Leasing of industrial buildings,.stores, offices, apart- ments or similar space within a building or spaces within a trailer park. b.. Mineral, Oil or Gas Leases, Cemeteries. 4 2.24 Subdivider shall mean a person', firm, 'corPoration, part- nership or association who causes land to'be subdivided into any amount of parcels. 2.25 Tentative Map shall mean any map made fOr the purpose of ishowing the design of a proposed subdivision of any kind, showing the existing conditions in and around it, prepared as required in this Ordinance and the Subdivision Map Act. CHAPTER 3. REQUIREMENTS BY TYPE OF SUBDIVISION Subdivision design and improvements shall be required as'set out in this Ordinance. 3.01 Industrial Subdivisions: a. Minimum lOt area and width for industrial subdi- visions shall be as stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance, but not less than 5,000 sq. ft. and 50',"respectiVelY, ·except where modular lot patterns are approved by using the provisions of Section 4.24° b. Street Design: Street design shall be as set forth in Chapter 5 for industrial areas. c. Improvements: All improvements shall be as set out in Chapter 5 and 6 herein, and standards adopted pursuant to this Or- dinance. d. Other regUlations: Ail other regulations set out in this Ordinance shall be complied with in the development of Industrial Subdivisions. 3.02 Commercial Subdivisions: a. .Minimum lot area and width for commercial subdivi- sions shall be 5',000 sq. ft. and 50',~rrespectivelyi"pkovided~that~.. the Planning Commission may reduce the lot area of sites not more than '60% when the total lot size combined with land used for parking and landscaping, and accessory uses, in undivided common interest equals the required 5,000 sq. ft. lot size. b. Street Design: Street design shall be as set out in Chapter 5 for commercial areas. c. ImRrovements: Ail improvements shall be as set out in ChaRter 5 and ·6,. and standards adopted pursuant to this Ordinance. d. Other regulations: Ail other regulations set out in this Ordinance shall be complied with in the development of Com-~ mercial Subdivisions. o 3.03 Residential Subdivisions a. Minimum Lot Area and Width shall be as follows, unless a greater lot size or width is stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance. Where the lot size is reduced through the use of Section 4.24 herein, the following shall serve as the criterion for determining gross lot density requirements. b. Table of Lot Areas,.Widths and Depths Topog- raphy of Min. Area Area Min.. Min. Min. Front- Aver. Aver. age Width Depth Grading: Follow- ing portion of the surface shall remain in its un- Ratio-Max. graded state. Depth to ~(No cut or fil~ Width (1) Flat 0-10% (2) Cross Slope 5,000 (2) 50' 50' 90' 2%:1 0% Hillside 10-15% Cross Slope 7,500 60' 70' 110' 2%:1 20% Steep Hill- side 15-20% Cross Slope 10,000 75' 80' 120' 3:1 30% Very Steep Hillside 20-25% Cross Slope 20,000 90' 100' 150' 3:1 40% Very Steep Hillside 25-30% Cross Slope 1 Acre 100' 120' 200' 3:1 60% Rugged 30% & Great- er Cross Slope Ac. 120' 150' 225' 3:1 80% (1) Mass recontouring may be allowed when approved by the Planning Commission, provided that such contouring shall be planted or reforested to approval~of said Planning CommisSion. (2) Corner lots - 6000 sq. ft, Minimum Area and 60' Minimum Frontage. On culs-de-sac or curvilinear streets, minimum width at-setback line 50'. c. Improvements: Ail design and improvements shall be as set forth in Chapter 5 and 6. CHAPTER 4. GENERAL DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS 4.01 Length of Blocks Blocks shall not be longer than 1,200 feet between intersecting street lines, except on arterial streets, where longer blocks may be required by the Planning Commission. Lots with front- age on more than one street will not be permitted, except corner lots v unless approved by the Planning Commission and when access rights are released on one street° 4.01 Walkways Improved walkways not less than 15' in width and not over 300' in length ma~ ~be required through blocks more than 900 feet in length and through other blocks where necessary to provide access to schools, parks and scenic easements. 4.03 Utility Easements Easements not less than 5 feet wide shall be required on each side of all lots and 5 feet wide at the rear of all lots where necessary for underground utilities, cables, wire, street trees, drain- age, conduit and water mains or other utilities. A reduction of the width ma~ be all~wed when a lesser width is justified in the opinion of the Pia~ning'Com~nission and the serving utility~ 4.04 Non-Access and Planting When the rear of any lots border upon a freeway, state highway or arterial, the subdivider may be required to dedicate and improve a planting strip adjacent to such freeway, state highway or arterial. The cost of all required improvements shall be borne by the subdivider. 4.05 Water Courses and Drainage Water courses shall be shown as easements when required by the City Engineer, and storm drains shall be placed in easements when public right-of-way is not available or adequate° The Planning Commission shall require that all lots be so graded as to drain to an improved street or, when this is not feasible, all water courses shall be placed entirely in underground conduits in accordance with the standards adopted pursuant to this Ordinance° In the event that storm drains are located at the rear lot line, there shall be provided a concrete inlet structure with iron grate at the low corner of each lot. Where sumps are approved to handle drainage as an interim sol- ution, defeasible easements shall be provided for necessary channels and sump areas. o 4.06 Monuments Durable metal monuments consisting of iron pipe approved by the City Engineer, but not less than 2" in diameter by 2%' in length with plug and tack, set at least 2' into the ground, and conforming to the standards adopted by the City of South San Francisco, and shown on the final subdivision or parcel map, shall be placed at the following locations: (a) Along boundary lines at intervals not to exceed 500', or at such lesser distances as may be made necessary by topography or culture, to assure accuracy in the re-establishment of any point or line without unreasonable difficulty. (b) At the beginning and ending of property line, curves or the points of intersection of tangents thereof, or other intermediate points required by the City Engineer. (c) At all lot corners. A lead and tack shall be set in the top of curb on the prolongation of the side lot lines. 4.07 Concrete monuments, depressed below street grade, with cast iron ring and cover of a type approved by the City Engineer, shall be set at intersections of street centerlines. Where said street center- lines intersect on private property, said monuments shall be placed at the beginning and end of the centerline curve. 4.08 Permanent elevation benchmarks, of a type approved by the City Engineer and referring to the city datum, shall be set at each street intersection in the curb return or other location approved by the City Engineer. 4.09 Any monument or benchmark, required by this ordinance, which is disturbed or destroyed before acceptance of all improvements, shall be replaced by the subdivider at his expense. 4.10 Complete field notes, in a form satisfactory to the City En- gineer, showing references, ties, locations, elevations and other necessary data relating to monuments and bench-marks set in accord- ance with the requirements of this ordinance, shall be submitted to the City Engineer to be retained by the City, as a permanent record. 4 oll Lots Abutting on Improved Streets Ail lots shall abut on a dedicated and improved street. 4.12 Roads and Streets Existing streets shall be extended as required by the Plan- ning Commission. 4.13 Street stubs shall be extended to adjacent unsubdivided property where, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, they are necessary. A satisfactory, temporary cul-de-sac and a standard bar- rier shall~be installed at the termini of street stubs~ in order to prevent unauthorized access thereto and therefrom° 4.14 Streets shall intersect at as near right angles as is practicable° Radius of curvature, where the property lines inter- sect, shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet~ except where streets intersect, arterials where the minimum radius shall be thirty (30) feet. 4o15 "T" or three-legged intersections are preferable to four- legged (grid iron) intersections on local streets~ but the center line of the street shall not be located closer than 150' to centerline of any other intersection° 4.16 Four-way intersections shall not be located closer than 180' to any other intersections measured from the nearest right-of- waylineso 4.17 Access rights, where required to control access over certain lot lines, or reserve strips over the ends of street stubs~ shall be deeded to the City° 4.18 Frontage roads, access roads, or acceleration lanes shall be required in industrial, commercial, and in multiple family residen- tial areas where it is necessary to control access to arterial streetso 4o19 Where alleys intersect streets~ a minimum 20 foot radius of curvature shall be required° 4.20 mensions: Cul-de-sac streets shall have the following limiting di- 50' Minimum Radius to Property Line 40' Minimum Radius to Curb Line 500' Maximum length of a cul-de-sac to center of turn-around, except where such cul-de-sac serves less than twelve lots and where a loop is provided in the water system. 4.21 Names for proposed new streets shall be approved by the Planning Commission upon the recommendation of the City Planner and shown'on the tentative map. 4.22 Streets, rights-of-way, and easements in any Standard Subdivision or Minor Subdivision shall be offered for dedication by appropriate means° The city may, at its option, accept or reject any such offer or reserve the right to require future dedication° o 4.23 Street design shall conform to the standards embodied in the Circulation Element of the General Plan of the City° ao Curve Radius Minimum center line radius on streets shall be: Arterial Streets Collector Streets Minor Streets Cul-de-sac Streets Grades 1500 feet 800 feet 200 feet 100 feet (1) Maximum permitted 10 per cent Normal minimum permitted, 1 per cent (2) 4~.24 Optional Design and Improvement Standards Variation of the standards required pursuant to Chapters 3 and 4 herein may be permitted only in areas where a Use Permit is in effect for a Planned Unit Development° The var- iations permitted shall be only those shown on that site plan which was approved as a part of said Planned Unit Development° (1)W~ere topography makes 10 per cent impractical, subject to receiv- ing the City Engineer's recommendation, the Planning Commission may allow up to 12 per cent grade, where satisfactory evidence which is given, showing that a lesser grade is not possible° (2)Absolute minimum permitted, 0°5 per cent; cross fall across inter- sectionsv 0.5 per cent. · ' 10o CHAPTER 5. STREET DESIGN 5.01 Ail streets shall conform to the standards set out in the table of "Specific Street Design Dimensions" contained herein. Any deviation shall be permitted only with written approval of the Planning Commission in accordance with Section 4.24. 11. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKWAYSIDEWALK I PA~KING 0'- 6'4' - I0' I O' ARTERIAL ( Divided ) 4- LANE R/W 106' Min. 6-LANE R/W 1:50' Min. , TRAVEL LANES MEDIAN 12' TRAVELLANES 24'- 36' I 8' 24' PARKING ! SIDEWALK PARKWAY "06' I0' 4'- I0' '- ' I;~RKWA¥S~EWALK ~ PARKING ~ 0'- 6; e 4'- I0' ~ I O' ARTERIAL ( Undivided ) R/W 88' Min. 12' TRAVEL LANES PARKING 48' I0' ISIDEWALK PARKWAY 4'- I O' 0~- 6' PARKW~f810EWALK ! PARKING 0'- 6' 4 - I O' I O' COMMERCIAL- INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR 8~ MINOR R/W 64' Min. I 12' TRAVEL LANES 2 4' PARKING I0' SIDEWALK PARKWAY 4'-10' 0'-6' RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR R/W 60' Min. PARK¥11~f~J~DEWAL~ PARKIN6 12'TRAVEL LANES 6' 4' 8' 2 4' PARKIN6 8' SIDEWALK PARKWAY RESIDENTIAL MINOR · PARKWAY ~SIDEWALK1 PA~ 6' 4' / 8' / R/W 56' Min. TRAVEL LANES 20' PARKING 8' ® SIDEWALK PARKWAY SPECIFIC STREET DESIGN DIMENSIONS Street type (2) Minor Collector Arterial (4-lane, undivided) Arterial (4-lane, divided) Arterial (6-lane, divided) Minimum Dimensions in Residential Subdivisions Right-of-Way Pavement Parkway* Median Sidewalk* Alle~(1) 56' 36® 6' None 4' None unless approved by Planning Commission 60' 40' 6' None " " 88' 68' 6' None " " 106' 68' 6' 18' " " 130' 92' 6' 18' .... Street type (2) Minor Collector Arterial (4-lane, undivided) Arterial (4-lane, divided) Arterial (6-lane, divided) Minimum Dimensions-{n Commercial Subdivisions Right-of-Way Pavement Parkway* Median Sidewalk* Alley (1) 64' 44' 0' None 10' 30' 64' 44' 0' None 10' 30' 8'8' 68' 0' None 10' 30' 106' 68' 0' 18' 10' 30' 130' 92' 0' 18' 10' 30' Street type (2) Minor Minimum Dimensions in Industrial Subdivisions Right-of-Way Pavement Parkway*Median Sidewalk* Alley(l) 64' 44' 6' None 4' 30' Collector 64' 44' 6' None 4' 30' Arterial (4-lane, undivided) Arterial (4-lane, divided) Arterial (6-lane, divided) 88' 68' 6' None 4' 30' 106' 68' 6' 18' 4' 30' 130' 92' 6' 18' 4' 30' (1) Includes both right-of-way and pavement width (2) Minor Street includes cul-de-sac (3) Pavement width for two-level streets shall be 20' * Each side of right-of-way for each Section. CHAPTER 6 o IMP ROVE ME NT S 6.01 Ail improvements shall conform to the City of South San Francisco'sEnginee~ing Standards~ Any deviation shall be permitted only with the written approval of the Planning Commission in accord- ance with Section 4°24. Permission shall be obtained from the City Engineer before any construction is started. 6.02 Improvements to be installed by each subdivider shall in- clude the following: a. Curb, gutter, sidewalk and walkways. bo Water lines, gas and other utility services to serve each lot and shall be stubbed to property line prior to paving. Chief. Co Fire hydrants of a type and size approved by the Fire Fire flows shall be as approved by the Fire Chief,~ do Sanitary sewers and s~parate laterals to serve each lot and shall be .stubbed to propertY line pri6r to paving. e. Storm sewers, drains and channel improvements when necessary for general use of the development° f, Silt basins or other forms of erosion control when necessary for general use of the development° go Paved streets ~ ha Ornamental street lights° The Planning Commission shall require underground wiring of all street lighting systems° i. Street trees° Not less than one (1) tree per lot, aver- age spacing ~ on center and of a type approved by the Planning Commis- sion. j. Street signs at all block number changes and at loca- tions aPProved by the City Engineer. Street end barricades, walls or fencing where re- quired. 1. Traffic signals, signs, controls, and markings where streets intersect and at other locations required by the Planning Com- mission. m. A fire alarm system and alarm boxes of a type, and at locations approved by the Fire Chief° 13o n. Utility distribution lines, including but not limited to electric, communications, street lighting and cable television shall be required to be placed underground. The subdivider is respon- sible for complying with the requirements of this Section, and he shall make the necessary arrangements with the utility companies for the in- stallation of such facilities. For the purposes of this Section, ap- purtenances and associated equipment such as, but not limited to, sur- face-mounted transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, and concealed ducts in an underground system may be placed aboveground. All surface-mounted installations shall be screened with landscaping as approved by the Planning Commission or placed beyond any setback required by the applicable zoning district regulations. 6.03 Regulations for dedication of land, payment of fees, or both, for park and recreational land in Subdivisions. (a) City defined: City as used in this Subsection shall mean the City of South San Francisco. (b) Subdivider shall provide park and recreational facil- ities: Every subdivider who subdivides land shall dedicate a portion of such land, pay a fee, or do both, as set forth in this Section for the purpose of providing park and recreational facilities to serve future residents of such Subdivision. (c) Application: Except Subdivisions for which tentative subdivision maps have been filed within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Ordinance and Industrial Subdivisions, the pro- visions of this Section shall apply to: 1. Ail Subdivisions, as that phrase is defined in Sec. 11500 et seq. of the Business and Pro- fessions Code of the State of California. 2. Community Apartments and/or Condominiums 3. Minor Subdivisions or lot splits (d) Relation of Land Required to Population Density It is hereby found and determined that the public in, terest, convenience, health, welfare and safety require that four (4) acres of property, for each one thousand (1,000) persons resid- ing within the City, be devoted to park and recreational purposes. (e) Population Density: Population density for the pur- pose of this Section shall be determined in accordance with the des- cription of neighborhood densities embodied in the adopted General Plan, to wit: 14. · [ I I ;ii' 1. Single family dwelling units and duplexes - 3.20 persons per dwelling unit 2. Multiple family dwelling units - 2.20 persons per dwelling unit The basis for determining the total number of dwell- ing units shall be the number of such units permitted by the City on the property included in the Subdivision at the time the final sub- division tract map is filed with the City Council for approval. (f) Amount of land to be dedicated: The amount of land required to be dedicated by a subdivider pursuant to this Section shall~be based on the gross area included in the subdivision, deter- mined by the following formula: DENSITY FORMULA: Net density per dwelling unit Percentage of the gross area of the subdivision required when park land is dedicated 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D.U. per acre or more D.U. per 1/2 to 1 acre D.U. per 10,000 sq. ft. to 1/2 acre D.U. per 9,000 to 9,999 sq. ft. D.U. per 8,000 to 8,999 sq. ft. D.U. per 7,000 to 7,999 sq. ft. D.U. per 6,000 to 6,999 sq. ft~ D.U. per 5,000 to 5,999 sq. ft. 10 to 19 D.U. s per acre 20 to 29 D.U. 30 to 39 D.U. 40 to 49 D.U. 50 to 59 D.U. 60 to 69 D.U. 70 to 79 D.U. 80 to 89 D.U. s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre 90 to 99 D.U. s per acre 100 D.U.'s and over per acre 0.60% 2.30% 1.73% 2.70% 3.01% 3.40% 3.90% 4.58% 5.79% 9.30% 12.56% 15.58% 18.40% 21.05% 23.54% 25.85% 28.00% 29.07% (g) Amount of fee in lieu of land dedication: Where a fee is required to be. paid in lieu of land dedication, the amount of such fee shall be based upon the fair market value of the amount of land which would otherwise be required to be dedicated pursuant to Subsection (f) hereof. The amount of such fee shall be a sum equal to the fair market value of~ the amount of land required in accordance with the following formula: 15. FEE FORMULA: Net density per dwelling unit Sq. Ft. of park land required per gross acre of subdivision 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D.U. per acre or more D.U. per 1/2 to 1 acre D.U. per 10,000 sq. ft. to 1/2 acre D.U. per 9,000 to 9,999 sq. ft, D.U. per 8,000 to 8,999 sq. ft. D.U. per 7,000 to 7,999 sq. ft. D.U. per 6,000 to 6,999 sq. ft. D.U. per 5,000 to 5,999 sq. ft. 10 to 19 D.U. s per acre 20 to 29 D.U. 30 to 39 D.U. 40 to 49 D.U. 50 to 59 D.U. 60 to 69 D.U. 70 to 79 D.U. 80 to 89 D.U. s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre s per acre 90 to 99 D.U. s per acre 100 D.U.'s and over per acre 262 527 767 1,209 1,350 1,532 1,768 2,090 2,680 4,466 6,257 8,039 9,825 11,611 13,408 15,185 16,969 17,851 Fair market value may be determined as of the time of filing the final map in accordance with the following: 1. The fair market value as determined by the City Council based upon the then assessed value, modified to equal market value in accordance with current prac- tice of (City) (County) Assessor; or 2. If the subdivider objects to such evaluation he may, at his expense, obtain an appraisal of the prop- erty by a qualified real estate appraiser approved by the City, which appraisal may be accepted by the City Council if found reasonable; or 3. The Cityland subdivider may agree as to the fair market value° (h) Credit for common open landscape areas: Where common open landscaped areas for park and recreational purposes are pro- vided in a proposed subdivision and such space is to be privately owned and maintained by the future residents of such subdivision, or maintained by the future residents of such subdivision, or maintain, ed by a district created for said purpose, such areas may be credited 16. against the requirements of dedication for park and recreation pur- poses, as set forth in Subsection (f) hereof, or the payment of fees in lieu~thereof, as set forth in Subsection (g) hereof, provided the City CounCil finds it is in the public interest to do so, and that the following standards are met: 1. That yards, court areas, setbacks and other open areas required to be maintained by the zoning and build- ing regulations shall not be included in the computation of such common open landscaped areas: 2. That the private ownership and maintenance of the common open landscaped areas is adequately provided for by written agreement or other undertaking. 3. That the use of the common open landscaped areas is restricted for park and recreational purposes.by re- corded covenants which run with the land in favor of the future owners of property within the traCt and which can- not be defeated or eliminated without the consent of the City Council. 4. That the proposed common open landscaped areas are reasonably adaptable for use for park and recreational purposes, taking into consideration such factors as size, Shape, topography, geology, access, and~ location of the common open landscaped areas. 5. That facilities proposed for the common open land,. scaped areas are in substantial accordance with the pro- visions of the recreational element of the general plan, and~are approved by the City Council. (i) l, Choice of Land or Fee Procedure. The procedure for determining whether the subdivider is to dedicate land, pay a fee, or both, shall be as follows: A. Parcel Maps, minor subdivisions and lot splits. The fees to be paid for land subdivided by parcel maps, minor subdivisions and lot splits shall be de- posited in escrow with the City Clerk upon filing of the tentative map, to be transferred to the approp~~ riate City fund upon the filing of the parcel or final map. B. Subdivider. At the time of filing a tentative subdivision map for approval, the owner of the prop- erty shall, as a part of such filing indicate whether he desires to dedicate property for park and recre- ational purposes, or whether he desires to pay a fee in lieu thereof.. If he desires to dedicate land for this purpose, he shall designate the area thereof on the tentative subdivision map as submitted. 17. C. Action of 'City.. At the time.of the tentative ~subdiv~sion map approval, the City Council shall determine as a part of such approval, whether to require a dedication of land within the subdivi- sion, payment of a fee in lieu thereof, or a com- -bination of both° D. Prerequisites 'for Approval of ~Final Map. Where dedication is required, it may be accomplish- ed in accordance with the provisions of the Subdi- vision Map Act. Where fees are required, the Same shall be deposited with the City prior to the ap- proval of the final subdivision map. Open space ' covenants for common open landscaped areas or recre- ation facilities shall be submitted to the City prior to approval of the final subdivision map and shall be recorded contemporaneously with the final subdivision- map o 2~ Determination. Whether the CitY Council acceptS land dedication or elects to require payment of a fee in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, shall be determined by consideration of the following: A. Recreation element of the City's general plan; B. Topography, geology, access and location of land in the subdivision available for dedication; C. Size and shape of the subdivision and land avail- able for dedication. The determination of the city Council.as to whether land shall be dedicated, or whether a fee shall be charged, or a combination thereof, shall be final and conclusive. On subdivisions involving fifty (50) lots or less, only the payment of fees may be required, except City may elect to accept dedication of.the land in lieu of said fees. (j) 'Time of Commencement must be designated: At the time ,the final subdivision map is approved or parcel map filed, the City shall designate the time when development of the park and recreational facilities shall be commenced. ~ (k) Limitation on use of land'and fees: The land and fees received under this Section shall be used only ~or the purpose of Providing park and recreational facilities to serve the subdivi- · ~si~n~fo.r which ~received and the .location .of the land and amount of fees shall bear a reasonable relationship to the use of the park and recreational facilities by the future inhabitants of the subdivision. 18. 6.04 School Sites. Where the subdivider proposes to develop a minimum of 400 dwelling units within a single school district within a 3-year period or less, the Planning Commission may require the subdivider to dedicate to the School District such land as the governing body shall deem necessary for the purpose of constructing thereon schools necessary to assure elementary school service for the residents of the development. Such requirement shall be subject to the costs formula and other provisions and limitations of Section 11525°2 Article 2 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of Cal- i forni a. 6.05 The following off-site improvements may be required when said improvements are needed to serve the proposed subdivision: a. The subdivider shall pay the fee estimated by the City for the improvement of any existing source of water supply and the construction of transmission lines from that supply to the pro- posed development. b. The subdivider shall pay the fee estimated by the City for the development of sewage disposal facilities or for the improvement of any existing sewage disposal system and the construc- tion of transmission lines from the proposed development to the site of disposal. co When flood zones or other lawful special purpose zones are established by the City Council, the subdivider shall pay the fee set out for the particular zone in which the subject land lies. d. Properly graded, drained and paved access roads~ eo The extension of any other utilities° f. Agreements may be made upon approval of the City Council for reimbursement by future developers for facilities re- quired by the city to the extent that such facilities are in excess of sizes, lengths and locations needed to serve the subdivision involved. Requests for reimbursement shall be made in writing at the time of submitting the final map. 6.06 In addition to all other requirements herein: a. Improvement work shall not be commenced until im- provement plans for such work have been submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. b. No grading shall be commenced until a grading plan shall have been submitted to and approved by the City Engineer and a grading permit is issued by the City Council. Co Ail improvements shall be constructed under the in- spection of, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineero 19. d. Cost of inspection shall be borne by the subdivider and shall be deposited in the manner and in the amount established by the City. Said cost of inspection shall be secured by a cash deposit with the City of South San Francisco in the amount of 2% of the esti- mated cost of subdivision improvements° 19 oa CHAPTER 7. EXCEPTIONS 7.01 Exceptions Based on Hardship. It is realized that there are certain parcels of land/ of such dimension, subject to such title restrictions, so affected~ by physical conditions and/or devoted to such use that it is im~os' . -~iblo for the subdivider to conform to all th~ foregoing requirements when subdividing property° 7.02 Planning Commission Action The Planning Commission (or on appeal, the City Council) may grant exceptions from the foregoing requirements, when all the following conditions are found to apply: a. That any exception granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lim- itations upon other properties in the same vicinity. b. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict literal application of this ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other prop- erties in the vicinity. c. That under the circumstances of this particular case the exception, rather than the sections at issue in this Ordinance, actually carries out the spirit and intent of this Ordinance. 7.03 Adequate guarantees shall be provided to insure that any conditions imposed as a part of any approved exception shall be car- ried out as specified. 20. CHAPTER 8. TYPE OF SUBDIVISION AND PROCEDURE 8.01 The subdivider may elect to use either the Standard Subdivision (Chapter 9°) or Minor Subdivision (Chapter 11o) Pro- cedure in any of the following cases: (a) The parcel or parcels of land is to be divided into four or less parcels in any time period. (b) The whole parcel before division contains less than five (5) acres~ each parcel created by the division abuts upon a dedicated, improved and maintained city street or state high- way, and no dedications or improvements are required. (c) The parcel or parcels of land is to be divided into lots or parcels, each of a gross area of twenty (20) acres or more, and each of which has access (conforming to the requirements of Chap- ters 4, 5, and 6, herein) on a dedicated, improved and maintained city street or state highway. (d) The parcel or parcels of land are to be divided into lots or parcels of forty (40) acres or more. (e) The parcel or parcels of land is divided into lots or parcels each having access (conforming to the requirements of Chapters 4, 5, and 6, herein) to a dedicated, improved and maintained city street or State Highway, which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial development. 8.02 The Standard Subdivision Procedure (Chapter 9.) shall be used on all subdivisions not specified in Section 8.01. 21o CHAPTER 9. STANDARD SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE 9.01 This procedure shall apply to all subdivisions, Parts of subdivisions or any division of land where prescribed in Chapter 8. 9.02 Prior to filing of a tentative Subdivision Map, a city' tract number shall be obtained from the County Surveyor and a prelim- inary title report from a reputable title company shall be filed with the City Planner° 9.03 Tentative Map° Data Required and Design. The proposed subdivision design and improvements shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 4, 5 and 6 herein° The fol- lowing data shall be shown on the tentative Subdivision Map or Maps: ao A sketch indicating the location of the proposed sub- division in relation to the surrounding area or region, to a minimum scale of 1" = 1000'. Said sketch shall show land use in surrounding area. b. Name and address of record owner and subdivider. c. Name and address of licensed land surveyor, regis- tered civil engineer or other qualified professional who prepared said tentative map. d. Date, north point (generally pointing up on the map) and scale. Minimum scale 1" = 100' or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Minimum map size 18" x 26". e. Tract number of proposed subdivision, and of all ad- jacent subdivisions. Locations of, names and width of adjacent streets, highways, alleys and ways, and easements of all kinds, together with the type and location of street improvements thereon including fire hydrants and street light locations. f. The contour of the land at intervals of one foot of elevation up to 5% slope; two foot intervals up to 10% and five foot intervals over 10%. g. Sufficient data to define the boundaries of the tract, or a legal description of the tract and blue border on reverse side of map to indicate tract boundaries. The tentative map shall show prob- able units of final map. h. Width, approximate location and purpose of all ex- isting and proposed easements and adjacent easements adjoining the sub- division. 22° i. The width and approximate grade of all streets, high-. ways, alleys and other rights-of-way whether proposed for dedication or not. j. The approximate radii of all curves. k. Ail lots numbered consecutively throughout the entire development. The approximate dimensions of all lots shall be shown and the approximate lot areas shall be shown for all parcels not rec- tangular in shape. 1. The approximate locations of areas subject to in- undation by storm water overflow, and the location, width and direc~ tion of flow of all water courses existing and proposed. m. The location and outline to scale of each existing building or structure, including underground utilities, within the subdfgi~i6n, noting'thereon whether such building or structure is to be removed or remain. The existing and proposed future use of said building or structure shall be shown on the tentative map. n. Approximate elevation of street intersections. O. The location, pipe size and approximate grades of proposed sewers; water lines, and underground storm drains, including the proposed location of fire hydrants, street lights, gas mains, power, and TV cables. p. The location of all trees over 4" in diameter at the base of tree (where stands of trees are located individual trees need not be shown, but may be shown as a group). q. The location of existing fences, ditches, wells, sumps, cesspools, reservoirs, sewers, culverts, drain pipes, under- ground structures, utility lines and sand, gravel or other excavation within two hundred (200) feet of any portion of the subdivision, not- ing thereon whether they are to be abandoned or used. '9.04 Statements The following statements, reports and information shall accompany the tentative map or shall be placed on said map: a. The existing zoning and proposed use Of the subdivi- sion. b. A report on soils tests by a qualified soils engiheer.. c. A statement of the method by which the subdivider pro- poses to control erosion. d. A statement indicating the improvements to be construct- ed by the subdivider, as required in Chapters 5,and 6 herein, and other ordinances of the city. 23. e. The depth of front yards and building setback lines. fo seWage disposal, The proposed source of water supply and method of indicating whether Chapter 6 can be complied with. g. The type and'siZe_ Of tree planting to be'installed. h. A statement indicating proposed public areas to be dedicated or scenic easements proposed. i. The type and location of street lighting proposed. j. A statement indicating the proposed development of lots (whether for sale as lots or fully developed house and lot). for sale, lease, or financing) . 1. Four (4) copies of the preliminary title report. m. Justification and reasons for any exceptions to the provisions of this Ordinance. A statement indicating the subdivision purpose (whether. ) ) · n. The subdivider shall submit a copy of a letter to each serving utility agency requesting submission of utility easement re- quirements and a copy of the reply from each affected utility agency. o. A geological report shall be required in any area, so determined by the City Engineer, where there are known geological .hazards. 9.05 Covenants. A copy of any condition, restrictive reservation or cov- enant existing or proposed shall accompany the tentative map. 9.06 Tentative Map. Completeness and Filing. A tentative map shall be considered complete for the con- sideration of the Planning Commission after submission of the required maps or. sketches, together with all supplementary data to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. If the tract is a portion of a-larger area which may be subdivided later, the tentative map shall roughly indicate the ultimate plan for the whole. 9.07 Twenty (20) copies of the tentative map and statements concerning t~e proposed subdivision of any land, shall be presented to the Secretary of the Planning Commission at least seventeen (17) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting, together with a filing feg' fifty ($50.00) dollars plus three ($3.00) dollars for each lot in the proposed subdivision. 24. City of South San Francisco AMENDMENT TO PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE DATED MAY, 1968 Add a new Section 9.12.1: The City Council shall determine whether the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the ex~st- ing City sewer system would result in violation' of existing require- ments prescribed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Division 7 of the State.of Callfornia Water Code. Said determination shall be made subsequent to the recommendation of the City Engineer who shall submit a written report to the Planning Commission with a copy to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. In the event the City Council finds that the proposed waste discharge would result in or add to violation of requirements of such Board, it Shall disapprove the tentative map or maps of the subdivision. 9.08 Distribution of copies° Upon the filing with the Secre- tary of the Planning Commission of a tentative map and the requisite number of copies thereof~ he shall forthwith transmit copies thereof to the following departments or officers: City Planners City Engineerv Chief Building Inspector, Superintendent of Recreation and Parks, Police Chief, Fire Chief, the District Engineer of the Division of Highways, Department of Public Works of the State of California, if affected, and each serving utility. 9.09 Reports. Not less than seven (7) days prior to the Plan- ning Commission meeting at which the tentative map is to be considered, each officer or department to which said tentative map shall have been transmitted, shall file with the Planning Commission his or its approv- al of such tentative map ora report showing what changes are necessary to make such map conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and of this ordinance coming within the jurisdiction of such officer or department. If such approval or report is not made before the expir- ation of the ~ven-day period by any such officer or department, the map shall be deemed to be approved by him or it. 9.10 Tentative Map° Action by Planning Commission. The date of the actual filing of the tentative map, for purposes of this Ordinance, shall be the date of the next succeeding closing of the agenda of the Planning Commission meeting following the presentation of the said map to the Secretary of the Planning Com- mission. The Planning Commission shall act on any tentative map within 50 days of the date of filing~ unless this time period is extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the Planning Commission. Failure of the Planning Commission to act within the time limits prescribed shall be deemed approval of the tentative mapo ~9.11 The Planning Commission shall determine whether a ten- tative map is in conformity with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and of this Ordinance and upon that basis approve~ condi- tionally approve, or disapprove said map, and shall report such action directly to the subdivider. 9.12 The Planning Commission may, in addition to any other causes therefore, disapprove a tentative map because of flood, inundation, or slide hazards and may require protective improvements to be constructed as a condition precedent to approval of the map. 9.13 Tentative Maps° Appeal. If the subdivider or other affected property owner is dis- satisfied with any action of the Planning Commission with respect to the tentative map, or the nature and extent of improvements required, he may, within 15 days after' such action, appeal in writing to the City Council for a public hearing thereon. Such appeal, along with seven copies of the map, must be filed with the City Clerk on or before the agenda closing date of the next succeeding regular meeting° of the City Council. The City Council shall hear the appeal, upon notice to the subdivider and the Planning Commission, unless the subdivider consents to a continuance, at its next succeeding regular meeting, following the filing of the appeal° At the hearing the City Council shall hear such argument and material as the subdivider or Planning Commission, or other persons may present. 25. 9.14 Upon conclusion of the hearing or continuance thereof, the City Council shall within seven (7) days declare its findings based upon the testimony produced before ito It may sustain, modify, reject~ return to the Planning Commission, or overrule any recommendations or rulings of the Planning Commission, and may make such findings as are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance or the Subdivi- sion Map Act. 9.15 Improvement Plans, Ail Subdivisions° After the approval by the Planning Commission of the tentative map of any subdivision, the subdivider shall furnish the following information to the Secretary of the Planning Commission° No final map shall be submitted for consideration of the City Council until the improvement plans have been approved by the City Engineero No improvement plans shall be considered finally approved until ap- proval of the final map by the City Council° a. Three (3) copies of a grading plan showing existing and proposed contours, typical cross sections, and finished grades of all lots, roads, streets and highways in the proposed new subdivision. b. Three. (3} copies of plan and profile drawings of all streets, including sewer and drainage improvements , and other utilities.~ All tracings or duplicate tracings shall be filed with the City Engineer. Three (3) copies of final Improvement Plans and Specif~cationso Scale of plans shall be 1" = 40~ horizontally; 1" = 4' vertical in Profile, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer° Three (3) copies of all contract construction d~awings. co Estimated costs of improvements to be dedicated to the City or other public agency or any other conditions of approval of the subdivision~ Such estimates to be verified by the City Engin- eer. d. Any other pertinent information required by the Con- ditional approval of the Planning Commission or by the City Engineer~ including a soils report on filled areas or areas proposed to be filled; and in all street and alley rights-of-way at intervals not exceeding 1000' and/or any change in soil conditions.. The soils report and an- alysis will be in accordance with methods approved by the State of California for "R" values, sieve analysis and sand equivalent~ 26~ CHAPTER 10. FINAL MAP 10.01 Time Limit Within eighteen months after approval or conditional approval of the tentative map or maps, the subdivider may cause the subdivision or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a final map to be prepared in accordance with the tentative map as approved, or conditionally approved. Streets and easements needed for access to any such part shall be shown on the final map, and dedicated if required. 10o02 Upon application of the subdivider an extension of not exceeding two additional years may be granted by the City Council, after review and recommendation of the Planning Commission. 10,03 Any failure to record a final map within eighteen months from the approval or conditional~ approval of the tentative map, or any extension thereof granted by the City Council, shall terminate all proceedings. Before a final map may thereafter be recorded, a new tentative map shall be submitted. 10.04 Final Map Form The final plan or map shall be made to a scale of 100 feet to the inch, using more than one sheet if necessary to furnish the desired space~ The original shall be drawn in black ink upon tracing cloth or Polyester base film of good quality and the size of the sheets shall be 18" x 26", all sheets shall have a margin of 2" at the left edge and 1" at the other three edges. 10.05 Each sheet shall be numbered, and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be shown on. each of the sheets~and the relation of one sheet to another clearly shown. If more than two sheets are necessary for the map, an index map shall be required. 10.06 The title of each such final map shall consist of a tract number, and "In the City of South San Francisco." 10.07 The map or maps, or the title sheet, shall also contain a sub-title giving a general description of the property being subdi- vided by reference to maps which have been previously filed or record- ed, or by reference to the plat of United States Survey. Each refer- ence in such description, to any tract or subdivision, shall be spelled out and worded identically with the original record thereof and refer- ences to book and page of record must be complete. 27. 10.08 Final Map - Data Required The final map shall show the following: a. Boundaries and Streets. The exterior boundaries of theproperty (shown in blue, 1/8" wide); the border lines and center lines of all.proposed streets and alleys with their widths and names; and other portions intended to be dedicated to the public use, In case of branching streets, the line of departure from one'street to another shall be indicated. b. Adjacent Streets. The lines of all adjoining prop- erties; the' lines of adjacent streets and alleys, showing their widths and names. c. Lot Lines and Numbers~ Ail lot lines, and numbers for all lots, easements and their purposes. All lots are to be num- bered consecutively throughout the subdivision, starting with the No. 1. d. Dimensions. Ail dimensions, both linear and ang- ular, for locating boundaries of subdivisions, lots, street, alley lines and easements. The linear dimensions shall be expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot. No ditto marks shall be used. e. Monuments. Ail permanent monuments, together with their descriptions showing fully and clearly their location and size, and if any points were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated. f. Title and Description. Title and description of property being subdivided, showing its location and extent, north arrow, scale of plan, basis of bearing and name of owner of the land and of engineer or surveyor platting the tract. go The boundaries of any areas within the proposed sub- division which are subject to periodic inundation by water. h. Private Restrictions. Any private restrictions shal1 be shown on the plat or reference to them thereon; and the plats shall contain proper acknowledgment of owners and mortgagees accepting said platting and restrictions° i. City Boundaries. City boundaries which adjoin the subdivision shall be clearly designated and located in relation t adjacent lot or block lines. No lot shall be divided by a city bound- ary line. j. Title sheet shall indicate where vehicular access rights have been surrendered on Arterial and Collector streets. k. The allowable error of closure on any portion of a final map or parcel map shall be 1/20,000. 28° 1. Proposed easements for public utilities purposes shall be shown on the map. Such easements shall be identified as public utility easements and other public purpose. m. At the time the subdivider presents the final map to the Planning Commission, there shall be presented certificates executed respectively by the various public utility cOmpanies auth- · Orized to serve in the area of the subdivision, certifying that sat- isfactory provisions have been made with each of said public utility companies as to location of their facilities, and that satiSfactory easements have been provided° 10.09 Additional Materi al The following additional material shall be submitted with 'the final map: 10.10 Guarantee of Title. The subdivider shall furnish to the City Council a guaranty of title or letter from a competent title com- pany, certifying that the names of. all persons whose consent is neces' sary to pass a clear title to the land being subdivided and all ac- knowledgments thereto appear on the proper certificates and are cor- rectly shown on said map, both as to consents as to the making thereof and affidavits of dedication where necessary. Such guaranty shall be issued for the benefit of the City of South San Francisco and protec- tion of the City Council and shall be continued complete up to the in- stant of recording~ 10.11 ment for all improvements and monuments as herein required, and as may be further required by the City Council or by law, and shall secure the performance thereof by a good and sufficient surety bond executed by a responsible surety company to be approved by said Council, or an in- strument of credit approved by said City Council; or in lieu of such surety bond or instrument of credit, a cash deposit; which bond, in- strument of credit or cash deposit shall be in an amount equal to the cost. of the improvement and conditions of approval of the map as approved bY the City Engineer; provided that there be no reduction in the amount of any bonds or instrument of credit unless approved by the City Council after a report and recommendation by the City Engineer; provided however, that the subdivider may, at his option, in lieu of such agreement and bond, instrument of credit or cash de- posit, enter into a contract with the City Council, secured by a faithful performance bond or cash deposit in the manner and condi- tion. as provided by Section 11,612 of the BuSiness and Professions Code of California and all other laws applicable thereto. Improvement Agreement° The subdivider shall file an agree- 10.12 The developer shall file a request for a method of re- imbursement for proposed off-Site~improvements that benefit proper- ties other than his own and such method of reimbursement shall be included 'in the subdivision agreement approved by the City Council. 29. 10.13 The agreement shall also provide for inspection of all improvements by the City Engineer, and reimbursement to the City for the cost of.such inspection by the subdivider~ Said cost of inspec- tion shall be secured by a cash deposit with the City of South San Francisco in the amount of 2% of the estimated cost of subdivision im- provements. 10o14 Upon the installation and completion of all public im- provements to be made by the subdivider~ and prior to the approval and acceptance thereof by the city, the subdivider shall execute and file with the city a written agreement whereby he shall agree to re- pair or replace, at his own expense, any work of public improvement (including, but not limited to, streets and highways, drainage struc- trues, curbs and gutters, sidewalks~ sewers, water mains and fire hy- drants, street trees, street lighting and street signs~ and railroad crossings) which shall at any time during the two (2) year period sub- sequent to the date of approval and acceptance thereof~ prove to be defective or which shall become damaged by differential settlement, action of the elements or through ordinary usage~ The subdivider shall also file with the aforesaid agreement, to assure his full and faithful compliance therewith, a bond for such sum as the city council may deem sufficient to cover the cost of repairing or replacing said improvements, including the cost of inspection; provided, however, that the amount of such bond shall not be less than ten percent (10%) of the total cost of all public improvements installed within the subdivision nor more than twenty-five percent (25%) of such total cost° Such bond shall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact a surety business in the State of California and must be satisfactory to~ and be approved by, the city attorney as to form~ In lieu of said bond, the subdivider may deposit with the city treasurer cash money in an amount fixed, as aforesaid, by the city council° In the event the subdivider shall fail to make the repairs or replace- ments specified above~ in this subsection~ then the city may make the necessary repairs or replacements or cause the same to be done~ and thereafter call upon the surety or the subdivider for reimbursement. 10o15 Taxes° Prior to the filing of the Final Map the sub- divider shall file With the Clerk of the County of San Mateo cert- ification from the official computing redemptions in San Mateo County and in the City of South San Francisco showing that~ according to the records of his office, there are no liens against the subdivision or any part thereof for unpaid State, County, Municipal or local taxes or special assessments collected as taxes, except taxes or special assessments not yet payable° 30o As to taxes or special assessments collected as taxes not yet payable, the subdivider shall file with the Clerk of the County of san Mateo a certificate by each proper officerv giving his estimate of the amount of taxes and assessments which are a lien but which are not yet. payable~ Whenever any part of the subdivision is subject to a lien for taxes or special assessments collected as taxes which are not yet payable, the final map shall not be recorded until the owner or sub- divider executes and files with the Board of Supervisors a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the Board and by its terms made to inure to the benefit of the County upon the. payment of all State, County, Municipal, and Local taxes and all special assessments collect-~ ed as taxes, which at the time the final map is recorded are a lien against the property but which are not yet payable° In lieu of a bond a deposit may be made of money or negotiable bonds in the amount, and of the kind approved for securing deposits of public money, with the approval of the Board of Supervisors of said County. 10.16 Procedure for Submitting Final Map Co~letion~ A final map shall be considered complete for submission when it complies with Sections 10o01 through 10o15v herein, and is accompanied by the statements~ agreements, and security required° No final map shall be considered acceptable for submission to the City Clerk until said Clerk receives a statement in writing from the City Attorney that the final maps comply with all the requirements of this Ordinance~ and that a title report~ deed restrictions, and im- provement agreement have all been submitted, reviewed and approved by said City Attorney and are ready for submission to the City Council~ 10.17 Submission of Final Maps° The subdivider shall submit the following to the City Clerk when all of the requirements of Section 10.16 are met° a. Twenty blue line copies~ original tracing on linen or Polyester base film of good quality; boundary traverse map, approv- ed; improvement plans; and a checking fee of fifty ($50°00) dollars for such detailed examination of Final Maps and field checking as may be necessary for the City Engineer to make his required certification, to- gether with the necessary recording fee° bo The approved title guarantee~ deed restrictions~ im- provement agreement, recording fee, and bond adequate to cover all re- quired improvements with the City Clerk, if not previously submitted° 10.18 Department Approvals° The following functions shall be acted upon within 15 days after submission. 31o 10.19 Prints and Distribution. UpOn the submission of a final map with the City Clerk, he shall immediately transmit as follows: Two prints to the City Engineer, one print to the City Attorney~ one print to the Fire Chief, two prints to the City Planner, one print to the Superintendent of Recreation and Parks~ seven prints to the Planning Commission, five prints to the City Council and shall retain one print himself. 10.20 The City Engineer shall examine the final map~ If he shall determine that the surveys are correct and that said map is technically correct, substantially conforms to the tentative map and any approved alteration thereof~ and to the provisions of ~this Ordin- ance and the Subdivision Map Act, he shall execute the map as requir- ed and forward said map to the City Council for their consideration. If he shall find that full conformity has not been made, he shall so advise the subdivider and afford him an opportunity to make the neces- sary changes° 10.21 The Planning Commission shall examine the final map. If said Commission shall determine that the map substantially conforms to the approved tentative map, and any condition imposed thereon, the Chairman of the Planning Commission shall so certify on said map. 10.22 When filing is completed and approved as outlined, the City Clerk shall present the following as provided by the subdivider to the City Council for consideration: An original linen or one dupli- cate transparency on Polyester base film suitable for reproduction with all accompanying statements~ agreements~ and security required. 10.23 Approval bY City Council Upon presentation of the map and all required materials by the City Clerk as aforesaid, at its next regular meeting or within a period of not more than ten (10) days after filing~ the City Council shall consider said map~ the plan of subdivision, the offers of dedica- tion the proposed agreement and all related matters° The City Council may reject any or all offers of dedication or require dedication of all proposed streets and easements° In the event that improvements are re- quired under the terms of this Ordinance or by law~ the City Council shall approve an improvement agreement and require adequate security for the performance thereof° 10.24 After the City Council shall determine that said map is in conformity to the requirements of this Ordinance, it shall approve said map by resolution° In case the City Council shall determine that said map is not in conformity with the requirements of this Ordinance, it shall disapprove said map, specifying reasons therefor and advis- ing the subdivider of such disapproval° Within the time limits of the conditional approval or any extension thereof the subdivider may file with the City Clerk a map altered to meet with approval of the City Council and which shall conform with the procedures specified herein° 32° 10.25 Recording The City Clerk, after apProval by the City Council, and after signatures and seals have been affixed, shall transmit the final map to the City Engineer for filing with the County Recorder. No map shall have any force or effect until it has been approved by the City Council and no title to any property described in any offer of dedication shall pass until recordation of the final map. No building permit shall be issued until the final map is filed with the Recorder for record. 33. CHAPTER 11. MINOR SUBDIVISION 'PROCEDURE 11.01 Filing Where required by the provisions of this Ordinance, ten- tative Parcel Maps and Parcel Maps, as set out in the Subdivision Map Act, shall be prepared and filed with the Planning Commission to- gether with a filing fee of Fifty ($50.00)'dollars. 11..02 Tentative Map - Data Required and Design a. Design and Improvements. The design~ and i~proyements o'~ property divided by'~the~ use of this Chapter· shall be governed by Chapter~.4, 5 and 6 herein. b. Tentative Parcel Map Information. A legible, ten- tative map drawn to scale on a sheet 18" x 26" in size on tracing paper shall be prepared and submitted showing: 1. Name, address and phone number of record owner and person filing the map; the parcel map number of the proposed sub- division, .and the name and address of the licensed land surveyor, · registered civil engineer or other qualified professional who prepar- ed said tentative map. 2. Name and legal designation of tract or grant in which the subdivision is located and ties to adjoining streets. 3. .Any other data necessary for the intelligent interpretation of the conditions existing and the location of record- ed points, lines and areas shown including but not limited to: (a) The contour of the land at intervals of one '(t) foot of elevation up to five (5%) percent slope; two (2) foot intervals up to ten (10%) percent slope and five (5) foot intervals over ten (10%) percent slope. (b) of division accurately. Sufficient data to determine boundaries· (c) Width, location, and purpose of all exist- ing and proposed easements. (d) The width and grade of all streets and other rights-of-way whether proposed for dedication or existing. (e) The approximate radii of all curves. (f) The location of areas subject to flood or inundation. (g) Approximate elevations of street inter- sections. 34. (h) The location, size and grades of proposed sewers, water lines, and storm drains. (i) Location of all proposed fire hydrants, street lights, and easements o 11.03 Statements Accompanying the tentative map shall be the following: (1) A statement by the subdivider as to drainage, surfacing or other required improvements to be constructed by him; (2) whether proposed roads; widenings or. street openings are offered for separate dedication, and if so, copies of a preliminary title report on subject property shall be inclu4ed; (3) statement-of existing zoning and proposed use; (4) state- ment and report on soil tests or Geologic Report, if required by the City Engineer. · 11.04 Filing and Action on Tentative Parcel Map by Planning Commission One reproducible tracing and twenty (20) copies of the tentative map and statement regarding proposed improvements shall be filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission at least seventeen (17) days prior to the time at which action by the Planning Commission is expected.~ The Secretary of the Planning Commission shall immediately transmit a copy of said map to the City Planner, City Engineer, Chief BUilding Inspector, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Superintendent of Recreation and Parks, and to each public utility serving the general area of the pro- posed minor subdivision° 11.05 The City Engineer and other officers or departments shall review said map and shall make a report and recommendations to the Plan- ning Commission. 11.06 The subdivider shall submit proof of the adequacy of the proposed easements at the time of filing the tentative parcel map, and any utility company concerned may make a report to the Planning Commis- sion as to the adequacy of the proposed easements. 11.07 Any lots created by a minor subdivision approved by the City shall eliminate'any previously recorded lot lines which fall within said minor subdivision° 11.08 Partial width streets may be approved by the Planning Commission when lot owners are not able to coordinate development on ad- jacent lots, but in no case shall such street be less than 28' of right- of-way and 18' of pavement. 35~, 11.09 Action on Tentative Parcel Maps The Planning Commission shall determine whether the ten- tative parcel map is in conformity with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance as to design, drainage, utilities, road improvements and offers of dedication or deed° Upon this basis they shall, within 30 days of receipt of the City Engineer's report ap- prove,~ conditionally approve or disapprove said Map° The Planning Commission shall report such action in writing to the subdivider. Any such approved tentative map shall meet the requirements for a Par- cel Map. 11.10 Extension of Time The time limits for acting and reporting on a Tentative Parcel Map for a Minor Subdivision, as provided in this Ordinance, may be extended upon mutual consent, in writing, of the person fil- ing the map and the Planning Commission. 11.11 Appeal from the action of the Planning Commission must be made in writing by the applicant to the City Council within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of notice of action of the Planning Commission. 11.12 No Building Permit may be issued prior to recording of the. Parcel Map indicating the Minor Subdivision. 11.13 City Council Action on Appeal - Tentative Parcel Map of Minor Subdivision The City Council shall hear any appeal within fifteen (15) days or at its next succeeding regular meeting after filing thereof. If the City Council fails to act within seven days follow- ing said hearing, the action of the Planning Commission shall be deemed as final, unless this time period is extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the City Council. PARCEL MAP 11.14 Limitation of Approval The approval or conditional approval of a Tentative Parcel Map shall be valid for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of approval by the Planning Commission or City Council. Such approval or conditional approval may be extended for a period not to exceed two (2) additional years by the Planning Commission upon written request, providing such request is made prior to the expiration of the one (1) year approval or conditional approval period. 36. 11.15 Any failure to record a Parcel Map within one (IL year from the approval or conditional approval of the Tentative Parcel Map, or any extension thereof granted, shall terminate all proceed- ings. 11.16 A Parcel Map shall be prepared in conformance with the approved tentative Parcel Map and presented to the Planning Commis- sion after a certificate has been executed by the City Engineer, and the Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor who prepared the map, certifying compliance with all conditions of ap- proval. 11.17 The Parcel Map shall meet all requirements of a Parcel Map, as set out in the Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance, and when improvements or dedications are required, shall be accompanied by a guaranty of title~ any separate instruments of dedication or deeds, and improvement agreement and bond, all as set out in Section I0.09 through 10.15o 11.18 Submission of Parcel Mapo A Parcel Map shall be' considered complete for filing when it complies with the Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance and the following is filed with the City Engineer: Twenty (20) blueline prints~ original tracing or duplicate on linen or poly- ester base film of good quality~ and a filing fee of twenty-five (25.00) dollars° 11.19 The City Engineer shall determine that said map is in conformity with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this Ordinance and if it is, he shall so certify on said Map° In the case the City Engineer shall determine said map is not in conformity with the said requirements, he shall disapprove said map. If the map is approved, and after seals and signatures are affixed, the City Engin- eer shall transmit any offers of dedication or agreement to the City Council for approval and acceptance° After such approval, the City Engineer shall transmit the Parcel Map to the County Recorder for recordation° No Building Permit shall be issued until the Parcel Map has been recorded by the County Recorder° 37. CHAPTER 12. EXCEPTIONS FROM ORDINANCE AND SUBDIVISION ALTERNATE 12.01 Exceptions This Ordinance shall not apply to any parcel not con- .forming to the provisions herein, for which a deed is of record or for which a contract of sale was in full force amd effect, and re- corded prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, nor to any land dedicated for cemetery purposes under the Health and Safety Code of the State of California~ 12.02 Subdivision Alternate Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall prevent any owner from processing a Division of land as a subdivision. CHAPTER 13. ENFORCEMENT 13.01 No building shall be constructed nor shall a permit for the construction of a building be issUed, nor shall any por- tion of any parcel be used when not conforming to this Ordinance. CHAPTER 14. PENALTY 14.01 Any offer to finance, lease, sell or contract to sell, or any financing of a division of land, lease or sale contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor, and any person, firm, corporation, partnership or co-partnership, upon con-~ viction thereof, shall be punishable by a'fine of not more than five hundred ($500) dollars or.by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and im- imprisonment,;~ecept that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to bar'any legal, equitable, or summary''remedy to which the City of S6uth 'Sa~ FrancisCo or other political subdivision Or'person', firm, corporation~ partnership or co-partnership may otherwise be'-entitted, .... ahd the C~t~ of South San Francisco or any other political subdivision, Or person, firm, corporation.~ partnership or co-partnership may.file an action in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo to restrain or enjoin any attempted or proposed. subdivision or sale in violation of this Ordinance. 38. · 14.02 Any transfer of conveyance, or purported transfer or conveyance, or agreement to transfer or convey any parcel of land without compliance with the terms of this Ordinance shall be void- able at the option of the transferee in accordance with the pro- visions of Sections 11540 and 11540.1 of the Business and, Profes- sions Code of the State of California, as the same may be amended from time to time~ CHAPTER 15. NAME 15,01 This Ordinance shall be known as the SUBDIVISION ORDIN- ANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. CHAPTER 16. S EVE RAB ILI TY 16.0.1 If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitu- tionality shall not affect the validity'or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and this City Council does hereby expressly declare that this Ordinance and each section, sub- section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence,.clause and phrase there- of would have been adopted irrespective of the fact that any one or more of such section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, ClauSe or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional. CHAPTER 17. PUBLICAT~I~ .~D. EFFECTIVE DATE 17.01 This Ordinanoe~~.be pu~lisht(t~o~ce in prise~ou~l", news~ue~ of' ~uTh S~n Francisco, as.;~ui~d. · ~i~y (~0) days f~m Introduced this 21st day of J&nuary ,-1970 .. Passed and adopte~ as an Ordinance of the City of South San FrancisCo a~ a regular meeting of the'City Council of the City of South San Francisco this 2nd day of February, 19 ?0, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca and Warren Steinkamp NOES, " None ABSENT, " None ATTEST: City Clerk As Mayor of the City of Sou~h San Francisco, I do hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this 2nd day of February , 1970 . /s/ Frank J.~ Bertucelli Mayor