HomeMy WebLinkAbout250_E_Grand_Draft_EIR D Aa-':~ E lV. AO lme l'~a 11 Jac'~ Re JO A'~ / ~ CO_\JTE_\JTS Page C ha pte r 1: In trod uctio n.................................................................................................................... 1-1 Purpose of the Environmental Impact Report.................................................................................. 1-1 E IR Rev i e w Pro c e s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 - 1 Content and Organization of the EIR............................................................................................... 1-2 Chapter 2: Executive Summary and Impact Overview................................................................. 2-1 Pr 0 po sed Pr oj e ct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1 Impacts and Mitigation Measures.................................................................................................... 2-1 Significant and Unavoidable Impacts That Cannot be Mitigated to a Level of Less Than Significant.................................................................................................................... ..............2-1 Impacts Determined Not to be Significant................................................................................ 2- 2 Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes....................................................................... 2- 2 Growth - Induc ing Impacts.......................................................................................................... 2- 3 Cumulative Impacts................................................................................................................... 2- 3 Chapter 3: Project Description ................................................................................................. .......3-1 Proj ect Location and Site Conditions............................................................................................... 3-1 Proj ect Description................................................................................................................... ........3-1 Proj ect 0 bj ectives ............................................................................................................................ 3 - 2 Intended Uses of This EIR ............................................................................................................... 3 - 2 C ha pte r 4 : Aesthetics ........................................................................................................................ 4-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ ......................4-1 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... ..........4-6 S c en i c Vis ta .............................................................................................................................. . 4 - 6 Scenic Highways...................................................................................................................... .4-6 V isual Character ........................................................................................................................ 4- 7 L i gh t an d G I ar e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 8 Cumulative Aesthetic Impacts................................................................................................... 4- 9 C ha pte r 5: Air Quality...................................................................................................................... 5-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ ...................... 5-1 Met eo r 0 logy an d C I im at 0 logy ................................................................................................... 5 - 1 Re gulatory Setting..................................................................................................................... 5 - 2 Existing Air Quality................................................................................................................... 5-4 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... .......... 5 - 5 Standards of Significance .......................................................................................................... 5 - 5 Conflict with Air Quality Plan................................................................................................... 5 - 6 Air Quality Standards................................................................................................................ 5 - 7 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Cumulatively Air Quality Impacts.......................................................................................... 5 -12 Sensitive Receptors................................................................................................................. 5 -13 o do rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 - 14 Chapter 6: Geology and Soils ........................................................................................................... 6-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n .............................................................................................................................. . . . . . .. 6 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ ...................... 6-1 Regional Seismicity.................................................................................................................. 6-1 Re gional Geo 10 gy...................................................................................................................... 6-2 Sit e G eo logy an d S 0 i Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 - 3 Lands Ii ding and S lope Stability ................................................................................................ 6- 3 Primary Seismic Hazards - Surface Fault Rupture ...................................................................6-4 Secondary Seismic Hazards...................................................................................................... 6-4 Re gulatory Setting..................................................................................................................... 6- 5 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... ......... 6- 7 Standards of Significance.......................................................................................................... 6- 7 Surface Fault Rupture............................................................................................................... 6-8 Exposure to Strong Seismic Ground Shaking........................................................................... 6-9 Seismically Induced Ground Failure, incl. Liquefaction & Ground Surface Settlement ........ 6-10 Lands Ii de s .............................................................................................................................. . 6-11 Volcanic Hazards.................................................................................................................... 6-11 Unstable Soil Materials........................................................................................................... 6-11 Expansive Soils....................................................................................................................... 6-12 Soil Erosion....................................................................................................................... ...... 6-12 Septic Systems....................................................................................................................... . 6-13 Loss of Mineral Resources...................................................................................................... 6-13 Unique Geo logical Features.................................................................................................... 6-14 Cumulative Geology and Soils Impacts.................................................................................. 6-14 Chapter 7: Hazardous Materials ..................................................................................................... 7-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n .............................................................................................................................. . . . . . .. 7 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ ...................... 7-2 Re gulatory Setting..................................................................................................................... 7-2 Site His to ry .............................................................................................................................. . 7 - 4 V ic inity Hazardous Materials Sites........................................................................................... 7-5 Current Contamination Levels and Health Risks...................................................................... 7-6 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... ......... 7-7 Standards of Significance.......................................................................................................... 7-7 Hazardous Materials Use, Transport......................................................................................... 7-8 Accidental Hazardous Materials Release................................................................................ 7-10 Hazardous Materials Sites....................................................................................................... 7-11 Hazardous Materials Near Schools......................................................................................... 7-15 Airport Land Use Plan............................................................................................................ 7-1 7 Adopted Emergency Response Plan ....................................................................................... 7-1 7 Wi I d I an d F ires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 - 1 7 Cumulative Hazards and Hazardous Materials Impacts.......................................................... 7-18 C ha pte r 8: Hyd rology ....................................................................................................................... 8-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n .............................................................................................................................. . . . . . .. 8 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ ...................... 8-1 Climate and Topography........................................................................................................... 8-1 Re gi onal Hydro logy .................................................................................................................. 8- 2 Site Hydro logy .......................................................................................................................... 8 - 2 PAGE ii 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CONTENTS Groundwater................................................................................................................... ........... 8- 2 F 100 ding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 - 3 Re gulatory Setting..................................................................................................................... 8- 3 Impact Analysis .............................................................................................................................. . 8- 7 Standards of Significance.......................................................................................................... 8- 7 Water Quality Standards or Water Discharge Requirements.................................................... 8- 8 Groundwater Depletion/Recharge........................................................................................... 8-12 Increased Erosion or Siltation to Receiving Waters................................................................ 8-13 C h an g e s in S to rm w at e r Runoff ............................................................................................... 8 - 1 4 Otherwise Substantially Degrade Water Quality ..................................................................... 8-14 Housing Within a 100- Year Flood Hazard Area..................................................................... 8-15 Significant Risk Involving Flooding ....................................................................................... 8-15 Inundation by Seiche, Tsunami or Mudflow ........................................................................... 8-15 Cumulative Hydrology Impact Analysis................................................................................. 8-16 C ha pte r 9: Land Use......................................................................................................................... 9-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ ...................... 9-1 Hi s tory .............................................................................................................................. . . . . . . . . . 9 - 1 Existing Uses......................................................................................................................... .... 9- 2 Re gulatory Setting..................................................................................................................... 9- 2 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... .......... 9- 3 Standards of Significance.......................................................................................................... 9- 2 D i vi d in g E s tab lis h e d Co mm un i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 2 Conflict with Plans and Policies ................................................................................................9-2 Conflict with Conservation Plan................................................................................................ 9-6 C ha pte r 10: Noise........................................................................................................................ .... 10-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 0 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ .................... 10-1 Fundamentals of Sound and Environmental Noise.................................................................. 10-1 Existing No ise Environment.................................................................................................... 1 0- 2 Re gulatory Setting................................................................................................................... 10-2 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... ........ 10- 5 Standards of Significance ........................................................................................................ 1 0- 5 Permanent Noise Increases...................................................................................................... 10-6 Noise, Groundborne Vibration................................................................................................ 10-6 A irp 0 rt s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 0 - 7 Cumulative Noise Impacts....................................................................................................... 10- 7 Chapter 11: Transportation and Circulation ...............................................................................11-1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. .................. 11-1 Setting........................................................................................................................ .................... 11-1 Road way s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 - 1 Intersection Operation............................................................................................................. 11- 5 Intersection Signalization Requirements................................................................................. 11-6 V e h i c Ie Que u in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 - 9 Freeway Operation................................................................................................................ 11-10 Off-Ramp Operation at Diverge From Freeway Mainline.................................................... 11-12 On-Ramp Operation .............................................................................................................. 11-13 Transit & Shuttle Service....................................................................................................... 11-14 Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities ...........................................................................................11-16 City of South San Francisco Transportation Demand Management Program....................... 11-17 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE iii DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Future Base Case (Without Project) Conditions ................................................................... 11-18 Year 2015 Base Case Operating Conditions......................................................................... 11-19 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... ..... 11-24 Significance Criteria.............................................................................................................. 11-24 Proj ect Trip Generation......................................................................................................... 11-26 Project Trip Distribution ....................................................................................................... 11-26 On - S ite Circulation and Access ............................................................................................ 11-27 Parkin g .............................................................................................................................. . . .. 11- 3 0 Rail Safety......................................................................................................................... .... 11-30 Proj ect and Cumulative Intersection Operation.................................................................... 11-31 Project and Cumulative Vehicle Queuing............................................................................. 11-38 Cumulative Freeway Mainline and On/Off-Ramp Operation............................................... 11-42 C ha pte r 12 : Utilities.................................................................................................................... .... 12-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n .............................................................................................................................. . . . .. 12 - 1 Setting........................................................................................................................ .................... 12-1 Water S u pp I y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12-1 Wastewater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12-2 Re gulatory Setting................................................................................................................... 12-4 Storm Drainage F ac ilitie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12- 6 Solid Waste........................................................................................................................ ..... 12-6 Impact Analysis...................................................................................................................... ....... 12- 7 Standards of Significance........................................................................................................ 12- 7 Increase in Wastewater Flows................................................................................................. 12- 7 Effects on Groundwater, Water Quality, and Public Health................................................... 12-9 Utility Infrastructure Capac ity ................................................................................................ 12- 9 Landfill Capacity................................................................................................................... 12-10 Energy .............................................................................................................................. ..... 12-10 Cumulative Utili tie s Impacts................................................................................................. 12-11 C ha pte r 13: Alte rnatives ............................................................................................................... 13-1 In tr 0 d u c ti 0 n .............................................................................................................................. . . . .. 13 - 1 Proj ect 0 bj ectives .......................................................................................................................... 13 - 2 Alternatives Analysis..................................................................................................................... 13 - 2 No Proj ect Alternative............................................................................................................. 13 - 3 Reduced Intensity Alternative................................................................................................. 13-4 Reduced Parking Alternative .................................................................................................. 13 - 8 Environmentally Superior Alternative......................................................................................... 13 -12 C ha pte r 14: Refe rences .................................................................................................................. 14-1 Report Preparers ............................................................................................................................ 14-1 References .............................................................................................................................. ....... 14-1 Appendices Appendix A - Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Comments Appendix B - Initial Study Appendix C - Air Quality Analysis Appendix D - Traffic Analysis Appendix E - Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan PAGE iv 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CONTENTS Figures 3-1: Site Location and Vicinity ......................................................................................................3-5 3 - 2 : Sit e P I an. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 7 4-1 : Site Photo 1 ............................................................................................................................ 4- 3 4- 2: Site Photo 2 ............................................................................................................................ 4- 3 4- 3: Site Photo 3 ............................................................................................................................ 4-4 4-4: Site Photo 4 ............................................................................................................................ 4-4 4- 5: Site Photo 5 ............................................................................................................................ 4- 5 4-6: Site Photo 6 ............................................................................................................................ 4- 5 4- 7: Perspective Drawing Looking East Along Landscape Mall................................................... 4- 7 4-8: Perspective Drawing Looking South from E. Grand Ave. Toward Entry.............................. 4-8 12-1 : Proj ect Area Sanitary Sewer System.................................................................................... 12-4 2-1 : 5-1: 5-2: 7-1: 7-2: 8-1: 8-2: 1 0-1 : 10-2: 11-1: 11-2: 11-3: 11-4 : 11-5 : 11-6 : 11-7: 11-8 : 11-9 : 11-10: 11-11: 11-12: 11-13: 11-14: 11-15: 11-16: 13-1: 13-2: 13-3 : 13 -4 : Tables Summary of Project Impacts and Mitigation Measures .........................................................2-4 Summary of Criteria Air Pollution Monitoring Data .............................................................5-5 Predicted 8-Hour Worst Case Carbon Monoxide Levels (in PPM) .....................................5-11 Select General Plan Policies Regarding Hazardous Materials............................................... 7-4 Current Shallow Soils Contamination Levels........................................................................ 7-6 Potential Pollutants from Industrial Activities....................................................................... 8-8 Impervious vs. Pervious Surface Areas................................................................................ 8-13 Definition of Acoustical Terms ............................................................................................10-3 Typical Sound Levels Measured in the Environment and Industry..................................... 10-4 Intersection Levels of Service Existing & Year 2015 AM Peak Hour................................. 11-7 Intersection Levels of Service Existing & Year 2015 PM Peak Hour .................................11-8 Intersection Signalization Requirements Existing & Year 2015 .......................................... 11-9 Summary of Existing U. S. 101 Freeway Operation........................................................... 11-11 Detailed u.S. 101 Freeway Existing Operating Conditions Dec. 2005 .............................11-11 Off-Ramp Capacity & Volumes at Diverge from Freeway Mainline ................................11-12 On-Ramp Capacity & Volumes Existing and Year 2015 ................................................... 11-13 Transit Service - South San Francisco............................................................................... 11-14 Alliance Shuttle Service - South San Francisco................................................................ 11-15 Trip Generation - Approved & Planned Local Area Development By 2015..................... 11-18 95th Percentile Vehicle Queues - Year 2015......................................................................11-21 Year 2015 U. S. Freeway Existing Operating Conditions................................................... 11-24 Project Trip Generation ......................................................................................................11-26 Year 2015 Proj ect Traffic Distribution............................................................................... 11-26 Year 2015 Base Case + Project 95th Percentile Vehicle Queues........................................ 11-29 Mitigated Intersection Level of Service Year 2015............................................................11-33 Trip Generation - No Project Alternative............................................................................ 13-4 Trip Generation - Reduced Intensity Alternative................................................................. 13-8 Comparison of Parking Provisions - Reduced Parking Alternative..................................... 13-9 Summary Comparison of Impacts, Proposed Project and Alternatives.............................. 13-13 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE v DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE vi 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 1 I \JTRODLCTIO \J PURPOSE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The California Environmental Quality Act and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder (together "CEQA") require an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to be prepared for any project which may have a significant impact on the environment. An EIR is an informational document, the purposes of which, according to CEQA are". . . to provide public agencies and the public in general with detailed information about the effect which a proposed project is likely to have on the environment; to list ways in which the significant effects of such a project might be minimized; and to indicate alternatives to such a project." The information contained in this EIR is intended to be objective and impartial, and to enable the reader to arrive at an independent judgment regarding the significance of the impacts resulting from the proposed project. This Environmental Impact Report (EIR) evaluates the potential environmental impacts that may be associated with the Britannia Pointe Grand II Modification Project at 250-270 East Grand Avenue in the City of South San Francisco, California (the "Project"). The Project applicant is Slough Estates International and the Lead Agency is the City of South San Francisco. The applicant is seeking modifications to the existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) Permit, Use Permit and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan in addition to Design Review to enable the demolition of four existing 1 & 2 story buildings and the construction in their place of three 3-story and 5-story office/R&D buildings, an eight-level parking garage and landscape improvements. Approval must be given by the City of South San Francisco before any work can begin. E I R REVI EW PROCESS This EIR is intended to enable City decision makers, public agencies and interested citizens to evaluate the broad environmental issues associated with the overall character and concept of the proposed Project. An EIR does not control the agency's ultimate discretion on the project, however, as required under CEQA, the agency must respond to each significant effect identified in the EIR by making findings and if necessary, by making a statement of overriding considerations. In accordance with California law, the EIR on the Project must be certified before any action on the Project can be taken. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 1-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Together, this Draft EIR (DEIR) and the Final EIR (FEIR) will constitute the EIR for the Project. During the review period for this Draft EIR, interested individuals, organizations and agencies may offer their comments on its evaluation of project impacts and alternatives. The comments received during this public review period will be compiled and presented together with responses to these comments in the Final EIR. The South San Francisco City Council will review the EIR documents and will determine whether or not the EIR provides a full and adequate appraisal of the Project and its alternatives. In reviewing the Draft EIR, readers should focus on the sufficiency of the document in identifying and analyzing the possible environmental impacts associated with the Project. Readers are also encouraged to review and comment on ways in which significant impacts associated with this Project might be avoided or mitigated. Comments are most helpful when they suggest additional specific alternatives or mitigation measures that would provide better ways to avoid or mitigate significant environmental impacts. Reviewers should explain the basis for their comments and, whenever possible, should submit data or references in support of their comments. The 45 day review period for the Draft EIR is from December 21, 2007 to February 4, 2008. Comments should be submitted in writing during this review period to: Chadrick Smalley, Associate Planner City of South San Francisco Planning Division P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, CA 94083 Please contact Chadrick Smalley at 650-877-8535 if you have any questions. After reviewing the Draft EIR and the Final EIR and following action to certify the EIR as adequate and complete, the South San Francisco City Council will be in a position to approve the Project as currently proposed, revised, or rejected. This determination will be based upon information presented on the entirety of the Project, its impacts and probable consequences, and the possible alternatives and mitigation measures available. CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION OF THE EIR A Notice of Preparation (NaP) was issued in September, 2006 to solicit comments from public agencies and the public regarding the scope of the environmental evaluation for the Project. The Nap and all written responses, as well as the Initial Study are presented in Appendix A. The responses were taken into consideration during the preparation of the Draft EIR. Pursuant to CEQA, the Initial Study prepared for the Project identified effects determined not to be significant and focused the EIR on the effects determined to be potentially significant. Project-related impacts to the following CEQA topics were determined not to be significant PAGE 1-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION and no additional analysis is included in this Draft EIR: Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Mineral Resources, Population and Housing, Public Services, and Recreation. For analysis of these topics, please refer to the Initial Study included in Appendix A. As reflected in the content of this Draft EIR, the following CEQA topics were determined to have impacts that were potentially significant and required further analysis in this Draft EIR: Aesthetics, Air Quality, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology, Land Use, Noise, Transportation and Circulation, and Utilities and Service Systems. Following this brief introduction to the EIR, the document's ensuing chapters include the following: Chapter 2: Executive Summary and Impact Overview Chapter 3: Project Description Chapter 4: Aesthetics (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Vis") Chapter 5: Air Quality (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Air") Chapter 6: Geology and Soils (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Geo") Chapter 7: Hazardous Materials (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Haz") Chapter 8: Hydrology (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Hydro") Chapter 9: Land Use Chapter 10: Noise (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Noise") Chapter 11: Transportation and Circulation (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Traf') Chapter 12: Utilities and Service Systems (Impacts/Mitigation Measures Labeled "Util") Chapter 13: Alternatives Chapter 14: References Appendices In Chapters 4 through 12, existing conditions are discussed in the Setting, followed by an evaluation of environmental impacts that may be associated with the Project and the mitigation measures or standard conditions of approval that would reduce or eliminate these impacts. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 1-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 1-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 2 EXECL TIVE SLMMARY A \JD IMPACT OVERVIEW PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed Project is a modification and expansion of an existing Research and Development Business Park that would involve the demolition of four existing 1 & 2 story buildings located within the Britannia Pointe Grand II Development totaling 1 77,938 square feet, and the construction of one 3-story and two 5-story office/R&D buildings totaling 461,500 square feet and an eight-level parking garage. The Project would include notable landscaping improvements, including new landscaped plazas and a landscaped pedestrian mall to increase the walkability of the site. IMPACTS A \lD MITIGATIO\l MEASURES The analyses in Chapters 4 through 12 of this document provide a description of the existing setting, potential impacts of Project implementation, and recommended mitigation measures to reduce or avoid potentially significant impacts that could occur as a result of Project implementation. Table 2.1 at the end of this chapter lists a summary statement of each impact and corresponding mitigation measures, as well as the level of significance after mitigation. Significant impacts require the implementation of mitigation measures, or alternatives, or a finding by the Lead Agency that the measures are infeasible for specific reasons. For some of the significant impacts, mitigation measures may not be effective in reducing the impacts to a less than significant level. These impacts are designated significant and unavoidable. SIGNIFICANT AND UNAVOIDABLE IMPACTS THAT CANNOT BE MITIGATED TO A LEVEL OF LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT The following Project related impact has been identified as significant and unavoidable: Impact Traf-21: Freeway Mainline Operation. The following U.S.I0l mainline segment would receive a significant impact due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-12): · U.S.I0l Southbound (to the north of the Oyster Point interchange) This impact is more fully discussed in Chapter 11: Transportation and Circulation. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IMPACTS DETERMINED NOT TO BE SIGNIFICANT The following impact topic areas related to the 250-270 East Grand Avenue Project would be considered to have no impact or a less than significant impact with no mitigation required and were scoped out in the Initial Study (attached as Appendix A) with no additional analysis included in this Draft EIR: Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Mineral Resources, Population and Housing, Public Services, and Recreation. The following impact topic areas were analyzed in this Draft EIR and determined to have no impact, a less than significant impact, or to be less than significant after mitigation: Aesthetics, Air Quality, Geology and Soils, Hazardous Materials, Hydrology, Land Use, Noise, and Utilities and Service Systems. The only CEQA topic area not listed above is Transportation and Circulation, which included a significant and unavoidable impact that cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level. Impact analysis is included in Chapters 4 through 12 of this Draft EIR. Impacts and mitigation measures are summarized in Table 2-1 at the end of this chapter. SIGNIFICANT IRREVERSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES An EIR must identify any significant irreversible environmental changes that could be caused by the proposed Project. These may include current or future uses of non-renewable resources, and secondary or growth-inducing impacts that commit future generations to similar uses. Irretrievable commitments of resources should be evaluated to assure that such current consumption is justified. The CEQA Guidelines describe three distinct categories of significant irreversible changes: 1) changes in land use which would commit future generations to specific uses; 2) irreversible changes from environmental actions; and 3) consumption of non-renewable resources. Changes in Land Use Which Would Commit Future Generations The Project would not change the land use at the Project site, but would remain a business park targeting research and development/office uses. Irreversible Changes from Environmental Actions Irreversible changes to the physical environment could stem from the accidental release of hazardous materials associated with development and/or on-going use of the site as a research facility. However, compliance with hazardous materials regulations and policies as outlined in Chapter 7 of this document, Hazardous Materials, is expected to maintain this potential impact at a less-than-significant level. PAGE 2-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Consumption of Nonrenewable Resources Consumption of nonrenewable resources includes increased energy consumption, conversion of agricultural lands, and lost access to mining reserves. No agricultural lands would be converted and no access to mining reserves would be lost with implementation of the Project. The Project would result in the consumption of some nonrenewable resources during construction and operation, such as electricity and construction materials. While this would require additional energy of several types for construction and on-going use, it would not require the construction of major new lines to deliver energy, and it is anticipated service providers can provide the capacity to serve this Project. GROWTH-INDUCING IMPACTS The proposed Project would not be expected to result in a direct increase in the local population, since it would not result in the construction of any new housing units. The proposed Project would not require any major increases in the capacity of local infrastructure which might later be used to support new housing development, and would not result in the extension of infrastructure into areas which might ultimately support new housing. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS As defined in Section 15355 of the CEQA Guidelines, a cumulative impact consists of an impact that is created as a result of the combination of the project evaluated in the EIR together with other projects causing related impacts. The Cumulative scenario used in this EIR was the same as that used for the Genentech Corporate Master Plan EIR 1. Of course the Genentech project was included in the cumulative scenario for this EIR while this Project's impact was analyzed (so this Project was not included in the base case scenario). More specific information regarding the cumulative scenario can be found at the beginning of Appendix D of this document. "Cumulative impacts" refer to two or more individual effects which, when considered together, are considerable or which compound or increase other environmental impacts. The cumulative impact from several projects is the change in the environment which results from the incremental impact of the Project when added to other closely related past, present, and reasonable foreseeable probable future projects. Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively significant projects taking place over a period of time. Cumulative impacts were analyzed within each topic area in Chapters 4 through 12 of this document and found to be less than significant with the following exception. The development of the Project site as proposed would contribute to reduced freeway Levels of Service, representing a significant and unavoidable adverse cumulative impacts. This impact is more fully discussed as Impact Traf-21 in Chapter 11 of this document. 1 City of South San Francisco, prepared by EIP Associates and Korve Engineering, Genentech Corporate Facilities Master Plan Draft EIR, December 2006. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TABLE 2-1 SUMMARY OF PROJECT IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce Impact Traf-21: Freeway Mainline Operation. The following U.S.lOl mainline segment would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-12). . U.S.lOl Southbound (to the north of the Oyster Point interchange) This would be a significant impact. Traf-21: Improvements for Freeway Mainline Operation. U.S.lOl Southbound (to the North of the Oyster Point Interchange, AM Peak Hour) Mitigation of this impact would require widening the current freeway or construction of a new freeway. Given the location of the mainline freeway and its close proximity to surrounding development, such mitigation is not feasible. Additionally, such mitigation would be prohibitively expensive in relation to the types of land uses it would benefit. Given these specific concerns, mitigation of Impact 8 is not feasible as defined by CEQA. (See Pub. Resources Code ~2l 061.1 (defining "feasible" as "capable of being accomplished. . . taking into account economic... and technological factors.").) Under CEQA, the City in this matter has an obligation to balance public objectives, including specific economic concerns, against the benefits of the project. (See Pub. Resources Code ~2l081. subd. (a)(3); CEQA Guidelines, ~ 15021. subd. (d).) Where economic concerns render a particular mitigation measure infeasible, the lead agency may reject the measure. (See Pub. Resources Code ~2l081. subd. (a)(3).) As there are no feasible mitigation measures that can reduce the significance of Impact Traf-2l to a less than significant level, this impact would be considered a significant and unavoidable impact. Significant and Unavoidable 1m pact Air-I: Construction Dust and Exhaust. Construction activity involves a high potential for the emission of air pollutants. Construction activities would generate exhaust emissions from vehicles/equipment and fugitive particulate matter emissions that would affect local air quality. This would be a potentially significant impact. Air-I: Dust Suppression and Exhaust Reduction Procedures. The following basic, enhanced and additional measures are recommended for inclusion in construction contracts to control fugitive dust emissions during construction. Measures to reduce construction exhaust will additionally reduce particulate matter form the exhaust of diesel-powered construction vehicles. Basic Measures . Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. . Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access Less than Significant PAGE 2-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction site. . Water or cover stockpiles of debris, soil, sand or other materials that can be blown by the wind. . Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. . Sweep daily (preferably with water sweepers) all paved access road, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites. . Sweep streets daily (preferably with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. . Limit construction equipment idling time. . Properly tune construction equipment engines, and install particulate traps on diesel equipment. Enhanced Measures . Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). . Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non- toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). . Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph. . Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. . Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. Additional Measures . Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site. . Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 mph. Measures to Reduce Construction Exhaust The measures listed below should be implemented to reduce diesel particulate matter and NOx emissions from on-site construction equipment: . At least 50 percent of the heavy-duty, off-road equipment used for construction shall be CARB- certified off-road engines or equivalent, or use alternative fuels (such as biodiesel or water emulsion fuel) that result in lower emissions. . Use add-on control devices such as diesel oxidation catalysts or particulate filters. . Opacity is an indicator of exhaust particulate emissions from off-road diesel powered equipment. The project shall ensure that emissions from all construction diesel powered Resulting Level of Significan ce 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts 1m pact Air-3: Cum ulative Air Quality 1m pacts. The proposed Proj ect would contribute to regional air quality emissions but would not exceed BAAQMD emissions thresholds for ROG, NOx and PMlO. This would be considered a less than significant impact. While the Proj ect is not expected to have a significant impact on cumulative air quality, the following mitigation measure has been proposed to ensure that cumulative air quality impacts remain less than significant. Recommended Mitigation Measures equipment used on the project site do not exceed 40 percent opacity for more than three minutes in anyone hour. Any equipment found to exceed 40 percent opacity (or Ringelmann 2.0) shall be prohibited from use on the site until repaired. . The contractor shall install temporary electrical service whenever possible to avoid the need for independently powered equipment (e.g., compressors ). . Diesel equipment standing idle for more than two minutes shall be turned off. This would include trucks waiting to deliver or receive soil, aggregate or other bulk materials. Rotating drum concrete trucks could keep their engines running continuously as long as they were on site. . Properly tune and maintain equipment for low emissions. With the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, impacts related to construction dust and exhaust would be reduced to a less than significant level. Issues of toxic air contaminants related to construction activities are further addressed with mitigation measures Haz-3b and Haz-4a. Air-3: Transportation Demand Management Program. Implementation of an updated Transportation Demand Management Program is required, as described in Mitigation Measure Traf-l. This Plan would reduce the number of vehicle trips to and from the Project site. The following components should be considered for inclusion in the updated Plan to further reduce project impacts to air quality: . Support shuttle service to BART and Caltrain. There are currently shuttles that serve employers in the area. . Provide bicycle amenities so that employees could bicycle to the proj ect. Such amenities could include safe onsite bicycle access and convenient storage (bike racks). Amenities for employees could include secure bicycle parking, lockers, and shower facilities . The project should include sidewalks with shade trees that provide safe and convenient access to the proj ect and any shuttle or future bus stops that serve the proj ect. . Impact Traf-ll of the Transportation and Circulation Section discusses the on-site pedestrian and bicycle circulation incorporated into the proj ect. Mitigation Measure Traf-ll would require pedestrian connections to adjacent roadways and between proposed and existing buildings in the Britannia Pointe Grand II Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant PAGE 2-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures business park to ensure adequate pedestrian circulation. . F or all buildings, provide outdoor electrical outlets and encourage the use of electrical landscape maintenance equipment. Also, provide electrical outlets for recharging electrical vehicles in commercial and industrial parking lots/structures. Provide 110 and 220 V 011 outlets at all loading docks and prohibit trucks from using their auxiliary equipment powered by diesel engines for more than 5 minutes. . Provide new trees that would shade buildings and walkways in summer to reduce the cooling loads on buildings. Implementation of this mitigation measure helps further minimize an already less-than-significant impact. Impact Geo-2: Seismic Ground Shaking. There is a high probability that the proposed development will be subj ected to strong to violent ground shaking from an earthquake during its design life. Strong to violent seismic ground shaking is considered a potentially significant impact. Geo-2a: Compliance with California Building Code. Project development shall meet requirements of the California Building Code V ols. 1 and 2, 2001 Edition, including the California Building Standards, 2001 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, and as modified by the amendments, additions and deletions as adopted by the City of South San Francisco, California. Incorporation of seismic construction standards would reduce the potential for catastrophic effects of ground shaking, such as complete structural failure, but will not completely eliminate the hazard of seismically induced ground shaking. Geo-2b: Compliance with a design level Geotechnical Investigation report prepared by a Registered Geotechnical Engineer and with Structural Design Plans as prepared by a Registered Structural Engineer. Proper foundation engineering and construction shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations of a Registered Geotechnical Engineer and a Registered Structural Engineer. The structural engineering design shall incorporate seismic parameters as outlined in the California Building Code as estimated below. The project Geotechnical Investigation shall verify the seismic design parameters in accordance with requirements of the California Building Code. Geo-2c: Obtain a building permit and com plete final design review. The Project applicant shall obtain a building permit through the City of South San Francisco Building Division. Plan Review of planned buildings and structures shall be completed by the Building Division for adherence to the seismic design criteria for planned commercial and industrial sites in Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Impact Geo-3: Liquefaction, Densification, and Ground Surface Settlement. The Association of Bay Area Governments identifies the proj ect area as an area of high hazard for liquefaction. Liquefaction or densification of soils underlying the site could result in settlement and differential settlement of site improvements including buildings, pavements, and utilities and pose a threat to human health. The potential for liquefaction of site soils is considered a potentially significant impact. Impact Geo-4: Unstable Soils and Bay Mud. Undocumented fill soils are present on most of the subject site. Due to the presence of soil Recommended Mitigation Measures the East of 101 Area of the City of South San Francisco. According to the East of 101 Area Plan, Geotechnical Safety Element, buildings shall not be subject to catastrophic collapse under foreseeable seismic events, and will allow egress of occupants in the event of damage following a strong earthquake. Conformity with these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of strong seismic ground shaking to a level of less than significant. Geo-3a: Compliance with recommendations of a Geotechnical Investigation and in conformance with Structural Design Plans. A Design Level Geotechnical Investigation shall be prepared for the site under the direction of a California Registered Geotechnical Engineer and shall include analysis for liquefaction potential of the underlying sediments. Proper foundation engineering and construction shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Investigation. The Geotechnical Investigation shall be reviewed and approved by the City's Geotechnical Consultant and by the City Engineer. A Registered Structural Engineer shall prepare proj ect structural design plans. Structures shall be designed to minimize the affects of anticipated seismic settlements. The Geotechnical Engineer shall review the Structural Design Plans and provide approval for the Geotechnical elements of the plans. The design plans shall identify specific mitigation measures to reduce the liquefaction potential of surface soils. Mitigations measures may include excavation and replacement as engineered fill, reduced foundation loading, and ground improvement by methods such as stone columns or pressure grouting. Geo-3b: Obtain a building permit and complete plan review. The Project applicant shall obtain a building permit through the City of South San Francisco Building Division. Plan Review of planned buildings and structures shall be completed by the Building Division for adherence to the seismic design criteria for planned commercial and industrial sites in the East of 101 Area of the City of South San Francisco. According to the East of 101 Area Plan, Geotechnical Safety Element, buildings shall not be subject to catastrophic collapse under foreseeable seismic events, and will allow egress of occupants in the event of damage following a strong earthquake. Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of seismic ground shaking to a less than significant level. Geo-4: Investigate unstable fill soils and Bay Mud. A Design Level Geotechnical Investigation shall be performed to determine the depth and extent of Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant Less than significant PAGE 2-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce contamination at the site, these soils have not been reworked to provide a stable foundation for buildings, pavements and utilities. Fill soils of unknown quality are present in the proposed building and parking areas. Fill soils may settle due to new building loads. Bay Mud and alluvial soil deposits are present on adjacent sites and also constitute areas of potentially unstable soils. Bay Mud is likely present under portions of the project site and may settle under design loading conditions resulting in differential settlement of structures. The presence of unstable soil and Bay Mud is a potentially significant impact. potentially unstable fill soil and Bay Mud. Based on results of this study the Geotechnical Engineer shall determine appropriate measures to stabilize the unstable soils present underlying the site. Consolidation testing of the Bay Mud soils shall be performed, as part of the Design Level Geotechnical Investigation, and estimates of settlement for the site shall be developed. Methods of unstable soil stabilization may include construction of driven pile foundations that support structures on materials located below fill soils and Bay Mud, and other methods as recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer. Buildings constructed on the adjacent properties have utilized driven pile foundations to support the structures. Implementation of the above mitigation measures will reduce the impact of unstable or potentially unstable soils and Bay Mud to less than significant. Impact Geo-6: Soil Erosion. The Project would involve mass grading in a sensitive area near the San Francisco Bay. Demolition of existing structures and pavements could expose underlying contaminated soil to the elements. Excavation of soil for construction of new buildings and pavement sections would also be performed and temporary stockpiles of loose soil will be created. Additionally, as part of proj ect development, a soil cap consisting of one- foot of imported clean fill will be placed on the site. Soils exposed during site grading would be subj ect to erosion during storm events. Grading would disturb site soils potentially leading to impacts to the San Francisco Bay. This would be a potentially significant impact during and following site construction activities. Geo-6a: Erosion Control Plan. The Project applicant shall complete an Erosion Control Plan to be submitted to the City in conjunction with the Grading Permit Application. The Erosion Control Plan shall include winterization, dust control, erosion control and pollution control measures conforming to the ABAG Manual of Standards for Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. The Erosion Control Plan shall describe the "best management practices" (BMPs) to be used during and following construction to control pollution resulting from both storm and construction water runoff. The Plan shall include locations of vehicle and equipment staging, portable restrooms, mobilization areas, and planned access routes. Recommended soil stabilization techniques include placement of straw wattles, silt fences, berms, and gravel construction entrance areas or other control to prevent tracking sediment onto city streets and into storm drains. Public works staff or representatives shall visit the site during grading and construction to ensure compliance with the grading ordinance and plans, and note any violations, which shall be corrected immediately. Geo-6b: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. In accordance with the Clean Water Act and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), the Applicant shall file a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prior to the start of construction. The SWPPP shall include specific best management practices to reduce soil erosion. This is required to obtain coverage under the General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity (Construction General Permit, 99-08-DWQ). Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of soil erosion to a level of less than significant. 1m pact Haz-l: Routine transportation, use or disposal of hazardous materials. The proposed development is for construction of a three-story office and Class-A laboratory building, two 5-story office and Class-A laboratory buildings, a parking garage, central courtyard, and associated landscaping and infrastructure. Class A refers to a research laboratory, not merely an instructional laboratory. Depending upon the nature of research planned at the proposed facilities, for which detailed information has not yet been provided, there are likely to be both hazardous and potentially hazardous materials stored and used on the site that will eventually require disposal. There are likely to be biological hazards, chemical hazards and risk of fire or explosion. There is also likely to be transportation of hazardous materials to and from the site, probably traveling along Highway 101 and East Grand Avenue. The risk of accidental upset and environmental contamination from routine transport, storage, use and disposal of hazardous and potentially hazardous materials to the public and environment is a potentially significant impact. Haz-Ia: Plan Review for Adherence to Fire and Safety Codes. Building space must be designed to handle the intended use, with sprinklers, alarms, vents, and secondary containment structures, where applicable. These systems must pass plan review through the City of South San Francisco Planning, Building and Fire Departments. Haz-Ib: Construction Inspection and Final Inspection Prior to Occupancy. During construction, the utilities including sprinkler systems shall pass pressure and flush tests to make sure they perform as designed. At the end of construction, occupancy shall not be allowed until a final inspection is made by the Fire Department for conformance of all building systems with the Fire Code and National Fire Protection Agency Requirements. The inspection shall include testing of sprinklers systems, alarm systems, ventilation and airflow systems, and secondary containment systems. The inspection shall include a review of the emergency evacuation plans. These plans shall be modified as deemed necessary. Haz-Ic: Hazardous Materials Business Plan Program. Businesses occupying the development must complete a Hazardous Materials Business Plan for the safe storage and use of chemicals. The Business Plan must include the type and quantity of hazardous materials, a site map showing storage locations of hazardous materials and where they may be used and transported from, risks of using these materials, material safety data sheets for each material, a spill prevention plan, an emergency response plan, employee training consistent with OSHA guidelines, and emergency contact information. Businesses qualify for the program if they store a hazardous material equal to or greater than the minimum reportable quantities. These quantities are 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids and 200 cubic feet (at standard temperature and pressure) for compressed gases. Exemptions include businesses selling only pre- packaged consumer goods; medical professionals who store oxygen, nitrogen, and/or nitrous oxide in quantities not more than 1,000 cubic feet for each material, and who store or use no other hazardous materials; or facilities that store no more than 55 gallons of a specific type of lubricating oil, and for which the total quantity of lubricating oil not exceed 275 gallons for all types of lubricating oil. These exemptions are not expected to apply to Class A Less than Significant PAGE 2-10 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures laboratory facilities. Businesses occupying and/or operating at the proposed development must submit a business plan prior to the start of operations, and must review and update the entire Business Plan at least once every two years, or within 30 days of any significant change, including without limitation, changes to emergency contact information, major increases or decreases in hazardous materials storage and/or changes in location of hazardous materials. Plans shall be submitted to the San Mateo County Environmental Health Business Plan Program, which may be contacted at (650) 363- 4305 for more information. The San Mateo County Environmental Health Department (SMCEHD) shall inspect the business at least once a year to make sure that the Business Plan is complete and accurate. Haz-Id: Hazardous Waste Generator Program. Applicable businesses shall register and comply with the hazardous waste generator program. The State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control authorized the SMCEHD to inspect and regulate non- permitted hazardous waste generators in San Mateo County based on the Hazardous Waste Control Law found in the California Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.5 and regulations found in the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4.5. Regulations require businesses generating any amount of hazardous waste as defined by regulation to properly store, manage and dispose of such waste. Division staff also conducts surveillance and enforcement activities in conjunction with the County District Attorney's Office for businesses or individuals that significantly violate the above referenced law and regulations. Haz-Ie: Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations. All transportation of hazardous materials and hazardous waste to and from the site will be in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, US Department of Transportation (DOT), State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and local laws, ordinances and procedures including placards, signs and other identifying information. Implementation of the above mitigation measures would reduce the impact of routine transportation, use or disposal of hazardous materials to a level of less than significant through compliance with existing regulations, plans and programs as discussed specifically in mitigation measures Haz-l a through Haz-l e that act to ensure adequate safety levels are reached and maintained throughout the life of the proj ect. Resulting Level of Significan ce 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Impact Haz-2: Accidental Hazardous Materials Release. During demolition operations hazardous materials could be released from structures at the site or from the underlying soils. Following construction, operations at the proposed facilities are expected to represent a continuing threat to the environment through accidental release of hazardous materials since the site is proposed to include Class A laboratory facilities, where hazardous materials may be stored, used, and disposed of. This represents a potentially significant impact. Recommended Mitigation Measures Haz-2a: Demolition Plan and Permitting. A demolition plan with permit applications shall be submitted to the City of South San Francisco Building Department for approval prior to demolition. The Demolition Plan for safe demolition of existing structures shall include asbestos dust control and incorporate recommendations from the site surveys for the presence of potentially hazardous building materials, as well as additional surveys when required by the City. The Demolition Plan shall address both on-site Worker Protection and off-site resident protection from both chemical and physical hazards. All contaminated building materials shall be tested for contaminant concentrations and shall be disposed of to appropriate licensed landfill facilities. Prior to building demolition, hazardous building materials such as peeling, chipping and friable lead based paint and asbestos containing building materials shall be removed in accordance with all applicable guidelines, laws, and ordinances. The Demolition Plan shall include a program of air monitoring for dust particulates and attached contaminants. Dust control and suspension of work during dry windy days shall be addressed in the plan. Prior to obtaining a demolition permit from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), an asbestos demolition survey shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 2. Haz-2b: California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CaIARP). Future businesses at the development shall check the state and federal lists of regulated substances available from the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department (SMCEHD). Chemicals on the list are chemicals that pose a major threat to public health and safety or the environment because they are highly toxic, flammable or explosive. Businesses shall determine which list to use in consultation with the SMCEHD. Should businesses qualify for the program they shall complete a CalARP registration form and submit it to Environmental Health. Following registration, they shall submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP). RMPs are designed to handle accidental releases and ensure that businesses have the proper information to provide to emergency response teams if an accidental release occurs. All businesses that store or handle more than a threshold quantity (TQ) of a regulated substance must develop a RMP and follow it. Risk Management Plans describe impacts to public health and the environment if a regulated substance is released near schools, residential areas, hospitals and Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant PAGE 2-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce childcare facilities. RMPs must include procedures for: keeping employees and customers safe, handling regulated substances, training staff, maintaining equipment, checking that substances are stored safely, and responding to an accidental release. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce the Proj ect' s impact to a level of less than significant. Impact Haz-3: Exposure to contaminated soil and groundwater. During demolition and construction, workers could be exposed to contaminated soil and groundwater. Following site development, future maintenance work is also likely to penetrate into the subsurface where contamination remains. Soil and groundwater disturbance presents an exposure hazard to workers and trespassers. Disturbance of the subsurface also increases the potential for contamination to spread through surface water runoff, creation of seepage pathways, and through wind blown dust. These impacts are potentially significant. Haz-3a: San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Closure of Existing Facilities. Any businesses on the site that are currently registered in the hazardous materials business plan program shall submit a closure work plan in accordance with the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Business Closure Policy prior to vacating the property. The closure plan shall detail any necessary sampling and remediation. Closure will not be granted until businesses have demonstrated there is no need for further remediation, and shall include documentation of the removal of any hazardous chemicals. Haz-3b: Development and Implementation of Site Management Plans. The Site Management Plan shall build upon the existing draft Site Management Plan and shall address the exposure risk to people and the environment resulting from future demolition, construction, occupancy, and maintenance activities on the property. The plan shall be in accordance with recommendations of the Environmental Consultant, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Toxic Substances Control, the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Groundwater Protection Program and the City of South San Francisco Public Works Department. In accordance with DTSC recommendations from review of the Draft Site Management Plan there should be two separate plans: (1) ongoing Operations and Maintenance Activities, and (2) a specific plan addressing the future proposed site development based on actual proposed grading, excavation and construction. The plans are required to be more specific than the draft plan. Specific mitigation measures designed to protect human health and the environment shall be provided in the plan. At a minimum, the plan shall include the following: 1) Requirements for site specific Health and Safety Plans (HASP) shall be prepared in accordance with OSHA regulations by all contractors at the project site. This includes a HASP for all demolition, grading and excavation on the site, as well as for future subsurface maintenance work. The HASP shall include appropriate training, any required Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-13 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures personal protective equipment, and monitoring of contaminants to determine exposure. The HASP will be reviewed and approved by a Certified Industrial Hygienist. The plan shall also designate provisions to limit worker entry and exposure and shall show locations and type of protective fencing to prevent public exposure to any hazards during demolition, site grading, and construction activities. 2) Standards for treatment of soil excavated from beneath the soil cap shall be established. Due to the extent and depth of foundation and utility excavations, a significant volume of contaminated soils are likely to be generated during construction, and to a lesser extent during future maintenance work. These soils must be characterized for reuse above the future cap, reburial, or disposal off-site. Only soil with contaminant levels below the DTSC California Human Health Screening Levels and R WQCB Environmental Screening Levels for Commercial sites shall be allowed for reuse above the future cap. All other soil must be either re- capped or disposed of off-site. To avoid the spread of contamination, on-site soils excavated from below the cap shall be segregated from any imported clean fill. Soils shall be placed on a plastic tarp, covered and bermed to reduce the risk from windblown dust or surface water runoff spreading contamination. Then soil must be tested to determine the levels of remaining contamination and suitability for re-use. Contaminated soils unable to be re-buried under at least one-foot of clean soil must be off-hauled and disposed of by a licensed hazardous materials contractor under the proper manifesting documents. A report shall document the volume, concentration and nature of contaminants in the off-hauled material. 3) Requirements for site-specific construction techniques that would minimize exposure to any subsurface contamination shall be developed. This shall include treatment and disposal measures for any contaminated groundwater removed from excavations, trenches, and dewatering systems in accordance with local and Regional Water Quality Control Board guidelines. Groundwater encountered in trenches and other excavations shall not be discharged into the neighboring storm drain, but into a closed containment facility, unless proven to have concentrations of contaminants below established regulatory guidelines. Contaminated groundwater will be required to be stored in Baker tanks until tested. If testing determines that the water can be discharged into the sanitary sewer system, then the applicant must Resulting Level of Significan ce PAGE 2-14 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures acquire a ground water discharge permit from the City of South San Francisco Sanitary Sewer District and meet local discharge limits before being allowed to discharge into the sanitary sewer. Water must be analyzed for the chemicals of concern at the site, which include metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and cyanide. 4) General sampling and testing plan for excavated soils shall determine suitability for reuse or acceptability for disposal at a state licensed landfill facility. Testing shall include the California Title 22 Hazardous Metals (CAM 17 metals), TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, and TPH as motor oil. Soils excavated in the area identified as containing cyanide shall also be tested for cyanide contamination. Testing results shall be compared to DTSC California Human Health Screening Levels and RWQCB Environmental Screening Levels to determine suitability to remain on-site as engineered fill or landscape fill. Any soils determined to exceed the CHHSLs and ESLs for Commercial sites shall be deemed as unsuitable for re-use as fill above the future cap. 5) Replacement of the soil cap shall be performed. Following foundation and utility work the clean soil cap shall be restored with at least one-foot of clean soil fill. 6) Future subsurface work plan. The plan shall document procedures for future subsurface landscaping work, utility maintenance, etc., with proper DTSC notification, where applicable. The plan shall include a general health and safety plan for each expected type of work, with appropriate personal protective equipment, where applicable. 7) Future cap maintenance plan. The plan shall include an inspection schedule and procedures for repairing the soil cap. A report on the condition of the soil cap and documenting all repairs shall be submitted periodically to the DTSC. Implementation of mitigation measures Haz-3a and Haz-3b would reduce the impact from exposure of Construction Workers to contaminated soils and groundwater to a level of less than significant. 1m pact Haz-4: Contaminated Dust. The Early Years Children's Center is located at 371 Allerton Avenue, approximately one-quarter mile eastward and downwind of the northeast corner of the property. During grading, contaminated soils that are currently buried would be disturbed. Disturbed soils could be mobilized by movement of heavy equipment and the wind, resulting in potential dispersal of Haz-4: Demolition and Construction Air Quality Control. Following closure of businesses, a demolition plan with permit applications shall be submitted to the City of South San Francisco Building Department for approval prior to demolition. The Demolition Plan shall address both on-site Worker Protection and off-site resident protection from both chemical and physical hazards. Building materials shall be tested for chemicals of concern and unless Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-15 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts contamination. Dispersed contaminants, of which the most probable is lead, could be inhaled, ingested or adsorbed and present a potential health hazard. Dispersal of contaminated dust during demolition and grading would be a potentially significant impact. 1m pact Haz-5: Future Emissions Near Schools. Since the proposed development includes research laboratory facilities, it is likely that hazardous chemicals will be stored and used on the property. In certain circumstances these chemicals could spill, mix, ignite, or volatilize and cause a hazardous emission near the childcare center, which would be a potentially significant impact. Recommended Mitigation Measures recycled shall be disposed to appropriate licensed landfill facilities. Prior to building demolition, any hazardous building materials such as peeling, chipping and friable lead based paint or asbestos containing building materials shall be removed in accordance with all applicable guidelines, laws, and ordinances. Both the Demolition and Grading Plans submitted to the City for approval shall include a program of air monitoring for dust particulates and attached contaminants. This shall be in accordance with BAAQMD requirements and all other applicable standards. Dust control and suspension of work during dry windy days shall be addressed in the plans. The Plan shall include details of site watering, covering of exposed stockpiles, and security fencing to prevent trespassers during demolition and construction. During demolition and construction, the site shall be inspected regularly to ensure compliance with the approved plan. Materials determined or even suspected of being hazardous waste shall be off-hauled by a hazardous materials contractor to an appropriately licensed landfill facility in closed vehicles. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce the impact to the school from possible contaminated dust to a level of less than significant. Haz-5: Future Building Com pliance with Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards. Each independent R&D facility operating on the property shall obtain necessary permits and comply with monitoring and inspection requirements of the BAAQMD. Future operations shall comply with all local, state and federal requirements for emissions. Each facility shall also meet OSHA and California OSHA standards for R&D facilities. This includes plan review by the City of South San Francisco to examine if the proposed development plans meet the same standards as for other similar facilities. Engineering controls, such as exhaust hoods, filtration systems, spill kits, fire extinguishers, and other controls, shall be incorporated into laboratory facilities to meet OSHA and California OSHA requirements. These standards are primarily designed to maintain worker safety, but also function to reduce the risk of accidental upset and limit potential hazardous emissions. Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact to the school from possible hazardous emissions to a level of less than significant. Resulting Level of Significan ce PAGE 2-16 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce 1m pact Haz-6a: Handling of laboratory wastes within one-quarter mile of a school. The Early Years Children's Center is located at 371 Allerton Avenue, approximately one- quarter mile east of the site. Since the proposed development includes research lab facilities it is possible that hazardous chemicals or biological hazards would be present and handled in close proximity to the childcare facility. This represents a potentially significant impact. Impact Haz-6b: Handling of demolition waste and contaminated soils within one quarter mile of a school. During demolition, potentially hazardous waste would be generated and require disposal. During grading and construction, contaminated site soils would be disturbed and require handling and possible disposal unless reused and buried under a clean cap. This also presents a potentially significant impact. Haz-6a: Regulation of hazardous materials in accordance with the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Programs. Registration and regulation in the Hazardous Materials Business Plan Program, Hazardous Waste Generator Plan Program, and California Accidental Release Program in accordance with mitigation measures Haz- lc, Haz-ld and Haz-2b identified in this chapter, for risk of accidental upset and for routine transport, disposal, and use of hazardous wastes, would significantly reduce the risk to occupants of the nearby childcare facility. Mitigation Measure Haz-4a above also helps reduce this impact to a less than significant level. Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact to the school from nearby handling of hazardous materials to a level of less than significant. Less than Significant Impact Hydro-I: No Treatment of Parking Garage Runoff. Development of the proposed Project would contribute to the levels ofNPS pollutants and litter entering downstream waters, including the San Francisco Bay. An increase in NPS pollutants could have adverse effects on wildlife, vegetation, and human health. NPS pollutants also have the potential to infiltrate into groundwater and degrade the quality of groundwater drinking sources. No water quality BMPs have been proposed for the Parking Garage. Parking areas represent a source of suspended solids, petroleum hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. The maj ority of the Proj ect designs will reduce non-point source pollution, but the lack of treatment of parking lot runoff represent a potentially significant impact. Hydro-I: Implement Water Quality BMPs for Stormwater Runoff from the Parking Garage. The Project applicant shall implement storm water quality BMPs for treatment of runoff from the Parking Garage. Possible BMPs include drop inlet filtration devices such as the Vortex Separator Units or Stormceptors described in Mitigation Measure Hydro- 1. Any storm water quality BMPs implemented at the site must be approved by the City's Public Works Department. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce impacts to a level of less than significant. Less than Significant Impact Hydro-2: Site Soil and Groundwater Elevations May Be Unsuitable for Vegetated Swales. Appropriate evaluation of site conditions is critical to the effectiveness of vegetated swales. The site history of soil contamination and the required maintenance of an existing of a I-foot clean fill soil cap impose restriction on the depth of vegetated swales that can be constructed. Additionally, groundwater conditions in the Proj ect area can be as high as 2 to 3 feet below ground surface during winter months. If vegetated swales are to a depth that is at or near the I-foot soil cap, shallow depth to groundwater could cause underlying soils to Hydro-2: Evaluate Project Site Fill Elevations for Feasibility of Vegetated Swales as Water Quality BMP. The use of swales at the Proj ect site may be limited by several factors, including fill elevations, soil characteristics, distance to groundwater, and proposed land uses. The feasibility of vegetated swale BMPs at the Project shall be evaluated as follows: 1) Groundwater levels at the invert of the swales shall be reevaluated. The Project applicant shall ascertain that the distance from the proposed trench inverts to groundwater is a sufficient distance to prevent groundwater to surface water contamination. Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-17 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts become saturated and allow groundwater to surface water contamination. Vegetated swales are not considered suitable for sites that use or store chemicals or hazardous materials unless hazardous and toxic materials are prevented from entering the swales. The maj ority of the Proj ect designs will reduce non-point source pollution, but the vegetated bioswale depths represent a potentially significant impact. Impact Hydro-3: Potential Contamination of Local Groundwater. The Project site is located within a groundwater basin as defined by the D WR. The potential for groundwater contamination from infiltration BMPs must be carefully considered, especially in areas where the distance between groundwater and the swale invert is small or where groundwater is or could potentially be used for human consumption or agricultural purposes. The infiltration of industrial and parking lot pollutants into shallow groundwater could potentially impair the quality of local groundwater sources. This represents a potentially significant impact. Recommended Mitigation Measures 2) Soil parameters, such as the amount of silt and clay shall be examined. Soils below swales shall have a clay content sufficient to prevent groundwater to surface water contamination. Proposed land uses and grading shall be examined to determine whether infiltration BMPs are suitable. Infiltration BMPs shall be considered not suitable for sites that use or store chemicals or hazardous materials unless hazardous and toxic materials are isolated such that they are not able to enter the swale and/or if the site elevations result in swales that could impact water quality. Installation of a clay or geotextile barrier beneath swale areas may be used to prevent infiltration to groundwater or contaminated soil depths. If site constraints preclude the use of vegetated swales at the Proj ect site, other BMPs that do not allow interaction with groundwater and contaminated soils shall be used. Possible alternatives for storm water treatment include vault based media filters, storm drain inlet filters, strainer baskets, sediment/debris catch baskets, geotextile filter bags, composite filter medium, and mechanical swirl treatment units if used in a sequence or "train" with other devices. Use of several of these alternative methods of sediment and hydrocarbon filtration and removal devices in a treatment sequence will be required. Any storm water quality BMPs to be implemented at the site must be approved by the City's Public Works Department. The use of effective BMPs at the Project site would reduce impacts on groundwater and surface water quality to a level of less than significant. Hydro-3: Preparation and Implementation of Project SWPPP. Pursuant to NPDES requirements, the applicant shall develop a SWPPP to protect water quality during and after construction. The Project SWPPP shall include, but is not limited, to the following mitigation measures for the construction period: 1) Grading and earthwork shall be prohibited during the wet season (October 15 through April 15) and such work shall be stopped before pending storm events. 2) Erosion control/soil stabilization techniques such as straw mulching, erosion control blankets, erosion control matting, and hydro-seeding, shall be utilized in accordance with the regulations outlined in the Association of Bay Area Governments "Erosion & Sediment Control Measures" manual. Silt fences shall be installed down slope of all graded slopes. Hay bales shall Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant PAGE 2-18 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce be installed in the flow path of graded areas receiving concentrated flows and around storm drain inlets. 3) BMPs shall be used for preventing the discharge or other construction-related NPDES pollutants beside sediment (i.e. paint, concrete, etc) to downstream waters. 4) After construction is completed, all drainage facilities shall be inspected for accumulated sediment and these drainage structures shall be cleared of debris and sediment. Long-term mitigation measures to be included in the Project SWPPP shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 5) Description of potential sources of erosion and sediment at the Project site. Industrial activities and significant materials and chemicals that could be used at the proposed Proj ect site should be described. This will include a thorough assessment of existing and potential pollutant sources. 6) Identification of BMPs to be implemented at the Proj ect site based on identified industrial activities and potential pollutant sources. Emphasis shall be placed on source control BMPs, with treatment controls used as needed. 7) Development of a monitoring and implementation plan. Maintenance requirements and frequency shall be carefully described including vector control, clearing of clogged or obstructed inlet or outlet structures, vegetation/landscape maintenance, replacement of media filters, regular sweeping of parking lots and other paced areas, etc. Wastes removed from BMPs may be hazardous, therefore, maintenance costs should be budgeted to include disposal at a proper site. 8) The monitoring and maintenance program shall be conducted at the frequency agreed upon by the RWQCB and/or City of South San Francisco. Monitoring and maintenance shall be recorded and submitted annually to the SWRCB. The SWPPP shall be adjusted, as necessary, to address any inadequacies of the BMPs. 9) The applicant shall prepare informational literature and guidance on industrial and commercial BMPs to minimize pollutant contributions from the proposed development. This information shall be distributed to all employees at the Project site. At a minimum, the information shall cover: a) proper disposal of commercial cleaning chemicals; b) proper use of landscaping chemicals; c) clean-up and appropriate disposal of hazardous materials and 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-19 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts 1m pact Hydro-4: Erosion or siltation on- or off-site. Construction of the proposed Proj ect would involve demolition of existing structural foundations and pavement areas that currently help to stabilize site soils. Although no cut/fill estimates were available for review, significant site grading is expected to occur. Construction operations associated with the Project would present a threat of soil erosion from soil disturbance by subjecting unprotected bare soil areas to the erosional forces of runoff. Additionally, new onsite stormdrains may require excavation of the soil cap and potentially, the soil below. Impact Noise-2: Construction Related Noise. Project construction would result in temporary short-term noise increases due to the operation of heavy equipment. This would be a potentially significant impact associated with Proj ect development. Construction noise sources range from about 82 to 90 dBA at 25 feet for most types of construction equipment, and slightly higher levels of about 94 to 97 dBA at 25 feet for certain types of earthmoving and impact equipment. Recommended Mitigation Measures chemicals; and d) prohibition of any washing and dumping of materials and chemicals into storm drains. Preparation and implementation of a SWPPP at the Project site would reduce impacts on potential contamination of local groundwater to a level of less than significant. Hydro-4: Compliance with NPDES Requirements. The Project applicant will be required to comply with all Phase I NPDES General Construction Activities permit requirements established by the CW A and the Grading Permit requirements of the City of South San Francisco. Erosion control measures to be implemented during construction would be included in the Project SWPPP. The Project SWPPP will accompany the NOI filing and will outline erosion control and storm water quality management measures to be implemented during and following construction. The SWPPP will also provide the schedule for monitoring performance. Refer to Mitigation Measure Hydro 3- for more information regarding the Project SWPPP. Implementation of Phase I NPDES General Construction Activities permit requirements would reduce construction-related impacts associated with erosion and/or siltation to less than significant. Following Project development, soil and sediment in runoff would be treated by storm water quality BMPs. Refer to Mitigation Measure Hydro-3 for more information regarding water quality BMPs at the Project site. With the implementation of these mitigation measures, post-development impacts associated with erosion and siltation are considered less than significant. Noise-2: Noise Abatement. The project applicant shall require by contract specification that construction best management practices be implemented by contractors to reduce construction noise levels to the 90-dBA at 25 feet noise limit specified in the City Noise Ordinance including: · Ensuring that construction equipment is properly muffled according to industry standards, · Implementing noise attenuation measures which may include but are not limited to noise barriers or noise blankets. · Requiring heavily loaded trucks used during construction to be routed away from noise and vibration sensitive uses. This would reduce construction-related noise impacts Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant Less than Significant PAGE 2-20 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce could be reduced to a level of less than significant. Impact Traf-l: Project Trip Generation Exceeds 100 Trips During Peak Hours. The proj ect would generate more than 100 net new trips during the AM and PM peak hours (397 two-way (inbound + outbound) trips during the AM peak hour and 383 two-way trips during the PM peak hour (see Table 11). The San Mateo City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) Agency Guidelines for the implementation of the 2003 Draft Congestion Management Program ("C/CAG Guidelines") specifies that local jurisdictions must ensure that the developer and/or tenants will mitigate all new peak hour trips (including the first 100 trips) projected to be generated by the development. This would be a significant impact. Traf-l: Transportation Demand Management Program. The project sponsors shall implement a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program consistent with the City of South San Francisco Zoning Ordinance Chapter 20.120 Transportation Demand Management, and acceptable to C/CAG. These programs, once implemented, must be ongoing for the occupied life of the development. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Less than Significant 1m pact Traf-2: Site lines at East Grand Avenue Driveways. Sight lines at the Project Parcel A's only unsignalized intersection along East Grand Avenue where left turns are allowed (the most easterly driveway) would be 600+ feet to the west (through the project's signalized entrance intersection) and 600+ feet to the east (through the Littlefield intersection 400 feet to the east). Minimum stopping sight distance for a vehicle speed of 40 miles per hour (five miles greater than the posted speed limit) would be 305 feet. Therefore, sight lines are acceptable at this location assuming low traffic volumes on East Grand Avenue. However, during peak commute periods, eastbound traffic may back up from the Littlefield signal and begin to obstruct the ability of drivers turning left from the site to see westbound traffic on East Grand Avenue. Also, any westbound vehicle or vehicles waiting to turn left into the proj ect site could also block sight lines of drivers existing the proj ect site attempting to see westbound traffic. This would be a significant safety concern. Traf-2: Project Access Safety Improvements. Prohibit left turns from the project's easterly driveway along East Grand Avenue. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Less than Significant 1m pact Traf-6: Internal Pedestrian Circulation. Internal walkways are shown on the site plan connecting all new buildings (Buildings A, B and C), the parking garage, and existing building near Harbor Way. However, there are no walkway connections shown to East Grand Avenue or to the existing complex of buildings nearest East Grand Avenue that are Traf-6: Sidewalks and Crosswalks. Provide sidewalks (and crosswalks) connecting proj ect buildings with East Grand Avenue as well as to all existing buildings on Parcel A to remain. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-21 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts to remain. This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-8: Grade Crossing Approaches Missing Signing and Pavement Striping. The State Public Utilities Commission (September 26, 2006 letter to City of South San Francisco) has noted in a recent inspection that the East Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection grade crossing is not up to minimum standards on one or more approaches for required advanced warning signing and pavement striping (i.e. R15-l and W -10-1 signs as well as RxR pavement striping). This results in an existing safety concern that would be aggravated by the addition of proj ect traffic. This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-9: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). · Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 2.6 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case operation. This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-IO: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). · E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 4.8 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS E Base Case operation and would degrade operation to LOS F. Recommended Mitigation Measures Traf-8: Impacts to Grade Crossing Approach Signing & Pavement Striping. The project shall provide all needed signs and pavement markings on the approaches to the East Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection "at grade railroad crossing" to meet minimum State Public Utilities Commission requirements as detailed in the 2003 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Services by the Federal Highway Commission. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Traf-9: Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue. (see Table 11-15 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project- specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the proj ect' s traffic impact fee contribution to this program: 1. Reconfigure the eastbound Grand Avenue approach from one exclusive right turn lane and one shared through/left turn lane to provide an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane. 2. Reconfigure the southbound Airport Boulevard approach from one right, one through, a shared through/left and an exclusive left turn lane to provide two exclusive left turn lanes, one through lane and a shared through/right turn lane. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Proj ect Operation: AM Peak Hour: LOS D-46.8 seconds control delay PM Peak Hour: LOS D-47.8 seconds control delay Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Traf-IO: E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way. (see Table 11-15 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. 1. Widen the southbound Forbes Boulevard approach from one left, one combined through/right and one right turn lane to provide Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant PAGE 2-22 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce PM Peak Hour: The project would increase volumes by 5.0 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. This would be a significant impact. one left, one through and two exclusive right turn lanes. 2. Widen the eastbound East Grand approach to provide an exclusive right turn lane. 3. Restripe the northbound Harbor Way approach from one left, one combined through/left and one right turn lane to provide one left, one through and one right turn lane. 4. Adjust north-south (Harbor Way-Forbes Boulevard) signal timing from split phase operation to protected left turn phasing + north and southbound right turn overlap phasing. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Project Signalized Operation: AM Peak Hour: LOS E-72.8 seconds control delay (which would be better than Base Case LOS E-79.0 seconds control delay operation) PM Peak Hour: LOS F -96.7 seconds control delay (which would be better than Base Case LOS F -146 seconds control delay operation) Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Impact Traf-ll: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). · Airport Boulevard I San Mateo Avenue I Produce Avenue PM Peak Hour: The project would increase volumes by 2.6 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. This would be a significant impact. Traf-ll: Airport Boulevard I San Mateo Avenue IProduce Avenue. (see Table 11-15 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. 1. Restripe the westbound Airport approach from one left, one combined through/left, one through and one right turn lane to provide two left turn lanes, a combined through/left turn lane and an exclusive right turn lane. 2. Reconfigure the Produce Avenue intersection leg to provide a third southbound departure lane. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Project Signalized Operation: PM Peak Hour: LOS D-45.l seconds control delay Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Less than Significant 1m pact Traf-12: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). · Gateway Boulevard I S. Airport Boulevard I Traf-12: Gateway Boulevard I S. Airport Boulevard I Mitchell Avenue. (see Table 11-15 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-23 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Mitchell Avenue PM Peak Hour: The project would increase volumes by 3.4 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-14: 95th Percentile Vehicle Queuing - Traffix software evaluation. The following off-ramp/approach to an adjacent intersection leading away from an off-ramp would receive a significant queuing impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-11). . E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue Overcrossing This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-15: 95th Percentile Vehicle Queuing - SYNCHRO software evaluation. The following approach to an adjacent intersection leading away from an off-ramp would receive a significant queuing impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-11). Recommended Mitigation Measures and will be funded via the proj ect' s traffic impact fee contribution to this program. 1. Widen the southbound Gateway Boulevard approach to provide a second exclusive right turn lane. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Project Signalized Operation: PM Peak Hour: LOS D-50.7 seconds control delay Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Traf-14: Improvements for Vehicle Queuing. (see Figure 11-14) The following improvements would partially mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue Overcrossing 1. Widen the east/northbound East Grand Avenue approach to Grand Avenue Overcrossing to provide a second exclusive right turn lane. This lane should extend at least 250 feet and ideally the entire distance back to the U. S.l 0 1 Northbound Off-Ramp/Executive Drive intersection. Today, the left and right turn lanes on the East Grand Avenue approach to Grand Avenue Overcrossing extend the entire distance from the off-ramp to Grand Avenue Overcrossing. By 2015, the left turn lane will have a 95th percentile queue extending no more than 200 feet during the AM peak hour and 500 feet during the PM peak hour. Rather than extending one left turn and two right turn lanes the entire length between the off-ramp and Grand Avenue Overcrossing, the City may wish to provide two lanes leaving the off-ramp (as exists today), which will then widen to three lanes at least 400 feet from the Grand Avenue Overcrossing intersection. The center lane should be striped for both left and right turns, which will allow the approach to adequately serve the heavy right turn movement in the morning and the heavier left turn movement in the evening. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Traf-15: Improvements for Vehicle Queuing. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program.: Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant Less than Significant PAGE 2-24 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 7.6 percent in the left turn lane on the southbound Airport Boulevard approach to Grand Avenue at a location with unacceptable Base Case 95th percentile queuing. The 95th percentile vehicle queue would be extended from 725 up to about 760 feet in a location with only 320 feet of storage. This would be a significant impact. Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue 1. Reconfigure the eastbound Grand Avenue approach from one exclusive right turn lane and one shared through/left turn lane to provide an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane 2. Reconfigure the southbound Airport Boulevard approach from one right, one through, a shared through/left and an exclusive left turn lane to provide two exclusive left turn lanes, one through lane and a shared through/right turn lane. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Impact Traf-16: Off-Ramp Queuing To Freeway Mainline During Peak Traffic Hours - 81M traffic evaluation. The following off-ramps would receive a significant impact with backups extending to the freeway mainline sometime during one or both peak hours due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes. . U.S.lOl Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue/Executive Drive Intersection AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 2.5 percent at a location with year 2015 Base Case off-ramp traffic occasionally backing up to the freeway mainline. This would be a significant impact. Traf-16: Improvements for Off-Ramp Queuing. (see Figure 11-14) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: . U.S.lOl Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand A venue/Executive Drive Intersection 1. Provide a fair share contribution to providing a second off-ramp lane extending back to the freeway mainline. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Less than Significant Impact Traf-17: Off-Ramp Queuing To Freeway Mainline During Peak Traffic Hours - 81M Traffic evaluation. The following off-ramp would receive a significant impact with backups extending to the freeway mainline sometime during one or both peak hours due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes. U.S.lOl Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue Intersection AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 5.0 percent at a location with year 2015 Base Case off-ramp traffic occasionally backing up to the freeway mainline. This would be a significant impact. Traf-17: Improvements for Vehicle Queuing. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program.: U.S.lOl Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue Intersection 1. Provide improvements to the Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue intersection as listed under Mitigation Measure 2. 2. Provide an exclusive right turn lane on the southbound Airport Boulevard approach to Miller Avenue. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Less than Significant Impact Traf-18: Off-Ramp Operation At Mainline Diverge. The following off-ramp Traf-18: Improvements for Off-Ramp Operation. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following Less than 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-25 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts diverge locations from the U. S.l 0 1 freeway mainline would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-6). . U.S.lOl Northbound Off-Ramp to S. Airport Boulevard / W ondercolor Lane Intersection This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-19: Off-Ramp Operation At Mainline Diverge. The following off-ramp diverge location from the U.S.lOl freeway mainline would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-6). U.S.lOl Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase off- ramp volumes by 2.5 percent (from 2,019 up to 2,069 vehicles) with Base Case volumes already exceeding 1,500 vehicles per hour. This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-20: On-Ramp Operation. The analysis concluded that one on-ramp to the U.S.lOl freeway would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-7). U.S.lOl Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard PM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by more than one percent (1.5%, from 2,302 up to 2,337 vehicles) with Base Case volumes already exceeding 2,200 vehicles per hour. This would be a significant impact. Impact Util-l: Increased Wastewater Flows. According to City of South San Francisco design wastewater flow estimates, the Proj ect would contribute 184,600 gpd of sewage and industrial wastewater to the City's sanitary sewer system, which amounts to an increase of approximately 39 percent as compared with the existing building square footage on the site. The Recommended Mitigation Measures improvements would mitigate project-specific impacts. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: U.S.lOl Northbound Off-Ramp to S. Airport Boulevard / W ondercolor Lane Intersection 1. Provide a fair share contribution towards a second off-ramp lane connection to the U.S.lOl freeway mainline. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Traf-19: Improvements for Off-Ramp Operation. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. U.S.lOl Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection 1. Provide a fair share contribution towards a second off-ramp lane connection to the U.S.lOl freeway mainline. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Traf-20: Improvements for On-Ramp Operation (see Figure 14 in Appendix D). The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. U.S.lOl Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard 1. Provide a fair share contribution towards a second on-ramp lane. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Util-Ia: Sanitary Sewer Fees. The City of South San Francisco is currently upgrading its sanitary sewer facilities to handle increased flows from new development. In order to recover the costs of these upgrades, the City charges new development a flat- rate sewer connection fee and a monthly impact fee. The amount of the impact fee is based on the quantity ( flow) of wastewater generated. The occupants of the Resulting Level of Significan ce Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant PAGE 2-26 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Project does not include conservation or recycling technologies that would lessen its wastewater flows to the municipal system. This is a potentially significant impact. proposed project development shall pay the sanitary sewer fees imposed by the City of South San Francisco in order to mitigate the cost of the sewer system upgrades necessary to manage the wastewater flows generated by the Proj ect. Util-Ib: Wastewater Recycling. The proposed Proj ect development is intended for office/Research and Development uses. However, a particular occupant or occupants for the Proj ect site have not yet been identified. Depending on the laboratory practices of the future occupants, it may be possible to recycle process and/or clean-up water at the Project site. The occupants of the proposed Project development shall evaluate the potential for on-site wastewater recycling and shall implement feasible wastewater recycling methods. The implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of the Project's wastewater flows to a level of less than significant. Resulting Level of Significan ce 1m pact Vis-I: Scenic Vista. Areas from which No mitigation required views of San Bruno Mountains-a prominent visual landmark in South San Francisco-may be adversely affected are not designated scenic vistas, nor are they places where people might be expected to gather in order to view the San Bruno Mountains, therefore, the Project would have a less-than-significant impact on scenic vistas with no mitigation warranted. Impact Vis-2: Light and Glare. The many No mitigation required windows and outdoor lights associated with increased development intensity on the Proj ect site could potentially be substantial sources of day and nighttime glare. However, the Project proposes use of materials and lighting that would reduce the amount of glare to a less- than-significant level. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Impact Air-2: Carbon Monoxide. Mobile No mitigation required emissions generated by proj ect traffic would increase carbon monoxide concentrations at intersections in the proj ect vicinity. However, these increases would be below significance thresholds of the Air Quality Management Less than Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-27 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts District so would be considered a less-than- significant impact. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Impact Air-4: Future Emissions Near Sensitive Receptors. The Project could include laboratory facilities or stationary equipment (e.g., standby emergency generators) that emit air pollution. These sources could emit small amounts of toxic air contaminants with the potential to affect sensitive receptors, such as the childcare facility at 371 Allerton Avenue. This impact, however, would be reduced to a less-than-significant level with standard BAAQMD permitting requirements and mitigation measures Haz-4a and Haz-4b identified in this EIR. Impact Air-5: Construction-Related Diesel Odors. During construction, the various diesel- powered vehicles and equipment in use on the site would create odors. These odors would be temporary and not likely to be noticeable much beyond the Project site's boundaries. As the potential for diesel odor impacts would not affect a substantial amount of people, this impact is less than significant and is further reduced by Measures to Reduce Construction Exhaust in mitigation measure Air-I. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Impact Air-6: Operational-Related Objectionable Odors. While it is not known at this time exactly what businesses will occupy the completed project, these businesses will be required to conform to applicable air quality regulations ensuring that any odors resulting from operations will remain at a less-than- significant level. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Impact Geo-l: Surface Fault Rupture. According to the latest available maps, the Project site is not contained within an Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone boundary. Published geologic maps of the area show the Hillside fault as lying 1,100 feet north of the site, but this fault is not considered active or potentially active, with an estimated age of most recent movement greater than 1.6 million years ago. The potential impact of surface fault rupture is considered less than significant. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Recommended Mitigation Measures No mitigation required. Issues of toxic air contaminants and hazardous emissions with relation to sensitive receptors are discussed in Chapter 7 of this document. Specifically, mitigation measures Haz-4a and Haz-4b would be applicable and reduce this impact to a less-than- significant level. No mitigation required No mitigation required No mitigation required Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant PAGE 2-28 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce 1m pact Geo-5: Expansive Soils. Expansive soils may be present in the soils underlying the site, but are not considered a hazard to construction. According to the Draft Site Management Plan prepared by GrafCon (October 2006), the site will be capped by a minimum one-foot soil cap, which may be composed of a structural fill material in areas of pavements and concrete slabs-on-grade. The presence of expansive soils is considered a less than significant impact with no mitigation required. No mitigation required Less than Significant Impact Geo-7: Cumulative Geology and Soils 1m pacts. Strong seismic ground shaking, liquefaction and densification during seismic ground shaking, underlying unstable soils and bay mud, and soil erosion during proj ect construction and post construction are common impacts to projects located in the vicinity. The proposed Project would be one of numerous sites anticipated to undergo development/redevelopment in the vicinity and would contribute to a cumulative increase in sites facing these impacts. However, the project-specific contribution would be reduced by identified project-specific mitigation measures to a less than significant level with no additional mitigation required. Mitigated by measures Geo-2a, Geo-2b, Geo-2c, Geo- 3a, Geo-3b, Geo-4, Geo-6a, No additional mitigation required Less than Significant 1m pact Haz-7: Airport Land Use Plan. The proposed Proj ect would be located within the jurisdiction of the Airport Land Use Plan for the San Francisco International Airport. According to the East of 101 Area Specific Plan (available online through the City of South San Francisco Planning Department website), the most stringent height limits in South San Francisco are south of Forbes Boulevard and Lindenville, including the project area. In this area Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 77, limits building heights to an elevation of 161 feet above mean sea level, approximately 12 to 14 stories. Since the tallest proposed buildings are 5 stories and the parking garage is 7 levels, no buildings would exceed 161 feet in height, therefore, the structures would be in compliance with the Airport Land Use Plan. The impact of the project on the Airport Land Use Plan is less than significant with no mitigation warranted. No mitigation required Less than Significant Impact Haz-8: Cumulative Hazardous Impacts. The proposed Project would be one of Mitigated by measures Haz-la, Haz-b, Haz-lc, Haz- ld, Haz-le, Haz-2a, Haz-2b, Haz-3a, Haz-3b, Haz-4, Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-29 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts numerous sites, some of which are also existing hazardous materials sites, that are anticipated to undergo development/redevelopment in the vicinity. The Proj ect would contribute to a cumulative increase in the number of sites handling hazardous materials, both in the vicinity in general as well as near a school, and would result in a cumulative increase in transportation, use, disposal, and potential for exposure to and/or accidental release of hazardous materials during both construction and operations. However, the cumulative impact is expected to be slight and identified project-specific mitigation measures would reduce this impact to a less than significant level with no additional mitigation required. Impact Hydro-5: Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. The Project site is not located in an area that would expose persons to inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. The site is nearly level and does not lie in close proximity to a large lake or the ocean. Although seismically induced waves are a possibility in the Bay, the site elevations are above those considered to be at risk for tsunami wave run-up. Consequently, this impact would be less-than-significant with no mitigation required. 1m pact Hydro-6: Cumulative 1m pacts on Hydrology and Water Quality. The increased construction activity and new development resulting from the Project, in conjunction with other foreseeable development in the city, would result in less than significant impacts on hydrology and water quality conditions with no additional mitigation measures necessary. Impact Noise-I: Permanent Noise Increases. Project-generated traffic noise and other operational noise sources such as HV AC equipment would not exceed noise standards and would not significantly increase ambient noise levels nor substantially impact noise- sensitive receptors. This would be a less-than- significant impact with no mitigation warranted. Impact Noise-3: Cumulative Noise Increases. The proposed Project, together with anticipated future development in the area could result in long-term traffic increases that could cumulatively increase noise levels. Recommended Mitigation Measures Haz-5, Haz-6. No additional mitigation required No mitigation required Mitigated by measures Hydro-I, Hydro-2, Hydro-3, Hydro-4. No additional mitigation required. No mitigation required Mitigated by measures Noise-2 and Traf-l. No additional mitigation required. Resulting Level of Significan ce Less than Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant Less than Significant PAGE 2-30 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce However, these increases are not anticipated to be noticeable in the context of existing ambient noise and the Project's impact on cumulative noise increases would be considered less-than- significant with no mitigation warranted. Impact Traf-3: Sight Lines at Harbor Way No mitigation required Driveways. Sight lines at both of project Parcel A's two unsignalized driveway intersections with Harbor Way would be more than 500+ feet to the north and 800+ feet to the south. Minimum stopping sight distance for a vehicle speed of 35 miles per hour (five miles greater than the posted sped limit) would be 250 feet. Therefore, sight lines are acceptable at these driveways. Less than Significant This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. 1m pact Traf-4: Queues in Left Turn Lanes No mitigation required on Approaches to Project Driveways. Left turns are allowed from East Grand Avenue into the proj ect site at two locations that have breaks in the raised median along the street: at the project's central driveway connection, which would remain signalized, and at the proj ect' s easterly driveway connection, which would remain unsignalized. The left turn pockets provided on the approaches to these intersections are 175 feet long (at the signal) and 125 feet long (at the easterly driveway), respectively. The 1 75-foot-Iong pocket can accommodate seven to eight vehicles, while the l25-foot-Iong pocket and accommodate five to six vehicles. Less than Significant This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. 1m pact Traf-5: Internal Vehicular Circulation. The internal circulation plan as shown on the 10/5/06 site plan by DES Architects/Engineers appears acceptable. Each project driveway would be channelized at least 50 feet internal to the site, with the main signalized entrance along East Grand Avenue being channelized at least 100 feet internal to the parking lot. In addition, all surface lot and garage parking aisles are shown to be 25 feet wide, which meets City code criteria and good traffic engineering practice. This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. No mitigation required Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-31 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce Impact Traf-7: On-Site Parking. A total of No mitigation required 2,793 spaces would be required based upon City code criteria, while a total of 2,742 on-site parking spaces would be provided on Parcels A and B combined (2,558 spaces on Parcel A and 184 spaces on Parcel B). This is 98.2 percent of code-required parking. Of the 2,558 spaces 1,134 spaces would be provided in a new multistory parking garage, with the remaining 1,424 spaces surface parking. The City of South San Francisco promotes reduction in parking from City zoning standards as a way to support trip reduction goals required per the City's TDM ordinance and supported by various policies in the General Plan (G.P. Policies 4.3- 1-8, 11 and 12). Less than Significant This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. Impact Traf-13: Intersection Signalization No mitigation required. Needs. The analysis concluded that no unsignalized intersections would receive a significant signal warrant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes or that project traffic would not increase volumes by more than two percent at the one nearby intersection (East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue) where Base Case volumes would already be exceeding peak hour signal warrant criteria levels (see Table 11-3). This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. Less than Significant Impact Util-2: Increased in Demand for No mitigation required Utilities. The Project would lead to an increase in demand for utilities such as potable water and sewer capacity. However, the new demand can be accommodated with existing facilities or planned upgrades. The Project would have a less-than-significant impact on utility services and infrastructure with no mitigation warranted. Less than Significant Impact Util-3: Solid Waste Disposal. The No mitigation required landfill would be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs, and would not require or result in construction of landfill facilities or expansion of existing facilities nor would it impede the ability of the City to meet the applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. The Project would have a less-than- significant impact with no mitigation Less than Significant PAGE 2-32 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 2: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND IMPACT OVERVIEW Potential Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Resulting Level of Significan ce warranted. Impact Util-4: Increased Energy Consumption. The Project would have an incremental increase in the demand for gas and electrical power given the increase in development on the project site. However, the Proj ect is expected to be served with existing capacity and would not require or result in construction of new energy facilities or expansion of existing off-site facilities and would not violate applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations relating to energy standards. The Proj ect would have a less-than- significant impact relating to energy consumption with no mitigation warranted. No mitigation required Less than Significant Impact Util-5: Cumulative Demand for Utilities and Service Systems. The increased development resulting from the proposed Project, in conjunction with other foreseeable development in the area, would not result in cumulative impacts on utilities and service systems and would be considered less-than- significant with identified project-level mitigation measures. Mitigated by measure Util-la, Util-lb. No additional mitigation required. Less than Significant 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 2-33 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 2-34 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTIO\J PROJECT LOCATION AND SITE CONDITIONS The Proj ect site is part of the City of South San Francisco's "East of 101" Planning Area, the traditional and continued core of South San Francisco's industrial and technological businesses, including Research and Development (R&D) offices. The East of 101 area consists of roughly 1,700 acres of land and is bounded by San Francisco Bay on the east side, Highway 101 and railway lines on the west, the City of Brisbane on the north, and San Francisco International Airport on the south. The area has a mix of land uses, including industry, warehousing, retail, offices, hotels, marinas, and bioscience research and development facilities and is separated from the maj ority of residential uses by U. S. 101 though some houseboats are permitted at the nearby Oyster Point. While the East of 101 area is almost completely built out, redevelopment remains extremely active as existing facilities are upgraded as industry continues to evolve toward high-technology and research and development uses. The Project site is within the 30.5-acre Britannia Pointe Grand II business park, at 250 to 270 East Grand Avenue near Harbor Way. The Project site's location is shown in Figure 3-1. In addition to the Project site, the Britannia Pointe Grand II business park is comprised of six additional office/R&D buildings totaling 452,590 square feet to which no changes are being proposed as a part of this Project. PROJECT DESCRIPTIO \I The proposed Project is a modification and expansion of an existing Research and Development Business Park that would involve the demolition of four existing 1 & 2 story office/R&D buildings located within the Britannia Pointe Grand II Development totaling 177,938 square feet, and the construction of one 3-story and two 5-story office/R&D buildings totaling 461,500 square feet, an eight-level parking garage, and landscape improvements. This increase in building intensity would likely increase the number of employees on site leading to greater impacts on traffic and related air quality as well as greater use of utilities. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 3-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The Project proposes the modification of a site with existing development and would not involve a vacant or natural-state site. Demolition and construction of the proposed Project could involve upset of contaminated soils on-site that had been previously identified and remediated. The Project would include notable landscaping improvements, including new landscaped plazas and a landscaped pedestrian mall to increase the walkability of the site. The Project Site Plan is shown in Figure 3-2. Perspective views of the proposed Project can be found on the cover of this document and in Chapter 4: Aesthetics. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The proposed Project would fulfill the following objectives: 1. Upgrade a portion of a high technology research and development business park, 2. Build a project that creates quality jobs for South San Francisco, 3. Generate net property tax and other fees from the development project and enhance property values, 4. Build a project which is viable in the East of 101 Area based upon market conditions and projected service requirements for the Area, 5. Develop a project that has the high quality of design that is called for in the Design Policies and Guidelines of the East of 101 Area Plan while integrating with the existing Britannia Pointe Grand II business park, 6. Provide quality research and development facilities consistent with the General Plan designation of the site for Business and Technology Park facilities, and 7. Continuing to develop the East of 101 Area into a nationally recognized research and development center that will attract other life science businesses. I \lTE\lDED USES OF THIS EIR As discussed in Chapter 1, the City of South San Francisco is the Lead Agency responsible for preparation of this EIR (pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15051). This EIR is intended to be used to provide CEQA clearance for all required discretionary actions for the Project. The EIR provides City of South San Francisco decision makers, reviewing agencies, and the general public with relevant environmental information to use in considering the required discretionary actions for approval of the Project. The following approvals would be required: . Certification of Final EIR PAGE 3-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTION . Modifications to existing: o Use Permit o Planned Unit Development Permit o Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program . Design Review Approval . Lot Line Adjustment . Administrative approval of subsequent demolition, grading and building permits. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 3-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 3-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 3-1: Site Location and Vicinity 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 3-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 3-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT z o t 02 ~ o f- ~ o oc c.... M ~ b: <( I U f- ~ o oc c.... :) z > <( o z <( oc lJ f- ~ o ......... N o lJ") N "f- ~ o c.:: c.... :) z > <( o z <( c.:: tJ f- ~ o "" N 2> If") N ~ ~ ro :0 q:: ~ .b ""a ~ o "E ~ .5 ~ bO ro 0.. u:l :E E--- f- c.:: 2 ~ f- U <( ~ =< f- Z ~ Z o c.:: ;; ~ f- < c.:: o ~ tJ <( c.... 4 AESTHETICS INTRODUCTION New development can substantially change the visual qualities and characteristics of an urban area and may have long term lasting effects on the evolution of the urban area, thereby stimulating growth and increasing its attractiveness for new or expanding businesses, residential development or other desired or planned land uses. On the other hand, new development can change the character of an area by disrupting the visual and aesthetic features that establish the identity and value of an urban area for its existing residents, merchants or other users. Loss of such identity and value may discourage new investment, continued residency or business activity or other activities that attract visitors to the area. A single new development can add to a district's appeal or complement adopted goals for development and change or entirely overwhelm a district's scale and visual landmarks. Over time, a new development may become a valued component of the district and its identity, or generate dissatisfaction by residents, visitors, employers and employees. The visual value of any given feature is highly subject to personal sensibilities and variations in subjective reaction to the features of an urban area. A negative visual impression on one person may be viewed as positive or beneficial by another. Objective or commonly agreed upon standards are difficult to establish, but an extensive body of literature is devoted to the subject of urban design and visual aesthetics. SETTI \lG South San Francisco's urban character is one of contrasts within a visually well defined setting. San Bruno Mountain to the north, the ridge along Skyline Boulevard to the west, and the San Francisco Bay to the east provide the City with distinctive edges. 1 The City is contained in almost a bowl-like fashion by hills on three sides. The City's terrain ranges from the flatlands along the water to hills west and north. Hills are visible from all parts of the City, and Sign Hill and San Bruno Mountain (which is outside City limits) in the distance are visual landmarks. Much of the City's topography is rolling, resulting in distant views from 1 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett & Bhatia, South San Francisco General Plan: Existing Conditions and Planning Issues, 1997, p.4-2, 4-10, 4-15. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 4-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT many neighborhoods. Geographically, the City is relatively small, extending approximately two miles in a north-south direction and about five miles from east to west. South San Francisco's industrial roots are reflected in its urban character, especially in its eastern parts. Almost 20 percent of South San Francisco's land is occupied by industrial and warehousing uses. The Project site is located in the East of 101 Planning Area of South San Francisco. The East of 101 Area was part of the first industrial development in South San Francisco about 100 years ago. Since then, the Area has undergone many transformations. Pioneering industrial uses, such as steel manufacturing and meat packaging gave way to industrial park, warehousing and distribution uses that came to dominate the area in the 1950s and 1960s. The recent emergence of modern office buildings marks the third major wave of land use change in the area. The newly emerging office areas are unique in their uses of consistent and conscious street tree planting, while the rest of the City, including downtown, is almost bereft of street trees. Older manufacturing uses, industrial park structures and tilt-up warehousing buildings can all be found in the area. Blocks are generally very large in size and the area has a very stark industrial look. The Project site is within the Britannia Pointe Grand II business park at 250-270 East Grand Avenue, near Harbor Way. In addition to the Project site, the Britannia Pointe Grand II business park is comprised of six additional office/R&D buildings and their related parking and landscaping. Site Description The following photographs of the Proj ect site facilitate an understanding of the site's visual characteristics as shown in Figures 4-1 to 4-6. The existing site has limited landscaping, largely located along street frontages. PAGE 4-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 4: AESTHETICS Figure 4-1: Site Photo 1 Figure 4-2: Site Photo 2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 4-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Figure 4-3: Site Photo 3 Figure 4-4: Site Photo 4 PAGE 4-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 4: AESTHETICS Figure 4-5: Site Photo 5 Figure 4-6: Site Photo 6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 4-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IMPACT A \lALYSIS Standards of Significance The following thresholds for measuring a Project's aesthetic impacts are based upon CEQA Guidelines thresholds: 1. Would the Proj ect have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? 2. Would the Project substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? 3. Would the Project substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? 4. Would the Project create a new source of substantial light or glare, which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? SCENIC VISTA Impact Vis-I: Scenic Vista. Areas from which views of San Bruno Mountains-a prominent visual landmark in South San Francisco-may be adversely affected are not designated scenic vistas, nor are they places where people might be expected to gather in order to view the San Bruno Mountains, therefore, the Project would have a less-than-significant impact on scenic vistas with no mitigation warranted. San Bruno Mountain is a prominent visual landmark in South San Francisco, and can be seen from many locations throughout the city, including from the Project site. A business park in construction phases across East Grand Avenue to the north (249 East Grand Avenue) will at least partially block existing views from the Project site with three- to five-story buildings. Construction of the proposed Proj ect, with building elements up to 115' - 4", may block out all or a portion of the existing view to the north from locations to the south. However, the areas from which views of the mountain may be blocked are not designated scenic overlooks; and are not places where people gather in order to gain a view of San Bruno Mountain. Therefore, blockage of existing views by the proposed Project would be considered less than significant. SCENIC HIGHWAYS The Project site is not located on a scenic highway, and therefore would have no impact related to scenic resource damage on a scenic highway. PAGE 4-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 4: AESTHETICS VISUAL CHARACTER As described in the Setting section above, the visual character of the East of 101 Area consists of a mixture of older and newer office and industrial buildings, with differing amounts of associated landscaping. The proposed Project would involve replacement of older office/R&D buildings with modern construction of a new highly designed office building complex including notable landscaping and pedestrian improvements. Representative perspective drawings are shown in Figures 4-7 and 4-8. Given the current condition of the site, the proposed Project would have no adverse impact on the visual character of the site or the East of 101 Area. Figure 4-7: Perspective Drawing Looking fast Along Landscape Mall 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 4-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Figure 4-8: Perspective Drawing Looking South From E. Grand Ave Toward Entry Plaza LIGHT AND GLARE The proposed Project incorporates building materials that were selected to match and complement the existing buildings on the site. The solid surfaces of the building will be Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete panels (GFRC) and metal panel. The GFRC is 2 colors, light beige and taupe. The metal panels and the accent mullions will be in taupe to match the GFRC. The glass will be high performance with a blue tint and the field mullions will be a teal, again to match the existing buildings. The parking lot lighting will be designed to meet minimum light levels for site security. Light fixtures will be selected with full optical cut-off, fixtures close to the property line will have shields to eliminate light trespass. Impact Vis-2: Light and Glare. The many windows and outdoor lights associated with increased development intensity on the Project site could potentially be substantial sources of day and nighttime glare. However, the Project proposes use of materials and lighting that would reduce the amount of glare to a less-than-significant level. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Sources of light and glare in the project vicinity include interior and exterior building lights, service areas and surface parking lots, and city street lights. Light and glare associated with vehicular traffic along major thoroughfares in the area also create sources of glare. The existing level and sources of light and glare are typical of those in a developed urban setting. PAGE 4-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 4: AESTHETICS Residential uses and natural areas are particularly sensitive to light and glare impacts, particularly from nearby non-residential sources. However, the Project is located in a commercial and industrial area with no adjacent residential uses or natural areas. The Project would increase the active building area on the project site and therefore would increase the amount of nighttime lighting and glare. However, it is not expected that the project would substantially affect the overall ambient light levels in the project vicinity, a fully developed, urban context. The Proj ect' s proposed finishes have been selected for consistency with the existing development, and no lighting or glare impacts have been reported in the projects' history. In summary, since the Project would consist of development and lighting treatments typical of the existing commercial/industrial urban settings and would incorporate standard and tailored lighting measures to address undue lighting on adjacent areas, it would not result in new sources of substantial adverse light or glare. The impact would be less than significant. CUMULATIVE AESTHETIC IMPACTS The East of 101 area in South San Francisco is the geographic context for cumulative assessment of visual quality and aesthetics. This area is a historically industrial area transitioning to high technology office/R&D uses as reflected in this and other foreseeable projects in the area. These projects largely involve replacement of older facilities and/or vacant sites and include landscaping and pedestrian improvements to current City standards. All future development that could occur in the project vicinity would be required to adhere to established restrictions, guidelines, standards, policies, and criteria that address building appearance, height, bulk, and configuration. Given the current condition of the East of 101 area and the highly designed developments in the foreseeable and anticipated future, there would be no cumulative adverse impact related to visual quality and aesthetics, but rather, a likely beneficial impact. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 4-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. P AG E 4- 1 0 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT -- J AI R QLALITY INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the potential impacts of the implementation of the proposed Project on the local and regional air quality. Development projects of this type in the Bay Area are most likely to violate an air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation through vehicle trip generation. SETTI \lG METEOROLOGY AN D CLIMATOLOGY Atmospheric conditions such as wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature gradients interact with the physical features of the landscape to determine the movement and dispersal of air pollutants. The climate of the San Francisco Bay Area is classified as Mediterranean, and has mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The regional climate is controlled primarily by the Pacific high-pressure system over the eastern Pacific Ocean and by local topography. Local climate is strongly influenced by topography and proximity to the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. Cool, onshore winds blowing from the Pacific have a moderating effect, especially west of the Diablo Mountain Range where the study area is located. These mountains act as a barrier to onshore winds, resulting in the channeling of airflow along canyons, valleys, and through straits in the Bay, as well as strong west-to-east temperature differences. The resulting overall air flow patterns are complex, exhibiting much local variation. Large-scale winds, which are the wind patterns influenced by general geographical and topographical features of the San Francisco Bay Area on a roughly 50-mile scale, are predominantly from the west from the Golden Gate toward the Delta. While air quality is largely a regional issue, the protection of air quality is vital to the overall health of the environment and the attractiveness of any locality. 1 South San Francisco enjoys generally good air quality due largely to the presence of the San Bruno Gap, a break in the 1 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett and Bhatia, South San Francisco General Plan, 1999, p. 233. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Santa Cruz Mountains that allows onshore winds to flow easily into San Francisco Bay and quickly disperse air pollutants. Within South San Francisco, certain areas of the city are more likely to result in pollutant exposure for residents and workers. These areas include the Highway 101, Interstate 280, and EI Camino Real corridors, which experience relatively high pollutant concentrations due to heavy traffic volumes, particularly during peak periods. In addition, wind blowing out of the south and southeast exposes the city to emissions from the San Francisco International Airport. REGULATORY SETTING South San Francisco is located within the nine county San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin. Air quality in the basin is monitored by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), which operates a regional network of air pollution monitoring stations to determine if the national and State standards for criteria air pollutants and emission limits of toxic air contaminants are being achieved. Federal Regulations The Bay Area Air Basin is subject to major air quality planning programs required by the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) (1977, last amended in 1990, 42 United States Code ~USC~ 7401 et seq.). The CAA requires that regional planning and air pollution control agencies prepare a regional Air Quality Plan to outline the measures by which both stationary and mobile sources of pollutants can be controlled in order to achieve all standards within the deadlines specified in the Clean Air Act. For the Bay Area Air Basin, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) jointly prepared a Bay Area Air Quality Plan in 1982. State and Regional Regulations In 1988, California passed the California Clean Air Act (CCAA, California Health and Safety Code S 39600 et seq.). Under the CCAA, the Bay Area Air Basin is required to have a Clean Air Plan (CAP) to achieve and maintain ozone standards. The most recent draft revision to the CAP was completed in 2000. The 2000 CAP applies control measures to stationary sources, mobile sources, and transportation control measures (TCMs). Although the 2000 CAP is an ozone plan, it includes PMlO attainment planning as an informational item. In January 2006, BAAQMD adopted the Bay Area 2005 Ozone Strategy to update and build upon the 2000 CAP. Both the federal Air Quality Plan and the state CAP rely on the combined emission control programs of the EP A, California Air Resources Board (CARB), and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). PAGE 5-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 5: AIR QUALITY Criteria Air Pollutants Ambient air quality standards have been established by state and federal environmental agencies for specific air pollutants most pervasive in urban environments. These pollutants are referred to as criteria air pollutants because the standards established for them were developed to meet specific health and welfare criteria set forth in the enabling legislation. The criteria air pollutants emitted by the proposed Project include ozone (03) precursors (NOx and RaG), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (N02), and suspended particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.s). Other criteria pollutants, such as lead (Pb) and sulfur dioxide (S02), would not be substantially emitted by the proposed Project or Project traffic, and air quality standards for them are being met throughout the Bay Area. Ozone (03) While 03 serves a beneficial purpose in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) by reducing ultraviolet radiation potentially harmful to humans, when it reaches elevated concentrations in the lower atmosphere it can be harmful to the human respiratory system and to sensitive species of plants. 03 concentrations build to peak levels during periods of light winds, bright sunshine, and high temperatures. Short-term 03 exposure can reduce lung function in children, make persons susceptible to respiratory infection, and produce symptoms that cause people to seek medical treatment for respiratory distress. Long-term exposure can impair lung defense mechanisms and lead to emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Sensitivity to 03 varies among individuals, but about 20 percent of the population is sensitive to 03, with exercising children being particularly vulnerable. 03 is formed in the atmosphere by a complex series of photochemical reactions that involve "ozone precursors" that are two large families of pollutants: oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and reactive organic gases (RaG). NOx and RaG are emitted from a variety of stationary and mobile sources. While N02, an oxide of nitrogen, is another criteria pollutant itself, RaGs are not in that category, but are included in this discussion as 03 precursors. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Exposure to high concentrations of co reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and can cause dizziness and fatigue, impair central nervous system function, and induce angina in persons with serious heart disease. Primary sources of co in ambient air are passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and residential wood burning. Nitrogen Dioxide (N02) The major health effect from exposure to high levels ofN02 is the risk of acute and chronic respiratory disease. N02 is a combustion by-product, but it can also form in the atmosphere by chemical reaction. N02 is a reddish-brown colored gas often observed during the same conditions that produce high levels of 03 and can affect regional visibility. N02 is one compound in a group of compounds consisting of oxides of nitrogen (NOx). As described above, NOx is an 03 precursor compound. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Particulate Matter (PM) Particulate matter consists of particles of various sizes which can be inhaled into the lungs and cause adverse health effects. Particulate matter is regulated by the fraction of course particulates 10 microns (a micron is one one-millionth of a meter) or less in diameter (PM10) and by the fraction of fine particulates 2.5 microns or less in diameter (PM2.s). The health effects from long-term exposure to high concentrations of particulate matter are increased risk of chronic respiratory disease like asthma, and altered lung function in children. Short- term exposure to high levels of particulate matter has been shown to increase the number of people seeking medical treatment for respiratory distress, and to increase mortality among those with severe respiratory problems. Particulate matter also results in reduced visibility. Ambient particulate matter has many sources. It is emitted directly by combustion sources like motor vehicles, industrial facilities, and residential wood burning, and in the form of dust from ground-disturbing activities such as construction and farming. It also forms in the atmosphere from the chemical reaction of precursor gases. National and State Ambient Air Oualitv Standards The CAA and CCAA promulgate, respectively, national and state ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (03), nitrogen dioxide (N02), particulate matter 10 microns or less in diameter (PM10), and particulate matter 2.5 microns or less in diameter (PM2.s).2 Ambient standards specify the concentration of pollutants to which the public may be exposed without adverse health effects. Individuals vary widely in their sensitivity to air pollutants, and standards are set to protect more pollution-sensitive populations (e.g., children and the elderly). National and state standards are reviewed and updated periodically based on new health studies. California ambient standards tend to be at least as protective as national ambient standards and are often more stringent. For planning purposes, regions like the San Francisco Bay Area are given an air quality status designation by the federal and state regulatory agencies. Areas with monitored pollutant concentrations that are lower than ambient air quality standards are designated "attainment" on a pollutant-by-pollutant basis. When monitored concentrations exceed ambient standards within an air basin, it is designated "nonattainment" for that pollutant. EXISTING AIR QUALITY In general, the Bay Area experiences low concentrations of most pollutants when compared to federal and state standards. The Bay Area is considered "attainment" for all of the national standards, with the exception of ozone. It is considered "nonattainment" for State standards for ozone and particulate matter. 2 Other pollutants (e.g., lead, sulfur dioxide) also have ambient standards, but they are not discussed in this document because emissions of these pollutants from the Project are expected to be negligible. PAGE 5-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 5: AIR QUALITY The BAAQMD monitors air quality at several locations within the San Francisco Air Basin, although none are located in South San Francisco. The monitoring sites closest to the Project site are located in San Francisco and Redwood City. Table 5-1 summarizes exceedances of the state and federal standards at these two sites. The table shows that most of the ambient air quality standards are met in the Project area with the exception of the state standards for PM10 and ozone. TABLE 5-1 SUMMARY OF CRITERIA AIR POLLUTION MONITORING DATA Pollutant Standard Monitoring Days Standard Exceeded Site 2003 2004 2005 Ozone Federal I-Hour San Francisco 0 0 0 Redwood City 0 0 0 Ozone State I-Hour San Francisco 0 0 0 Redwood City 1 1 0 Ozone Federal8-Hour San Francisco 0 0 0 Redwood City 0 0 0 PMI0 Federal 24-Hour San Francisco 0 0 0 Redwood City 0 0 0 PMI0 State 24-Hour San Francisco 1 1 0 Redwood City 0 1 2 Carbon State/F ederal San Francisco 0 0 0 Monoxide 8-Hour Redwood City 0 0 0 Nitrogen State I-Hour San Francisco 0 0 0 Dioxide Redwood City 0 0 0 Source: Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 2005 IMPACT A \lALYSIS STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE The following thresholds for measuring a project's environmental impacts are based on CEQA Guidelines thresholds: 1. Would the Project conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? The criteria is further defined as follows: - If the Project shows an estimated population greater than assumed in the Clean Air Plan (as defined in ABAG Projections), then it would be inconsistent with air quality planning, and would be deemed to have a significant air quality impact. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - If the Project shows a growth rate in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) higher than the population growth rate, it would be considered to be hindering progress toward achieving a substantial reduction in the rate of increase in passenger vehicle trips and miles traveled. Therefore, it would be considered inconsistent with regional air quality planning, and deemed to have a significant air quality impact. - The consistency of the Project with Clean Air Plan Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) must also be considered in evaluating air quality effects associated with implementation of the Proj ect. If the Proj ect does not demonstrate reasonable efforts to implement the TCMs identified in the Clean Air Plan, then it would be considered to be inconsistent with the CAP and deemed to have a significant air quality impact. 2. Would the Project violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? 3. Would the Project result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the Project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed qualitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? 4. Would the Project expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? 5. Would the Project create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? CONFLICT WITH AIR QUALITY PLAN The city's General Plan designations and future land use types and intensities would have been taken into account during preparation of the BAAQMD's 2000 Clean Air Plan and the most recent Clean Air Plan update (Bay Area Ozone Strategy), released in early 2006. Because the Project is consistent with the General Plan designations, the Project would therefore be consistent with population projections used to develop the latest Clean Air Plan. Projects should reasonably implement applicable TCMs to be considered consistent with regional clean air planning efforts. Most of the TCMs listed in the latest Clean Air Plans are not directly applicable to the Project. Under the General Plan policies, projects such as this are required to implement a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program to reduce project trips. A TDM program is currently in effect for the Britannia Pointe Grand II business park and would need to be updated as a part of required project approvals. The TDM program, along with General Plan policies and Mitigation Measures identified in Chapter 11 : Transportation and Circulation of this document would reasonably implement TCMs consistent with those contained in the latest approved Clean Air Plan. There would be no impact related to a conflict with the Air Quality Plan PAGE 5-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 5: AIR QUALITY AI R QUALITY STAN DARDS Project-related air quality impacts fall into two categories: short-term impacts due to construction, and long-term impacts due to project operation. During project construction, the Project would affect local particulate concentrations primarily due to fugitive dust sources. Over the long-term, the Project would result in an increase in emissions primarily due to increased motor vehicle trips. Construction Impact Air-I: Construction Dust and Exhaust. Construction activity involves a high potential for the emission of air pollutants. Construction activities would generate exhaust emissions from vehicles/equipment and fugitive particulate matter emissions that would affect local air quality. This would be a potentially significant impact. Construction activities would temporarily affect local air quality, causing a temporary increase in particulate dust and other pollutants. Dust emission during periods of construction would increase particulate concentrations at neighboring properties. This impact is potentially significant, but normally mitigable. BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines3 provide thresholds of significance for air quality impacts. The BAAQMD significance thresholds for construction dust impacts are based on the appropriateness of construction dust controls. The BAAQMD guidelines provide feasible control measures for construction emission of PM10. If the appropriate construction controls are to be implemented, then air pollutant emissions for construction activities would be considered less than significant. Construction activities from on-site equipment and truck deliveries would emit toxic air contaminants and air pollutants that are not regulated by the BAAQMD. These emissions, although temporary, could affect nearby land uses including the Early Years Children's Center, a sensitive receptor. It is unlikely that significant health risks would occur due to: 1) the temporary nature of construction activity, 2) the separation distances between sensitive receptors and the Project, and 3) the relatively high occurrence of moderate to strong winds during the construction season. In order to be protective of the health of nearby sensitive receptors, as well as reduce emissions that could affect regional air quality, the Project should implement additional construction period mitigation measures. These would be measures beyond those normally recommended by the BAAQMD to ensure air pollutant emissions for construction activities would be considered less than significant. 3 Bay Area Air Quality Management District, BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, 1996 (Revised 1999). 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Mitigation Measure Air-I: Dust Suppression and Exhaust Reduction Procedures. The following basic, enhanced and additional measures are recommended for inclusion in construction contracts to control fugitive dust emissions during construction. Measures to reduce construction exhaust will additionally reduce particulate matter from the exhaust of diesel-powered construction vehicles. Basic Measures . Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. . Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction site. . Water or cover stockpiles of debris, soil, sand or other materials that can be blown by the wind. . Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. . Sweep daily (preferably with water sweepers) all paved access road, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites. . Sweep streets daily (preferably with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. . Limit construction equipment idling time. . Properly tune construction equipment engines, and install particulate traps on diesel equipment. Enhanced Measures . Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). . Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non-toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). . Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph. . Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways. PAGE 5-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 5: AIR QUALITY . Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. Additional Measures . Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site. . Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 mph. Measures to Reduce Construction Exhaust The measures listed below should be implemented to reduce diesel particulate matter and NOx emissions from on-site construction equipment: . At least 50 percent of the heavy-duty, off-road equipment used for construction shall be CARB-certified off-road engines or equivalent, or use alternative fuels (such as biodiesel or water emulsion fuel) that result in lower emissions. . Use add-on control devices such as diesel oxidation catalysts or particulate filters. . Opacity is an indicator of exhaust particulate emissions from off-road diesel powered equipment. The project shall ensure that emissions from all construction diesel powered equipment used on the project site do not exceed 40 percent opacity for more than three minutes in anyone hour. Any equipment found to exceed 40 percent opacity (or Ringelmann 2.0) shall be prohibited from use on the site until repaired. . The contractor shall install temporary electrical service whenever possible to avoid the need for independently powered equipment (e.g., compressors) . . Diesel equipment standing idle for more than two minutes shall be turned off. This would include trucks waiting to deliver or receive soil, aggregate or other bulk materials. Rotating drum concrete trucks could keep their engines running continuously as long as they were on site. . Properly tune and maintain equipment for low emissions. With the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, impacts related to construction dust and exhaust would be reduced to a less than significant level. Issues of toxic air contaminants related to construction activities are further addressed in Chapter 7 of this document, specifically with mitigation measures Haz-3b and Haz-4a. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Operation Development projects of this type in the Bay Area are most likely to violate an air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation through vehicle trip generation. New vehicle trips add to ozone precursor concentrations and to carbon monoxide concentrations near streets that provide access to the site. Carbon Monoxide Impact Air-2: Carbon Monoxide. Mobile emissions generated by Project traffic would increase carbon monoxide concentrations at intersections in the Project vicinity. However, these increases would be below significance thresholds of the Air Quality Management District so would be considered a less- than-significant impact. Therefore, no mitigation is required. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District's BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines recommends estimation of carbon monoxide concentrations for projects where project traffic would impact intersections or roadway links operating at Level of Service D, E, or F or would cause Level of Service to decline to D, E, or F; or where Project traffic would increase traffic volumes on nearby roadways by 10% or more (if the increase is at least 100 vehicles per hour). Emissions and ambient concentrations of carbon monoxide have decreased greatly in recent years. These improvements are due largely to the introduction of cleaner burning motor vehicles and motor vehicle fuels. No exceedances of the State or National CO standard have been recorded at any of the Bay Area's monitoring stations since 1991. The Bay Area has attained the State and National CO standard. However, despite this progress, localized CO concentrations still warrant concern in the Bay Area and should be addressed. The region must safeguard against localized high concentrations of CO that may not be recorded at monitoring sites. Because elevated CO concentrations are generally fairly localized, heavy traffic volumes and congestion can lead to high levels of CO, or "hotspots", while concentrations at the closest air quality monitoring station may be below State and National standards. Future carbon monoxide levels were predicted near these intersections with the Project in place using Project traffic projections for local streets provided by Crane Transportation Group, and U. S. 101 freeway traffic proj ections previously provided by Crane Transportation Group for analysis of the nearby Home Depot project4. Emission factors were calculated using the EMF AC2007 model, developed by the California Air Resources Board, with default assumptions for San Mateo County during winter that include a temperature of 40 deg. Fahrenheit, and slow traffic speeds of 5 miles per hour on the local streets and 25 miles 4 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Lamphier-Gregory, Home Depot Environmental Impact Report, 2006 PAGE 5-10 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 5: AIR QUALITY per hour on Highway 101. The contribution from Highway 101 traffic was included in this assessment since both intersections evaluated are within close proximity to the freeway. Air quality models such as the one used in this analysis include the assumption that per-mile emission rates will continue to be reduced in future scenarios due to anticipated improvements in the automobile fleet; attrition of older, high-polluting vehicles; and improved fuel mixtures. The contribution of Project-generated traffic to carbon monoxide levels were added to background levels to predict the resulting concentrations. The closest representative air quality monitoring station to the Project is in Redwood City. This highest measured carbon monoxide level over any 8-hour averaging period over the last 3 years was 2.3 parts per million (ppm). There are 1- and 8-hour standards for carbon monoxide. The 8-hour standard is the most stringent and is always exceeded if the I-hour standard is exceeded. Therefore, this analysis evaluated impacts against the 8-hour standard. The screening method is designed to be a conservative method of determining whether or not a project may cause exceedances of the carbon monoxide air quality standard. If the screening method predicts significant levels, than a more-refined analysis may be conducted that would more accurately predict carbon monoxide levels, which would likely be lower. Screening analysis calculations are shown in Appendix C. TABLE 5-2 PREDICTED 8-HOUR WORST CASE CARBON MONOXIDE LEVELS (IN PPM) 2006 2015 Base Case 2015 Base Case Contribution Conditions Conditions from Existing without Project with Project Intersection 3.8 2.4 2.4 Freeway (US 101) 1.0 0.3 0.3 Background 2.3 2.0 2.0 Total 7.1 4.7 4.7 Intersection 3.1 2.0 2.0 Freeway (US 101) 1.0 0.4 0.4 Background 2.3 2.0 2.0 Total 6.4 4.4 4.4 Intersection Oyster Point Boulevard and Dubuque A venue w/adjacent freeway Oyster Point Boulevard- Sister Cities Boulevard and Airport Boulevard w/adjacent freeway Significance Thresholds (CAAQS): 9.0 ppm for 8-hour exposure Source: Illingworth and Rodkin, Inc. As shown in Table 5-2, the screening analysis indicates that existing 8-hour Carbon Monoxide Levels are currently below National and California Ambient Air Quality 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Standards. Predicted 8-hour carbon monoxide levels with the Project in place under future conditions (in 2015) are predicted to remain below ambient air quality standards. As a result, the impact on local air quality resulting from the Project is considered to be less than significant. Issues of hazardous emissions related to Project operation are addressed in Chapter 7 of this document, specifically mitigation measure Haz-4b. CUMULATIVE AIR QUALITY IMPACTS The Project would generate new emissions through new regional vehicle trips. The BAAQMD has developed criteria to determine if a development Project could result in potentially significant regional emissions. The District has recommended that 2,000 daily vehicle trips be used as a threshold for quantifying Project regional impacts. The Project size along with the trip generation rate forecasted by CTG was input to the URBEMIS 2002 (version 8.7) model. The modeling assumed that the Project would be fully constructed and occupied in 2015. Default assumptions for the San Francisco Bay Area were used. The URBEMIS 2002 calculations were performed in order to determine whether the Project would exceed air emissions thresholds for Reactive Organic Gases (RaG), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Carbon Monoxide (CO). Emissions thresholds are 80 pounds per day for RaG, NOx and PM10. The Project's total (worst case scenario not subtracting for existing uses to be replaced or mitigation measures) emissions are estimated at 26 pounds per day (lbs/day) for RaG, 26 lbs/day for NOx, and 53 lbs./day for PM10. These emissions are below the significance thresholds established by the BAAQMD, thus this impact would be less than significant. Impact Air-3: Cumulative Air Quality Impacts. The proposed Project would contribute to regional air quality emissions but would not exceed BAAQMD emissions thresholds for RaG, NOx and PM10. This would be considered a less than significant impact. While the Project is not expected to have a significant impact on cumulative air quality, the following mitigation measure has been proposed to ensure that cumulative air quality impacts remain less than significant. Mitigation Measure Air-3: Transportation Demand Management Program. Implementation of an updated Transportation Demand Management Program is required, as described in Mitigation Measure Traf-1 of the Transportation and Circulation chapter. This Program would reduce the number of vehicle trips to and from the Project site. The following components should be considered for inclusion in the updated Program to further reduce Project impacts to air quality: PAGE 5-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 5: AIR QUALITY . Support shuttle service to BART and Caltrain. There are currently shuttles that serve employers in the area. . Provide bicycle amenities so that employees could bicycle to the project. Such amenities could include safe onsite bicycle access and convenient storage (bike racks). Amenities for employees could include secure bicycle parking, lockers, and shower facilities. . The Project should include sidewalks with shade trees that provide safe and convenient access to the project and any shuttle or future bus stops that serve the Proj ect. . Impact Traf-6 of the Transportation and Circulation Section discusses the on-site pedestrian and bicycle circulation incorporated into the project. Mitigation Measure Traf-6 would require pedestrian connections to adjacent roadways and between proposed and existing buildings in the Britannia Pointe Grand II business park to ensure adequate pedestrian circulation. . For all buildings, provide outdoor electrical outlets and encourage the use of electrical landscape maintenance equipment. Also, provide electrical outlets for recharging electrical vehicles in commercial and industrial parking lots/structures. Provide 110 and 220 Volt outlets at all loading docks and prohibit trucks from using their auxiliary equipment powered by diesel engines for more than 5 minutes. . Provide new trees that would shade buildings and walkways In summer to reduce the cooling loads on buildings. Implementation of this mitigation measure helps further mInImIze an already less-than-significant impact. SENSITIVE RECEPTORS The BAAQMD defines sensitive receptors as facilities where sensitive receptor population groups (children, the elderly, the acutely ill and the chronically ill) are likely to be located. These land uses include residences, schools, playgrounds, child care centers, retirement homes, convalescent homes, hospitals and medical clinics. The closest sensitive receptor is the Early Years Children's Center located at 371 Allerton Avenue, which is located roughly 1200 feet east of the proposed Project site. The proposed Project could expose the Early Years Children's Center to on-site emissions during operation of the Project. Any Project occupant who would potentially release toxic air contaminant emissions would be subject to rules, regulations and procedures of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. As part of its program to control toxic air contaminant emissions, the District has established procedures for estimating the risk associated with 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-13 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT exposure. The methods used are conservative, meaning that the real risks from the source may be lower than the calculations, but it is unlikely they will be higher. In the first step of a two-step process, the District estimates how much of a contaminant would be found in the air at a specific location. The estimate depends upon the type of source, its rate of production and its location. The second step involves determining if the estimated amount of contaminant is hazardous to those exposed to it. This determination includes an evaluation of both carcinogenicity (tendency to cause cancer) and non-cancer health effects. Chemical toxicity is based on animal study results and in some instances, on the results of human exposure. Impact Air-4: Future Emissions Near Sensitive Receptors. The Project could include laboratory facilities or stationary equipment that (e.g., standby emergency generators) that emit air pollution. These sources could emit small amounts of toxic air contaminants with the potential to affect sensitive receptors, such as the childcare facility at 371 Allerton Avenue. This impact, however, would be reduced to a less-than-significant level with standard BAAQMD permitting requirements and mitigation measures Haz-4a and Haz-4b identified in this EIR. The BAAQMD requires permits for stationary combustion equipment and large laboratory facilities. Small laboratories are exempt since their emissions would not likely pose an adverse impact to the public. Stationary equipment or laboratories that are subject to permitting requirements must show that impacts to the public would be negligible (e.g., cancer risks would be less than lOin one million). As a result, these facilities would pose a less than significant impact with respect to criteria pollutants. Issues of toxic air contaminants and hazardous emissions with relation to sensitive receptors are discussed in Chapter 7 of this document. Specifically, mitigation measures Haz-4a and Haz-4b would be applicable and reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level. ODORS Impact Air-5: Construction-Related Diesel Odors. During construction, the various diesel-powered vehicles and equipment in use on the site would create odors. These odors would be temporary and not likely to be noticeable much beyond the Project site's boundaries. As the potential for diesel odor impacts would not affect a substantial amount of people, this impact is less than significant and is further reduced by Measures to Reduce Construction Exhaust in mitigation measure Air-I. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Many construction vehicles run on diesel gasoline, the exhaust of which has a distinct smell generally considered an objectionable odor. However, these odors would be temporary as PAGE 5-14 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 5: AIR QUALITY they are only associated with construction and would no be expected to reach much past the boundary of the project site. Measures to reduce construction exhaust, as presented in mitigation measure Air-1 in this EIR, are targeted at reduction of diesel particulates associated with construction, but would also act to further reduce diesel odor emissions. Impact Air-6: Operational-Related Objectionable Odors. While it is not known at this time exactly what businesses will occupy the completed project, these businesses will be required to conform to applicable air quality regulations ensuring that any odors resulting from operations will remain at a less- than-significant level. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Because at this time it is not known exactly what type of business activity (beyond what has been identified as high technology research and development) would take place at the Project site if the proposed Project is implemented, it is not possible to determine if the Project would have any impact. However, the Project would be expected to conform to applicable air quality regulations in order to ensure that it produces a less than significant amount of offensive odors, including the requirements of BAAQMD Regulation 7 - Odorous Substances. This regulation includes specifics ensuring that odors discharged on site cannot remain odorous after dilution with odor-free air and comes into effect in the event complaints are filed (meeting the requirements of Regulation 7). 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 5-15 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 5-16 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 6 GEOLOGY A \JD SOILS INTRODUCTION This section presents Geology and Soils setting and background information, regulatory setting, impacts analysis, and proposes mitigation measures for the Project. The setting section presented below was drawn from several sources of data including: (1) Review of USGS Open File Reports (OFR) of the area, including a map of the geology (USGS OFR 98- 354, 1998), Quaternary Geologic Map, including liquefaction susceptibility (USGS OFR 97- 715, 1997), and Landslide Map (USGS OFR 97-745 C); (2) Review of Geotechnical Study Sugen Phase II Building, Britannia Pointe Grand, Geomatrix, January 1999; Geotechnical Study, Exelis II, Britannia Pointe Grand, Geomatrix, May 2000; Geotechnical Study Sugen and Metaxen Buildings, Britannia Pointe Grand Business Park, Geomatrix, August 1997; and Geotechnical Study Sugen Phase III Building Britannia Pointe Grand, Geomatrix, May 23, 2002, (3) Review of the Draft Site Management Plan prepared by GrafCon (October 2006); (4) Review of Official California Geological Survey (CGS) maps including the South San Francisco Alquist-Priolo (A-P) Earthquake Fault Zone Map (1982), and the Fault Activity Map of California (1994); (5) Review of government websites, including the Association of Bay Area Governments' (ABAG) website (www.abag.gov) for a summary of hazards ranging from liquefaction to seismic landsliding; (6) Review of the City of South San Francisco General Plan Update (1999); and (7) Review of the East of 101 Area Plan for South San Francisco, as well as other applicable ordinances and regulations. SETTI \lG REGIONAL SEISMICITY The Project site lies in the tectonically active Coast Ranges Geomorphic Province of Northern California, on the east side of the San Francisco Peninsula. The geologic and geomorphic structure of the northwest trending ridges and valleys in the region, including the Santa Cruz Mountains and San Francisco Bay, are controlled by active tectonism along the boundary between the North American and Pacific Tectonic Plates, which is the San Andreas Fault System. Regional faults have predominantly right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal) movement, with lesser dip-slip (vertical) components of displacement. Horizontal and vertical movement is distributed on the various fault strands within a fault zone. Throughout geologic time the fault strands experiencing active deformation change in response to 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 6-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT regional shifts in stress and strain from plate motions. Within 15 miles of the Project site there are three major active faults that display large right-lateral strike-slip offsets, the San Andreas fault, the San Gregorio fault, and the Hayward fault. The nearest known active fault is the San Andreas Fault trace, located approximately 3 miles (5 km) southwest of the site. Other nearby active faults include the Hayward fault 15 miles (24 km) northeast, the San Gregorio Fault (Seal Cove fault) located approximately 8.6 miles to the southwest, the Calaveras Fault located 25 miles northeast and the Concord/Green Valley fault located 30 miles northeast. Other faults are nearer than the San Andreas but not considered active since they show no evidence of Holocene rupture or movement during the past 11,000 years. This includes the San Bruno and Serra faults mapped approximately 1.4 and 2.6 miles (2.2 km and 4.2 km) west of the site. The nearest mapped fault of any type is the Hillside fault mapped about 0.35 miles (0.55 miles) northeast. While this is near the subject property the fault shows no evidence of rupture during at least the past 2 million years. Seismicity of the Project region has resulted in several major earthquakes during the historic period, including the 1868 Hayward Earthquake, the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, and most recently, the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake.1 According to ABAG, violent ground shaking (Modified Mercalli Intensity, MMI Level IX) is possible in response to a large earthquake along the nearby San Andreas fault. A major rupture of the Hayward fault is expected to produce strong ground shaking, MMI VII. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Project site is located at the edge of the San Francisco Bay, a submerged valley in the Central Coast Ranges of California. This area is characterized by northwest trending mountain ranges and valleys oriented sub-parallel to faults of the San Andreas Fault System. In the San Francisco Bay area, Tertiary strata commonly rest in angular unconformity on rocks of the Franciscan complex, which is composed of weakly to strongly metamorphosed greywacke (sandstone), argillite, limestone, basalt, serpentinite, and chert. The rocks of the Franciscan Complex are ancient Jurassic oceanic crust and deep marine (pelagic) deposits accreted onto the edge of the North American Continent and metamorphosed as a result of accretion and partial subduction. These deposits have been overlain by Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous sedimentary deposits. Deposits of these rocks may be found outcropping along San Bruno Mountain in the Project vicinity. Little metamorphosed, high-pressure, low- temperature metamorphic minerals are common in the Franciscan complex, but there are also high grade metamorphic blocks in sheared but relatively un-metamorphosed argillite matrix which reflect the complicated history of the Franciscan. 1 California Division of Mines and Geology, 2002. Fault Evaluation Reports Prepared Under the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act, CGS CD 2002-01 PAGE 6-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 6: GEOLOGY AND SOILS These rocks have been offset by movement along the San Andreas Fault System, which traverses the Santa Cruz Mountains prior to heading offshore in Southern Daly City, on the other side of the Peninsula. Several northwest trending and structurally controlled valleys dissect the San Francisco Peninsula, including the valley of Colma Creek, which contains the Project site. During the Quaternary Period of rising and falling sea level in response to patterns of global glaciation, these valleys were incised and then backfilled with sediment to form the suite of alluvial deposits that can be found today, including the Pleistocene Colma Formation. Along the bay margin, deposits of Holocene Bay Mud, marsh deposits, and other fine grained sediment accumulated by currents along the shore. SITE GEOLOGY AND SOILS According to a recent geologic map of the area2, the Project site is underlain by fill, described as clay, silt, sand, rock fragments, organic matter, and man made debris, placed over tidal flats. The site is likely underlain at depth by the Franciscan Complex. Sandstone bedrock typical of the Franciscan Complex was penetrated in two boreholes at the site located approximately 100 feet west of the site. A geotechnical investigation was not completed for the Project, but several geotechnical studies of the surrounding parcels have been completed in association with recent construction activities. In four geotechnical studies of adjacent properties, subsurface conditions were found to consist of fill materials overlying soft Bay Mud deposits, which are underlain by medium dense to very dense granular alluvial soils (Colma Formation). The thickness of fill and Bay Mud varied considerably on the adjacent properties. Fill soils ranged from five to twelve feet deep; Bay Mud varied from three feet to 30-feet in thickness under the fill soils. Bedrock was not encountered in boreholes, with the exception of two boreholes in which weathered sandstone was encountered at depths of 68.5 feet and 73 feet below ground surface. These boreholes were located 100 to 150 feet west of the Project site. It is expected that subsurface conditions at the Project site are generally similar to those encountered during the geotechnical studies of the surrounding parcels. The thickness of the surficial fill materials, Bay Mud, alluvial sediments, and depth to bedrock could vary considerably. LANDSLIDING AND SLOPE STABILITY Slope steepness is generally the dominant factor governing slope stability, depending upon soil and bedrock conditions. Steep slopes greater than 50 percent are especially prone to landslides in areas of weak soil and/or bedrock. The proposed Project would redevelop a nearly level parcel with no nearby or adjacent steep slopes. There is no apparent risk from 2 Bonilla, M.G. 1998, Geologic Map of the South San Francisco 7.5' Quadrangle and Part of the Hunter's Point 7.5' Quadrangle, u.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-354 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 6-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT slope instability or landsliding. According to information on the ABAG website, the Project area is not at risk from slope instability. PRIMARY SEISMIC HAZARDS - SURFACE FAULT RUPTURE A number of active and potentially active faults are present in the region. According to criteria of the State of California Geological Survey, active faults have experienced surface rupture within the last 11,000 years (Holocene Period). The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 initiated a program of mapping active and potentially active faults (faults with displacement within Quaternary time - the last 1.6 million years). According to the program, active faults must be zoned and development projects within the Earthquake Fault Zones investigated to establish the location and age of any faulting across the development site. Active and potentially active faults along the San Francisco Peninsula have undergone extensive investigation in the past. ABAG has summarized results from many of these studies to quantify the potential impact to certain areas, while the California Geological Survey has established Earthquake Fault Zone (EFZ) boundaries. According to these maps, the proposed development is not located within an EFZ. The nearest EFZ is for the San Andreas Fault, located slightly more than 3 miles southwest of the site. Since no faults are mapped across the Project site on any published maps, the geotechnical consultant inferred ground rupture at the site as a result of an earthquake unlikely and the risk of ground rupture within the Project boundaries is considered very low. SECON DARY SEISMIC HAZARDS Ground Shaking The San Francisco Bay Area is a seismically active region. The Project site and region will likely be subjected to strong to violent seismically induced ground shaking within the design life of the development. The site is located in an area of active regional seismicity near active seIsmIC sources. According to a recent study completed by the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP), which assesses the probability of earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is a 62 percent probability that an earthquake of Richter Magnitude 6.7 or greater will strike within the life of the Project improvements.3 The intensity of ground shaking will vary with the distance and magnitude of the earthquake causing the ground shaking. The maximum intensity ground shaking expected to occur at the site would be a modified Mercalli intensity level of IX (violent) in response to an earthquake of equivalent magnitude to the 1906 earthquake (7.9) on the San Andreas fault. An 3 Working Group On California Earthquake Probabilities (WGCEP), 2003, Earthquake Probabilities in the San Francisco Bay Region: 2002-2031, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-214. PAGE 6-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 6: GEOLOGY AND SOILS earthquake of magnitude 6.8 on the Hayward fault would be expected to produce strong ground shaking equivalent to modified Mercalli intensity level VII (strong).4 Peak ground accelerations for the site with a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in a 50-year period are estimated to be approximately 55 percent of the acceleration due to gravity (g).5 Actual ground motions resulting from ground acceleration may be amplified or dampened depending on the underlying geologic materials. Deep soft soils tend to amplify waves whereas shallow soils overlying hard bedrock tends to dampen shaking intensity. With moderately deep soils at the Project site, some amplification of seismic waves could occur. Seismically Induced Liquefaction Liquefaction is the temporary transformation of saturated, cohesionless soil during seismically induced ground shaking, into a viscous liquid with poor supporting characteristics for buildings and other structures. According to maps produced by ABAG, the liquefaction hazard level for the site is high for a maximum magnitude earthquake on the San Andreas fault and moderate for a maximum magnitude earthquake on the Hayward fault. 6 Seismically Induced Densification Dynamic densification or ground subsidence can occur when dry cohesionless soils collapse as a result of seismic shaking. This may be particularly true of unconsolidated sandy fill, or ground overlying hollow areas due to caves, mines, or areas with excessive groundwater removal. The site has undergone fill with various materials. The fill soils may include areas of loose dry sandy soils that could be susceptible to dynamic densification. Based on a liquefaction hazard of high for the site, dynamic densification hazard should also be considered high. Seismically Induced Landslides Seismically induced slope failure is another secondary seismic hazard. During earthquake induced ground shaking, unstable slopes can fail, causing landslides and debris flows. Due to the nearly level topography of the site, seismically induced landslides are not considered a hazard. REGULATORY SETTING City of South San Francisco Hazard Mitigation Plan The City of South San Francisco has adopted the Association of Bay Area Governments Local Hazard Mitigation Plan as the Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) for the City by 4 Association of Bay Area Governments, www.abag.ca.gov , 2007. 5 California Geologic Survey, http://www.consrv.ca.gov/CGS/rghm/pshamap/pshamain.html. 6 ABAG website, www.abag.ca.gov 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 6-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT resolution 65-2006, on August 16, 2006. The HMP has been designed to identify the areas where people or structures may have higher vulnerability to earthquakes, flood, wildland fires, and other natural hazards. The plan identifies policies and actions that may be implemented by the City to reduce the potential for loss of life and property damage in these areas based on an analysis of the frequency of earthquakes, floods, wildland fires and landslides in terms of frequency, intensity, location, history, and damage effects. The Plan serves as a guide for decision-makers as they commit resources to reduce the effects of natural hazards. City of South San Francisco General Plan Update EIR The General Plan Update Health and Safety Element includes a section on Geological and Seismic Hazards. This section identifies geotechnical and geologic impacts to the general City of South San Francisco area. The most recent General Plan update was completed in October 1999. East of 101 Area Plan The 1999 General Plan update also includes a summary of the East of 101 Area Plan, providing specific policies for the area located east of U. S. Highway 101. City of South San Francisco Municipal Code The City of South San Francisco Municipal Code Title 15 includes information on the Construction Codes and Amendments adopted by the City of South San Francisco. This includes the California Building Code, among other codes used in construction in the City of South San Francisco. The California Building Code Vol. 1 and 2, 2001 Edition, including the California Building Standards, 2001 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, and as modified by the amendments, additions and deletions set forth in Title 15 was adopted by reference as the building code of the city of South San Francisco in 2004 (Ord. 1330 S 2 (part), 2004). Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act The California Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 required the mapping and zoning of active faults within the State of California. Under the act, development within zones of active fault displacement is restricted for structures intended for human occupancy. Any development site located within an Earthquake Fault Zone Boundary as delineated on State maps must be studied to determine if an active fault crosses the subject parcel. Setbacks from active faults are required under the Act. There is an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Map for the South San Francisco Quadrangle (1982), in which the Project site is located. California Seismic Hazards Mapping Act The California Seismic Hazards Mapping Act of 1990 (California Public Resources Code Sections 2690-2699.6) addresses seismic hazards other than surface rupture, such as PAGE 6-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 6: GEOLOGY AND SOILS liquefaction and seismically induced landslides. The Seismic Hazards Mapping Act specifies that the lead agency for a project may withhold development permits until geologic or soils investigations are conducted for specific sites and mitigation measures are incorporated into plans to reduce hazards associated with seismicity and unstable soils. The State of California does not currently have a Seismic Hazard Map for the southern part of the South San Francisco Quadrangle. However, the Seismic Hazard Map Home Page indicates that mapping for the southern part of the South San Francisco Quadrangle is currently under preparation. This map may be completed in the near future. Uniform Building Code (1997) and California Building Code (2001) The Uniform Building Code was developed by the International Conference of Building Officials to provide a set of consistent standards for building of structures. The California Building Code (CBC) was developed to incorporate modifications required by California law and statute and has been adopted by most jurisdictions in California, including the City of South San Francisco, to oversee construction. The CBC defines four Seismic Zones in California, which are ranked according to their seismic hazard potential. Zone 1 has the least seismic potential and Zone 4 has the highest seismic potential. The Bay Area is located in Seismic Zone 4 and thus development is required to comply with all design standards applicable to Seismic Zone 4. The earthquake protection law (California Heath and Safety Code section 19100 et seq.) requires that structures be designed to resist stresses produced by lateral forces caused by wind and earthquakes. Specific minimum standards for seismic safety and structural design to meet earthquake protection requirements are set forth in Chapter 16 of the CBC. IMPACT A \lALYSIS STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE According to CEQA Guidelines, exposure of people or structures to major geological hazards is considered a significant adverse impact. The potential geologic, soils, and seismic effects of the proposed Proj ect can be considered from two points of view: (1) construction impacts; and, (2) geologic hazards to people or structures. The basic criterion applied to the analysis of construction impacts is whether construction of the Project will create unstable geologic conditions that would last beyond the short-term construction period. The analysis of geological hazards is based on the degree to which the site geology could produce hazards to people or structures from earthquakes, ground shaking, ground movement, fault rupture, or other geologic hazards, features or events. According to CEQA Guidelines, the proposed Project would have a significant environmental impact if it were to result in: 1. The exposure of people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 6-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault; 2. The exposure of people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving strong seismic ground shaking; 3. The exposure of people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction and seismic-induced landslides; 4. The exposure of people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving landslides; 5. Development located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable (or that would become unstable as a result of the Project) and which could potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse; 6. The exposure of people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving volcanic hazards; 7. Development located on expansive soil, creating substantial risks to life and property; 8. The loss of topsoil or development in an area of erodible soils. 9. Development in areas where soils are incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater; 10. The loss of Mineral Resources important to the State of California or the local economy; 11. The alteration or destruction of a unique geological feature. SURFACE FAULT RUPTURE Impact Geo-l: Surface Fault Rupture. According to the latest available maps, the Project site is not contained within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone boundary. Published geologic maps of the area show the Hillside fault as lying 1,100 feet north of the site, but this fault is not considered active or potentially active, with an estimated age of most recent movement greater than 1.6 million years ago. The potential impact of surface fault rupture is considered less than significant. Therefore, no mitigation is required. PAGE 6-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 6: GEOLOGY AND SOILS EXPOSURE TO STRONG SEISMIC GROUND SHAKING Impact Geo-2: Seismic Ground Shaking. There is a high probability that the proposed development will be subjected to strong to violent ground shaking from an earthquake during its design life. Strong to violent seismic ground shaking is considered a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Geo-2a: Compliance with California Building Code. Project development shall meet requirements of the California Building Code V ols. 1 and 2, 2001 Edition, including the California Building Standards, 2001 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, and as modified by the amendments, additions and deletions as adopted by the City of South San Francisco, California. Incorporation of seismic construction standards would reduce the potential for catastrophic effects of ground shaking, such as complete structural failure, but will not completely eliminate the hazard of seismically induced ground shaking. Mitigation Measure Geo-2b: Compliance with a design level Geotechnical Investigation report prepared by a Registered Geotechnical Engineer and with Structural Design Plans as prepared by a Registered Structural Engineer. Proper foundation engineering and construction shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations of a Registered Geotechnical Engineer and a Registered Structural Engineer. The structural engineering design shall incorporate seismic parameters as outlined in the California Building Code as estimated below. The Project Geotechnical Investigation shall verify the seismic design parameters in accordance with requirements of the California Building Code. Seismic Zone Soil Profile Type Seismic Source Type Seismic Zone Factor Near Source Acceleration Factor, Na Near Source Velocity Factor, Nv 4 SE A 0.40 1.2 1.6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 6-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Mitigation Measure Geo-2c: Obtain a building permit and complete final design review. The Project applicant shall obtain a building permit through the City of South San Francisco Building Division. Plan Review of planned buildings and structures shall be completed by the Building Division for adherence to the seismic design criteria for planned commercial and industrial sites in the East of 101 Area of the City of South San Francisco. According to the East of 101 Area Plan, Geotechnical Safety Element, buildings shall not be subject to catastrophic collapse under foreseeable seismic events, and will allow egress of occupants in the event of damage following a strong earthquake. Conformity with these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of strong seIsmIC ground shaking to a level of less than significant. SEISMICALLY INDUCED GROUND FAILURE, INCLUDING LIQUEFACTION AND GROUND SURFACE SETTLEMENT Impact Geo-3. Liquefaction, Densification, and Ground Surface Settlement. The Association of Bay Area Governments identifies the Project area as an area of high hazard for liquefaction. Liquefaction or densification of soils underlying the site could result in settlement and differential settlement of site improvements including buildings, pavements, and utilities and pose a threat to human health. The potential for liquefaction of site soils is considered a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Geo-3a: Compliance with recommendations of a Geotechnical Investigation and in conformance with Structural Design Plans. A Design Level Geotechnical Investigation shall be prepared for the site under the direction of a California Registered Geotechnical Engineer and shall include analysis for liquefaction potential of the underlying sediments. Proper foundation engineering and construction shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Investigation. The Geotechnical Investigation shall be reviewed and approved by the City's Geotechnical Consultant and by the City Engineer. A Registered Structural Engineer shall prepare Project structural design plans. Structures shall be designed to minimize the affects of anticipated seismic settlements. The Geotechnical Engineer shall review the Structural Design Plans and provide approval for the Geotechnical elements of the plans. The design plans shall identify specific mitigation measures to reduce the liquefaction potential of surface soils. Mitigations measures may include P AG E 6- 1 0 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 6: GEOLOGY AND SOILS excavation and replacement as engineered fill, reduced foundation loading, and ground improvement by methods such as stone columns or pressure grouting. Mitigation Measure Geo-3b: Obtain a building permit and complete plan review. The Project applicant shall obtain a building permit through the City of South San Francisco Building Division. Plan Review of planned buildings and structures shall be completed by the Building Division for adherence to the seismic design criteria for planned commercial and industrial sites in the East of 101 Area of the City of South San Francisco. According to the East of 101 Area Plan, Geotechnical Safety Element, buildings shall not be subject to catastrophic collapse under foreseeable seismic events, and will allow egress of occupants in the event of damage following a strong earthquake. Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of seismic ground shaking to a less than significant level. LANDSLIDES The Project site is a nearly level area with no nearby hills that could fail by landsliding. There is no impact related to landslides. VOLCANIC HAZARDS The Project site is not located in an active volcano or volcanic hazard area. There is no impact related to volcanic hazards. UNSTABLE SOIL MATERIALS Impact Geo-4: Unstable Soils and Bay Mud. Undocumented fill soils are present on most of the subject site. Due to the presence of soil contamination at the site, these soils have not been reworked to provide a stable foundation for buildings, pavements and utilities. Fill soils of unknown quality are present in the proposed building and parking areas. Fill soils may settle due to new building loads. Bay Mud and alluvial soil deposits are present on adjacent sites and also constitute areas of potentially unstable soils. Bay Mud is likely present under portions of the Project site and may settle under design loading conditions resulting in differential settlement of structures. The presence of unstable soil and Bay Mud is a potentially significant impact. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 6- 11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Mitigation Measure Geo-4: Investigate unstable fill soils and Bay Mud. A Design Level Geotechnical Investigation shall be performed to determine the depth and extent of potentially unstable fill soil and Bay Mud. Based on results of this study the Geotechnical Engineer shall determine appropriate measures to stabilize the unstable soils present underlying the site. Consolidation testing of the Bay Mud soils shall be performed, as part of the Design Level Geotechnical Investigation, and estimates of settlement for the site shall be developed. Methods of unstable soil stabilization may include construction of driven pile foundations that support structures on materials located below fill soils and Bay Mud, and other methods as recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer. Buildings constructed on the adjacent properties have utilized driven pile foundations to support the structures. Implementation of the above mitigation measures will reduce the impact of unstable or potentially unstable soils and Bay Mud to less than significant. EXPANSIVE SOILS Impact Geo-5: Expansive Soils. Expansive soils may be present in the soils underlying the site, but are not considered a hazard to construction. According to the Draft Site Management Plan prepared by GrafCon (October 2006), the site will be capped by a minimum one-foot soil cap, which may be composed of a structural fill material in areas of pavements and concrete slabs-on- grade. The presence of expansive soils is considered a less than significant impact with no mitigation required. SOl L EROSION Impact Geo-6: Soil Erosion. The Project would involve mass grading in a sensitive area near the San Francisco Bay. Demolition of existing structures and pavements could expose underlying contaminated soil to the elements. Excavation of soil for construction of new buildings and pavement sections would also be performed and temporary stockpiles of loose soil will be created. Additionally, as part of Project development, a soil cap consisting of one-foot of imported clean fill will be placed on the site. Soils exposed during site grading would be subject to erosion during storm events. Grading would disturb site soils potentially leading to impacts to the San Francisco Bay. This would be a potentially significant impact during and following site construction activities. PAGE 6-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 6: GEOLOGY AND SOILS Mitigation Measure Geo-6a: Erosion Control Plan. The Project applicant shall complete an Erosion Control Plan to be submitted to the City in conjunction with the Grading Permit Application. The Erosion Control Plan shall include winterization, dust control, erosion control and pollution control measures conforming to the ABAG Manual of Standards for Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. The Erosion Control Plan shall describe the "best management practices" (BMPs) to be used during and following construction to control pollution resulting from both storm and construction water runoff. The Plan shall include locations of vehicle and equipment staging, portable restrooms, mobilization areas, and planned access routes. Recommended soil stabilization techniques include placement of straw wattles, silt fences, berms, and gravel construction entrance areas or other control to prevent tracking sediment onto city streets and into storm drains. Public works staff or representatives shall visit the site during grading and construction to ensure compliance with the grading ordinance and plans, and note any violations, which shall be corrected immediately. Mitigation Measure Geo-6b: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. In accordance with the Clean Water Act and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), the Applicant shall file a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prior to the start of construction. The SWPPP shall include specific best management practices to reduce soil erosion. This is required to obtain coverage under the General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity (Construction General Permit, 99- 08-DWQ). Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of soil erosion to a level of less than significant. SEPTIC SYSTEMS A sewer system is present in the area and septic systems are not required at the site. The Project would have no impact related to septic systems. LOSS OF MINERAL RESOURCES No mineral resources important to the State of California would be impacted by the Project. The Project would have no impact related to loss of mineral resources. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT P AG E 6- 1 3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT UNIQUE GEOLOGICAL FEATURES No unique geologic features will be impacted by the proposed Project. The Project would have no impact related to unique geological features. CUMULATIVE GEOLOGY AND SOILS IMPACTS Impact Geo-7: Cumulative Geology and Soils Impacts. Strong seismic ground shaking, liquefaction and densification during seismic ground shaking, underlying unstable soils and bay mud, and soil erosion during project construction and post construction are common impacts to projects located in the vicinity. The proposed Project would be one of numerous sites anticipated to undergo development/redevelopment in the vicinity and would contribute to a cumulative increase in sites facing these impacts. However, the project-specific contribution would be reduced by identified project- specific mitigation measures to a less than significant level with no additional mitigation required. The following contributing elements to Impact Geo- 7 above are discussed in more detail below: ( a) Exposure to Strong Seismic Ground Shaking; (b) Liquefaction, Densification, and Ground Surface Settlement; (c) Unstable Soils and Bay Mud; and (d) Soil Erosion. Exposure to Strong Seismic Ground Shaking Exposure to strong seismic ground shaking is a common impact to all projects located in the San Francisco Bay region. Development of the Project would increase the number of people exposed to seismic ground shaking in the City of South San Francisco. In the case of a major strong seismic ground-shaking event, emergency response calls could increase due to the Project development. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measures Geo- 2a, Geo-2b and Geo-2c will reduce the potential cumulative impacts of strong seismic ground shaking to a less than significant level. Liquefaction., Densification., and Ground Surface Settlement Liquefaction and dynamic densification of soils underlying the site is a common impact with much of the surrounding area. Liquefaction and densification during seismic ground shaking could lead to ground surface settlement of the Project site as well as the surrounding area. The identified mitigation measures Geo-3a and Geo-3b will reduce the impact to the Project site to less than significant, but impacts to the surrounding area will depend on site specific factors. The Cumulative impact of liquefaction, densification, and ground surface settlement is considered less than significant. P AG E 6- 14 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 6: GEOLOGY AND SOILS Unstable Soils and Bay Mud The presence of unstable soils and bay mud underlying the site is a common impact with much of the surrounding area. Settlement of marsh soils and bay mud at depth have resulted in ground surface settlement of the Project site as well as the surrounding area. The identified mitigation measure Geo-4 will reduce the impact to the Project site to less than significant, but impacts to the surrounding area will depend on site-specific factors. The Cumulative impact of unstable soils and bay mud is considered less than significant. Soil Erosion Soil erosion during Project construction and post construction is a common impact of all re- development or development projects involving exposure of soils to the environment. The identified mitigation measures Geo-6a and Geo-6b will reduce the potential cumulative impact to less than significant. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT P AG E 6- 1 5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. P AG E 6- 1 6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 7 HAZARDOLS MATERIALS I \lTRODUCTIO \I A hazardous material is a substance or combination of substances which, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may either 1) cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious, irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or 2) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health and safety, or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. Hazardous waste (a subset of hazardous materials) refers to hazardous material that is abandoned, discarded or recycled. The following section describes the history of hazardous materials use at the site, and the potential threat to future site users and the surrounding environment resulting from the proposed development. Development plans require demolition of four existing one and two story buildings to make space for new construction consisting of one three-story and two five-story office, research and development buildings. Research and Development uses are expected to require Class A laboratory facilities, including the use and handling of potentially hazardous materials and the presence of possible biological hazards. Plans also show that an eight level, 1,134 space parking garage would be constructed along the south edge of the site. The information presented below was drawn from several sources of data including: (1) Draft Site Management Plan, GrafCon (October 2006); (2) Geotechnical Study, Exelis II, Britannia Pointe Grand, Geomatrix, May 2000; (3) Geotechnical Study, Surgen and Metaxen Buildings, Britannia Pointe Grand Business Park, Geomatrix, August 1997; (4) Geotechnical Study, Surgen Phase III Building Britannia Pointe Grand, Geomatrix, May 23, 2002; (5) Environmental Data Resources Incorporated Radius Map with Geocheck database search (January 6, 2004); (6) Review of the Department of Toxic Substances and Control (DTSC) Database (www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov); (7) Review of the State Water Resources Control Board Geotracker Database (geotracker.swrcb.ca.gov); (8) Review of the City of South San Francisco General Plan and East of 101 Area Plan Element; as well as all other applicable ordinances and regulations; (9) Review of Site Boundary Plan (December 6, 2006) and Preliminary Drainage Plan (December 4, 2006) by DES Architects (10) Review of the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department website (11) private telephone conversations with San Mateo County and City of South San Francisco officials; and (12) a site visit by Questa Engineering Staff on February 7, 2006. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT SETTI \lG REGULATORY SETTING Jurisdictional Authoritv At the federal level, the chief regulator is the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A), Region IX for Northern California. At the State level, the Department of Toxic Substances and Control (DTSC) is chiefly responsible for regulation, handling, use, and disposal of toxic materials. The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) is involved in regulation and permitting wherever there is potential discharge of hazardous materials into waterways and underground aquifers, including regulation of storm water runoff through the general permit required for construction projects exceeding one acre. The local branch of the Water Board is the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (SFBRWQCB). Regulation of toxic and hazardous substances is locally administered through the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department (SMCEHD), which acts as the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUP A). A CUP A is certified by the California Environmental Protection Agency to handle certain hazardous materials and hazards programs. The CUP A program was established under the amendments to the California Health and Safety Code made by SB 1082 in 1994, which allows for local agencies, such as counties, cities, or joint powers authorities, to assume responsibility for programs such as the Hazardous Materials Business Plan/Emergency Response Plan, Hazardous Waste/Tiered Permitting, Underground Storage Tanks, Aboveground Storage Tanks (SPCC only), California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CaIARP) and the Uniform Fire Code Hazardous Materials Management Plan. Regulations., Plans and Programs The Hazardous Materials Business Plan is used to keep track of the use of hazardous materials by businesses in accordance with both state and federal laws. The California Accidental Release Prevention (CaIARP) Program is a merging of the federal and state programs for the prevention of accidental release of regulated toxic and flammable substances. The goal is to eliminate the need for two separate and distinct chemical risk management programs. CalARP is the Federal Risk Management Plan Program with additional state requirements, including a list of regulated substances and thresholds and requires preparation of a Risk Management Plan for businesses using regulated substances. The Hazardous Waste Generator Program was started in 1984 when the State of California DTSC authorized the Health Department to inspect and regulate non-permitted hazardous waste generators in San Mateo County based on the Hazardous Waste Control Law found in the California Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.5 and regulations found in the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4.5. PAGE 7-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The groundwater protection program is funded wholly or in part, by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEP A), under Cooperative Agreement L-009450-1-0 to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and by Contract 8-014-550 to the County of San Mateo. In conjunction with these laws the underground storage tank program was created to regulate the chief source of underground contamination, leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) or fuel tanks (LUFTs). Many regulatory agencies maintain a database of sites. Currently, both the DTSC (www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov) and State Water Resources Control Board (geotracker.swrcb.ca.gov) maintain online searchable databases of hazardous materials sites. Other databases with information on hazardous materials sites include the Federal Superfund list started through the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Conservation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980 and the USEPA, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS), HAZNET, the leaking underground storage tank information system (LUST), and the Cortese list. Air pollution is regulated through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). These programs and regulations are intended to restrict environmental contamination, including hazards to wildlife, provide protection for natural resources, and limit public exposure to harmful chemicals. Specific programs intended to protect workers from exposure to hazardous materials and from accidental upset are covered under the Occupational Health and Safety Administration at both the Federal Level (OSHA) and the state level (CAL- OSHA). Title 40 of the Federal Code of Regulations covers worker training and safety regulations pertinent to hazardous materials. OSHA regulations for hazardous waste operations training in California are found in Title 29 of the California Code, Section 1910.120(e). The law requires General Site Workers receive a minimum of 40 hours of instruction off the site, and a minimum of three days of actual field experience, while Occasional Site Workers receive a minimum 24 hours of instruction off the site, and a minimum of one day actual field experience. Transportation of hazardous materials on the highways is regulated primarily through the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) and the California Department of Transportation (CAL TRANS). This includes a system of placards, labels, and shipping papers required to identify the hazards of shipping each class of hazardous materials. Existing federal and state laws address risks associated with the transport of hazardous materials. These laws include regulations outlined in the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act administered by the DOT. Caltrans is mandated to implement the regulations established by the DOT, which is published as the Federal Code of Regulations, Title 49, commonly referred to as 49 CFR. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) enforces these regulations. Regulations of hazardous materials and wastes include the manufacture of packaging and transport containers; packing and repacking; labeling; marking or placarding; handling; spill reporting; routing of transports; training of transport personnel; and registration of highly hazardous material transport. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT General Plan Policies The City of South San Francisco General Plan contains several policies that relate to hazardous materials and waste, mainly contained in Section 8.3, shown in Table 7-1. Table 7-1 Select General Plan Policies Regarding Hazardous Materials Policy Goal 8.3-G-1 Reduce solid and hazardous waste, and recycle to slow the filling of landfills in accord with the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989. 8.3-G-2 Enforce revised zoning ordinance prohibition of intensive industrial production of hazardous waste and the permanent storage of hazardous materials. Limit light industrial uses that produce hazardous waste, such as auto repair and auto painting businesses. 8.3-1-3 Establish a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database of sites included on the Cortese List. The GIS should assist in the development approval process. 8.3- 1-4 Establish an ordinance specifying routes for transporting hazardous materials. Routes should not pass through residential areas or other sensitive areas and allow specific times for transport to reduce the impact and accident risk during peak travel periods. Source: City of South San Francisco General Plan SITE HISTORY The site history has been documented several times and was recently summarized in the site management plan. Originally a tidal marsh, the Project area was filled and developed in the late 19th century. Development was hastened by construction of the railroad, which facilitated transport of heavy industrial materials along the railroad and from nearby barges on San Francisco Bay. In the site vicinity, the chief industries were metal plating and de-tinning operations from the 1920s until the early 1980s. The property was the site of a processing plant for the recovery of tin and steel from scrap tinplate. During plant operations, a two-acre evaporation pond existed on-site for the collection of plant effluent. Large piles of scrap steel generated in the de-tinning process were also stored on-site. In 1982 Tinmet Corporation (Tinmet) purchased the property. Tinmet submitted a closure plan for the plant to the Department of Health services, now the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), in 1982; the DTSC approved the closure plan. The primary chemicals of concern in soil, sludge, surface water, and groundwater were lead and zinc. Remediation of the site in the 1980s was accomplished through the removal of approximately 52,000 cubic yards of commercial waste and contaminated soil that was excavated, loaded, and transported off site. Soils were removed to an average concentration of 500 parts per million (ppm) total lead. PAGE 7-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS The DTSC accepted removal of soil and deed restrictions limiting future development as sufficient to close the remediation case. However, soil sampling in 1987 and 1994 identified lead, zinc, chromium, and copper soil contamination to as deep as 10 feet below the ground surface. As a result of the 1994 findings, a I-foot thick layer of clean uncontaminated soil was placed over the heavy metal contaminated soil to prevent human and ecological exposure and potential off-site contamination. In 1997, Geomatrix completed an additional site investigation including analytical testing for a larger range of possible contaminants than was done previously. Results indicated concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil were below regulatory thresholds for cleanup at the time. The Regional Water Quality Control Board confirmed these results in a letter dated March 17, 1997. Since that time the area around the property has been developed with no further remedial action on the subject property. VICINITY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SITES There are numerous hazardous materials sites throughout the East of 101 Area of South San Francisco, reflecting the long industrial history of the area. Due to the density of sites, only those bordering the property are discussed here since contamination from these sites would have the greatest potential impact during development of the subj ect property. Most sites are reported in the various environmental databases as they are registered hazardous waste generators and members of the hazardous materials business plan program for San Mateo County. These include Sugen, Inc. bordering the site to the northwest, Metaxen Inc., bordering to the southeast, Rigel, Inc. bordering to the south, and Exelixis, Inc. bordering to the southwest and east. These sites are reported for miscellaneous laboratory waste products. Across East Grand Avenue to the north of the site, the former Georgia Pacific facility (249 E. Grand Avenue) stored and processed paper and cardboard. Asbestos containing building materials were present in this structure, but were removed during recent structural demolition. Additionally, soil and groundwater sampling and testing from boreholes on that property found no evidence of contamination from hydrocarbons, metals, or related compounds above either the Regional Water Quality Control Board Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs) or the California Human Health Screening Levels (CHHSLs), established by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. While the bordering sites are listed as containing hazardous materials, there is no evidence of active leaks or contamination from these sites affecting soil or groundwater that could penetrate onto or underneath the subject property. Area sites listed as potential sources of soil and groundwater contamination in the area are more distant and limited to older developments, especially businesses with former leaking underground fuel tanks, or former scrap metal processing plant sites. Outside the subject property the nearest site in the DTSC database is the California Department of Transportation (CAL TRANS) South San Francisco Maintenance Yard at 166 Harbor Way, located approximately 1,000 feet west of the site. The site was formerly occupied by various industrial facilities that included a sheet steel mill and galvanizing plant, an insulating material manufacturer, and scrap car compacting. The site is 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT listed for arsenic, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated nuclear aromatic compounds, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel. Records show a voluntary cleanup agreement was completed on February 23,2001, and further action was not required unless the site was to be redeveloped. Other sites with known soil and groundwater contamination issues are more than one-quarter mile distant from the site and the chance of contamination spreading from one of these sites is remote. Any off-site contamination would likely be secondary to the contamination present on the subject site. CURRENT CONTAMINATION LEVELS AND HEALTH RISKS Contamination levels in shallow soils below the existing pavement and I-foot clean soil cap are likely to be very similar to those measured in 1997, and perhaps only slightly diluted from dispersal of the more soluble chemicals and metals through groundwater seepage. These concentrations are shown in Table 7-2 with comparison to the Regional Water Quality Control Board screening levels for commercial sites. Contamination exceeding the screening levels is shown in bold. Table 7-2 Current Shallow Soils Contamination Levels Constituent Environmental Screening Levels (ESLs) Commercial Units of Measure Concentration / Industrial Sites 1 mg/kg 0-51 100 mg/kg 0-51 100 mg/kg 0-51 500 mg/kg 10-14 7.4 mg/kg 4.1-320 230 mg/kg 1,000 750 mg/kg 15-90, as high as 2,950 600 mg/kg 0.41 0.0031 mg/kg 0.054-0.093 0.74 TPH-gasoline TPH-diesel TPH-motor oil Cadmium Copper Lead Zinc Cyanide PCBs 1 (SFR WQCB, 2005) Shallow Soil Screening Levels, Commercial Use (Table B-1) Source: Questa Engineering from GrafCon, October 2006, Draft Site Management Plan, Britannia Pointe Grand Limited Partnership. PAGE 7-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Table 7-2 shows the most significant contamination found at the subject property are from lead and cadmium in soil. Localized contamination from copper, cyanide and zinc are also a concern among the contaminants that were screened. While petroleum hydrocarbons are present, their concentrations are low enough to indicate background contamination rather than an active plume, such as would occur in response to a leaking underground fuel tank. There is no evidence of an active groundwater plume, but there would be residual contamination from percolation and seepage of groundwater through remaining contaminated soils. Based on site elevation there is also likely to be some occasional mixing with brackish water. For these and other reasons groundwater underlying the site is not considered suitable for drinking water and use is restricted in the deed. IMPACT A \lALYSIS STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE The following thresholds for measuring a Project's environmental impacts are based upon CEQA Guidelines thresholds: 1. Would the Proj ect create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? 2. Would the Project create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? 3. Would the Project produce hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? 4. Would the Project be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? 5. Would the Project be located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport? Would the Project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the Project Area? 6. For a Project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the Project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the Project Area? 7. Would the Project impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? 8. Would the Project expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS USE, TRANSPORT Impact Haz-l: Routine transportation, use or disposal of hazardous materials. The proposed development is for construction of a three-story office and Class- A laboratory building, two 5-story office and Class-A laboratory buildings, a parking garage, central courtyard, and associated landscaping and infrastructure. Class A refers to a research laboratory, not merely an instructional laboratory . Depending upon the nature of research planned at the proposed facilities, for which detailed information has not yet been provided, there are likely to be both hazardous and potentially hazardous materials stored and used on the site that will eventually require disposal. There are likely to be biological hazards, chemical hazards and risk of fire or explosion. There is also likely to be transportation of hazardous materials to and from the site, probably traveling along Highway 101 and East Grand Avenue. The risk of accidental upset and environmental contamination from routine transport, storage, use and disposal of hazardous and potentially hazardous materials to the public and environment is a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Haz-la: Plan Review for Adherence to Fire and Safety Codes. Building space must be designed to handle the intended use, with sprinklers, alarms, vents, and secondary containment structures, where applicable. These systems must pass plan review through the City of South San Francisco Planning, Building and Fire Departments. Mitigation Measure Haz-lb: Construction Inspection and Final Inspection Prior to Occupancy. During construction, the utilities including sprinkler systems shall pass pressure and flush tests to make sure they perform as designed. At the end of construction, occupancy shall not be allowed until a final inspection is made by the Fire Department for conformance of all building systems with the Fire Code and National Fire Protection Agency Requirements. The inspection shall include testing of sprinklers systems, alarm systems, ventilation and airflow systems, and secondary containment systems. The inspection shall include a review of the emergency evacuation plans. These plans shall be modified as deemed necessary. Mitigation Measure Haz-lc: Hazardous Materials Business Plan Program. Businesses occupying the development must complete a Hazardous Materials Business Plan for the safe storage and use of chemicals. The Business Plan must include the PAGE 7-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS type and quantity of hazardous materials, a site map showing storage locations of hazardous materials and where they may be used and transported from, risks of using these materials, material safety data sheets for each material, a spill prevention plan, an emergency response plan, employee training consistent with OSHA guidelines, and emergency contact information. Businesses qualify for the program if they store a hazardous material equal to or greater than the minimum reportable quantities. These quantities are 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids and 200 cubic feet (at standard temperature and pressure) for compressed gases. Exemptions include businesses selling only pre-packaged consumer goods; medical professionals who store oxygen, nitrogen, and/or nitrous oxide in quantities not more than 1,000 cubic feet for each material, and who store or use no other hazardous materials; or facilities that store no more than 55 gallons of a specific type of lubricating oil, and for which the total quantity of lubricating oil not exceed 275 gallons for all types of lubricating oil. These exemptions are not expected to apply to Class A laboratory facilities. Businesses occupying and/or operating at the proposed development must submit a business plan prior to the start of operations, and must review and update the entire Business Plan at least once every two years, or within 30 days of any significant change, including without limitation, changes to emergency contact information, major increases or decreases in hazardous materials storage and/or changes in location of hazardous materials. Plans shall be submitted to the San Mateo County Environmental Health Business Plan Program, which may be contacted at (650) 363-4305 for more information. The San Mateo County Environmental Health Department (SMCEHD) shall inspect the business at least once a year to make sure that the Business Plan is complete and accurate. Mitigation Measure Haz-ld: Hazardous Waste Generator Program. Applicable businesses shall register and comply with the hazardous waste generator program. The State of California Department of Toxic Substances Control authorized the SMCEHD to inspect and regulate non-permitted hazardous waste generators in San Mateo County based on the Hazardous Waste Control Law found in the California Health and Safety Code Division 20, Chapter 6.5 and regulations found in the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 4.5. Regulations require businesses generating any amount of hazardous waste as defined by regulation to properly store, manage and dispose of such waste. Division staff also conducts surveillance and enforcement activities in conjunction with the County District Attorney's 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Office for businesses or individuals that significantly violate the above referenced law and regulations. Mitigation Measure Haz-le: Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations. All transportation of hazardous materials and hazardous waste to and from the site will be in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, US Department of Transportation (DOT), State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and local laws, ordinances and procedures including placards, signs and other identifying information. Implementation of the above mitigation measures would reduce the impact of routine transportation, use or disposal of hazardous materials to a level of less than significant through compliance with existing regulations, plans and programs as discussed specifically in mitigation measures Haz-l a through Haz-l e that act to ensure adequate safety levels are reached and maintained throughout the life of the project. ACCI DENTAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RELEASE Impact Haz-2: Accidental Hazardous Materials Release. During demolition operations hazardous materials could be released from structures at the site or from the underlying soils. Following construction, operations at the proposed facilities are expected to represent a continuing threat to the environment through accidental release of hazardous materials since the site is proposed to include Class A laboratory facilities, where hazardous materials may be stored, used, and disposed of. This represents a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Haz-2a: Demolition Plan and Permitting. A demolition plan with permit applications shall be submitted to the City of South San Francisco Building Department for approval prior to demolition. The Demolition Plan for safe demolition of existing structures shall include asbestos dust control and incorporate recommendations from the site surveys for the presence of potentially hazardous building materials, as well as additional surveys when required by the City. The Demolition Plan shall address both on-site Worker Protection and off-site resident protection from both chemical and physical hazards. All contaminated building materials shall be tested for contaminant concentrations and shall be disposed of to appropriate licensed landfill facilities. Prior to building demolition, hazardous building materials such as peeling, chipping and friable lead based paint and asbestos containing building materials shall be removed in accordance with all applicable guidelines, laws, and ordinances. The PAGE 7-10 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Demolition Plan shall include a program of air monitoring for dust particulates and attached contaminants. Dust control and suspension of work during dry windy days shall be addressed in the plan. Prior to obtaining a demolition permit from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), an asbestos demolition survey shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 2. Mitigation Measure Haz-2b: California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CaIARP). Future businesses at the development shall check the state and federal lists of regulated substances available from the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department (SMCEHD). Chemicals on the list are chemicals that pose a major threat to public health and safety or the environment because they are highly toxic, flammable or explosive. Businesses shall determine which list to use in consultation with the SMCEHD. Should businesses qualify for the program they shall complete a CalARP registration form and submit it to Environmental Health. Following registration, they shall submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP). RMPs are designed to handle accidental releases and ensure that businesses have the proper information to provide to emergency response teams if an accidental release occurs. All businesses that store or handle more than a threshold quantity (TQ) of a regulated substance must develop a RMP and follow it. Risk Management Plans describe impacts to public health and the environment if a regulated substance is released near schools, residential areas, hospitals and childcare facilities. RMPs must include procedures for: keeping employees and customers safe, handling regulated substances, training staff, maintaining equipment, checking that substances are stored safely, and responding to an accidental release. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce the Project's impact to a level of less than significant. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SITES The site has a well-documented history of hazardous materials. A majority of the contaminated soil and waste was removed during the early 1980s, however subsequent analytical testing between 1987 and 1994 found elevated levels of lead, zinc, cadmium, and other contaminants remained in soil. As a result, a I-foot cap of clean soil was placed across the site. Deed restrictions limiting future development were formalized in 1997. Provisions are that the site may not be used for residential housing, as a hospital, school, daycare facility, recreational facility, or for raising animals or food crops. The deed also restricts use 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT of groundwater to specific required remediation or construction dewatering. Since then the site has remained relatively undisturbed and the exposure risk has remained minimal. However, the proposed development requires major grading and disturbance of the cap to construct structural foundations, and to construct the utility corridors. Impact Haz-3: Exposure to contaminated soil and groundwater. During demolition and construction, workers could be exposed to contaminated soil and groundwater. Following site development, future maintenance work is also likely to penetrate into the subsurface where contamination remains. Soil and groundwater disturbance presents an exposure hazard to workers and trespassers. Disturbance of the subsurface also increases the potential for contamination to spread through surface water runoff, creation of seepage pathways, and through wind blown dust. These impacts are potentially significant. Mitigation Measure Haz-3a: San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Closure of Existing Facilities. Any businesses on the site that are currently registered in the hazardous materials business plan program shall submit a closure work plan in accordance with the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Business Closure Policy prior to vacating the property. The closure plan shall detail any necessary sampling and remediation. Closure will not be granted until businesses have demonstrated there is no need for further remediation, and shall include documentation of the removal of any hazardous chemicals. Mitigation Measure Haz-3b: Development and Implementation of Site Management Plans. The Site Management Plans shall build upon the existing draft Site Management Plan and shall address the exposure risk to people and the environment resulting from future demolition, construction, occupancy, and maintenance activities on the property. The plans shall be in accordance with recommendations of the Environmental Consultant, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Toxic Substances Control, the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Groundwater Protection Program and the City of South San Francisco Public Works Department. In accordance with DTSC recommendations from review of the Draft Site Management Plan there should be two separate plans: (1) ongoing Operations and Maintenance Activities, and (2) a specific plan addressing the future proposed site development based on actual proposed grading, excavation and construction. The plans are required to be more specific than the draft plan. PAGE 7-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Specific mitigation measures designed to protect human health and the environment shall be provided in the plan. At a minimum, the plan shall include the following: 1) Requirements for site specific Health and Safety Plans (HASP) shall be prepared in accordance with OSHA regulations by all contractors at the Project site. This includes a HASP for all demolition, grading and excavation on the site, as well as for future subsurface maintenance work. The HASP shall include appropriate training, any required personal protective equipment, and monitoring of contaminants to determine exposure. The HASP will be reviewed and approved by a Certified Industrial Hygienist. The plan shall also designate provisions to limit worker entry and exposure and shall show locations and type of protective fencing to prevent public exposure to any hazards during demolition, site grading, and construction activities. 2) Standards for treatment of soil excavated from beneath the soil cap shall be established. Due to the extent and depth of foundation and utility excavations, a significant volume of contaminated soils are likely to be generated during construction, and to a lesser extent during future maintenance work. These soils must be characterized for reuse above the future cap, reburial, or disposal off-site. Only soil with contaminant levels below the DTSC California Human Health Screening Levels and RWQCB Environmental Screening Levels for Commercial sites shall be allowed for reuse above the future cap. All other soil must be either re-capped or disposed of off-site. To avoid the spread of contamination, on-site soils excavated from below the cap shall be segregated from any imported clean fill. Soils shall be placed on a plastic tarp, covered and bermed to reduce the risk from windblown dust or surface water runoff spreading contamination. Then soil must be tested to determine the levels of remaining contamination and suitability for re-use. Contaminated soils unable to be re-buried under at least one-foot of clean soil must be off-hauled and disposed of by a licensed hazardous materials contractor under the proper manifesting documents. A report shall document the volume, concentration and nature of contaminants in the off-hauled material. 3) Requirements for site-specific construction techniques that would minimize exposure to any subsurface contamination shall be developed. This shall include treatment and disposal measures for any contaminated groundwater removed from excavations, trenches, and dewatering systems in accordance with local and Regional Water Quality Control Board guidelines. Groundwater encountered in 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-13 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT trenches and other excavations shall not be discharged into the neighboring storm drain, but into a closed containment facility, unless proven to have concentrations of contaminants below established regulatory guidelines. Contaminated groundwater will be required to be stored in Baker tanks until tested. If testing determines that the water can be discharged into the sanitary sewer system, then the applicant must acquire a ground water discharge permit from the City of South San Francisco Sanitary Sewer District and meet local discharge limits before being allowed to discharge into the sanitary sewer. Water must be analyzed for the chemicals of concern at the site, which include metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and cyanide. 4) General sampling and testing plan for excavated soils shall determine suitability for reuse or acceptability for disposal at a state licensed landfill facility. Testing shall include the California Title 22 Hazardous Metals (CAM 17 metals), TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, and TPH as motor oil. Soils excavated in the area identified as containing cyanide shall also be tested for cyanide contamination. Testing results shall be compared to DTSC California Human Health Screening Levels and RWQCB Environmental Screening Levels to determine suitability to remain on-site as engineered fill or landscape fill. Any soils determined to exceed the CHHSLs and ESLs for Commercial sites shall be deemed as unsuitable for re-use as fill above the future cap. 5) Replacement of the soil cap shall be performed. Following foundation and utility work the clean soil cap shall be restored with at least one- foot of clean soil fill. 6) Future subsurface work plan. The plan shall document procedures for future subsurface landscaping work, utility maintenance, etc., with proper DTSC notification, where applicable. The plan shall include a general health and safety plan for each expected type of work, with appropriate personal protective equipment, where applicable. 7) Future cap maintenance plan. The plan shall include an inspection schedule and procedures for repairing the soil cap. A report on the condition of the soil cap and documenting all repairs shall be submitted periodically to the DTSC. Implementation of mitigation measures Haz-3a and Haz-3b would reduce the impact from exposure of Construction Workers to contaminated soils and groundwater to a level of less than significant. PAGE 7-14 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS NEAR SCHOOLS Impact Haz-4: Contaminated Dust. The Early Years Children's Center is located at 371 Allerton Avenue, approximately one-quarter mile eastward and downwind of the northeast corner of the property. During grading, contaminated soils that are currently buried would be disturbed. Disturbed soils could be mobilized by movement of heavy equipment and the wind, resulting in potential dispersal of contamination. Dispersed contaminants, of which the most probable is lead, could be inhaled, ingested or adsorbed and present a potential health hazard. Dispersal of contaminated dust during demolition and grading would be a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Haz-4: Demolition and Construction Air Quality Control. Following closure of businesses, a demolition plan with permit applications shall be submitted to the City of South San Francisco Building Department for approval prior to demolition. The Demolition Plan shall address both on- site Worker Protection and off-site resident protection from both chemical and physical hazards. Building materials shall be tested for chemicals of concern and unless recycled shall be disposed to appropriate licensed landfill facilities. Prior to building demolition, any hazardous building materials such as peeling, chipping and friable lead based paint or asbestos containing building materials shall be removed in accordance with all applicable guidelines, laws, and ordinances. Both the Demolition and Grading Plans submitted to the City for approval shall include a program of air monitoring for dust particulates and attached contaminants. This shall be in accordance with BAAQMD requirements and all other applicable standards. Dust control and suspension of work during dry windy days shall be addressed in the plans. The Plan shall include details of site watering, covering of exposed stockpiles, and security fencing to prevent trespassers during demolition and construction. During demolition and construction, the site shall be inspected regularly to ensure compliance with the approved plan. Materials determined or even suspected of being hazardous waste shall be off-hauled by a hazardous materials contractor to an appropriately licensed landfill facility in closed vehicles. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce the impact to the school from possible contaminated dust to a level of less than significant. Impact Haz-5: Future Emissions Near Schools. Since the proposed development includes research laboratory facilities, it is likely that hazardous chemicals will be stored and used on the property. In certain circumstances these 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-15 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT chemicals could spill, mix, ignite, or volatilize and cause a hazardous emission near the childcare center, which would be a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Haz-5: Future Building Compliance with Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards. Each independent R&D facility operating on the property shall obtain necessary permits and comply with monitoring and inspection requirements of the BAAQMD. Future operations shall comply with all local, state and federal requirements for emissions. Each facility shall also meet OSHA and California OSHA standards for R&D facilities. This includes plan review by the City of South San Francisco to examine if the proposed development plans meet the same standards as for other similar facilities. Engineering controls, such as exhaust hoods, filtration systems, spill kits, fire extinguishers, and other controls, shall be incorporated into laboratory facilities to meet OSHA and California OSHA requirements. These standards are primarily designed to maintain worker safety, but also function to reduce the risk of accidental upset and limit potential hazardous emissions. Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact to the school from possible hazardous emissions to a level of less than significant. Impact Haz-6a: Handling of laboratory wastes within one-quarter mile of a school. The Early Years Children's Center is located at 371 Allerton Avenue, approximately one-quarter mile east of the site. Since the proposed development includes research lab facilities it is possible that hazardous chemicals or biological hazards would be present and handled in close proximity to the childcare facility. This represents a potentially significant impact. Impact Haz-6b: Handling of demolition waste and contaminated soils within one- quarter mile of a school. During demolition, potentially hazardous waste would be generated and require disposal. During grading and construction, contaminated site soils would be disturbed and require handling and possible disposal unless reused and buried under a clean cap. This also presents a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Haz-6: Regulation of hazardous materials in accordance with the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department Programs. Registration and regulation in the Hazardous Materials Business Plan Program, Hazardous Waste Generator Plan Program, and California Accidental Release PAGE 7-16 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Program in accordance with mitigation measures Haz-l c, Haz-l d, and Haz-2b identified in this chapter, for risk of accidental upset and for routine transport, disposal, and use of hazardous wastes, would significantly reduce the risk to occupants of the nearby childcare facility. Mitigation Measure Haz-4a above also helps reduce this impact to a less than significant level. Implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact to the school from nearby handling of hazardous materials to a level of less than significant. AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN Impact Haz-7: Airport Land Use Plan. The proposed Project would be located within the jurisdiction of the Airport Land Use Plan for the San Francisco International Airport. According to the East of 101 Area Specific Plan (available online through the City of South San Francisco Planning Department web site ), the most stringent height limits in South San Francisco are south of Forbes Boulevard and Lindenville, including the Project area. In this area Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 77, limits building heights to an elevation of 161 feet above mean sea level, approximately 12 to 14 stories. Since the tallest proposed buildings are 5 stories and the parking garage is 7 levels, no buildings would exceed 161 feet in height, therefore, the structures would be in compliance with the Airport Land Use Plan. The impact of the Project on the Airport Land Use Plan is less than significant with no mitigation warranted.. The Project Site is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip. Private aircraft are sometimes granted air space in the East of 101 area, but Proj ect buildings and structures are expected to conform to design guidelines for visibility and meet aviation requirements. Therefore, the Project would have no impact relating to a private airstrip. ADOPTED EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN No changes to the major access and evacuation routes along East Grand Avenue and Little- field Avenue are planned since the Project calls for redevelopment rather than reconstruction or new development of an entire area. Therefore, the Project would have no impact relating to an adopted emergency response plan. WILDLAND FIRES The Project area is urbanized and is not in an area adjacent to wildland subject to wildfires. Therefore the Project would have no impact from wildland fires. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-17 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT CUMULATIVE HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IMPACTS Impact Haz-8: Cumulative Hazardous Impacts. The proposed Project would be one of numerous sites, some of which are also existing hazardous materials sites, that are anticipated to undergo development/redevelopment in the vicinity. The Project would contribute to a cumulative increase in the number of sites handling hazardous materials, both in the vicinity in general as well as near a school, and would result in a cumulative increase in transportation, use, disposal, and potential for exposure to and/or accidental release of hazardous materials during both construction and operations. However, the cumulative impact is expected to be slight and identified project-specific mitigation measures would reduce this impact to a less than significant level with no additional mitigation required. Potentially significant impacts of the Project are detailed above under the Impact Analysis section of this document. The following contributing elements to Impact Haz- 7 above are discussed in more detail below: (a) Hazardous Materials Use, Transport; (b) Hazardous Materials Sites; and (c) Hazardous Materials near Schools. Hazardous Materials Use., Transport Routine hazardous materials use and transport may have a slight cumulative impact in that because there would be an increase in the number of sites handling potentially hazardous materials and an increase in transportation of those materials through the City, there is a potential for an increased cumulative impact. More releases of hazardous materials could occur from accident during the transportation of hazardous materials through the City. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measures Haz-l a, Haz-l b, Haz-l c, Haz-ld and Haz-le would reduce the cumulative impact to less than significant. Accidental Hazardous Materials Release Accidental hazardous materials release during use and transport may have a slight cumulative impact in that because there would be an increase in the number of sites handling potentially hazardous materials and an increase in transportation of those materials through the City, there is a potential for an increased cumulative impact. More releases of hazardous materials could occur from accident during use or the transportation of hazardous materials through the City. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measures Haz-2a and Haz-2b would reduce the cumulative impact to less than significant. Hazardous Materials Sites The Project site is an existing hazardous materials site. The Project development will include exposure of the remaining capped hazardous materials during site development and construction, but will be re-capped as part of the proposed Project. Releases of hazardous materials could occur during construction if not properly executed, this could have a PAGE 7-18 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS cumulative effect on the surrounding area, which contains numerous hazardous materials sites. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measures Haz-3a and Haz-3b would reduce the cumulative impact to less than significant. Hazardous Materials near Schools The proposed Project would demolish existing structures and would use hazardous materials, under laboratory-controlled conditions, within one-quarter mile of a school site. Other sites under redevelopment within the Project area have similar demolition requirements and future uses of hazardous materials. This could create a potential cumulative impact. However, implementation of the identified mitigation measures Haz-4a, Haz-4b and Haz-5a would reduce the cumulative impact to less than significant. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 7-19 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 7-20 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 8 HYDROLOGY INTRODUCTION This section presents an evaluation of potential Project impacts to hydrology and water quality. The discussion is based on: (1) review of the Preliminary Project Description and Use Permit Application plans (dated December 6,2006); (2) a site visit conducted on Feb 7, 2007 by Questa Engineering personnel; (3) review of the Summary of Environmental Review and Investigation; (4) Review of the Draft Site Management Plan, GrafCon (October 2006); and (5) correspondence with City of South San Francisco and San Mateo County Public Works Departments. SETTI \lG CLIMATE AND TOPOGRAPHY The Project site is within the 30.5-acre Britannia Pointe Grand II business park, at 250 to 270 East Grand Avenue near Harbor Way, located in a relatively flat industrial area east of Highway 101 in the City of South San Francisco. The San Francisco Bay shoreline is located approximately 1,700 feet southeast of the site. The regional climate is typical of the San Francisco Bay Area and is characterized by dry, mild summers and moist, cool winters. About 80 percent of the total annual precipitation occurs during the months of November through March with an average annual precipitation of 20.25 inches. Average yearly temperatures range from a high of 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit in September to a low of 42.4 degrees Fahrenheit in January.! The Project site and surrounding area are largely developed with light industrial, research and development, warehousing, retail, office, and hotel land uses. Nearly 92 percent of the 9.7 acre Project area of work is currently covered in impervious surfaces. Four office buildings and associated parking areas currently occupy the 8.9-acre lot.2 Paved parking and office buildings are located to the west, north and east areas of the site, with a railroad right-of-way running along the southern boundary of the property. The site generally slopes gently (less 1 Western Regional Climate Center, 2005. Weather Station: San Francisco WSO AP, California (047769). 2 DES Architects, 2006, Site Boundary Plan, Sheet 10, Use Permit Application. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT than one percent) to the south and elevations range from approximately 12.5 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL) along the northern boundary of the site to approximately 13.5 feet above MSL at the southern boundary. REGIONAL HYDROLOGY The majority of the site drains to the Colma Creek watershed. The Colma Creek watershed includes portions of San Bruno Mountain as well as urbanized areas of Daly City, Colma, and South San Francisco. Most of this urbanized creek is channelized and/or conveyed underground to allow for urban development. The percent of impervious surface area in Colma Creek was previously estimated at 63 percent, the highest in the County. 3 Colma Creek is a flood control channel maintained by the San Mateo County Department of Public Works that discharges into the San Francisco Bay just north of the San Francisco International Airport. Improvements and maintenance of the creek are funded by the Colma Creek Flood Control Zone, which contains the parcels that must contribute financially to the Zone's revenue and maintenance of flood control infrastructure. The Project site is not located within the designated boundaries of the Zone. SITE HYDROLOGY Approximately 92 percent of the 9.8-acre area of work at the Project site is currently covered by impervious surfaces. Stormwater runoff from the Project site begins as overland sheet flow. Numerous storm drain inlets currently exist on the Project site parking areas. Existing storm drains within the area of work convey storm water runoff primarily to the east of the site to drop inlets at Littlefield Avenue. The drop inlets convey flows into a 36-inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) that runs south down Littlefield Avenue and east to Kimball Way, before discharging into the San Francisco Bay. A relatively small 16,800 square foot portion of the Project area utilizes existing stormdrains, which drain to an 18-inch RCP at Harbor Way, which then flows south and discharge to the bay near the intersection with Littlefield Ave. GROUNDWATER The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) defines state groundwater basins based on geologic and hydrogeologic conditions. According to the DWR, the site is located within the Westside Groundwater Basin. The Westside Groundwater Basin consists of bedrock and unconsolidated materials. Unconsolidated materials overlying the basin represent the primary water-bearing strata and are comprised of dune sands and the Colma Formation, which are overlain by a relatively impermeable clayey formation of Bay Mud and fill materials. The Bay Mud layer represents the base of the shallow groundwater layer. Groundwater is typically encountered within a few feet of the surface with a general flow 3 City of Daly City Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, 1998 PAGE 8-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 8: HYDROLOGY direction of northeast and southwest.4 While groundwater quality in the basin is generally in compliance with drinking water quality standards, some wells in the basin have experienced nitrate-nitrogen concentration in excess of the primary maximum contaminant levels.5,6 Following site remediation in the 1980's, detectable chemical concentrations primarily included lead, with lesser concentrations of zinc, cadmium, copper, cyanide, petroleum hydrocarbons, and PCBs.7 As part of deed restrictions adopted April 1997, a one-foot cap of clean fill soil has been maintained over the site. FLOODING The Project site is located outside of the 100-year flood hazard zone of Colma Creek as delineated by the current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). According to the FIRM, several areas southwest of the Project site are located within the 100-year floodplain. These include the properties at Gateway Boulevard between East Grand Avenue and Mitchell Avenue and the properties south and west of Colma Creek and north of the navigable slough (1981). However, flood control improvements to Colma Creek since the effective date of the FEMA FIRM have reduced flooding along the creek channel. REGULATORY SETTING The proposed Project must be constructed in accordance with several regulatory programs, laws, and regulations that aim to protect surface water resources. In some cases, Federal laws are administered and enforced by state and local government. In other cases, state and local regulations in California are stricter than those imposed by Federal law. This section summarizes relevant regulatory programs, laws, and regulations with respect to hydrology and water quality and how they relate to the proposed Project. Federal Laws and Regulations Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act (CWA) was enacted by Congress in 1972 and amended several times since inception. It is the primary federal law regulating water quality in the United States, and forms the basis for several state and local laws throughout the country. Its objective is to reduce or eliminate water pollution in the nation's rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal waters. 4 GrafCon, Draft Site Management Plan for Britannia Pointe Grand, October 2006 5 Phillips, Steven P., Scott N. Hamlin, Eugene B. Yates, 1993, Geohydrology, Water Quality, and Estimation of Ground- Water Recharge in San Francisco, California 1987-92. US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93- 4019. 6 Department of Water Resources, 2003, California Department of Water Resources, California's Groundwater, Bulletin 118, Update 2003. 7 GrafCon, Draft Site Management Plan for Britannia Pointe Grand, October 2006 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The CW A prescribed the basic federal laws for regulating discharges of pollutants as well as set minimum water quality standards for all waters of the United States. Several mechanisms are employed to control domestic, industrial, and agricultural pollution under the CW A. At the Federal level, the CW A is administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A). At the state and regional level, the CW A is administered and enforced by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (R WQCBs). The State of California has developed a number of water quality laws, rules, and regulations, in part to assist in the implementation of the CW A and related Federally mandated water quality requirements. In many cases, the Federal requirements set minimum standards and policies and the laws, rules, and regulations adopted by the State and Regional Boards exceed the Federal requirements. State Laws and Regulations Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act establishes the SWRCB and the RWQCB as the principal state agencies having primary responsibility for coordinating and controlling water quality in California. The Porter-Cologne Act establishes the responsibility of the RWQCBs for adopting, implementing, and enforcing water quality control plans (Basin Plans), which set forth the state's water quality standards (i.e. beneficial uses of surface waters and groundwater) and the objectives or criteria necessary to protect those beneficial uses. The NPDES permit must be consistent with the Basin Plan for the site region. NP DES Permit Requirements The CWA has nationally regulated the discharge of pollutants to the waters of the U.S. from any point source since 1972. In 1987, amendments to the CW A added section 402(p), which established a framework for regulating nonpoint source (NPS) storm water discharges under the National Pollutant Elimination System (NPDES). The Phase I NPDES storm water program regulates storm water discharges from industrial facilities, large and medium-sized municipal separate storm sewer systems (those serving more than 100,000 persons), and construction sites that disturb five or more acres of land. Under the program, the Project applicant will be required to comply with two NPDES permit requirements. The NPDES General Construction Permit Requirements apply to clearing, grading, and disturbances to the ground such as excavation. The Project applicant is required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the State Water Resource Control Board's (SWRCB) Division of Water Quality. The NOI includes general information on the types of construction activities that will occur on the site. The applicant will also be required to submit a site-specific plan called the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activities. The SWPPP will include a description of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize the discharge of pollutants from the site during construction. It is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain coverage under the permit prior to site construction. PAGE 8-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 8: HYDROLOGY The NPDES General Industrial Permit Requirements apply to the discharge of storm water associated with industrial sites. The permit requires the implementation of management measures that will achieve the performance standard of best available technology (BAT) economically achievable and best conventional pollutant control technology (BCT). Under the statute, operators of new facilities must implement industrial BMPs in the Project SWPPP and perform monitoring of storm water discharges and unauthorized non-storm water discharges. An annual report must be submitted to the RWQCB each July 1. Operators of new facilities must file an NOI at least 14 days prior to the beginning of operations. Local Programs and Regulations San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program To comply with the Clean Water Act, San Mateo County and the 20 cities and towns in the County formed the San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (STOPPP). STOPPP holds a joint municipal NPDES permit from the San Francisco Bay RWQCB. The permit includes a comprehensive plan to reduce the discharge of pollutants to creeks, San Francisco Bay, and the ocean to the maximum extent possible. San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) The San Francisco Bay RWQCB is responsible for the development, adoption, and implementation of the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay region. The Basin Plan is the master policy document that contains descriptions of the legal, technical, and programmatic bases of water quality regulation in the San Francisco Bay Region. The Basin Plan identifies beneficial uses of surface waters and groundwater within its region and specifies water quality objectives to maintain the continued beneficial uses of these waters. The proposed Project is required to adhere to all water quality objectives identified in the Basin Plan. Beneficial Uses of Surface Waters and Groundwaters The Basin Plan defines beneficial uses for surface waters and groundwater in its corresponding jurisdiction. The beneficial uses of surface waters in Colma Creek include wildlife habitat, municipal and domestic supply, agricultural supply, and industrial supply. The beneficial uses of groundwater in the Westside Groundwater Basin (also referred to as the Merced Valley North Groundwater Basin) include municipal and domestic supply, industrial process supply, industrial supply, and agricultural supply. East of 101 Area Plan The East of 101 Area Plan provides detailed planning policies that are consistent with policies of the adopted South San Francisco General Plan. With respect to hydrology and water quality, the plan aims to reduce flooding by evaluating specific development proposals to determine drainage and flood protection requirements, and to prevent the degradation of 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT water quality by minimizing erosion and sedimentation, and requiring that Projects comply with NPDES permit requirements.8 City of South San Francisco The City of South San Francisco Water Quality Control Plant requires Source Control Measures of Stormwater Pollutants for issuance of an NPDES permit, including methods for managing pollution sources. Applicable control measures include stormwater pollution prevention devices, management of refuse areas, pesticide/fertilizer application for landscaping, use of treatment devices for interior level parking garage floor drains, and marking of on-site storm drains.9 Colma Creek Flood Control District The Colma Creek Flood Control District (District) is administrated by the San Mateo County Department of Public Works. The District was created for the purpose of constructing flood control facilities along the Colma Creek channel and reducing flooding problems in the City of South San Francisco. The Colma Creek Flood Control Zone (Zone) extends over the entire watershed and contains the parcels that must contribute financially to the District's revenue and maintenance of the flood control facilities. Several channel improvements have been constructed since the District was created in 1964. The proposed Project is located outside of the Zone boundary. Since the Project is located outside of the Zone boundary, it does not contribute to funds for flood control improvements nor maintenance. Site Specific Requirements Site Based Deed Restrictions Site remediation of hazardous materials includes the April 1997 adoption of Environmental Restriction and Covenant (deed restrictions) imposed by the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), that require maintenance of a I-foot cap of clean fill soil over the site. Project activities and maintenance of the soil cap and are subject to review by DTSC. 8 City of South San Francisco, East of 101 Area Plan, 1994. 9 South San Francisco Water Quality Control Plant. July 2005 PAGE 8-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 8: HYDROLOGY IMPACT A \lALYSIS STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE The following thresholds for measuring a Project's hydrology impacts are based upon CEQA Guidelines thresholds: 1. Would the Proj ect violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? 2. Would the Project substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? 3. Would the Project substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site? 4. Would the Project substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner, which would result in flooding on- or off-site? 5. Would the Project create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? 6. Would the Project otherwise substantially degrade water quality? 7. Would the Project place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? 8. Would the Project place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures, which would impede or redirect flood flows? 9. Would the Project expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? 10. Would the Proj ect cause inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WATER QUALITY STANDARDS OR WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS Non-point source pollutants (NPS) are washed by rainwater from roofs, landscape areas, and streets and parking areas into the drainage network. Typical industrial NPS pollutants for various industrial activities are listed in Table 8-1. Under the NPDES storm water permit, the proposed Project is required to provide permanent treatment for site runoff. To meet this requirement, the proposed Project includes the use of 8-foot wide roof rainwater treatment vegetated bioswales along building perimeters and 3- foot vegetated parking islands in the parking areas. A new covered parking garage, covered loading docks, and increased proportion of landscaped areas will significantly reduce the amount of surface area that typically produces NPS pollutants. TABLE 8-1 POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS FROM INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES rJJ ~ ~ OJ S ;.a OJ r.fJ rJJ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ;::::$ Z rJJ ~ ~ OJ ~ rJJ ~ u .~ o ~ ""d a rJJ u .~ bJ) ~ o rJJ ] ~ OJ ~ ~ bJ) .s ""d a ~ ~ ~ Q "t:; ~ ~ ~r.fJ Q o OJ rJJ ro OJ ~ d ~ .~ ~ OJ ~ u ro C:Q rJJ OJ ""d :g ~ rJJ OJ ~ OJ ~ ~ o ~ ........ o INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY Vehicle & Equipment Fueling Vehicle & Equipment Washing Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance & Repair Outdoor Loading & Unloading of Materials Outdoor Container Storage of Liquids Outdoor Process Equipment Operations & Maintenance Outdoor Storage of Ray Materials, Products, Byproducts Waste Handling & Disposal Contaminated or Erodible Surface Areas Building & Grounds Maintenance Building Repair, Remodeling, & Construction Parking/Storage Area Maintenance Source: California Stormwater Quality Association, 2003. California Stormwater BMP Handbook, Industrial & Commercial. PAGE 8-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 8: HYDROLOGY Impact Hydro-I: No Treatment of Parking Garage Runoff. Development of the proposed Project would contribute to the levels of NPS pollutants and litter entering downstream waters, including the San Francisco Bay. An increase in NPS pollutants could have adverse effects on wildlife, vegetation, and human health. NPS pollutants also have the potential to infiltrate into groundwater and degrade the quality of groundwater drinking sources. No water quality BMPs have been proposed for the Parking Garage. Parking areas represent a source of suspended solids, petroleum hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. The majority of the Project designs will reduce non-point source pollution, but the lack of treatment of parking lot runoff represent a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Hydro-I: Implement Water Quality BMPs for Stormwater Runoff from the Parking Garage. The Project applicant shall implement storm water quality BMPs for treatment of runoff from the Parking Garage. Possible BMPs include drop inlet filtration devices such as the vault based media filters, or others as described in Mitigation Measure Hydro-la. Any storm water quality BMPs implemented at the site must be approved by the City's Public Works Department. Implementation of this mitigation measure would reduce impacts to a level of less than significant. Impact Hydro-2: Site Soil and Groundwater Elevations May Be Unsuitable for Vegetated Swales. Appropriate evaluation of site conditions is critical to the effectiveness of vegetated swales. The site history of soil contamination and the required maintenance of an existing I-foot clean fill soil cap impose restriction on the depth of vegetated swales that can be constructed. Additionally, groundwater conditions in the Project area can be as high as 2 to 3 feet below ground surface during winter months. If vegetated swales are to a depth that is at or near the I-foot soil cap, shallow depth to groundwater could cause underlying soils to become saturated and allow groundwater to surface water contamination. Vegetated swales are not considered suitable for sites that use or store chemicals or hazardous materials unless hazardous and toxic materials are prevented from entering the swales. The majority of the Project designs will reduce non-point source pollution, but the vegetated bioswale depths represent a potentially significant impact. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Mitigation Measure Hydro-2: Evaluate Project Site Fill Elevations for Feasibility of Vegetated Swales as Water Quality BMP. The use of swales at the Project site may be limited by several factors, including fill elevations, soil characteristics, distance to groundwater, and proposed land uses. The feasibility of vegetated swale BMPs at the Project shall be evaluated as follows: 1) Groundwater levels at the invert of the swales shall be reevaluated. The Project applicant shall ascertain that the distance from the proposed trench inverts to groundwater is a sufficient distance to prevent groundwater to surface water contamination. 2) Soil parameters, such as the amount of silt and clay shall be examined. Soils below swales shall have clay content sufficient to prevent groundwater to surface water contamination. Proposed land uses and grading shall be examined to determine whether infiltration BMPs are suitable. Infiltration BMPs shall be considered not suitable for sites that use or store chemicals or hazardous materials unless hazardous and toxic materials are isolated such that they are not able to enter the swale and/or if the site elevations result in swales that could impact water quality. Installation of a clay or geotextile barrier beneath swale areas may be used to prevent infiltration to groundwater or contaminated soil depths. If site constraints preclude the use of vegetated swales at the Project site, other BMPs that do not allow interaction with groundwater and contaminated soils shall be used. Possible alternatives for storm water treatment include vault based media filters, storm drain inlet filters, strainer baskets, sediment/debris catch baskets, geotextile filter bags, composite filter medium, and mechanical swirl treatment units if used in a sequence or "train" with other devices. Use of several of these alternative methods of sediment and hydrocarbon filtration and removal devices in a treatment sequence will be required. Any storm water quality BMPs to be implemented at the site must be approved by the City's Public Works Department. The use of effective BMPs at the Project site would reduce impacts on groundwater and surface water quality to a level of less than significant. PAGE 8-10 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 8: HYDROLOGY Impact Hydro-3: Potential Contamination of Local Groundwater. The Project site is located within a groundwater basin as defined by the DWR. The potential for groundwater contamination from infiltration BMPs must be carefully considered, especially in areas where the distance between groundwater and the swale invert is small or where groundwater is or could potentially be used for human consumption or agricultural purposes. The infiltration of industrial and parking lot pollutants into shallow groundwater could potentially impair the quality of local groundwater sources. This represents a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Hydro-3: Preparation and Implementation of Project SWPPP. Pursuant to NPDES requirements, the applicant shall develop a SWPPP to protect water quality during and after construction. The Project SWPPP shall include, but is not limited, to the following mitigation measures for the construction period: 1) Grading and earthwork shall be prohibited during the wet season (October 15 through April 15) and such work shall be stopped before pending storm events. 2) Erosion control/soil stabilization techniques such as straw mulching, erosion control blankets, erosion control matting, and hydro-seeding, shall be utilized in accordance with the regulations outlined in the Association of Bay Area Governments "Erosion & Sediment Control Measures" manual. Silt fences shall be installed down slope of all graded slopes. Hay bales shall be installed in the flow path of graded areas receiving concentrated flows and around storm drain inlets. 3) BMPs shall be used for preventing the discharge or other construction-related NPDES pollutants beside sediment (i.e. paint, concrete, etc) to downstream waters. 4) After construction is completed, all drainage facilities shall be inspected for accumulated sediment and these drainage structures shall be cleared of debris and sediment. Long-term mitigation measures to be included in the Project SWPPP shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 5) Description of potential sources of erosion and sediment at the Project site. Industrial activities and significant materials and chemicals that could be used at the proposed Project site should be 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT described. This will include a thorough assessment of existing and potential pollutant sources. 6) Identification of BMPs to be implemented at the Project site based on identified industrial activities and potential pollutant sources. Emphasis shall be placed on source control BMPs, with treatment controls used as needed. 7) Development of a monitoring and implementation plan. Maintenance requirements and frequency shall be carefully described including vector control, clearing of clogged or obstructed inlet or outlet structures, vegetation/landscape maintenance, replacement of media filters, regular sweeping of parking lots and other paced areas, etc. Wastes removed from BMPs may be hazardous, therefore, maintenance costs should be budgeted to include disposal at a proper site. 8) The monitoring and maintenance program shall be conducted at the frequency agreed upon by the RWQCB and/or City of South San Francisco. Monitoring and maintenance shall be recorded and submitted annually to the SWRCB. The SWPPP shall be adjusted, as necessary, to address any inadequacies of the BMPs. 9) The applicant shall prepare informational literature and guidance on industrial and commercial BMPs to minimize pollutant contributions from the proposed development. This information shall be distributed to all employees at the Project site. At a minimum, the information shall cover: a) proper disposal of commercial cleaning chemicals; b) proper use of landscaping chemicals; c) clean-up and appropriate disposal of hazardous materials and chemicals; and d) prohibition of any washing and dumping of materials and chemicals into storm drains. Preparation and implementation of a SWPPP at the Project site would reduce impacts on potential contamination of local groundwater to a level of less than significant. GROUNDWATER DEPLETION/ RECHARGE The proposed Project will not draw on, or otherwise reduce groundwater resources. Approximately 92 percent of the Project site is currently covered in impervious surfaces. Redevelopment of the site would result in an approximately 15 percent decrease in impervious surface areas. Thus, the proposed Project would not likely have a negative effect on groundwater recharge. Pre- and post-development impervious verses pervious surfaces are presented in Table 8-2. No impact would occur and no mitigation is required. PAGE 8-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 8: HYDROLOGY TABLE 8-2 IMPERVIOUS VS. PERVIOUS SURFACE AREAS Area (Acres) Percent of Total Project Site Existing Conditions Impervious Surface Area Pervious Area 8.9 0.8 92% 8% Proposed Conditions Impervious Surface Area Pervious Area 7.4 2 78% 22% Source: Questa EC 2007, DES Architects, 2007. INCREASED EROSION OR SILTATION TO RECEIVING WATERS Project applicants have prepared a Draft Site Management Plan (SMP).1o The SMP intends to assure the continued protection of human health and the environment during the proposed and future site development and maintenance and future redevelopment activities. It includes site management objectives, guidelines, and procedures to protect health, maintain and manage both the soil cap and the soils with residual constituents. The SMP, if implemented and approved by DTSC, will reduce health risk resulting from the Project. Section 5.2.3 of the SMP proscribes covering excavated soils with plastic sheeting to prevent soil runoff, and additional fencing of soils below the 1 foot cap. These plans and procedures will help reduce the risk of increased erosion and siltation to receiving waters. Impact Hydro-4: Erosion or siltation on- or off-site. Construction of the proposed Project would involve demolition of existing structural foundations and pavement areas that currently help to stabilize site soils. Although no cut/fill estimates were available for review, significant site grading is expected to occur. Construction operations associated with the Project would present a threat of soil erosion from soil disturbance by subjecting unprotected bare soil areas to the erosional forces of runoff. Additionally, new onsite stormdrains may require excavation of the soil cap and potentially, the soil below. Mitigation Measure Hydro-4: Compliance with NPDES Requirements. The Project applicant will be required to comply with all Phase I NPDES General Construction 10 GafCon, 2006. Draft Site Management Plan Britannia Pointe Grand 250, 256, 260 and 270 East Grand Avenue South San Francisco, California. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-13 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Activities permit requirements established by the CW A and the Grading Permit requirements of the City of South San Francisco. Erosion control measures to be implemented during construction would be included in the Project SWPPP. The Project SWPPP will accompany the NOI filing and will outline erosion control and storm water quality management measures to be implemented during and following construction. The SWPPP will also provide the schedule for monitoring performance. Refer to Mitigation Measure Hydro-3 for more information regarding the Project SWPPP. Implementation of Phase I NPDES General Construction Activities permit requirements would reduce construction- related impacts associated with erosion and/or siltation to less than significant. Following Project development, soil and sediment in runoff would be treated by storm water quality BMPs. Refer to Mitigation Measure Hydro-3 for more information regarding water quality BMPs at the Project site. With the implementation of these mitigation measures, post- development impacts associated with erosion and siltation are considered less than significant. CHANGES IN STORMWATER RUNOFF The Project site currently has a high ratio of impervious surfaces. Redevelopment of existing office/R&D development in the Project area is not expected to increase runoff from the site. As shown in Table 8-2, development of the proposed Project would result in an approximate 15 percent decrease in impervious surfaces at the Project site. A decrease in impervious surface area would result in a corresponding decrease in peak discharge and related polluted runoff from the Project site. As currently designed, the proposed Project would not increase peak flows to downstream infrastructure. No impact associated with increases in peak runoff is anticipated and no mitigation is necessary. By reducing the amount of pavement and hard surface area and increasing the amount of landscaped area, the proposed Project will reduce the quantity and response time of storm water runoff to the storm drain system. New storm drains shown on the Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan will collect water from these areas, and deliver runoff to the existing storm drain. The Project will have no impact on stormwater drainage system, and no mitigation is required. OTHERWISE SUBSTANTIALLY DEGRADE WATER QUALITY The proposed Project will reduce the amount of surface area contributing non-point source pollution runoff. Other previously mentioned impacts, if mitigated, would ameliorate potential short and long term negative impacts on water quality. Therefore, there will be no additional significant impact on water quality. PAGE 8-14 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 8: HYDROLOGY HOUSING WITHIN A 100-YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA The Project does not include housing and is located outside of the 100-year flood hazard zone of Colma Creek as delineated by the current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). The Project will have no impact related to housing and flooding. The Project site is located outside of the 100-year flood hazard zone of Colma Creek as delineated by the current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). In regard to impeding flood or any other flows, the Project will have no impact. SIGNIFICANT RISK INVOLVING FLOODING The Project is not located within the vicinity of a levee, nor in a potential flood path of a dam failure, and it will have no impact related to significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding. INUNDATION BY SEICHE, TSUNAMI OR MUDFLOW Impact Hydro-5: Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. The Project site is not located in an area that would expose persons to inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. The site is nearly level and does not lie in close proximity to a large lake or the ocean. Although seismically induced waves are a possibility in the Bay, the site elevations are above those considered to be at risk for tsunami wave run-up. Consequently, this impact would be less-than-significant with no mitigation required. A seiche is a tide-like rise and drop of the surface of a landlocked body of water (e.g., a lake); its period can vary from a few minutes to several hours. The site is not in close proximity to a landlocked body of water that could cause inundation by seiche. Tsunamis, or tidal waves, are huge sea waves that are caused by seismic activity or other disturbance of the ocean floor. Portions of South San Francisco that are near the bay and low- lying are considered to be at risk for inundation by tsunami wave run-up. Wave run up is estimated at 6 feet above mean sea level for a 500-year tsunami.II Project site elevations range from 12.5 feet to 13.5 feet above mean sea level. Therefore, the site would not be considered to be at risk for inundation by tsunami. 11 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett and Bhatia, South San Francisco General Plan: Health and Safety Element, 1999, p. 250. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 8-15 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT CUMULATIVE HYDROLOGY IMPACT ANALYSIS Impact Hydro-6: Cumulative Impacts on Hydrology and Water Quality. The increased construction activity and new development resulting from the Project, in conjunction with other foreseeable development in the city, would result in less than significant impacts on hydrology and water quality conditions with no additional mitigation measures necessary. Assuming concurrent implementation of the Project with other reasonably foreseeable future projects in the vicinity, adverse cumulative effects on hydrology and water quality could include construction impacts related to increases in stormwater runoff and pollutant loading to Colma Creek and San Francisco Bay. The Project and other future projects in the city would be required to comply with drainage and grading ordinances intended to control runoff and regulate water quality at each development site. New projects would be required to demonstrate that stormwater volumes could be managed by downstream conveyance facilities and would not induce flooding. Therefore, the effect of the Project on water quality and hydrology, in combination with other foreseeable projects, would be less than significant. PAGE 8-16 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 9 LA \ID USE INTRODUCTION This chapter describes existing land uses, adopted General Plan land use classifications, and zoning designations on and around the Project site. This chapter also describes the applicable plans and policies that guide development in the project area and evaluates the Project's consistency with these plans and policies and other existing land use regulations. SETTI \lG HISTORY South San Francisco has a distinctive land use pattern that reflects the decision to initially locate industrial areas east of supporting homes and businesses in order to take advantage of topography and winds on Point San Bruno.I Another development trend that shaped the arrangement of uses was the extensive residential development that occurred during the 1940s and 1950s, creating large areas almost entirely developed with single-family housing. As a result, South San Francisco is largely comprised of single-use areas, with industry in the eastern and southeastern portions of the City, single family homes to the north and west, commercial uses along a few transportation corridors, and multiple family housing clustered in those same corridors and on hillsides. During the 1950s, the City of South San Francisco converted previously unused marshlands into areas usable for industrial development, drastically reshaping the shoreline and attracting light industry to the City for the first time. Plans were announced in 1963 for a 600-acre industrial park adjacent to the newly developed Oyster Point Marina. This industrial park was South San Francisco's first industrial development to incorporate comprehensive planning and integrated design and performance provisions. It supplied ample parking and consistent landscaping and building design. In some ways a microcosm of American industry, South San Francisco has been making a slow industrial transformation for the past 30 years. Steel production and other heavy 1 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett and Bhatia, South San Francisco General Plan, 1999. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 9-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT industries have largely been replaced by warehousing, research, development and biotechnology. Because the City's industrial base has continued to evolve as the context for industry has changed, industry will continue to play an important role in South San Francisco's future. The City's continued status as a goods transportation hub, stemming mainly from proximity to San Francisco International Airport, is reflected in the presence of large tracts of land, formerly used for heavy industry, east of U. S. 101. As high technology businesses have moved into many of these older industrial areas, conflicts, such as between automobile and truck traffic, and land use and visual character have become increasingly pronounced. The needs of business centers include smaller blocks, more through street connections, ancillary facilities such as restaurants, easier connections to transit, sidewalks and bikeways and higher landscape standards. These needs are much different than those of warehousing and industrial areas. The City attempts to balance regional growth objectives with conservation of residential and industrial neighborhoods. EXISTING USES The Project site is currently developed as a part of the Britannia Pointe Grand business park with office/research and development. The business park would be modified and expanded if the Project proceeds though the type of use would not change. The East of 101 area is the vicinity of the proj ect site and is largely comprised of industrial and high technology business uses. As with the proposed Project, many other sites in the area have already or have plans to increase the intensity of research and development uses in this area. REGULATORY SETTING There are no federal or state land use regulations applicable to the proposed Project. South San Francisco General Plan The City of South San Francisco General Plan (1999) provides long-term guidance and policies for maintaining and improving the quality of life in, and the resources of, the community, both man-made and natural. The General Plan provides direction for the City's Growth and development. The site's General Plan designation is Business and Technology Park. This designation accommodates campus-like environments for corporate headquarters, research and development facilities, and offices, up to a Floor Area Ratio of 1.0 with qualifying bonuses such as structured parking and transportation demand management. East of 101 Area Plan The Project site is part of the "East of 101" Planning Sub-Area as defined by the City of South San Francisco General Plan. The East of 101 Area Plan, adopted in 1994, was prepared PAGE 9-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 9: LAND USE to maximize the potential of undeveloped or underused properties in the City's traditional industrial East of 101 Area. Upgrading of existing uses and provisions for quality design are important components of the Plan. In addition to policies relating to land use dispersion, intensities, and transportation, the Plan includes a Design Element to help achieve high- standard development. South San Francisco Municipal Code Policies set forth with the General Plan and East of 101 Area Plan are implemented through enforcement of the City's zoning regulations as presented in the City of South San Francisco Municipal Code (SSFMC). Zoning regulations prescribe the allowable uses within specific zoning districts and impose standards on those uses. Under the City's existing zoning regulations, the Project site is subject to the provisions of the SSFMC Chapter 20.32 (Planned Industrial District). IMPACT A \lAL YSIS STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE The following thresholds for measuring a project's environmental impacts are based on CEQA Guidelines thresholds: 1. Would the Proj ect physically divide an established community? 2. Would the Project conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the Project? 3. Would the Project conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? DIVIDING ESTABLISHED COMMUNITY The Project would involve demolition/construction of an office/research and development facility located within an existing office/R&D business park. The proposed Project would have no impact related to the division of an established community. CONFLICT WITH PLANS AND POLICIES The Project site is currently zoned Planned Industrial (P-I) and is part of the "East of 101" Planning Sub-Area as defined by the City of South San Francisco General Plan. The site's General Plan designation is Business and Technology Park. This designation accommodates campus-like environments for corporate headquarters, research and development facilities, and offices, up to a Floor Area Ratio of 1.0 with structured parking. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 9-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT While it is in the domain of the City's decision-makers to decide ultimate project consistency with applicable City plans and policies related to project approval, from a CEQA perspective, the project would not conflict with plans or policies in any way that could have an adverse environmental impact. The proposed Project is consistent with the following General Plan policies: Policy 3.5-G-3 Promote campus style biotechnology, high technology and research and development uses. Policy 3.5-1-3 Do not permit any residential uses in the East of 101 area. The proposed Project is consistent with the following East of 101 Area Plan policies: Policy DE-13 New construction projects shall be required to supply and install street trees and landscaping to meet the City's specifications for their frontages. Streetscape planting, irrigation and hardscape should be designed for minimum maintenance by City staff. Selection and spacing of street trees shall be approved by the City Landscape Architect and the Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services. Medians should be cobbled and grouted or landscaped with low maintenance plants with automatic irrigation. Policy DE-15 Site design should de-emphasize the visual prominence of parking areas by separating parking areas into relatively small components and locating parking behind buildings whenever possible. The standard practice of placing the majority of the parking between the building and the main street frontage should be avoided when possible. Policy DE-22 Developments in the Planned Industrial category should include on-site open space as a unifying element and as areas for employee use. Open space should be continuous and should connect separate buildings or sites, especially in campus-like developments. Open spaces should particularly be located adjacent to lunch rooms and conference rooms. Policy DE-25 The design of front yard landscaped buffers should be integrated with that of adjacent sites. Policy DE-27 Parking lots should be shaded with trees and should also include shrubs in most cases. Trees should be planted along parking lot edges and in planters among stalls. Design policies for the number of trees and amount of shrubbery in parking lots are contained in Section D of the Design Element for the individual land use categories. Policy DE-28 Plant species chosen for the area should include low maintenance plants and plants adaptive to the extremes of climate in the area. In addition, plant species and planting design should complement the development's design. PAGE 9-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 9: LAND USE Policy DE-34 All activities and stored materials in loading, service, storage and trash disposal areas should be screened from views from public streets, trails, adjacent properties, and overhead views from adjacent properties, by planting, berms and/or decorative walls. The screening should be integrated into the design of structures or the site landscaping, so it does not appear as an appendage added to the outside of the structure. This policy applies to all types of outdoor storage areas containing materials, supplies, or equipment, including autos, trucks and trailers. Policy DE-37 The installation or replacement of exposed chain link fences, barbed wire, razor wire or similar material shall not be allowed in those parts of the East of 101 Area that are visible from public rights-of-way, including roads and trails. Policy DE-38 The form and location of structures, the use of building colors and materials and the selection of landscape materials and street furniture shall consider the overall context of the Project and promote the development of a sense of identity for the East of 101 area. Policy DE-52 Rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened from view by integral architectural elements such as pitched roofs, ornamental parapets, mansards or low towers. Policy DE-56 The following additional design policies apply in Planned Industrial areas: Street Trees: Street trees should be planted within at least 30 feet of each other and should be selected to match or complement the existing pines on Allerton Avenue and portions of East Grand Avenue. Landscape Buffer: Landscape buffers along major arterial streets should be at least 20 feet wide and along other streets at least 10 feet wide. On side and rear property lines, they should be six feet wide. All landscaping shall provide a clear connection between the street and buildings for pedestrians. Blank Walls: Blank building walls should be no more than 30 feet long. Longer lengths of wall should conform with Policy DE-39. Pedestrian scale is of particular importance for campus-like developments and settings. Buildina Orientation: Buildings should be oriented with a clear relationship to the street to create a sense of continuity along it. Inviting pedestrian linkages from individual buildings shall be provided. Desian Guidelines: New development plans for larger campus-like projects should include specific design guidelines, developed as an integral part of master planning efforts. Parkina Lot Shrubs: Medians and bulbs inside the perimeters of a parking lot shall be planted. A minimum of five percent of the total parking lot area required to be landscaped shall be planted with shrubs. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 9-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The proposed Project would be consistent with and would not conflict with applicable City of South San Francisco General Plan and East of 101 Area Plan land use policies, thereby constituting no adverse impact. CON FLICT WITH CONSERVATION PLAN The Project site is predominantly covered with asphalt and large office/R&D buildings. The existing vegetation consists of parking lot and screening landscaping including a line of trees of varying heights along the project's southern boundary with the rail corridor. However, none of the trees on site are large enough to be considered Protected Trees under the City of South San Francisco Tree Protection Ordinance2. As per the City of South San Francisco Municipal Code, Section 13.30.020, a protected tree is "Any tree with a circumference of forty-eight inches or more when measured fifty-four inches above natural grade." The Project would have no impact related to conflict with a conservation plan. 2 City of South San Francisco Municipal Code, Section 13.30 PAGE 9-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 10 \.OISE INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the potential for impacts related to noise and ground-borne vibration resulting from implementation of the proposed Project. The primary noise concerns related to the proposed Project would result from the increased vehicular traffic and noise levels associated with project construction. Specifically, this chapter evaluates site-specific environmental impacts related to substantial temporary and/or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the proposed project and whether exposure to these increases would be in excess of standards established in the East of 101 Area Plan, the City' s Noise Ordinance, or any other applicable standards. SETTI \lG FUNDAMENTALS OF SOUND AND ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE Noise may be defined as unwanted sound. Noise is usually objectionable because it is disturbing or annoying. The objectionable nature of sound could be caused by its pitch or its loudness. Pitch is the height or depth of a tone or sound, depending on the relative rapidity (frequency) of the vibrations by which it is produced. Higher pitched signals sound louder to humans than sounds with a lower pitch. Loudness is intensity of sound waves combined with the reception characteristics of the ear. Intensity may be compared with the height of an ocean wave in that it is a measure of the amplitude of the sound wave. In addition to the concepts of pitch and loudness, there are several noise measurement scales which are used to describe noise in a particular location. A decibel (dB) is a unit of measurement which indicates the relative amplitude of a sound. The zero on the decibel scale is based on the lowest sound level that the healthy, unimpaired human ear can detect. Sound levels in decibels are calculated on a logarithmic basis. An increase of 10 decibels represents a ten-fold increase in acoustic energy, while 20 decibels is 100 times more intense, 30 decibels is 1,000 times more intense, etc. There is a relationship between the subjective noisiness or loudness of a sound and its intensity. Each 10 decibel increase in sound level is perceived as approximately a doubling of loudness over a fairly wide range of intensities. Technical terms are defined in Table 10-1. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT P AG E 1 0- 1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT There are several methods of characterizing sound. The most common in California is the A- weighted sound level or dBA. This scale gives greater weight to the frequencies of sound to which the human ear is most sensitive. Representative outdoor and indoor noise levels in units of dBA are shown in Table 10-2. Because sound levels can vary markedly over a short period of time, a method for describing either the average character of the sound or the statistical behavior of the variations must be utilized. Most commonly, environmental sounds are described in terms of an average level that has the same acoustical energy as the summation of all the time-varying events. This energy-equivalent sound/noise descriptor is called Leq. The most common averaging period is hourly, but Leq can describe any series of noise events of arbitrary duration. The scientific instrument used to measure noise is the sound level meter. Sound level meters can accurately measure environmental noise levels to within about plus or minus 1 dBA. Various computer models are used to predict environmental noise levels from sources, such as roadways and airports. The accuracy of the predicted models depends upon the distance the receptor is from the noise source. Close to the noise source, the models are accurate to within about plus or minus 1 to 2 dBA. EXISTING NOISE ENVIRONMENT According to the South San Francisco General Plan, the primary noise sources within the City are streets and highways, rail operation, and industrial use. Background noise in the Project vicinity includes vehicle noise from US 101 to the west as well as vehicles in the parking areas, local vehicular traffic, municipal bus, and commercial truck traffic. The East of 101 Area is a historically industrial area with higher ambient noise levels and higher allowable noise standards. REGULATORY SETTING In South San Francisco, the Noise Element of the City's General Plan (1999) contains land use criteria for noise impacted areas. These criteria define the desirable maximum noise exposure of various land uses, in addition to certain conditionally acceptable levels contingent upon the implementation of noise reduction measures. These criteria indicate that noise levels of less than 75 dBA (CNEL)I are acceptable noise levels for industrial and open space uses. 1 The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit used to quantify sound intensity. Since the human ear is not equally sensitive to all sound frequencies within the entire spectrum, human response is factored into sound descriptions in a process called "A-weighting" written as "dBA". CNEL: Community Noise Equivalent Level. Because community receptors are more sensitive to unwanted noise intrusion during the evening and at night, state law requires that for planning purposes, an artificial dB increment be added to quiet time noise levels in a 24-hour noise descriptor called the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). PAGE 10-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 0: NOISE TAB LE 1 0-1 DEFINITION OF ACOUSTICAL TERMS TERM DEFINITIONS Decibel, dB A unit describing the amplitude of sound, equal to 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is 20 micropascals (20 micronewtons per square meter). Frequency, HZ The number of complete pressure fluctuations per second above and below atmospheric pressure. A-Weighted Sound Level, dB The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighting filter network. The A-weighting filter de-emphasizes the very low and very high frequency components of the sound in a manner similar to the frequency response of the human ear and correlates well with subjective reactions to noise. All sound levels in this report are A-weighted, unless reported otherwise. Lab LlO, Lso, L90 The A-weighted noise levels that are exceeded 1 %, 10%, 50%, and 90% of the time during the measurement period. Equivalent Noise Level, Leq The average A-weighted noise level during the measurement period. Community Noise Level, CNEL The average A-weighted noise level during a 24-hour day, obtained Equivalent after addition of 5 decibels in the evening from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM and after addition of 10 decibels to sound levels measured in the night between 10:00 PM and 7:00 am. Day/Night Noise Level, Ldn The average A-weighted noise level during a 24-hour day, obtained after addition of 10 decibels to levels measured in the night between 10:00 PM and 7:00 am. Lmax, Lmin The maximum and minimum A-weighted noise level during the measurement period. Ambient Noise Level The composite of noise from all sources near and far. The normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location. Intrusive That noise which intrudes over and above the existing ambient noise at a given location. The relative intrusiveness of a sound depends upon its amplitude, duration, frequency, and time of occurrence and tonal or informational content as well as the prevailing ambient noise level. Source: ILLINGWORTH & RODKIN, INC./Acoustical Engineers, from City of South San Francisco 249 East Grand Avenue EIR, 10/2005 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 10-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TABLE 10-2 TYPICAL SOUND LEVELS MEASURED IN THE ENVIRONMENT AND INDUSTRY At a Given Distance From Noise Source Civil Defense Siren (100') Jet Takeoff (200') Diesel Pile Driver (100') Freight Cars (50') Pneumatic Drill (50') Freeway (100') Vacuum Cleaner (10') Light Traffic (100') Large Transformer (200') Soft Whisper (5') A-Weighted Sound Level in Decibels Noise Environments Subjective Impression 140 130 120 Pain Threshold 110 Rock Music Concert 100 Very Loud 90 Boiler Room Printing Press Plant 80 In Kitchen With Garbage 70 Disposal Running Moderately Loud 60 Data Processing Center 50 Department Store 40 Private Business Office Quiet 30 Quiet Bedroom 20 Recording Studio 10 Threshold of Hearing 0 Source: ILLINGWORTH & RODKIN, INC./Acoustical Engineers, from City of South San Francisco 249 East Grand Avenue EIR, 10/2005 PAGE 10-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 0: NOISE The South San Francisco Noise Ordinance (Chapter 8.32, Noise Regulations, Section 8.32.030) specifies the maximum permissible sound levels for residential, commercial and industrial land uses. The Project site is zoned "P-I, Planned Industrial," and the noise level standard for this zone is 70 dBA (L50).2 Shorter periods of noise levels higher than these limits are allowed, but only for specified periods of time. Specifically, the standard + 5 dB for more than 15 minutes, the standard + 1 0 dB for more than 5 minutes, and the standard + 15 dB for more than one minute in any hour are used. The standard + 20 dB cannot be exceeded for any period of time. However, where the existing ambient noise level already exceeds the above noise limits, the ambient noise level becomes the standard. The South San Francisco Noise Ordinance (Chapter 8.32, Section 8.32.050) restricts construction activities to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. This ordinance also limits noise generation of any individual piece of equipment to 90 dBA at 25 feet or at the property line. IMPACT A \lALYSIS STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE The following thresholds for measuring a Project's environmental impacts are based upon CEQA Guidelines thresholds: 1. Would the Project expose persons to, or generate noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? 2. Would the Project expose persons to, or generate excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? 3. Would the Project lead to a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the Project vicinity above levels existing without the Project? 4. Would the Project lead to a substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the Project vicinity above levels existing without the Project? 5. For a Project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the Project expose people residing or working in the Project area to excessive noise levels? 6. For a Project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the Project expose people residing or working in the Project area to excessive noise levels? 2 The noise limit that cannot be exceeded for more than 30 minutes in any hour (50 percent of any given hour). 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 10-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PERMANENT NOISE INCREASES Impact Noise-I: Permanent Noise Increases. Project-generated traffic noise and other operational noise sources such as HV AC equipment would not exceed noise standards and would not significantly increase ambient noise levels nor substantially impact noise-sensitive receptors. This would be a less- than-significant impact with no mitigation warranted. Traffic. Implementation of the proposed Project would increase traffic noise levels along local streets due to Project generated traffic. In general, a doubling of traffic volumes would result in a 3-dBA noise increase in a traffic dominated noise environment, and a 3-dBA noise increase is barely perceptible to most people. As per the Transportation and Circulation chapter of this EIR, Proj ect related daily traffic trips would be generated at a rate of 11.01 per 1,000 square feet so would increase from an estimated 1,959 daily trips under the site's current development, to an estimated 5,081 daily trips under the proposed Project, a difference of 3,122 trips. This would lead to a small but noticeable increase in traffic noise levels at the Project site and its vicinity. However, due to the prevalence of industrial land uses in the area, noise thresholds vis-a-vis the Project and neighboring land uses are higher there than they would be if more sensitive land uses were present near the Project site. Due to these factors, the impact of traffic noise produced by the Project would be considered less than significant. Mechanical Equipment. Implementation of the proposed Project could increase ambient noise levels in the Project vicinity due to the operation of more powerful rooftop mechanical equipment than currently function at the Project site. The impact of the HV AC system would be considered less than significant provided that the noise level produced by it conforms to the City of South San Francisco Noise Ordinance. Vibration. It is not be expected that future land uses at the Project site would generate excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise. Therefore, it is expected that the Project would have no impact related to excessive groundborne vibration or excessive groundborne noise. NOISE, GROUNDBORNE VIBRATION Temporary Noise Increase. During site preparation and construction at the Project site, operation of heavy equipment could result in a substantial temporary increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the Project site. Impact Noise-2: Construction Related Noise. Project construction would result in temporary short-term noise increases due to the operation of heavy equipment. This would be a potentially significant impact associated with Project development. Construction noise sources range from about 82 to 90 dBA at 25 feet for most types of construction equipment, and slightly PAGE 10-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 0: NOISE higher levels of about 94 to 97 dBA at 25 feet for certain types of earthmoving and impact equipment. Mitigation Measure Noise-2: Noise Abatement. The project applicant shall require by contract specification that construction best management practices be implemented by contractors to reduce construction noise levels to the 90-dBA at 25 feet noise limit specified in the City Noise Ordinance including: . Ensuring that construction equipment is properly muffled according to industry standards, . Implementing noise attenuation measures which may include but are not limited to noise barriers or noise blankets. . Requiring heavily loaded trucks used during construction to be routed away from noise and vibration sensitive uses. This would reduce construction-related noise impacts could be reduced to a level of less than significant. AIRPORTS The City of South San Francisco Noise Element (1999) contains existing and projected airport noise contours associated with San Francisco International Airport, located south of the site. These contours indicate the Project site is located outside the 65-dBA (CNEL) existing and future airport noise contours. Projected contours for road and railroad noise are also included in the Noise Element. These contours indicate that the Project site is located in an area where noise levels generated by major road and railroad noise sources will continue to be 60 dBA (CNEL) or less, except right along East Grand Avenue, where they may be 65 dBA (CNEL). Based on the City's land use criteria, the proposed Project's research and development type land use would be compatible with future noise level projections in the Project vicinity of less than 60 to 65 dBA (CNEL), thereby representing no impact. CUMULATIVE NOISE IMPACTS Impact Noise-3: Cumulative Noise Increases. The proposed Project, together with anticipated future development in the area could result in long-term traffic increases that could cumulatively increase noise levels. However, these increases are not anticipated to be noticeable in the context of existing ambient noise and the Project's impact on cumulative noise increases would be considered less-than-significant with no mitigation warranted. Noise from cumulative development in the area would primarily occur from increases in motor vehicle traffic. Cumulative traffic noise levels in the area are based on traffic volumes prepared by Crane Transportation for Chapter 11 of this document. As can be seen in Figures 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 10-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 3 through 11 (Appendix D), volumes on nearby roadways would less than double during peak hours in future cumulative scenarios compared to the existing situation. As discussed under project-specific noise increases above, in general, a doubling of traffic volumes would result in a 3-dBA noise increase in a traffic dominated noise environment, and a 3-dBA noise increase is barely perceptible to most people. Therefore, the cumulative noise increase from increases traffic would not be expected to generate noise levels perceptible over the existing ambient noise levels and the impact would be considered less-than-significant. PAGE 10-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 11 TRA\lSPORTATIO\l A\lD CIRCLLATIO\l INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the transportation conditions in the study area in terms of existing roads and traffic operations, transit service and pedestrian and bicycle conditions. Where appropriate, excerpts and findings from the following EIRs or initial studies/negative declarations have been included in this chapter: Genentech Master Plan Revised Draft EIR (EIP Associates and Korve Engineering, as partially revised December 2006), 250-270 East Grand Avenue Draft EIR (Lamphier-Gregory and Crane Transportation Group, March 2006) and the Terrabay Phase 3 Final EIR (City of South San Francisco and Crane Transportation Group, October 2006). Figures referenced in this chapter are included in Appendix D. SETTI \lG ROADWAYS The 250-270 East Grand Avenue Project site is divided into two parcels. Parcel A is located east of Harbor Way and is bordered to the north by East Grand Avenue, to the west by Harbor Way and to the south and east by railroad rights-of-way. Parcel B is located west of Harbor Way and is bordered to the east by Harbor Way and to the north, south and west by other development or railroad rights-of-way. Proposed Project expansion would occur only on Parcel A. Parcel A is served by three driveway connections to East Grand Avenue and the two driveway connections to Harbor Way. All driveways are connected via internal parking aisles and will remain connected after construction of the proposed Project. Project access to the U. S. 101 freeway is provided by a variety of maj or streets with several route options available to the three interchanges that could potentially be used by Project traffic. Each is briefly described below, while a schematic presentation of existing intersection approach lanes and control are presented in Figure 1 (in Appendix D). Freewavs U.S.10l is an eight-lane freeway that provides access to the Project area. It extends from downtown San Francisco and northern California to Los Angeles and southern California. Within the study area, U.S.101 has northbound on-ramps at Grand Avenue, South Airport Boulevard (between Mitchell Avenue and Utah Avenue) and at Oyster Point Boulevard; 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT northbound off-ramps are provided at East Grand Avenue / Executive Drive, South Airport Boulevard (between Mitchell Avenue and Utah Avenue) and at Dubuque Avenue Gust south of Oyster Point Boulevard). Southbound on-ramps are provided from Dubuque Avenue Gust south of Oyster Point Boulevard), Airport Boulevard (north of Oyster Point Boulevard), and at Produce Avenue; southbound off-ramps are provided at Produce Avenue, Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue, Oyster Point Boulevard / Gateway Boulevard and at Airport Boulevard Gust north of Oyster Point Boulevard). There are auxiliary lanes on northbound U.S.101 both north and south of Oyster Point Boulevard and on southbound U.S.101 south of Oyster Point Boulevard. In 2005 U.S.101 carried an annual average daily traffic (ADT) volume of 156,000 vehicles south of Produce Avenue, 201,000 vehicles south of Oyster Point Boulevard and 201,000 vehicles just north of Oyster Point Boulevard. I Streets East Grand Avenue is a major arterial street and a central access route serving the industrial/ office areas east of the U.S.101 freeway. It has six travel lanes in the vicinity of the freeway and narrows to four travel lanes east of the Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection. In the Project vicinity it has two travel lanes in each direction separated by a raised median, with no on-street parking allowed along either the north or south sides of the street (i.e. there is no room for on-street parking on either side of East Grand Avenue in the Project vicinity). The posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour (mph). Harbor Way is a two-lane street serving existing and planned industrial/office uses south of East Grand Avenue. Harbor Way provides access to South Airport Boulevard and several U.S.101 freeway ramps via Mitchell Avenue and Utah Avenue. Adjacent to the Project site it is 40 feet wide and the posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour. A continuous two-way left turn lane is provided serving all Project driveways. On-street parking is prohibited in the Project vicinity. Allerton Avenue is a two-lane local street extending northeasterly from East Grand Avenue to Forbes Boulevard. It has a gradual south-to-north uphill grade and a posted speed limit of 30 mph. On-street parking is prohibited along both sides of the street and its curb-to-curb width is 40 feet. Allerton Avenue is stop sign controlled on its approaches to East Grand Avenue and Forbes Boulevard. Right turns only are allowed on the Allerton approach to East Grand Avenue. Forbes Boulevard is a four-lane collector street connecting the San Bruno Point Genentech area with East Grand Avenue. In the Project vicinity it is 60 feet wide curb to curb with an intermittent raised median that is 12 feet wide. On-street parking is prohibited and the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour. A sidewalk is provided along the north side of the street. 1 Traffic Volumes on California State Highways, Caltrans 2005. PAGE 11-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Airport Boulevard is a four- to six-lane, north-south arterial street that parallels the west side of the U.S.1 01 freeway. This roadway continues north into the City of Brisbane and the City of San Francisco, where it is called Bayshore Boulevard. South of San Mateo Avenue, Airport Boulevard changes names to Produce Avenue. In the General Plan, Airport Boulevard is classified as a major arterial. Gateway Boulevard is a four-lane major arterial street connecting East Grand Avenue with South Airport Boulevard and Oyster Point Boulevard. Littlefield Avenue is a 40-foot-wide, two-lane north-south street connecting East Grand Avenue with Utah Avenue. Utah Avenue is a four-lane east-west street connecting Littlefield Avenue with South Airport Boulevard. South Airport Boulevard is a four-lane divided roadway traveling from the Airport Boulevard / San Mateo Avenue / Produce Avenue intersection in the north near U.S.101 to the San Bruno Avenue East / North McDonnell Road in the south. Most of South Airport Boulevard runs parallel to U. S.l 01 near its northbound lanes. Dubuque Avenue is a two- to four-lane roadway running east of and almost parallel to U.S.101 in a north/south direction. Extending from East Grand Avenue to Oyster Point Boulevard this roadway functions as a connector street for the traffic traveling between U. S.l Oland Oyster Point Boulevard. Dubuque Avenue has two lanes south of the Dubuque Avenue / U.S.101 Ramps and four lanes north of this location. According to the General Plan, Dubuque Avenue is classified as a collector. Mitchell Avenue is a two-lane roadway running in an east/west direction. Mitchell Avenue connects Airport Boulevard / Gateway Boulevard in the west to Harbor Way in the east. Gull Road is a two-lane local roadway running in a north/south direction. This roadway connects Oyster Point Boulevard with Forbes Boulevard. The General Plan classifies this roadway as Other Street (Local Street). Oyster Point Boulevard is one of the primary arterial access routes serving the "East of 101 area" in South San Francisco. It has six travel lanes near its interchange with the U.S.101 freeway, four lanes east of Veterans Boulevard and two lanes near Gull Road. Bicycle lanes are provided in both directions the entire length of the roadway. Volumes Weekday AM and PM peak hour analysis was requested by City staff at the following 24 major intersections serving the Project site. Twenty-three locations are currently in operation, while intersection number 2, below, at the Terrabay office access along Airport Boulevard, will be active after completion of this Project. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 1. Airport Boulevard / U.S.101 Southbound Hook Ramps (Signal) 2. Airport Boulevard / Terrabay Phase 3 Access (Signal)-Future conditions only. 3. Airport Boulevard / Sister Cities Boulevard / Oyster Point Boulevard (Signal) 4. Oyster Point Boulevard / Dubuque Avenue / U.S.101 Northbound On-Ramp (Signal) 5. Dubuque Avenue / U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp & Southbound On-Ramp (Signal) 6. Oyster Point Boulevard / Gateway Boulevard / U.S.101 Southbound Off-Ramp Flyover (Signal) 7. Oyster Point Boulevard / Eccles Avenue (Signal) 8. Oyster Point Boulevard / Gull Road (Signal) 9. Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue / U.S.101 Southbound Off-Ramp (Signal) 10. Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue (Signal) 11. Grand Avenue Overcrossing / Dubuque Avenue (Signal) 12. U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp / E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive (E. Grand Stop Controlled Right Turn) 13. E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue Overcrossing (Signal) 14. E. Grand Avenue / Gateway Boulevard (Signal) 15. E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way (Signal) 16. E. Grand Avenue / Littlefield Avenue (Signal) 17. E. Grand Avenue / Allerton Avenue (Allerton Stop Sign Controlled-Right turn only from Allerton to E. Grand) 18. Forbes Boulevard / Eccles Avenue (Signal) 19. Forbes Boulevard / Allerton Avenue (Allerton Stop Sign Control) 20. Forbes Boulevard / Gull Road (Signal) 21. Airport Boulevard / San Mateo Avenue / Produce Avenue (Signal) 22. Gateway Boulevard / S. Airport Boulevard / Mitchell Avenue (Signal) 23. S. Airport Boulevard / U.S.101 Northbound Hook Ramps / Wondercolor Lane (Signal) 24. S. Airport Boulevard / Utah Avenue (Signal) Existing counts were obtained for most locations from the Genentech Master Plan Revised Draft EIR. These counts were conducted in December 2005. In addition, AM and PM peak period counts were conducted by Crane Transportation Group in September or October 2006 at the following locations: . Oyster Point Boulevard / Eccles Avenue . Forbes Boulevard / Eccles Avenue . S. Airport Boulevard / Utah Avenue . East Grand Avenue / Littlefield Avenue . All Project site driveways along East Grand Avenue and Harbor Way Figures 3 and 4 (in Appendix D) present existing AM and PM peak hour volumes at the analysis intersections. PAGE 11-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION INTERSECTION OPERATION Analysis Methodology Signalized Intersections. Intersections, rather than roadway segments between intersections, are almost always the capacity controlling locations for any circulation system. Signalized intersection operation is graded based upon two different scales. The first scale employs a grading system called Level of Service (LOS) which ranges from Level A, indicating uncongested flow and minimum delay to drivers, down to Level F, indicating significant congestion and delay on most or all intersection approaches. The Level of Service scale is also associated with a control delay tabulation (year 2000 Transportation Research Board ~TRB~ Highway Capacity Manual ~HCM~ operations method) at each intersection. The control delay designation allows a more detailed examination of the impacts of a particular Project. Greater detail regarding the LOS/control delay relationship is provided in Appendix D. Unsignalized Intersections. Unsignalized intersection operation is also typically graded using the Level of Service A through F scale. LOS ratings for all-way stop intersections are determined using a methodology outlined in the year 2000 TRB Highway Capacity Manual. Under this methodology, all-way stop intersections receive one LOS designation reflecting operation of the entire intersection. Average control delay values are also calculated. Intersections with side streets only stop sign controlled (two-way stop control) are also evaluated using the LOS and average control delay scales using a methodology outlined in the year 2000 TRB Highway Capacity Manual. However, unlike signalized or all-way stop analysis where the LOS and control delay designations only pertain to the entire intersection, in side street stop sign control analysis LOS and delay designations are computed for only the stop sign controlled approaches or individual turn and through movements. Appendix D provides greater detail about unsignalized analysis methodologies. Analysis Software All existing operating conditions have been evaluated using the Traffix software program. The Synchro software program has been utilized to evaluate year 2015 conditions at all signalized intersections directly serving a freeway off-ramp, at all locations in close proximity to off-ramp intersections serving a significant amount of of-ramp traffic, and at all other intersections within the Oyster Point interchange. All other locations have been evaluated for year 2015 conditions using the Traffix software program. Standards The City of South San Francisco considers Level of Service D (LOS D) to be the poorest acceptable operation for signalized and all-way-stop intersections, with LOS E the poorest acceptable operation for unsignalized city street intersection turn movements. The City has no standards for turn movements from private driveways. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Existing Intersection Operating Conditions Tables 11-1 and 11-2 show that all 23 existing analyzed intersections are currently operating at good to acceptable (LOS D or better) Levels of Service during both the AM and PM peak traffic hours. INTERSECTION SIGNALIZATION REQUIREMENTS Traffic signals are used to provide an orderly flow of traffic through an intersection. Many times they are needed to offer side street traffic an opportunity to access a major road where high volumes and/or high vehicle speeds block crossing or turn movements. They do not, however, increase the capacity of an intersection (i.e., increase the overall intersection's ability to accommodate additional vehicles) and, in fact, often slightly reduce the number of total vehicles that can pass through an intersection in a given period of time. Signals can also cause an increase in traffic accidents if installed at inappropriate locations. There are 8 possible tests for determining whether a traffic signal should be considered for installation. These tests, called "warrants", consider criteria such as actual traffic volume, pedestrian volume, presence of school children, and accident history. Usually, two or more warrants must be met before a signal is considered for installation. In this report, the test for Peak Hour Volumes (Warrant #3) has been applied. When Warrant 3 is met there is a strong indication that a detailed signal warrant analysis covering all possible warrants is appropriate. These rigorous analyses are described in the 2003 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices by the Federal Highway Administration, while Warrant 3 is presented in Appendix D of this report. It is possible that an unsignalized intersection will not meet signal warrants, but will have one or more movements that experience LOS F operations. Level of Service F can be indicated for a very low volume of vehicles at a stop sign. Although these stopped vehicles may experience long delays of one minute or more, there would not be an overall benefit if the higher numbers of vehicles on the major street are stopped in favor of the few vehicles on the minor street. The signal warrant considers a balance between major street and minor street delays, and may indicate that there is overall benefit if drivers for some turn movements from the minor street continue to experience long (LOS E or F) delays. PAGE 11-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION TABLE 11-1. I NTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE EXISTING & YEAR 2015 AM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE (rating-vehicle control delay in seconds) Airport Blvd./U.S.101 SB Hook Ramps (Signal) Airport Blvd./Terrabay Phase 3 Access (Signal) Airport Blvd./Sister Cities Blvd./Oyster Point Blvd. (Signal) Oyster Point/Dubuque Ave./U.S.101 NB On-Ramp (Signal) Dubuque Ave./U.S.101 NB Off-Ramp & SB On-Ramp (Signal) Oyster Point Blvd./Gateway /U. S.l 01 SB Off-Ramp Flyover (Signal) Oyster Point Blvd./Eccles Ave. (Signal) Oyster Point Blvd./Gull Rd. (Signal) Airport Blvd./Miller/U.S.101 SB Off-Ramp (Signal) Airport Blvd./Grand Ave. (Signal) E. Grand Overcrossing/Dubuque Ave. (Signal) U.S.101 NB Off-Ramp/E. Grand Ave./Executive Drive (E. Grand Stop Controlled Right Turn) E. Grand Ave./Grand Ave. Overcrossing (Signal) B-20.0 C-31.7 C-38.0 E. Grand Ave./Gateway Blvd. (Signal) C-25.9 D-36.0 D-48.7 E. Grand Ave./Forbes Blvd./Harbor Way (Signal) C-21.8 E-79.0 F-I0l E. Grand A ve./Littlefield Ave. (Signal) B-16.7 D-52.2 D-54.7 E. Grand Ave./Allerton Ave. (Allerton Stop Sign Control) A-9.3(3) B-10.2 B-12.0 Forbes Blvd./Eccles Ave. (Signal) A - 7.6 B-1 0.6 B-1 0.6 Forbes Blvd./Allerton Ave. (Allerton Stop Sign Control) C-19.6(4) F-167 F-167(I) Forbes Blvd./Gull Rd. (Signal) C-24.1 C-28.1 C-28.1 Airport Blvd./San Mateo Ave./Produce Ave. (Signal) C-28.6 C-30.2 C-30.3 Gateway Blvd./S. Airport Blvd./Mitchell Ave. (Signal) C-26.9 C-27.7 C-27.9 S. Airport Blvd./U.S.101 NB Hook Ramps/Wondercolor (Signal) C-26.9 C-31.0 C-34.7 S. Airport Blvd./Utah Ave. (Signal) C-25.8 C-30.2 C-32.0 * Base Case = traffic projections from the Genentech Master Plan Revised Draft EIR (including full Genentech buildout). * * NA = Intersection does not currently exist. *** NA = No right turns during the AM peak hour. (1) The proposed Project would not result in significant impacts to this intersection experiencing unacceptable Base Case operation as Project volume increases would be less than 2 percent. (2) E. Grand Ave. westbound right turn to Executive Drive. (3) Allerton Ave. southbound stop sign controlled approach right turn to E. Grand Ave. (4) Allerton Ave. northbound stop sign controlled left turn to Forbes Blvd. Bolded results = significant Project impact. Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual Analysis Methodology Source: Crane Transportation Group INTERSECTION EXISTING B-12.5 NA** C-29.1 C-24.8 B-12.2 C-29.4 A-8.3 C-32.7 C-25.4 D-35.7 A-7.9 NA ***(2) YEAR 2015 BASE BASE CASE CASE* + PROJECT B-18.0 B-17.8 C-27.2 C-27.0 D-41.2 D-41.2 C-32.3 C-33.4 D-36.8 D-36.4 E-78.4 F-85.1(I) D-43.6 E-63 .6 D-43.6 E-63.6(I) C-31.2 F -88.6 A-7.9 NA C-33.1 E-74.3 A-7.9 NA 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TABLE 11-2. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE EXISTING & YEAR 2015 PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE (rating-vehicle control delay in seconds) YEAR 2015 BASE BASE CASE CASE* + PROJECT E-61.2 E-62.7(I) B-17.4 B-17.3 C-27.2 C-27.5 F-175 F-179(I) B-19.3 B-19.3 E-74.6 E-78.8(I) INTERSECTION EXISTING Airport Blvd./U.S.1 01 SB Hook Ramps (Signal) Airport Blvd./Terrabay Phase 3 Access (Signal) Airport Blvd./Sister Cities Blvd./Oyster Point Blvd. (Signal) Oyster Point/Dubuque Ave./U.S.101 NB On-Ramp (Signal) Dubuque Ave./U.S.101 NB Off-Ramp & SB On-Ramp (Signal) Oyster Point Blvd./Gateway /U. S.l 01 SB Off-Ramp Flyover (Signal) Oyster Point Blvd./Eccles Ave. (Signal) Oyster Point Blvd./Gull Rd. (Signal) Airport Blvd./Miller/U.S.101 SB Off-Ramp (Signal) Airport Blvd./Grand Ave. (Signal) E. Grand Overcrossing/Dubuque Ave. (Signal) U.S.101 NB Off-Ramp/E. Grand Ave./Executive Drive (E. Grand Stop Controlled Right Turn) E. Grand A ve./Grand Ave. Overcrossing (Signal) E. Grand A ve./Gateway Blvd. (Signal) E. Grand Ave./Forbes Blvd./Harbor Way (Signal) E. Grand A ve./Littlefield Ave. (Signal) E. Grand A ve./ Allerton Ave. (Allerton Stop Sign Control) Forbes Blvd./Eccles Ave. (Signal) Forbes Blvd./ Allerton Ave. (Allerton Stop Sign Control) Forbes Blvd./Gull Rd. (Signal) B-17.2 NA** C-31.0 C-27.8 B-16.6 C-27.8 B-11.6 C-29.8 C-24.5 C-34.6 A-6.9 B-10.0(2) B-15.7 B-18.9 C-29.9 A-9.9 B-14.8(3) A-7.6 B-13.1(4) B-13.8 D-50.8 F -207 B-1 7.2 D-48.7 B-11.4 B-10.7 B-13.9 C-28.8 F -146 C-23.5 E-41.9 B-13.0 C-19.3 F -88.4 D-50.8 F-207(I) B-18.0 D-47.8 B-11.4 B-10.7 B-13.9 C-29.8 F-154 C-24.5 E-42.0(I) B-13.0 C-19.3 F-88.4(I) F-99.8 F -128 C26.6 Airport Blvd./San Mateo A ve./Produce Ave. (Signal) Gateway Blvd./S. Airport Blvd./Mitchell Ave. (Signal) S. Airport Blvd./U.S.1 0 1 NB Hook Ramps/W ondercolor (Signal) S. Airport Blvd./Utah Ave. (Signal) C-21.1 C-24.9 C-25.4 * Base Case = traffic projections from the Genentech Master Plan Revised Draft EIR (including full Genentech buildout). * * NA = Intersection does not currently exist. (1) The proposed Project would not result in significant impacts to this intersection experiencing unacceptable Base Case operation as Project volume increases would be less than 2 percent. (2) E. Grand Ave. westbound right turn to Executive Drive. (3) Allerton Ave. southbound stop sign controlled approach right turn to E. Grand Ave. (4) Allerton Ave. northbound stop sign controlled left turn to Forbes Blvd. Bolded results = significant Project impact. Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual Analysis Methodology Source: Crane Transportation Group C- 30.2 C-33.2 C- 30.7 F -87.3 F -109 C-26.0 PAGE 11-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Existing Signalization Needs Currently, the East Grand Avenue / Allerton Avenue and Allerton Avenue / Forbes Boulevard intersections both have AM and PM peak hour volumes below signal warrant criteria levels (see Table 11-3). TABLE 11-3. INTERSECTION SIGNALIZATION REQUIREMENTS EXISTING & YEAR 2015 LOCATION Do volumes meet peak hour volume signal warrant #3 criteria levels? AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR YEAR 2015 YEAR 2015 BASE BASE CASE BASE BASE CASE CASE + PROJECT EXISTING CASE + PROJECT No No ( approaching ( approaching borderline borderline condition) condition) EXISTING E. Grand Ave.! Allerton Ave. No No Yes Yes Forbes Blvd.! Allerton Ave. No No No No No No Compiled by: Crane Transportation Group VEHICLE QUEUING Analysis Methodology The Synchro software program has determined projections of vehicle queuing on the critical approaches to five signalized off-ramp intersections evaluated in this study and on the approaches to adjacent intersections that need to accommodate flow from the off-ramp intersection: . U.S.101 Southbound Off-Ramp / Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue intersection & the adjacent Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue intersection . U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp / South Airport Boulevard / Wondercolor Lane intersection . U.S.101 Southbound Flyover Off-Ramp / Oyster Point Boulevard / Gateway Boulevard intersection . U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp / Dubuque Avenue intersection & the adjacent Oyster Point Boulevard / Dubuque Avenue / U.S.101 Northbound On-Ramp intersection . U.S.101 Southbound Off-Ramp / Airport Boulevard intersection In addition, off-ramp queuing was also evaluated on the U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp connection to East Grand Avenue / Executive Drive. While this off-ramp is not controlled on its approach to this first intersection, East Grand Avenue is signal controlled at its next major intersection to the east (at Grand Avenue Overcrossing). Queuing results from the TRAFFIX 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT worksheets for this signalized location were evaluated to see if any queuing extended back to the off-ramp. Projections are provided for each off-ramp as well as for turn lanes and other surface street approaches that have nearby adjacent intersections. Queuing Standards The standard adopted by the City of South San Francisco and Caltrans is that the 95th percentile vehicle queue must be accommodated within available storage for each off-ramp and on the approaches to intersections adjacent to off-ramp intersections that accommodate a significant amount of off-ramp traffic. In addition, no off-ramp traffic is allowed to back up to the freeway mainline during the entire AM or PM peak traffic hour. The 95th percentile queue indicates that vehicle backups will only extend beyond this length five percent of the time during the analysis hour. Queuing analysis is presented in this study for year 2015 Base Case and Base Case + Project conditions. Off-ramp queuing has been evaluated using both the Synchro software output, which details queuing for one of the signal cycles during the peak traffic hour, as well as using the SIM traffic feature of the Synchro program, which evaluates off-ramp operation and backups during the entire peak traffic hour. FREEWAY OPERATION Analysis Methodology U.S.101 freeway segments have been evaluated based on the Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual as specified by Caltrans and the San Mateo County Congestion Management Program (CMP). U.S.101 existing traffic conditions have been evaluated for the weekday AM and PM peak hour. Existing traffic volumes used for the analysis were derived from Caltrans 2005 Traffic Volumes on California Highways (Caltrans 2005). Freeway mainline analysis was performed using the HCS software based upon the HCM methodology for freeway mainlines. A description ofHCM analysis methodology is provided in Appendix D. San Mateo CMP Standards for Regional Roads and Local Streets The LOS standards established for roads and intersections in the San Mateo County CMP street network vary based on geographic differences. For roadway segments and intersections near the county boarder, the LOS standard was set as LOS E in order to be consistent with the recommendations in the neighboring counties. If the existing Level of Service in 1990/91 was F, the standard was set to LOS F. If the existing or future LOS was or will be E, the standard was set to E. For the remaining roadways and intersections, the standard was set to be one letter designation worse than the projected LOS in the year 2000. If a proposed land use change would either cause a deficiency (to operate below the standard LOS) on a CMP-designated roadway system facility, or would significantly affect (by using LOS F in the 1991 CMP baseline LOS, mitigation measures are to be developed so that LOS standards are maintained on the CMP-designated roadway system. If mitigation measures are not feasible (due to financial, environmental or other factors), a Deficiency Plan must be PAGE 11-10 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION prepared for the deficient facility. The Deficiency Plan must indicate the land use and infrastructure action items to be implemented by the local agency to eliminate the deficient conditions. A Deficiency Plan may not be required if the deficiency would not occur if traffic originating outside the County were excluded from the determination of conformance. Existing Freeway Operation Existing Levels of Service on the freeway segments in South San Francisco were based upon results contained in the Genentech Master Plan Revised Draft EIR circulation analysis (December 2006). Table 11-4 shows a summary of existing u.S. 101 freeway operation and Table 11-5 shows details of the existing freeway Level of Service results based on late 2005 traffic counts. Currently, all U.S.101 freeway segments are operating at an acceptable LOS E or better during the weekday AM and PM peak hours. Conditions are generally poorer along U. S.l 01 to the north of Oyster Point Boulevard, and peak in the southbound direction during the AM peak hour and in the northbound direction during the PM peak hour. TABLE 11-4. SUMMARY OF EXISTING U.S.101 FREEWAY OPERATION AM PEAK HOUR Southbound LOS E LOSC LOSC LOSD North of the Oyster Point interchange South of the Produce Avenue on-ramp Gust north ofl-380) South of the S. Airport Blvd. off-ramp Gust north ofl-380) North of the Sierra Point on-ramp Northbound PM PEAK HOUR Southbound LOS D LOSC Northbound LOS C LOSE North of the Oyster Point interchange South of the Produce Avenue on-ramp Gust north ofl-380) South of the S. Airport Blvd. off-ramp Gust north ofl-380) North of the Sierra Point on-ramp TABLE 11-5. DETAILED U.S.101 FREEWAY EXISTING OPERATING CONDITIONS, DEC. 2005 AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR U.S.I0l SEGMENT VOLUME LOS DENSITY VOLUME LOS DENSITY North of Oyster Point Blvd. Northbound Direction 7,129 D Southbound Direction 8,246 E North of 1-380 Northbound Direction 5,366 C Southbound Direction 6,567 C 28.5 36.6 8,374 6,802 E D 37.8 26.8 10.5 25.6 5,484 6,294 C C 20.9 24.4 LOS = Level of Service Density is shown in passenger cars per lane per mile. Density is not computed when free-flow speed is less than 55 mph. Source: Korve Engineering, 2006 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE11-11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT OFF-RAMP OPERATION AT DIVERGE FROM FREEWAY MAINLINE Analysis Methodology & Standards Caltrans uses an off-ramp volume of 1,500 vehicles per hour as the maximum acceptable limit that can be accommodated by a single lane off-ramp at its divergence from the freeway mainline. Existing Off-Ramp Diverge Operations Table 11-6 shows that currently all U.S.101 freeway off-ramps serving South San Francisco and the East of 101 area are operating acceptably and have volumes below 1,500 vehicles per hour during the AM and PM peak traffic hours, with the exception of the northbound off- ramp to East Grand Avenue/Executive Drive during the AM peak hour (with a volume of 1,573 vehicles per hour). TABLE 11-6. OFF-RAMP CAPACITY & VOLUMES AT DIVERGE FROM FREEWAY MAINLINE EXISTING & YEAR 2015 VOLUMES EXISTING YEAR 2015 CAP ACITY* DEC. 2005 BASE BASE CASE U.S.I0I0FF-RAMP (VEH/HR) OR CASE + PROJECT SEPT. 2006 AM Peak Hour SB Off-Ramp to Airport Blvd. 1500 172 505 505 SB Off-Ramp Flyover to Oyster Point/Gateway 1500 899 1644 1664 SB Off-Ramp to Airport Blvd./Miller Ave. 1500 640 1085 1139 NB Off-Ramp to S. Airport Blvd. / 1500 1300 1921 2031 Wondercolor Lane NB Off-Ramp to E. Grand Ave ./ 1500 1573 2019 2069 Executive Drive NB Off-Ramp to Dubuque Ave. 1500 899 1674 1674 PM Peak Hour SB Off-Ramp to Airport Blvd. 1500 383 570 570 SB Off-Ramp Flyover to Oyster Point/Gateway 1500 100 271 278 SB Off-Ramp to Airport Blvd./Miller Ave. 1500 608 709 716 NB Off-Ramp to S. Airport Blvd./Wondercolor 1500 619 741 753 Lane NB Off-Ramp to E. Grand Ave./Executive 1500 563 723 739 Drive NB Off-Ramp to Dubuque Ave. 1500 580 1114 1114 * Caltrans desired volume limit that can be accommodated by a single off-ramp lane connection to the freeway mainline. Existing & 2015 Base Case + Project Volumes = Korve Engineering Bolded results = significant Project impact. Year 2015 Base Case Volumes = Crane Transportation Group Compiled by: Crane Transportation Group PAGE 11-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION ON-RAMP OPERATION Analysis Methodology & Standards On-ramp operation has been evaluated using planning level methodology contained in the Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (page 25-4/Exhibit 25-3). Capacity is dependent upon the free flow speed of on-ramp traffic. For single lane diamond on-ramps with higher speeds, capacity has been set at 2,200 vehicles per hour, while for single lane button hook or curving on-ramps, capacity has been set at 2,000 vehicles per hour. Existing On-Ramp Operations Table 11-7 shows that currently, all U.S.101 freeway on-ramps serving South San Francisco and the East of 101 area are operating acceptably and have volumes well below capacity during the AM and PM peak hours. TABLE 11-7. ON-RAMP CAPACITY & VOLUMES EXISTING & YEAR 2015 U.S.I0I0FF-RAMP AM Peak Hour SB On-Ramp from Dubuque Ave. SB On-Ramp from Produce Ave. NB On-Ramp from S. Airport Blvd.!Wondercolor Lane NB On-Ramp from Grand Ave. NB On-Ramp from Oyster Point Blvd.! Dubuque Ave. PM Peak Hour SB On-Ramp from Dubuque Ave. SB On-Ramp from Produce Ave. NB On-Ramp from S. Airport Blvd.!Wondercolor Lane NB On-Ramp from Grand Ave. NB On-Ramp from Oyster Point Blvd.! Dubuque Ave. VOLUMES EXISTING YEAR 2015 CAP ACITY* DEC. 2005 OR BASE CASE BASE CASE (VEH/HR) SEPT. 2006 + PROJECT 2000 653 816 816 3000** 958 1136 1151 2000 291 296 296 2000 512 595 607 2200 632 901 905 2000 3000** 1118 1880 498 682 1235 1793 2766 498 1074 2302 1793 2864 498 1144 2337 2000 2000 2200 Existing & 2015 Base Case + Project Volumes = Korve Engineering Year 2015 Base Case Volumes = Crane Transportation Group * Planning level capacity: Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, TRB Report 209. ** Produce Avenue on-ramp has two travel lanes. One on-ramp lane merges to the freeway mainline, while the other on- ramp lane continues as an auxiliary lane to the 1-380 off-ramp. Bolded results = significant Project impact. Compiled by: Crane Transportation Group 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-1 3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TRANSIT & SHUTTLE SERVICE Transit service in the study area includes local bus service, shuttle service and regional rail service. Figure 5 (in Appendix D) shows bus/shuttle service east of the U.S.101 freeway in the Project vicinity, while Table 11-8 lists the type and frequency of transit service provided to South San Francisco and the Project area and Table 11-9 lists the Alliance Shuttle Service shuttles and schedule. TABLE 11-8. TRANSIT SERVICE-SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SERVICE SamTrans Caltrain BART Caltrain Shuttle to SSF Station BART Shuttle to SSF Station FREQUENCY ROUTE AM/PM PEAK MIDDAY AREA SERVED Airport/Linden-Daly City and Colma BART 20/20 30 Airport Blvd./Linden Ave. Stations (130) South SF BART 30/30 50 Airport Blvd./Linden Ave. Station (132) Airport/Linden- 30/30 60 Airport Blvd./Linden Ave. Serramonte (133) Palo Alto-Daly City 30/30 30 South SF BART Bay 3 (390) Redwood City-Colma 15/30(a) 15(a) EI Camino Real/South SF BART Station (391) BART Station San Mateo-SF (292) 15/15(a) 30 Airport Blvd./Baden Ave. Gilroy-SF 30/30 60 South SF Caltrain Station Pittsburg-Daly City 15/15 15 Daly City BART Station Fremont-Daly City 15/15 15 Daly City BART Station Richmond-Daly City 15/15 Daly City BART Station Dublin-Millbrae 15/15 15 South SF BART Station Gateway Area 30/30 Genentech Bldgs B9, B5 Oyster Point Area 30/30(a) Gull/Oyster Point and 384 Oyster Point Sierra Point Area 30/30(a) 5000 Shoreline Ct. Utah-Grand Area 30/30(a) Cabot/ Allerton Sierra Point Area 35/35 5000 Shoreline Ct. Gateway Area 20/20 1000 Gateway Genentech 15/15 Genentech Bldgs. B5, B54 Oyster Point Area 23/23(a) Gull/Oyster Point and 384 Oyster Point Utah-Grand Area 23/23(a) Cabot/ Allerton Frequency of transit service is presented in minutes. SF = San Francisco ( a) = average frequency period. Source: Metropolitan Transportation Commission (511. org), San Mateo County ALLIANCE (commute.org) PAGE 11-14 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION TABLE 11-9. ALLIANCE SHUTTLE SERVICE-SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SHUTTLE STATION SERVED SCHEDULE AREA SERVED BART eight AM & nine PM trips Oyster Point Blvd., Gull Rd., Oyster Point Caltrain seven AM & seven PM trips Eccles Ave., Forbes Blvd., Veterans Blvd. BART nine AM & nine PM trips E. Grand Ave., Utah Ave., Utah-Grand Harbor Way, Littlefield Ave. Caltrain seven AM & seven PM trips BART ten AM & twelve PM trips Gateway Blvd.-BART Gateway Area Caltrain six AM & five PM trips Gateway Blvd., Genentech Office-Caltrain BART four AM & four PM Sierra Point Sierra Point, Shoreline Caltrain four AM & four PM trips Both shuttles alternate between 15- and 30-minute headways during both peak hours. Source: San Mateo County ALLIANCE (Commute.org) Bus Service The San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) provides bus service to South San Francisco. However, currently there is no SamTrans service east of the U.S.101 freeway. Bus service running just west of the freeway is as follows. Route 34: Tanforan Shopping Center-Geneva operates along Bayshore Boulevard and Airport Boulevard between Brisbane and the San Bruno BART station in the study area. This route operates during midday only on weekdays with headways of about two hours. Route 130: Daly City/Colma BART-South San Francisco operates along Linden Avenue and Grand Avenue in the study area. It connects central South San Francisco with the Colma BART station and Daly City. It operates with 20-minute peak period headways and 30- to 60-minute non-peak headways on weekdays, 30-minute headways on Saturdays and 60- minute headways on Sundays. Route 132: Airport/Linden-Arroyo/EI Camino operates along Hillside Avenue and Grand Avenue connecting to the South San Francisco BART station. It operates on 30-minute peak period headways and 60-minute non-peak headways on weekdays and 60-minute headways on Saturdays. Route 292: San Francisco-SF Airport-Hillsdale Shopping Center operates along Airport Boulevard. It operates with 20- to 30-minute peak headways and 25- to 60-minute non-peak headways on weekdays and 30- to 60- minute headways on Saturdays and Sundays. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-1 5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Caltrain Caltrain provides train service between Gilroy, San Jose and San Francisco. There is a station located on the corner of Dubuque Avenue and Grand Avenue Overcrossing in South San Francisco. Trains operate every 15 to 20 minutes during commute periods and hourly during midday. Caltrain/BAR T Shuttles Van shuttles are provided between the South San Francisco Caltrain station and employment centers east of U.S.1 01 during commute hours. Separate shuttles provide service to/from the Colma BART station. Shuttle stops are provided at two locations along East Grand Avenue and at one location along Harbor Way adjacent to the Project site. The Gateway Area/Genentech Shuttle (BART and Caltrain) provides service on Gateway Boulevard, Oyster Point Boulevard, Forbes Boulevard, Grandview Drive and East Grand Avenue. There are 15 morning trips and 15 afternoon trips on the BART shuttle, and six morning trips and five afternoon trips on the Caltrain shuttle. The Utah-Grand Shuttle (BART and Caltrain) serves over 20 employers in the Utah/Grand/Littlefield area. It provides service on Harbor Way, East Grand Avenue, Cabot Court, Grandview Avenue, Littlefield Avenue, Haskin Way and Utah Avenue. There are nine trips in the morning and nine trips in the afternoon on the BART shuttle, with nine morning and eight afternoon trips on the Caltrain shuttle. All shuttle service is fixed-route, fixed-schedule and is provided on weekdays during the commute periods. The shuttles are free to riders. The operating costs are borne by the Joint Powers Board (JPB), SamTrans, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the City/County Association of Governments (75 percent) and sponsoring employers (25 percent). PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE FACILITIES Sidewalks are in place along the south side of East Grand Avenue and both sides of Harbor Way in the Project vicinity. However, there are no Class II or Class III bicycle lane designations along East Grand Avenue or Harbor Way adjacent to the Project site, although there are numerous bicycle facilities available in the study area. Bike lanes are provided along East Grand Avenue east of Littlefield Avenue, Sister Cities Boulevard, Oyster Point Boulevard (east of Gateway Avenue), Gull Road, and Gateway Boulevard (south of East Grand Avenue). Bike routes are designated on South Airport Boulevard and on East Grand Avenue between Executive Drive and the East Grand Overcrossing. Bike paths are available along Executive Drive, and along the shoreline. Future bike lanes are planned along Gateway Boulevard, East Grand Avenue, Allerton Avenue, and Forbes Boulevard (east of Allerton Avenue). Future bike routes are planned along Forbes Boulevard (west of Allerton Avenue), PAGE 11-16 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION while a future bike path is planned along the Caltrain right-of-way. The proposed future bike lanes, routes, and paths are designated in the General Plan Transportation Element. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The City of South San Francisco requires that all nonresidential development expected to generate 100 or more average daily trips, based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates or a project seeking a floor area ratio (FAR) bonus implement Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures to reduce vehicle traffic (Chapter 20.120 Transportation Demand Management) (refer to Appendix D). The purposes of the TDM ordinance are as follows: . Implement a program designed to reduce the amount of traffic generated by new nonresidential development, and the expansion of existing nonresidential development pursuant to the City's police power and necessary in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare. . Ensure that expected increases in traffic resulting from growth in employment opportunities in the City of South San Francisco will be adequately mitigated. . Reduce drive-alone commute trips during peak traffic periods by using a combination of services, incentives, and facilities. . Promote the more efficient utilization of existing transportation facilities and ensure that new developments are designed in ways to maximize the potential for alternative transportation usage. . Establish minimum TDM requirements for all new nonresidential development. . Allow reduced parking requirements for projects implementing the requirements of this chapter. . Establish an ongoing monitoring and enforcement program to ensure that the measures are implemented. The analysis prepared for the General Plan Amendment includes the assumption that a moderate TDM program will reduce peak hour traffic generation by an additional 9.5 percent compared to existing traffic generation rates. The objective of TDM programs is to reduce vehicle trips at commercial/residential developments by incorporating project components such as encouraging increased transit use, carpooling, and providing facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians. South San Francisco has a "menu" of potential TDM programs, each with a specific number of points that relate to the program's effectiveness. Examples of TDM programs include bicycle racks and lockers, free carpool parking, shuttle services, and on-site amenities. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-1 7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FUTURE BASE CASE (WITHOUT PROJECT) CONDITIONS The proposed Project's traffic impacts have been evaluated in relation to year 2015 Base Case conditions. Year 2015 reflects a horizon year that the 250 East Grand Project could be completely constructed and fully occupied. This section details the process to determine Base Case traffic operating conditions for year 2015 conditions. Year 2015 Base Case Development., Cumulative Scenario The year 2015 baseline conditions include traffic generated by approved and proposed development in the study area, as well as traffic generated by projects that are under construction. This analysis has been recently conducted as part of the Genentech Corporate Facilities Master Plan Revised Draft EIR and has been used in preparation of the 250 East Grand EIR at the direction of City staff. A list of projects incorporated into this cumulative scenario is included in Appendix D . Year 2015 peak hour Future Without Proj ect conditions were developed by adding traffic expected to be generated by all the approved and proposed development proj ects in the greater East of 101 Area (as provided by the City of South San Francisco) to the existing traffic network. The data in this DEIR includes expected traffic volumes generated by several recently approved background projects, including the Lowe's, Home Depot and Terrabay projects as well as traffic from the proposed Genentech Corporate Facilities Master Plan. The number of trips generated by future developments is provided in Table 11-10. TABLE 11-10. TRIP GENERATION-ApPROVED & PLANNED LOCAL AREA DEVELOPMENT BY 2015 (WITHOUT 250 EAST GRAND PROJECT) AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR INBOUND OUTBOUND TOTAL INBOUND OUTBOUND TOTAL East of 101 Total w/o Genentech Genentech Proposal Total 2142 1762 3904 915 215 1130 3057 1977 5034 1244 292 1536 2435 1519 3954 3679 1811 5490 Source: Korve Engineering/Genentech Corporate Facilities Master Plan Revised Draft EIR & Crane Transportation Group Freeway segment traffic volumes for 2015 peak hour Future Without Project conditions were developed by adding traffic expected to be generated by all approved and likely development projects and by applying an annual 0.5 percent growth rate to existing volumes (as documented in approved transportation studies). The growth in freeway on- and off-ramp volumes was based on the anticipated traffic increases generated by the approved development projects. Year 2015 Base Case (without Project) AM and PM peak hour volumes are presented in Figures 6 and 7 (in Appendix D). PAGE 11-18 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION YEAR 2015 BASE CASE OPERATING CONDITIONS Roadway Improvements Planned by 2015 The following intersection improvements were projected by City of South San Francisco Public Works staff to be in place for year 2015 Base Case analysis. These improvements will be funded by approved proj ects or the City's East of 101 capital improvements program. . Oyster Point Boulevard / Sister Cities Boulevard / Airport Boulevard a. Restripe and reconfigure the eastbound Sister Cities approach to provide two left turn lanes, an exclusive through lane and a shared through/right turn lane. b. Stripe a second left turn lane on the northbound Airport Boulevard approach. c. Restripe the westbound Oyster Point Boulevard approach to provide an exclusive left turn lane, two through lanes and an exclusive right turn lane. . South Airport Boulevard / U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp / Wondercolor Lane d. Add a second right turn lane on the northbound off-ramp approach. . Airport Boulevard / Terrabay Phase 3 Access (when built) e. Provide approach lanes as detailed in the Terrabay EIR. Intersection Level of Service All intersections with year 2015 Base Case volumes would be operating at acceptable Levels of Service with the following exceptions (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). . Oyster Point Boulevard / Gateway Boulevard / U.S.I0l Southbound (Flyover) Off- Ramp (Signal) AM Peak Hour: LOS E PM Peak Hour: LOS E . Oyster Point Boulevard / Dubuque Avenue / U.S.I0l Northbound On-Ramp (Signal) PM Peak Hour: LOS F . Airport Avenue / Grand Avenue (Signal) AM Peak Hour: LOS F . E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way (Signal) AM Peak Hour: LOS E PM Peak Hour: LOS F 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-19 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT . Forbes Boulevard / Allerton Avenue (Allerton Stop Sign Controlled) AM Peak Hour: LOS F . Oyster Point Boulevard / Gull Road (Signal) AM Peak Hour: LOS E PM Peak Hour: LOS F . Forbes Boulevard / Gull Road (Signal) PM Peak Hour: LOS F . Airport Boulevard / U.S.I0l Southbound Off-Ramp (Signal) PM Peak Hour: LOS E . Airport Boulevard / San Mateo Avenue / Produce Avenue (Signal) PM Peak Hour: LOS F . Gateway Boulevard / S. Airport Boulevard / Mitchell Avenue (Signal) PM Peak Hour: LOS F . E. Grand / Allerton Avenue PM Peak Hour: LOS E Intersection Signalization Needs The following unsignalized intersections would have year 2015 Base Case volumes exceeding peak hour signal warrant #3 volume criteria levels (see Table 11-3). . E. Grand Avenue / Allerton Avenue AM Peak Hour (borderline) PM Peak Hour: Vehicle Queuing The following off-ramps and/or approaches to adjacent intersections would have 95th percentile year 2015 Base Case queuing exceeding available storage as determined using the Synchro software program (see Table 11-11). PAGE 11-20 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION TABLE 11-11. 95TH PERCENTILE VEHICLE QUEUES*- YEAR 2015 INTERSECTIONS AT OR NEAR U.S.101 INTERCHANGES POTENTIALLY IMPACTED BY THE 250-270 E. GRAND PROJECT WITH SIGNAL TIMING FOR OPTIMIZED LEVEL OF SERVICE YEAR 2015 AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR STORAGE BASE BASE CASE BASE BASE CASE INTERSECTION DISTANCE* CASE + PROJECT CASE + PROJECT S. Airport Blvd.IUS.101 NB On- and Off-Ramps/Wondercolor Lane NB Off-Ramp Left Turn/Through/Right (Total)* Airport Blvd.IMiller Ave.IUS. 101 SB Off-Ramp SB Off-Ramp Left Turn/Through (Total)* Airport Blvd.IGrand Avenue SB Left Turn SB Through SB Right Turn Oyster Point Blvd.IDubuque Ave. NB Left Turn 135 NB Left/Through 255 NB Right Turn 210 Dubuque A ve.IU. S. 101 SB Onl NB Off-Ramps Off- Ramp/Left/Through/Right (Total)* Oyster Point Blvd.IGateway Blvd.IUS.101 SB Off-Rampl Commercial Access SB Off-Ramp Through (Total)* 5600 1112 1112 SB Off-Ramp Right Turn Lane 360 305 315 Airport Blvd.ISB 101 On-Off Ramp * SB Off-Ramp Left/Right Turn Airport Blvd.ITerrabay Entrance SB Through SB Right Turn E. Grand A ve.IGrand Ave. Overcrossing NB E. Grand Right Turn Lane** NB E. Grand Left Turn Lane** 1675 1225 320 320 75 1600 1200 450 230 800 800 1363 1509 901 895 725 512 70 154 322 17 757 523 62 149 322 17 1462 282 1462 282 232 75 1100 150 240 74 1275 125 471 483 359 362 251 268 324 324 168 169 765 765 705 705 21 22 824 824 270 270 42 43 642 642 123 124 0 0 125 150 375 375 Bolded results = significant Project impact. The proposed Project would not result in significant impacts to vehicle queuing at any of the other intersections experiencing unacceptable Base Case 95th percentile queuing as Project traffic contributions would be less than 1 percent of the total. * Storage and queues-in feet (per total lane group or approach; or per turn lane as indicated). The term "Total" applies when storage is for a group of lanes with the same movement to which drivers have equal access or for a group of more than one through or turn lane on an off-ramp intersection approach where drivers would be expected to access each lane in the most efficient queuing order. ** Traffix software utilized as NB off-ramp not sign or signal controlled at adjacent East Grand/Executive Drive intersection. Synchro software used for all analysis unless noted. Source: Crane Transportation Group 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-21 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT . E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue Overcrossing AM Peak Hour: The right turn lane on the E. Grand Avenue approach to the Grand Avenue Overcrossing would have a 95th percentile queue demand greater than available storage. . Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue AM Peak Hour: The Airport Boulevard southbound approach left and through movements would have a 95th percentile queue demand greater than available storage. PM Peak Hour: The Airport Boulevard southbound approach through and right turn movements would have a 95th percentile queue demand greater than available storage. . Oyster Point Boulevard / Dubuque Avenue / U.S.I0l Northbound On-Ramp AM Peak Hour: The Dubuque Avenue northbound approach left and through movements would have a 95th percentile queue demand greater than available storage. PM Peak Hour: The Dubuque Avenue northbound approach left and through movements would have a 95th percentile queue demand greater than available storage. The following off-ramps would have year 2015 Base Case queuing extending back to the U. S.l 01 mainline one or more times during the peak traffic hours as determined using the SIM traffic software program (unless noted). . U.S.I0l Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue Intersection AM Peak Hour: Backups to mainline. . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to Dubuque Avenue AM Peak Hour: Backups to mainline. PM Peak Hour: Backups to mainline. . U.S.I0l Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard (North of Oyster Point Boulevard) PM Peak Hour: Backups to mainline. . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection AM Peak Hour: Backups to mainline. (Projected based upon existing off-ramp backups, significantly increased volumes expected by 2015 and extended backups from the East Grand Avenue approach to Grand Avenue Overcrossing.) PAGE 11-22 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Off-Ramp Operation at Diverge from Freeway Mainline The following off-ramps would have year 2015 Base Case volumes exceeding 1,500 vehicles/hour on a one-lane off-ramp connection to the freeway mainline (see Table 11-6). . U.S.I0l Southbound (Flyover) Off-Ramp to Oyster Point Boulevard / Gateway Boulevard Intersection AM Peak Hour: 1,644 vehicles per hour using off-ramp. . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to S. Airport Boulevard / Wondercolor Lane Intersection AM Peak Hour: 1,921 vehicles per hour using off-ramp. . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection AM Peak Hour: 2,019 vehicles per hour using off-ramp. . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to Dubuque Avenue AM Peak Hour: 1,674 vehicles per hour using off-ramp. On-Ramp Operation The following on-ramp would have year 2015 Base Case volumes exceeding ramp capacities (see Table 11-7). . U.S.I0l Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard at Dubuque Avenue PM Peak Hour: 2,302 vehicle demand with a 2,200 vehicle capacity. U.S.101 Freeway Mainline Level of Service The following mainline freeway segments with year 2015 Base Case volumes would be operating at unacceptable Levels of Service (see Table 11-12). . U.S.I0l Southbound (North of the Oyster Point Interchange) AM Peak Hour: LOS F operation. . U.S.I0l Northbound (North of the Sierra Point On-Ramp) PM Peak Hour: LOS F operation. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-23 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TABLE 11-12. YEAR 2015 U.S.101 FREEWAY OPERATING CONDITIONS SEGMENT BASE CASE VOL LOS DENSITY BASE CASE + PROJECT VOL LOS DENSITY AM Peak Hour North of Oyster Point Blvd. Northbound Direction Southbound Direction North of 1-380 Northbound Direction Southbound Direction PM Peak Hour North of Oyster Point Blvd. Northbound Direction Southbound Direction North of 1-380 Northbound Direction Southbound Direction 7794 9907 D F* 32.9 7810 D 10,008 F* 33.0 7289 7361 D D 29.5 30.0 7449 D 7376 D 30.5 30.1 10,001 7643 F* D 31.8 10,093 F* 7662 D 32.0 6417 8317 C E* 24.9 37.1 6445 C 8415 E* 25.1 38.2 Bold results = significant Project impact. The proposed Project would result in significant impacts to this freeway segment experiencing Base Case LOS F operation as Project volume increases would be more than 1 percent. * unacceptable freeway segment operating conditions. LOS = Level of Service Density is shown in passenger cars per lane per mile. Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual Analysis Methodology Source: Crane Transportation Group (Base Case), Korve Engineering (Base Case + Project) IMPACT A \lALYSIS SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA Standards of Significance have been measured based on CEQA, City of South San Francisco and C/CAG Guideline thresholds. Therefore, Project impacts would be significant if they result in any of the following conditions: a. The Project would exceed 100 net new peak hour trips on the local roadway system (C/CAG criteria only). b. Signalized intersection operation and all-way-stop operation would change from Level of Service (LOS) A, B, C or D to LOS E or F and total volumes passing through the intersection would be increased by at least two percent. c. Uncontrolled turn movements or stop sign controlled approaches at side street stop sign controlled intersections would change from LOS A, B, C, D or E to LOS F and total PAGE 11-24 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION volumes passing through the intersection would be increased by at least two percent. Side street criteria are applicable only for stop sign controlled approaches with more than 25 trips during any peak traffic hour. d. Project traffic would increase Base Case volumes at an unsignalized intersection to meet peak hour volume signal warrant criteria levels, or to meet pedestrian/school crossing signal warrant criteria levels. e. The proposed Project would increase total volumes passing through an intersection by two percent or more with signalized or all-way stop operation already at a Base Case LOS E or F, or when the intersection is side street stop sign controlled and the stop sign controlled Base Case operation is at LOS F (and there are more than 25 vehicles on the stop sign controlled approach). f. The proposed Project would increase traffic entering an unsignalized intersection by two percent or more with Base Case traffic levels already exceeding peak hour volume signal warrant criteria levels. g. Project traffic would increase acceptable Base Case 95th percentile vehicle queuing on all freeway off-ramps and also on the approaches to adjacent intersections leading away from off-ramp intersections to unacceptable levels (as determined by the Synchro software program), or if Base Case 95th percentile queuing on the freeway off-ramps or on the approaches to adjacent intersections leading away from off-ramp intersections is already projected at unacceptable lengths, the Project would increase queuing volumes by one percent or more. h. Project traffic results in queues exceeding off-ramp storage capacity based upon SIM traffic software evaluation for the entire peak hour of operation. Ifbase case traffic already exceeds the storage capacity of the off-ramp, then a one-percent addition in traffic due to the project is considered a significant impact. 1. Proj ect traffic would degrade operation of the U. S. 101 freeway or freeway ramps from LOS E to LOS F with at least a one percent increase in volume, or would increase volumes by more than one percent or on a freeway segment or a freeway ramp with Base Case LOS F operation. J. If on-site circulation would be confusing to drivers and result in excessive traffic flow through various parts of the Project site. k. Project parking would not meet City criteria. I. Project development or project traffic would produce a detrimental impact to local transit or shuttle service. m. If, in the opinion of the registered traffic engineer conducting the EIR analysis, a significant traffic, pedestrian or bicycle safety concern would be created or worsened. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-25 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PROJECT TRIP GENERATION Table 11-13 shows that a total net new 283,562 square feet of research and development or office uses would be likely to generate 349 inbound and 48 outbound trips during the AM peak hour, with 65 inbound and 318 outbound trips during the PM peak hour. This assumes a 9.5 percent reduction in peak hour trips due to a moderate TDM program and office rather than R&D uses to provide a conservative analysis, as trip generation has been found to be higher from office than from R&D uses. TABLE 11-13. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION NET NEW DAILY AM PEAK HOUR TRIPS PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS SQUARE 2-WAY TRIPS IN OUT IN OUT USE FOOTAGE RATE VOL RATE VOL RATE VOL RATE VOL RATE VOL Office 283,562 SQ.FT. 11.01 3122 1.23(1) 349 .17(1) 48 .23 (1) 65 1.12(1) 318 (1) 9.5% reduction in average trip rates due to City mandated TDM program (see Appendix D). Trip Rate Source: Trip Generation, 7th Edition by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003. Compiled by: Crane Transportation Group PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION Proj ect traffic was distributed to the regional roadway network based upon East of 101 development traffic patterns contained in the April 2001 Draft SEIR for the South San Francisco General Plan Amendment and Transportation Demand Ordinance (see Table 11- 14) as well as traffic distribution patterns at driveways already serving development on the Project site. Overall, about 62 percent of Project traffic is projected to be destined to/from south and southwest of the site, with 38 percent destined to/from the north and northwest. It is likely that Project drivers destined to/from the U.S.101 freeway either north or south would choose to access the freeway via several routes and interchanges. AM and PM peak hour Project traffic is shown distributed to the local roadway network in Figures 8 and 9 (in Appendix D), while Figures 10 and 11 (in Appendix D) present resultant year 2015 AM and PM peak hour Base Case + Project volumes. DIRECTION TABLE 11-14. YEAR 2015 PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DEVELOPMENT 29 48 3 8 o 7 3 2 U. S.l 0 1 North/San Francisco U. S.l 0 1 South South San Francisco (central area) Daly City/Colma via Sister Cities Blvd. Daly City/Colma via Guadalupe Parkway Brisbane Airport Area via South Airport Blvd. Local East ofU.S.101 TOTAL 100% Source: City of South San Francisco, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, South San Francisco General Plan Amendment and Transportation Demand Management Ordinance, April 2001. PAGE 11-26 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Impact Traf-l: Project Trip Generation Exceeds 100 Trips During Peak Hours. The Project would generate more than 100 net new trips during the AM and PM peak hours (397 two-way (inbound + outbound) trips during the AM peak hour and 383 two-way trips during the PM peak hour (see Table 11- 13)). The San Mateo City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) Agency Guidelines for the implementation of the 2003 Draft Congestion Management Program ("C/CAG Guidelines") specifies that local jurisdictions must ensure that the developer and/or tenants will mitigate all new peak hour trips (including the first 100 trips) projected to be generated by the development. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-l: Transportation Demand Management Program. The Project sponsors shall implement a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program consistent with the City of South San Francisco Zoning Ordinance Chapter 20.120 Transportation Demand Management, and acceptable to C/CAG. These programs, once implemented, must be ongoing for the occupied life of the development. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The C/CAG guidelines specify the number of trips that may be credited for each TDM measure. The Project's TDM program is included in Appendix D and will generate trip credits to offset the 397 total AM peak hour and 383 PM peak hour trips generated by the Proj ect. ON-SITE CIRCULATION AND ACCESS Proi ect Access The Project's Parcel A would be accessed via three driveway connections to East Grand Avenue and two driveway connections to Harbor Way. These would be the same driveway connections currently serving Parcel A. AM and PM peak hour turn movement projections for each driveway are presented in Figure 12 in Appendix D. All turn movements would remain possible at the two Harbor Way driveways. A continuous two-way left turn lane would continue to serve as a left turn deceleration lane on the southbound approach to both driveway intersections. Along East Grand Avenue, the westerly driveway would allow eastbound right in/right out movements only, the central driveway intersection would remain signalized and continue to allow all turn movements, while the easterly driveway intersection would remain unsignalized, but would also continue to allow all turn movements. The Project's main signalized intersection with East Grand Avenue would also serve as the main access intersection to the 250-270 East Grand Project on the north side of the street. From an operations standpoint, this signalized intersection is projected to have an acceptable Level of 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-27 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Service during both the AM and PM commute peak hours with year 2015 Base Case + Project volumes (LOS B during the AM peak hour and LOS D during the PM peak hour). Impact Traf-2: Site lines at East Grand Avenue Driveways. Sight lines at the Project Parcel A's only unsignalized intersection along East Grand Avenue where left turns are allowed (the most easterly driveway) would be 600+ feet to the west (through the Project's signalized entrance intersection) and 600+ feet to the east (through the Littlefield intersection 400 feet to the east). Minimum stopping sight distance for a vehicle speed of 40 miles per hour (five miles greater than the posted speed limit) would be 305 feet. Therefore, sight lines are acceptable at this location assuming low traffic volumes on East Grand Avenue. However, during peak commute periods, eastbound traffic may back up from the Littlefield signal and begin to obstruct the ability of drivers turning left from the site to see westbound traffic on East Grand Avenue. Also, any westbound vehicle or vehicles waiting to turn left into the Project site could also block sight lines of drivers existing the Project site attempting to see westbound traffic. This would be a significant safety concern. Mitigation Measure Traf-2: Project Access Safety Improvements. Prohibit left turns from the Project's easterly driveway along East Grand Avenue. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. Unacceptable site distances and blocked site lines for drivers turning left from the Project's easterly driveway along East Grand Avenue would have resulted in potential hazards. Prohibiting this turn movement will remove potential hazards. Impact Traf-3: Sight Lines at Harbor Way Driveways. Sight lines at both of Project Parcel A's two unsignalized driveway intersections with Harbor Way would be more than 500+ feet to the north and 800+ feet to the south. Minimum stopping sight distance for a vehicle speed of 35 miles per hour (five miles greater than the posted sped limit) would be 250 feet. Therefore, sight lines are acceptable at these driveways. This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. Project site traffic could use existing driveways on Harbor Way that are currently unsignalized. Site distances and lines at these intersections remain sufficient for turning movements with adequate levels of safety. PAGE 11-28 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Impact Traf-4: Queues in Left Turn Lanes on Approaches to Project Driveways. Left turns are allowed from East Grand Avenue into the Project site at two locations that have breaks in the raised median along the street: at the Project's central driveway connection, which would remain signalized, and at the Project's easterly driveway connection, which would remain unsignalized. The left turn pockets provided on the approaches to these intersections are 175 feet long (at the signal) and 125 feet long (at the easterly driveway), respectively. The 175-foot-Iong pocket can accommodate seven to eight vehicles, while the 125-foot-Iong pocket and accommodate five to six vehicles. This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. The 95th percentile queuing demand for the left turn lane on the approach to the signal was obtained from the Traffix intersection Level of Service worksheet for this location, while the queuing demand for the left turn lane on the approach to the unsignalized easterly driveway was obtained from formula contained in an article in the Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE magazine.2 TABLE 11-15. YEAR 2015 BASE CASE + PROJECT 95TH PERCENTILE VEHICLE QUEUES IN WESTBOUND LEFT TURN LANES ALONG EAST GRAND AVENUE PROVIDING ACCESS To PROJECT PARCEL A WESTBOUND LEFT AM PEAK HOUR TURN LANE CAPACITY QUEUE Approaching Easterly (unsignalized) Driveway Approaching Central (signalized) Driveway PM PEAK HOUR QUEUE 5 vehicles 2- 3 vehicles 1 vehicle 7 vehicles 1 vehicle 1 vehicle Source: Crane Transportation Group As shown in Table 11-15, projected 95th percentile queues in both left turn pockets could be accommodated with year 2015 Base Case + Project volumes. Left turns are allowed from Harbor Way into both Project driveways serving Parcel A. A continuous two-way left turn lane is provided along Harbor Way in the vicinity of both driveways, providing acceptable storage for vehicles turning left into the site. 2 Estimation of Maximum Queue Lengths at Unsignalized Intersections, by John T. Gard, ITE Journal, November 2001 (see Appendix D). 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-29 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Internal Circulation Impact Traf-5: Internal Vehicular Circulation. The internal circulation plan as shown on the 10/5/06 site plan by DES Architects/Engineers appears acceptable. Each Project driveway would be channelized at least 50 feet internal to the site, with the main signalized entrance along East Grand Avenue being channelized at least 100 feet internal to the parking lot. In addition, all surface lot and garage parking aisles are shown to be 25 feet wide, which meets City code criteria and good traffic engineering practice. This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. The circulation plan for the Project site follows good traffic engineering practices and meets applicable City code criteria aimed at ensuring the vehicular circulation on-site does not create safety hazards. The existing design of the Project site is adequate under these standards and no mitigation is necessary. Impact Traf-6: Internal Pedestrian Circulation. Internal walkways are shown on the site plan connecting all new buildings (Buildings A, B and C), the parking garage, and one existing building near Harbor Way. However, there are no walkway connections shown to East Grand Avenue or to the existing complex of buildings nearest East Grand Avenue that are to remain. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-6: Sidewalks and Crosswalks. Provide sidewalks (and crosswalks) connecting Project buildings with East Grand Avenue as well as to all existing buildings on Parcel A to remain. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The Project site plan does not currently show adequate internal walkways to ensure pedestrian safety. The provision of additional walkways and crosswalks as specified in mitigation measure Traf-6 would correct this deficiency and ensure adequate levels of safety for pedestrian circulation. PAGE 11-30 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION PARKING Impact Traf-7: On-Site Parking. A total of 2,793 spaces would be required based upon City code criteria, while a total of 2,742 on-site parking spaces would be provided on Parcels A and B combined (2,558 spaces on Parcel A and 184 spaces on Parcel B). This is 98.2 percent of code-required parking. The City of South San Francisco promotes reduction in parking from City zoning standards as a way to support trip reduction goals required per the City's TDM ordinance and supported by various policies in the General Plan (G.P. Policies 4.3-1-8, 11 and 12). This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. While the proposed parking is below that required by City code criteria, such a reduction is promoted by various policies in the General Plan (G.P. Policies 4.3-1-8, 11 and 12) as a way to support trip reduction goals. A Transportation Demand Management Plan has been prepared and is included in Appendix D. The targeted reduction in trips would be supported by a reduced amount of parking. RAI L SAFETY There are two at grade railroad crossings adjacent to the Project site: one across Harbor Way adjacent to the southern Project boundary and one diagonally across the East Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection. The Harbor Way two-track crossing is protected by gates and flashing lights, while no gates or lights are provided at the East Grand Avenue / Harbor Way intersection crossing. Impact Traf-8: Grade Crossing Approaches Missing Signing and Pavement Striping. The State Public Utilities Commission (September 26, 2006 letter to City of South San Francisco) has noted in a recent inspection that the East Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection grade crossing is not up to minimum standards on one or more approaches for required advanced warning signing and pavement striping (i.e. R15-1 and W -10-1 signs as well as RxR pavement striping). This results in an existing safety concern that would be aggravated by the addition of Project traffic. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-8: Impacts to Grade Crossing Approach Signing & Pavement Striping. The Project shall provide all needed signs and pavement markings on the approaches to the East Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection "at grade railroad crossing" to meet minimum State Public 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-31 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Utilities Commission requirements as detailed in the 2003 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Services by the Federal Highway Commission. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. While the Project itself does not incorporate an on-site rail line, it would aggravate an existing safety concern at a nearby public rail crossing. Mitigation to bring this rail crossing up to meet current regulations as described in mitigation measure Traf-8 would reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level. PROJECT AND CUMULATIVE INTERSECTION OPERATION Impact Traf-9: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). . Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 2.6 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case operation. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-9: Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue. (see Table 11-16 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project- specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: 1. Reconfigure the eastbound Grand Avenue approach from one exclusive right turn lane and one shared through/left turn lane to provide an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane. 2. Reconfigure the southbound Airport Boulevard approach from one right, one through, a shared through/left and an exclusive left turn lane to provide two exclusive left turn lanes, one through lane and a shared through/right turn lane. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Project Operation: AM Peak Hour: LOS D-46.8 seconds control delay PM Peak Hour: LOS D-47.8 seconds control delay Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. PAGE 11-32 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION TABLE 11-16. MITIGATED I NTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE YEAR 2015 AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR BASE MITIGATED BASE MITIGATED BASE CASE + BASE CASE BASE CASE + BASE CASE INTERSECTION CASE PROJECT + PROJECT CASE PROJECT + PROJECT East Grand Ave.lForbes E-79.0* F.101 E-72.8(1) F -146* F-154 F -96.7(1) Blvd. (Signal) Airport Blvd.lSan Mateo A ve.lProduce Ave. C-30.2* C-30.3 C-30.2(2) F-87.3* F-99.8 D-45.1 (2) (Signal) Gateway Blvd.lS. Airport Blvd.lMitchell Ave. C-27.7* C-27.9 C- 26.9(3) F-109* F-128 D-50.7(3) (Signal) Airport Blvd.lGrand Ave. E-74.3* F-88.6 D-46.8(4) D-48.7* D-49.1 D-47.8(4) (Signal) * Signalized intersection level of service-vehicle control delay (in seconds). (1) Widen southbound Forbes Blvd. from one right, one through/right and one left turn lane to one left, one through and two right turn lanes. Restripe northbound Harbor Way from one left, one left/through and one right turn lane to one left, one through and one right turn lane. Widen eastbound E. Grand Avenue to provide an exclusive right turn lane. Adjust north and southbound signal timing from split to protected phasing. (2) Restripe westbound Airport Blvd. from a left, left/through, through and right turn lane to two lefts, a combined left/through and a right turn lane. (3) Add a second right turn lane to the southbound Gateway Blvd. approach. (4) Restripe southbound Airport Blvd. from one left, one through/left, one through and one right turn lane to provide two left turn lanes, one through and one through/right turn lane. Restripe eastbound Grand Ave. from one left/through and one right turn lane to one left and one through/right turn lane. Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual analysis methodology Source: Crane Transportation Group The City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program provides a mechanism for collecting fair share contributions toward necessary area improvements and pooling them to pay for these improvements. This program is funded via the traffic impact fee that is assessed with all new projects in the area. The planned implementation of these improvements would maintain or improve the current levels of service at these intersections (see Table 11-16), which would mitigate potential Project impacts. Specific improvements planned for the Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue intersection and the resultant level of service are presented in mitigation measure Traf-9. Impact Traf-l0: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). . E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-33 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 4.8 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS E Base Case operation and would degrade operation to LOS F. PM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 5.0 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-l0: E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way. (see Table 11-16 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. 1. Widen the southbound Forbes Boulevard approach from one left, one combined through/right and one right turn lane to provide one left, one through and two exclusive right turn lanes. 2. Widen the eastbound East Grand approach to provide an exclusive right turn lane. 3. Restripe the northbound Harbor Way approach from one left, one combined through/left and one right turn lane to provide one left, one through and one right turn lane. 4. Adjust north-south (Harbor Way-Forbes Boulevard) signal timing from split phase operation to protected left turn phasing and north and southbound right turn overlap phasing. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Project Signalized Operation: AM Peak Hour: LOS E-72.8 seconds control delay (which would be better than Base Case LOS E-79.0 seconds control delay operation) PM Peak Hour: LOS F-96.7 seconds control delay (which would be better than Base Case LOS F -146 seconds control delay operation) Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this intersection that would maintain or improve the current levels of service and reduce the PAGE 11-34 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this intersection and the resultant level of service are presented in mitigation measure Traf-1 o. Impact Traf-ll: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). . Airport Boulevard I San Mateo Avenue I Produce Avenue PM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 2.6 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-ll: Airport Boulevard I San Mateo Avenue IProduce Avenue. (see Table 11-16 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. 1. Restripe the westbound Airport approach from one left, one combined through/left, one through and one right turn lane to provide two left turn lanes, a combined through/left turn lane and an exclusive right turn lane. 2. Reconfigure the Produce Avenue intersection leg to provide a third southbound departure lane. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Project Signalized Operation: PM Peak Hour: LOS D-45.1 seconds control delay Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The Airport Boulevard / San Mateo Avenue /Produce Avenue intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this intersection that would maintain or improve the current levels of service and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this intersection and the resultant level of service are presented in mitigation measure Traf- 11. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-35 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Impact Traf-12: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). . Gateway Boulevard / S. Airport Boulevard / Mitchell Avenue PM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 3.4 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-12: Gateway Boulevard / S. Airport Boulevard / Mitchell Avenue. (see Table 11-16 and Figure 13 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impacts. These improvements are included as part of the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. 1. Widen the southbound Gateway Boulevard approach to provide a second exclusive right turn lane. Resultant 2015 Base Case + Project Signalized Operation: PM Peak Hour: LOS D-50.7 seconds control delay Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The Gateway Boulevard / S. Airport Boulevard / Mitchell Avenue intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this intersection that would maintain or improve the current levels of service and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this intersection and the resultant level of service are presented in mitigation measure Traf-11. The proposed Project would not result in significant impacts at other intersections experiencing unacceptable Base Case operation as Project volume increases would be less than 2 percent. AM Peak Hour: . Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard/U.S. 101 Southbound Off-Ramp Flyover PAGE 11-36 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION . Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Road . Forbes Boulevard/Allerton Avenue PM Peak Hour: . Airport Boulevard/U.S. 101 Southbound Hook Ramps . Oyster Point Boulevard/Dubuque Avenue/U.S. 101 Northbound On-Ramp . Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard/U.S. 101 Southbound Off-Ramp Flyover . Oyster Point Boulevard/Gull Road . East Grand A venue/Allerton Avenue . Forbes Boulevard/Gull Road Impact Traf-13: Intersection Signalization Needs. The analysis concluded that no unsignalized intersections would receive a significant signal warrant impact due to the addition of Project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes or that Project traffic would not increase volumes by more than two percent at the one nearby intersection (East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue) where Base Case volumes would already be exceeding peak hour signal warrant criteria levels (see Table 11-3). This would be a less-than-significant impact, therefore, no mitigation is required. While the proposed Project would increase traffic levels at area intersections that are currently unsignalized, the increased level of traffic would remain below levels that would trigger the need to signalize the intersections, with one exception as follows. The nearby East Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue intersection would meet criteria for signalization even without Project traffic. However, because Project traffic would contribute less than two percent of the volume to this intersection, the Project's impact would be considered less- than-significant with no mitigation required. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-37 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PROJECT AND CUMULATIVE VEHICLE QUEUING Impact Traf-14: 95th Percentile Vehicle Queuing - Traffix software evaluation. The following off-ramp/approach to an adjacent intersection leading away from an off-ramp would receive a significant queuing impact due to the addition of Project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11- 11). . E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue Overcrossing AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 4.5 percent in the right turn lane on the E. Grand Avenue approach to the Grand Avenue Overcrossing at a location with unacceptable Base Case 95th percentile queuing. The right turn lane queue would be extended from 1,100 up to 1,275 feet in a location with only 800 feet of storage. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-14: Improvements for Vehicle Queuing. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: . E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue Overcrossing 1. Widen the east/northbound East Grand Avenue approach to Grand Avenue Overcrossing to provide a second exclusive right turn lane. This lane should extend at least 250 feet and ideally the entire distance back to the U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp/Executive Drive intersection. Today, the left and right turn lanes on the East Grand Avenue approach to Grand Avenue Overcrossing extend the entire distance from the off-ramp to Grand Avenue Overcrossing. By 2015, the left turn lane will have a 95th percentile queue extending no more than 200 feet during the AM peak hour and 500 feet during the PM peak hour. Rather than extending one left turn and two right turn lanes the entire length between the off-ramp and Grand Avenue Overcrossing, the City may wish to provide two lanes leaving the off-ramp (as exists today), which will then widen to three lanes at least 400 feet from the Grand Avenue Overcrossing intersection. The center lane should be striped for both left and right turns, which will allow the approach to adequately serve the heavy right turn movement in the morning and the heavier left turn movement in the evening. PAGE 11-38 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this intersection that would improve vehicle queuing capacity and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this intersection are presented in mitigation measure Traf-14. Impact Traf-15: 95th Percentile Vehicle Queuing - SYNCHRO software evaluation. The following approach to an adjacent intersection leading away from an off-ramp would receive a significant queuing impact due to the addition of Project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-11). . Airport Boulevard/Grand Avenue AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 7.6 percent in the left turn lane on the southbound Airport Boulevard approach to Grand Avenue at a location with unacceptable Base Case 95th percentile queuing. The 95th percentile vehicle queue would be extended from 725 up to about 760 feet in a location with only 320 feet of storage. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-15: Improvements for Vehicle Queuing. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: . Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue 1. Reconfigure the eastbound Grand Avenue approach from one exclusive right turn lane and one shared through/left turn lane to provide an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane 2. Reconfigure the southbound Airport Boulevard approach from one right, one through, a shared through/left and an exclusive left turn lane to provide two exclusive left turn lanes, one through lane and a shared through/right turn lane. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-39 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this intersection that would improve vehicle queuing capacity and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this intersection are presented in mitigation measure Traf-14. The proposed Project would not increase traffic more than one percent on the approaches to any other location which is projected to experience unacceptable Base Case 95th percentile queuIng. Impact Traf-16: Off-Ramp Queuing To Freeway Mainline During Peak Traffic Hours - SIM traffic evaluation. The following off-ramp would receive a significant impact with backups extending to the freeway mainline sometime during one or both peak hours due to the addition of Project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes. . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue/Executive Drive Intersection AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 2.5 percent at a location with year 2015 Base Case off-ramp traffic occasionally backing up to the freeway mainline. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-16: Improvements for Off-Ramp Queuing. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate project-specific impacts. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection 1. Provide a fair share contribution to providing a second off-ramp lane extending back to the freeway mainline. PAGE 11-40 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this off-ramp that would improve vehicle queuing capacity and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this off-ramp are presented in mitigation measure Traf-16. Impact Traf-17: Off-Ramp Queuing To Freeway Mainline During Peak Traffic Hours. SIM Traffic evaluation The following off-ramp would receive a significant impact with backups extending to the freeway mainline sometime during one or both peak hours due to the addition of Project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes. . U.S.I0l Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue Intersection AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 5.0 percent at a location with year 2015 Base Case off-ramp traffic occasionally backing up to the freeway mainline. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-17: Improvements for Vehicle Queuing. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: . U.S.I0l Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue Intersection 1. Provide improvements to the Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue intersection as listed under Mitigation Measure 2. 2. Provide an exclusive right turn lane on the southbound Airport Boulevard approach to Miller Avenue. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The U.S.101 Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-41 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this off-ramp that would improve vehicle queuing capacity and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this off-ramp are presented in mitigation measure Traf-17. CUMULATIVE FREEWAY MAINLINE AND ON/OFF-RAMP OPERATION Impact Traf-18: Off-Ramp Operation At Mainline Diverge. The following off-ramp diverge location from the U.S.101 freeway mainline would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-6). . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to S. Airport Boulevard / W ondercolor Lane Intersection AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase off-ramp volumes by 5.7 percent (from 1,921 up to 2,031 vehicles) with Base Case volumes already exceeding 1,500 vehicles per hour. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-18: Improvements for Off-Ramp Operation. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate project-specific impacts. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program: . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to S. Airport Boulevard / W ondercolor Lane Intersection 1. Provide a fair share contribution towards a second off-ramp lane connection to the U.S.1 01 freeway mainline. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The U.S.1 01 Northbound Off-Ramp to S. Airport Boulevard / Wondercolor Lane intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this off-ramp that would improve off-ramp operation and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this off-ramp are presented in mitigation measure Traf-18. PAGE 11-42 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Impact Traf-19: Off-Ramp Operation At Mainline Diverge. The following off-ramp diverge location from the U.S.101 freeway mainline would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-6). . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase off-ramp volumes by 2.5 percent (from 2,019 up to 2,069 vehicles) with Base Case volumes already exceeding 1,500 vehicles per hour. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-19: Improvements for Off-Ramp Operation. (see Figure 14 in Appendix D) The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. . U.S.I0l Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection 1. Provide a fair share contribution towards a second off-ramp lane connection to the U.S.1 01 freeway mainline. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The U.S.101 Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive intersection is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this off-ramp that would improve off-ramp operation and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this off-ramp are presented in mitigation measure Traf-19. Project traffic would not significantly increase volumes nor produce a significant impact at the two other off-ramp locations which would have year 2015 Base Case AM peak hour volumes exceeding 1,500 vehicles per hour: . Northbound Off-Ramp to Dubuque Avenue . Southbound Off-Ramp Flyover to Oyster Point Boulevard/Gateway Boulevard 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-43 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Impact Traf-20: On-Ramp Operation. The analysis concluded that one on-ramp to the U.S.101 freeway would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-7). . U.S.I0l Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard PM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by more than one percent (1.5%, from 2,302 up to 2,337 vehicles) with Base Case volumes already exceeding 2,200 vehicles per hour. This would be a significant impact. Mitigation Measure Traf-20: Improvements for On-Ramp Operation (see Figure 14 in Appendix D). The following improvements would mitigate the project-specific impact. These improvements are included in the East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program and will be funded via the Project's traffic impact fee contribution to this program. . U.S.I0l Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard 1. Provide a fair share contribution towards a second on-ramp lane. Impact reduced to a less-than-significant level. The U.S.101 Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard is included in the City's East of 101 Transportation Improvement Program. Therefore, a portion of the traffic impact fee collected for the proposed Project will be used to help fund planned improvements to this on-ramp that would improve on-ramp operation and reduce the Project's impact to a level of less-than-significant. Specific improvements planned for this on-ramp are presented in mitigation measure Traf-20. Impact Traf-21: Freeway Mainline Operation. The following U.S.101 mainline segment would receive a significant impact due to the addition of Project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-12). . U.S.I0l Southbound (to the north of the Oyster Point interchange) AM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by 1.01 percent (from 9,907 to 10,008 vehicles per hour) at a location with unacceptable LOS F year 2015 Base Case operation. This would be a significant impact. PAGE 11-44 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 11: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION Mitigation Measure Traf-21: Improvements for Freeway Mainline Operation. . U.S.I0l Southbound (to the North of the Oyster Point Interchange, AM Peak Hour) Mitigation of this impact would require widening the current freeway or construction of a new freeway. Given the location of the mainline freeway and its close proximity to surrounding development, such mitigation is not feasible. Additionally, such mitigation would be prohibitively expensive in relation to the types of land uses it would benefit. Given these specific concerns, mitigation of Impact 8 is not feasible as defined by CEQA. (See Pub. Resources Code S21061.1 (defining "feasible" as "capable of being accomplished... taking into account economic.. . and technological factors.").) Under CEQA, the City in this matter has an obligation to balance public objectives, including specific economic concerns, against the benefits of the Project. (See Pub. Resources Code S21081. subd. (a)(3); CEQA Guidelines, S 15021. subd. (d).) Where economic concerns render a particular mitigation measure infeasible, the lead agency may reject the measure. (See Pub. Resources Code S21081. subd. (a)(3).) As there are no feasible mitigation measures that can reduce the significance of Impact Traf-21 to a less than significant level, this would be a significant and unavoidable impact. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 11-45 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 11-46 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 12 UTI LITI ES INTRODUCTION This chapter describes existing public utilities on and in the vicinity of the Project and evaluates the impact of the proposed project on the provision of public utilities and possible adverse physical impacts to the environment that could result from constructing expanded facilities. SETTI \lG WATER SUPPLY South San Francisco has two water suppliers. The California Water Service Company Peninsula District (CWSC) serves that portion of the City east of Interstate 280, which represents the majority of the City's area. The CWSC also serves San Carlos and San Mateo, with no restrictions on water allocation among these communities. The company's current contract with the San Francisco Water Department (SFWD) entitles the City to 42.3 million gallons per day (MGD) per year. An additional 1.4 MGD can be pumped from groundwater. The Westborough County Water District serves the area west of 1-280, an area not targeted for growth in the City's General Plan. I Water use has increased steadily, and at a rate faster than increases in the number of users. Water use has rebounded significantly from the levels of the late 1980s and early 1990s, when an extended period of drought and resulting conservation measures brought water use levels down considerably. I While residential users comprise approximately 90% of the water accounts in South San Francisco, less than half of the total consumption may be attributed to these users. On the other hand, industrial users comprise only 0.46% of the water accounts but use 11 % of the total water. Part of the reason for the high industrial water usage in the City is the predominance of biotechnology firms in the City. Pharmaceutical manufacturing requires extremely pure water, and large quantities of water are used to achieve necessary water purity levels. I 1 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett & Bhatia, City of South San Francisco General Plan, 1999 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 12-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The CWSC bases its future water use projections on estimates of both the number of future water users and the amount of water each type of user will consume. The five year average growth in the number of accounts is the basis for the utility's projections of the number of water users through 2020. Water use projections for 2020 range from 5.9 MGD to 9.1 MGD. Assuming the SFWD contract allocation is not modified during the remaining contract period, the CWSC has adequate supply to meet even the highest projected demand.2 Water lines in the East of 101 Area would generally be adequate to serve new development allowed under the East of 101 Area Plan.3 The water distribution system in the area was designed and constructed to meet industrial water demands. It consists of a network of 12- inch lines in relatively good condition, adequate to serve the 2,500 gallons per minute fire flow requirement and use demands for the land uses planned for the area. WASTEWATER South San Francisco Municipal Wastewater System The existing wastewater system serving the Project site and surrounding community is operated and maintained by the City of South San Francisco Public Works Department. The complete sewer network consists of approximately 155 miles of 6-inch through 36-inch diameter pipes, which convey flows from the cities of South San Francisco, San Bruno, and portions of Daly City and Colma to the South San Francisco-San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant (WQCP) located at the end of Belle Air Road in South San Francisco.4 Much of the existing South San Francisco sewer collection system is over sixty years old, and portions of the system are in need of repair. In the area east of Highway 101, subsidence of sewer lines has resulted in reduced capacity though these issues are being addressed through an area master plan to replace or repair these lines. Pump Station #4, which serves the South San Francisco area north of Colma Creek and east of South Airport Boulevard, will be upgraded in Summer 2007 to improve reliability and handle increased flows from proposed new development. Since 1997, the City of South San Francisco has been under a Cease and Desist Order (CDO) from the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to upgrade its facilities in order to protect the environmental quality of the Bay. The required work at the WQCP has been completed; the remaining work within the sewer collection network was not accomplished by the CDO deadline of November 2005, however the remaining work is in process or planned.5 2 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett and Bhatia, City of South San Francisco General Plan, 1999, p.194. 3 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Brady and Associates, East of 101 Area Plan, 1994, p. 98. 4 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Lamphier-Gregory, 249 East Grand Ave EIR, 2005 5 Castagnola, 2007 PAGE 12-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 12: UTILITIES Currently, the WQCP has the capacity to provide secondary treatment for 13 MGD in dry weather and 60 million gallons per day in wet weather. Average dry weather flows to the plant are 8.8 MGD; peak wet weather flows approach 40 MGD.6 Wastewater treatment at the WQCP consists of screening, grit removal, chemical addition to aid settling of solids, primary settling under vacuum, aeration, clarification, and disinfection by chlorination. Excess chlorine is removed prior to discharge of the treated water 2 miles offshore in San Francisco Bay. 7 In an ongoing Recycled Water Feasibility Study conducted by the City of South San Francisco and other agencies, the WQCP is being considered as a potential source of recycled water to serve portions of South San Francisco, San Bruno, and Colma. The aim of the study is to evaluate the feasibility of developing a recycled water treatment and distribution system to reduce the demand on the potable water supply in the San Francisco Peninsula area. The Recycled Water Feasibility Study is expected to be complete around the time this DEIR will be published; however, they are considering implementation for large irrigation uses only at this time and are not likely to be in a position to provide or to request recycled water capability for an office/R&D project such as the proposed Project.8 Proiect Site Sewer System Figure 12-1 shows the portion of the South San Francisco municipal sewer system that serves the Project site and adjacent areas. The sewer along East Grand Avenue is an 18-inch pipe that runs westward to Harbor Way, where it connects to a 30-inch pipe running south on Harbor Way. The 30-inch pipe was installed in 2000 to replace an old, subsided 21-inch pipe. It receives flows from all of the area north of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and all of the area east of Littlefield Avenue; it is intended to serve most of the expected future development in the City's East of 101 Area. Flows through this pipe are conveyed to Pump Station #4 on Harbor Way (near the intersection with Mitchell Avenue), from which they are pumped to the WQCP.9 Pump Station #4 is scheduled for upgrade in the fiscal year 2007-08; including a new structure, four new pumps, and new motor controls. A new force main will be installed as a separate project expected to closely follow the pump station upgrade, giving the station a new dry weather capacity of 5 MGD, and a wet weather capacity of 13 MGD.IO The City's design wastewater flow criterion for commercial/industrial buildings is 0.4 gallons per day (gpd) per square foot of building space. II The four existing buildings on the 6 Castagnola, 2007 7 South San Francisco Public Works, SSF Water Quality Control Plant webpage http://www.ci.ssf.ca.us/news/ disp laynews. asp?N ewslD=3 05 8 Razavi, personal communications, Feb. 2, 2007 9 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Lamphier-Gregory, 249 East Grand Ave EIR, 2005 10 Razavi, personal communications, Feb. 2, 2007 11 Razavi, personal communications, Feb. 2, 2007 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 12-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Project site have a total floor area of 177,938 square feet, which translates to a flow of approximately 71,175 gpd using the City's standard flow criteria. Figure 12-1: Project Area Sanitary Sewer System Source: City of S. San Francisco, 2005 REGULATORY SETTING Wastewater treatment and disposal in the City of South San Francisco is governed by laws, regulatory programs and policies established by the Federal government, the State of California, the San Francisco Bay RWQCB, and the City of South San Francisco. Most of the pertinent requirements affecting wastewater facilities for the proposed Project are contained in the following: Federal Laws and Regulations Clean Water Act (CW A) The Clean Water Act (CWA) was enacted by Congress in 1972 and amended several times since its inception. It is the primary federal law regulating water quality in the United States, and forms the basis for several state and local laws throughout the country. Its objective is to reduce or eliminate water pollution in the nation's rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal waters. The CW A prescribed the basic federal laws for regulating discharges of pollutants as well as PAGE 12-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 12: UTILITIES set minimum water quality standards for all waters of the United States. At the Federal level, the CW A is administered by the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A). At the state and regional level, the CW A is administered and enforced by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs). The State of California has developed a number of water quality laws, rules, and regulations to assist in the implementation of the CW A and related Federally mandated water quality requirements. In many cases, the Federal requirements set minimum standards, and the laws, rules, and regulations adopted by the State and Regional Boards are more restrictive, i.e. more protective of the environment. State Laws and Regulations Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act establishes the SWRCB and the RWQCB as the principal state agencies having primary responsibility for coordinating and controlling water quality in California. The Porter-Cologne Act establishes the responsibility of the RWQCBs for adopting, implementing, and enforcing water quality control plans (Basin Plans), which set forth the state's water quality standards (i.e. beneficial uses of surface waters and groundwater) and the objectives or criteria necessary to protect those beneficial uses. San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) The San Francisco Bay RWQCB is responsible for the development, adoption, and implementation of the Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) for the San Francisco Bay region. The Basin Plan is the master policy document that contains descriptions of the legal, technical, and programmatic bases of water quality regulation in the San Francisco Bay Region. The Basin Plan identifies beneficial uses of surface waters and groundwater within its region and specifies effluent limitations, discharge prohibitions, and water quality objectives to maintain the existing potential beneficial uses of the waters. The proposed Project is required to adhere to all applicable requirements of the Basin Plan. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit Requirements The San Francisco-San Bruno WQCP operates under an NPDES permit issued by the State of California. One of the requirements of the permit is that the WQCP implement a Pretreatment Program to regulate the collection of toxic and hazardous wastes in municipal sewers. Under the Pretreatment Program, dischargers of industrial wastewater are required to abide by specific wastewater discharge limits and prohibitions. Industrial dischargers are also required to submit self-monitoring reports on the total volume and pollutant concentrations of their wastewater, and to allow for inspections by the City of South San Francisco. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 12-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Local Programs and Regulations East of 101 Area Plan The East of 101 Area Plan was adopted by the City of South San Francisco in 1994 in order to guide and regulate development in the City's East of 101 Area, which includes the Project site. The Plan provides detailed planning policies for land use, circulation, public facilities, design, conservation, financing and other related elements. With respect to wastewater collection and treatment, the Plan outlines policies for the repair and reconstruction of East of 101 Area sewer collection lines, pump stations, and the WQCP. The Plan also addresses the issue of increasing wastewater treatment demand, and recommends that new projects that will generate large wastewater quantities be required to lower their wastewater treatment needs through water recycling, on-site treatment, graywater irrigation, or other similar technologies wherever feasible. STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES The existing drainage system in the East of 101 Area is generally designed and constructed for industrial development, which has a high ratio of impervious surfaces. Thus, any redevelopment of existing development will generally not increase runoff. SOLID WASTE Solid waste is collected from South San Francisco homes and businesses and then processed at the South San Francisco Scavenger Company's materials recovery facility and transfer station. Materials that cannot be recycled or composted are transferred to the Ox Mountain Sanitary Landfill, near Half Moon Bay. Browning-Ferris Industries, owner of the landfill, has a permit for forward expansion of the Corinda Los Trancos Canyon at Ox Mountain. When the permit expires in 2016, either Corinda Los Trancos will be expanded further or Apanolio Canyon will be opened for fill. The South San Francisco Scavenger Company's facility is permitted to receive a daily maximum of 1,250 tons per day of wastes and recyclable materials. This facility gives the Company increased capability to recover valuable materials from wastes, reducing the amount of waste being sent to the landfill. South San Francisco recycles both household and industrial solid waste and sewage sludge. With an expected buildout population of 67,000 residents in South San Francisco, the City will generate approximately 38,000 tons of solid waste each year, based on the assumed generation rates used by San Mateo County. PAGE 12-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 12: UTILITIES IMPACT A \lALYSIS STANDARDS OF SIGNIFICANCE The following thresholds for measuring a Project's environmental impacts are based upon CEQA Guidelines: 1. Would the Proj ect exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? 2. Would the Project require substantial expansion or alteration of the City's water or wastewater treatment and collection facilities? 3. Would the Project require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities? 4. Would the Project have sufficient water supplies available to serve the Project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? 5. Would the Project result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the Project that it has adequate capacity to serve the Project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? 6. Would the Project be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the Project's solid waste disposal needs? 7. Would the Project comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? INCREASE IN WASTEWATER FLOWS The proposed Project would contribute both domestic sewage and industrial wastewater to the City of South San Francisco's municipal sewer system. Each of the three new office/research and development buildings proposed for the Project site would have two separate waste disposal systems (a domestic sewer system and an industrial waste system) that would combine into one sewer outside of each building. The domestic sewer system would be used for discharges from restrooms, break rooms and other similar areas, while the industrial waste system would collect wastewater from laboratory sinks, fume hoods, floor drains, autoclaves, glass washers and other similar equipment. An outdoor sampling port would be located in the industrial waste system before the connection to the combined sewer but after any necessary pre-treatment on-site to enable monitoring by the City of South San Francisco. The combined sewer would then connect to the City's existing 18-inch sewer pipeline on East Grand A venue. 12 Potential wastewater impacts would be primarily related to 12 Baker, Personal correspondence, Feb. 12, 2007. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 12-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT the increased flows that would be contributed by the Project to the City's existing sewer facilities. Together the buildings would have a combined gross area of 461,500 square feet. According to the City's design wastewater flow criterion of 0.4 gallons per day (gpd) per square foot of building space, the projected wastewater flows for the proposed Project would be 184,600 gpd. This represents an increase of approximately 39 percent over the wastewater flows which are estimated at approximately 71,175 gpd for the 177,938 square feet of existing building space to be replaced (per City criteria). The proposed Project does not include specific plans for graywater recycling, on-site treatment, or any other method that would reduce its wastewater flows to the municipal system. Impact Vtil-l: Increased Wastewater Flows. According to City of South San Francisco design wastewater flow estimates, the Project would contribute 184,600 gpd of sewage and industrial wastewater to the City's sanitary sewer system, which amounts to an increase of approximately 39 percent as compared with the existing building square footage on the site. The Project does not include conservation or recycling technologies that would lessen its wastewater flows to the municipal system. This is a potentially significant impact. Mitigation Measure Vtil-Ia: Sanitary Sewer Fees. The City of South San Francisco is currently upgrading its sanitary sewer facilities to handle increased flows from new development. In order to recover the costs of these upgrades, the City charges new development a flat-rate sewer connection fee and a monthly impact fee. The amount of the impact fee is based on the quantity (flow) of wastewater generated. The occupants of the proposed Project development shall pay the sanitary sewer fees imposed by the City of South San Francisco in order to mitigate the cost of the sewer system upgrades necessary to manage the wastewater flows generated by the Proj ect. Mitigation Measure Vtil-Ib: Wastewater Recycling. The proposed Project development is intended for office/Research and Development uses. However, a particular occupant or occupants for the Project site have not yet been identified. Depending on the laboratory practices of the future occupants, it may be possible to recycle process and/or clean-up water at the Project site. The occupants of the proposed Project development shall evaluate the potential for on-site wastewater recycling and shall implement feasible wastewater recycling methods. PAGE 12-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 12: UTILITIES The implementation of these mitigation measures would reduce the impact of the Project's wastewater flows to a level of less than significant. The funding of South San Francisco's ongoing pipeline improvements and the scheduled upgrade of Pump Station #4 would ensure that the City's wastewater system has sufficient capacity to handle the increased flows generated by the Project. Wastewater recycling at the Project site would also help by reducing the Project's flows to the municipal system. EFFECTS ON GROUNDWATER, WATER QUALITY, AND PUBLIC HEALTH Wastewater flows from the proposed Project would include both domestic sewage and industrial wastes. The industrial wastewater at the Project site would be collected separately from the domestic sewage, and a sampling port would be installed in the industrial sewer line in accordance with the San Francisco-San Bruno WQCP Pretreatment Program. After the monitoring point, both wastewaters would be combined and routed through the City's sanitary sewers to the WQCP. The WQCP treats wastewater to secondary levels and discharges effluent to the San Francisco Bay in accordance with RWQCB Waste Discharge Requirements. The proposed Project would not have a negative effect on groundwater recharge, water quality, or public health. No impact would occur, and no mitigation is required. UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY Impact Util-2: Increased in Demand for Utilities. The Project would lead to an increase in demand for utilities such as potable water and sewer capacity. However, the new demand can be accommodated with existing facilities or planned upgrades. The Project would have a less-than-significant impact on utility services and infrastructure with no mitigation warranted. The proposed Project would not lead to an increase in demand for potable water that could not be fulfilled by the California Water Service Company, as stated in the South San Francisco General Plan. The wastewater treatment plant that serves the City and the trunk sewer system that would serve the Project site have recently been, or are in the process of being expanded and upgraded. This work will ensure adequate wastewater collection and treatment service over the City's buildout horizon. Because the existing drainage system in the East of 101 Area is generally designed and constructed for industrial development, it is capable of accommodating large amounts of storm water from the large amount of impervious surfaces in the area. Thus, any redevelopment of existing development, including on the Project site, will generally not increase runoff. The proposed Project would have a less than significant impact on utility serVIce and infrastructure in the City of South San Francisco and East of 101 Area. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 12-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT LAN DFI LL CAPACITY Impact Util-3: Solid Waste Disposal. The landfill would be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the Project's solid waste disposal needs, and would not require or result in construction of landfill facilities or expansion of existing facilities nor would it impede the ability of the City to meet the applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. The Project would have a less-than- significant impact with no mitigation warranted. The City of South San Francisco's solid waste is transported to the Ox Mountain Landfill Facility, which has a permit to receive waste until 2016.13 Upon expiration of the permit, either Corinda Los Trancos will be expanded further or Apanolio Canyon will be opened for fill. Given the large amount of space still available at Ox Mountain, and the option of opening Apanolio Canyon after Ox Mountain is no longer available, the proposed Project would have a less than significant impact on solid waste service capacity. ENERGY The Project would be considered to have a significant impact related to energy use if it would violate applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations relating to energy standards and/or if energy consumption increases resulting from the Project would trigger the need or expanded off-site energy facilities. Impact Util-4: Increased Energy Consumption. The Project would have an incremental increase in the demand for gas and electrical power given the increase in development on the Project site. However, the Project is expected to be served with existing capacity and would not require or result in construction of new energy facilities or expansion of existing off-site facilities and would not violate applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations relating to energy standards. The Project would have a less-than-significant impact relating to energy consumption with no mitigation warranted. The Project proposes replacement and expansion of existing office/R&D uses for 283,562 square feet of office/R&D space over what is currently on the Project site. Overall, the level of energy required for a Project of this size and type would not be expected to violate applicable federal, state and local statues and regulations relating to energy standards or exceed PG&E service capacity or require new or expanded off-site facilities. The Project would be required by the City to comply with all standards of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, aimed at the incorporation of energy-conserving design and construction. 13 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett and Bhatia, City of South San Francisco General Plan, 1999. PAGE 12-10 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 12: UTILITIES PG&E infrastructure exists on the Project site, and any improvements and extensions required to accommodate the Project would be determined in consultation with PG&E prior to installation. As a result, although the Project would incrementally increase energy consumption, it would not result in a significant impact related to the provision of energy serVIces. CUMULATIVE UTILITIES IMPACTS Impact Util-5: Cumulative Demand for Utilities and Service Systems. The increased development resulting from the proposed Project, in conjunction with other foreseeable development in the area, would not result in cumulative impacts on utilities and service systems and would be considered less- than-significant with identified project-level mitigation measures. As discussed previously in this chapter, the Project after mitigation would not result in significant project-level effects on the ability of the City of South San Francisco and other service providers to effectively deliver water supply, sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, solid waste, and energy services to the Project site. The Project site is located in a largely built-out urban area where utility services are currently provided. While the proposed Project as well as other foreseeable projects in the area would increase demand for utilities and service systems, intensification of development in the area is and has been anticipated by the City and service providers and is within what is planned for future capacity of these systems. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 12-11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This page intentionally left blank. PAGE 12-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT 13 ALlER \IA liVES INTRODUCTION The California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA Guidelines, 1970, as amended, Section 15126.6) require an EIR to include a discussion of a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed Project. The CEQA Guidelines also require that the EIR explain why specific project alternatives considered at one time in developing the project proposal were rejected in favor of the proposed Project. The selection of alternatives is to be guided by the provision of reasonable choices and the promotion of informed decision making and informed public participation. An EIR need not evaluate alternatives that would have effects that cannot be determined, or for which implementation would be remote and speculative. The Guidelines also require that the EIR specifically evaluate a "no project" alternative within this discussion and that an "environmentally superior" alternative be identified (Section 15126.6 ~e]). The alternatives addressed in this EIR were selected based on the following factors: 1. The extent to which the alternative would accomplish most of the basic project objectives 2. The extent to which the alternative would avoid or lessen any of the identified significant environmental effects of the project (discussed in Chapters 4 through 12) 3. The potential feasibility of the alternative (as discussed in this Chapter) 4. The extent to which the alternative contributes to a "reasonable range" of alternatives necessary to permit a reasoned choice The proposed Project is fully described in Chapter 3 of this EIR (Project Description). The environmental consequences associated with this Project are fully addressed in Chapters 4 through 12 of this EIR. In addition to the proposed Project, this EIR includes a discussion of the following alternatives: . No Project Alternative, which would leave the Project site in its current state . Reduced Intensity Alternative . Reduced Parking Alternative 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 1 3-1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The proposed Project results in modification and expansion of an existing business park. Alternative locations are not considered in this analysis because the Project is intended to integrate with the existing Britannia Pointe Grand II business park. Alternate locations could not accomplish this important project objective. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The following are applicant and city objectives that are fulfilled by the proposed Project (also outlined on page 3-2 of this document). Alternatives will be evaluated in part based on their ability to meet these objectives. 1. Upgrade a portion of a high technology research and development business park, 2. Build a project that creates quality jobs for South San Francisco, 3. Generate net property tax and other fees from the development project and enhance property values, 4. Build a project which is viable in the East of 101 Area based upon market conditions and projected service requirements for the Area, 5. Develop a project that has the high quality of design that is called for in the Design Policies and Guidelines of the East of 101 Area Plan while integrating with the existing Britannia Pointe Grand II business park, 6. Provide quality research and development facilities consistent with the General Plan designation of the site for Business and Technology Park facilities, and 7. Continuing to develop the East of 101 Area into a nationally recognized research and development center that will attract other life science businesses. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Development of the proposed Project would result in significant or potentially significant impacts to the following resources (before mitigation): . Aesthetics . Air Quality . Geology and Soils . Hazards and Hazardous Materials . Hydrology . Noise . Transportation and Circulation . Utilities and Service Systems PAGE 13-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Most of the potentially significant impacts can be reduced to less than significant levels through incorporation of mitigation measures. The following analysis presents the alternatives that were considered for this project. Each alternative is examined for its ability to reduce environmental impacts relative to the proposed Project, feasibility of implementation, and ability to meet most basic project objectives. The three alternatives considered in this EIR would all have the same or lessened impacts on Traffic and Circulation and Air Quality than the proposed Project. Impacts in the other topic areas of Aesthetics, Geology and Soils, Hazardous Materials, Noise, and Utilities would be the same or minimally reduced by these alternatives. Table 13-4 at the end of this Chapter shows a summary comparison of the impacts of these alternatives, while a more detailed discussion of each alternative is provided below. NO PRO ECT ALTERNATIVE Description Under the No Project Alternative, the Project site would remain as it is today, with four existing 1 & 2 story buildings totaling 177,938 square feet on the Project site, for a total of 630,528 square feet of office/R&D buildings in the Britannia Pointe Grand II business park. The site is currently developed as a business park and while it is possible the site will be redeveloped at some future point even if a project does not proceed at this time, there is no reason to believe this would happen in the near-term or that new development would necessarily be more dense than the existing development. Therefore, the No Project Alternative presumes the site would remain in its current state. Impact Analvsis The No Project Alternative would not involve any change to the Project site and so would not introduce any new environmental impacts. The existing business park has impacts related to operation of a research and development facility that are similar to the proposed Project. These impacts are consistent with the baseline for evaluation of this EIR, and are therefore not considered new impacts. Additionally, leaving the site in its current state would avoid all construction-related impacts as demolition, grading, and construction would not be necessary under this Alternative. Because the No Project Alternative would not involve modifications to the existing Business Park, it would not improve landscaping to levels aesthetically consistent with other modern development in the area and as required in applicable land use regulations. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TABLE 13-1. TRIP GENERATION - No PROJECT ALTERNATIVE Building 1 Square Footage Trips 2 per Thousand Square Feet Daily Trips Project No Project Alternative Notes: 1 Building square footage on the Project site is in addition to an existing 452,590 square feet of office/R&D uses that will remain in the non-project area of the Britannia Pointe Grand business complex. 2 See Chapter 11; Traffic, Trip Generation Table 11-13. This rate presumes office uses as those are higher traffic-generating than R&D uses and the proposed mix of the two is unknown. No reductions from the TDM program are shown for this comparison as TDM reductions are targeted at peak hours rather than daily rates. 461,500 177,938 11.01 11.01 5,081 1,959 Abilitv to Accomplish Proiect Obiectives The No Project Alternative would not change the existing condition of the site, and so would not meet any of the Project's basic objectives to the same degree as the proposed Project. This Alternative would not upgrade or expand Research and Development uses, nor would it provide new jobs or increased revenues. This alternative would not fulfill the East of 101 Sub-Area Plan's stated purpose "to maximize the potential of undeveloped or underused properties in the City's traditional industrial East of 101 area. Upgrading of existing uses and provisions for quality design are important components of the Plan."l It would prevent the establishment of the large amount of landscaping and design improvements that are being proposed for the site by the Project applicant to further meet the design guidelines for the East of 1 0 1 Area. REDUCED INTENSITY ALTERNATIVE Description Floor Area Ratio (FAR) is a measurement of the intensity of development calculated by dividing the total square footage of the building by the total square footage of the site. A one- story building that covers 100% of a site would have an F AR of 1 as would a two-story building that covers only 50% of a site. For this analysis, the FAR of the entire Britannia Pointe Grand Business Park is considered although the Project involves modification of only a part of the site. Under this alternative, the Britannia Pointe Grand Business Park's FAR would be reduced from the currently proposed 0.688 FAR for a total 914,090 square feet of building space 1 City of South San Francisco, prepared by Brady and Associates, East of 101 Area Plan, 1994 PAGE 13-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES (including the 461,500 square foot Project), to a FAR of 0.659, for a total square footage of 875,500 (including a smaller 422,910 square foot project as part of the Reduced Intensity Alternative). This Alternative represents an 8% reduction in the amount of building space proposed to be built on the Project site, which equates to approximately one story of either of the two larger buildings. Impact Analysis The impact analysis below focuses on those impacts that were determined to be potentially significant under the proposed Project. Less than significant impacts are discussed only if implementation of the alternative will substantially increase the impact. Impact Summary Reduced development intensity proposed under this Alternative would produce fewer vehicle trips and less air pollutant emissions. Fewer vehicle trips would result in better freeway Levels of Service and better Levels of Service on street intersections near the Project site. Reduced square footage would result in a shorter construction phase so a reduced impact related to construction noise and diesel emissions from construction vehicles. Reduced square footage would also be expected to result in a reduced number of workers/level of operations so would translate to a reduction in the operational use of hazardous materials and potential for hazardous materials-related impacts. A reduction in the number of workers on site would also slightly reduce impacts related to geological events that could pose a danger to people as there would be fewer people on site. Overall, this Alternative would be environmentally superior to the proposed Project. Aesthetics Similar to the proposed Project, the Reduced Intensity Alternative would be upgrading the site with highly designed buildings and extensive landscaping and would have no significant aesthetic impacts. Air Quality Because this Alternative would result in fewer vehicle trips to the Project site than the proposed Project, air quality impacts associated with vehicle trips would be slightly less than those identified under the proposed Project. While the building size would be reduce under this Alternative, the footprint of the buildings would be expected to remain the same. Therefore, this Alternative would result in the same or similar air quality impacts related to construction activities at the site as the proposed Project and mitigation measure Air-l would be required to reduce the impact to a less-than-significant level. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-5 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT As with the proposed Project, despite contributing only less-than-significant levels to cumulative air quality impacts, the Project will be required to create and follow a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan (Mitigation Air-3) that will reduce the number of vehicle trips and therefore the amount of emissions. Geology and Soils Impacts to the exposure of people and/or structures to strong seismic groundshaking and the effects of liquefaction, densification, and settlement would be slightly reduced under this Alternative as compared to the proposed Project due to the fact that fewer people would be employed at the Project site, thereby slightly reducing the risk of human injury. Mitigation measures Geo-2a, Geo-2b, Geo-2c, Geo-3a, Geo-3b, and Geo-4 would be required to reduce these impacts to less than significant levels. Impacts related to increases in erosion during the construction phase of the Project and the potential for differential settlement due to unstable soils and Bay Mud would be the same as those described for the proposed Project. It is assumed that while there would be less square footage constructed under this Alternative, the footprint of the project would not change. As a result, no decreases in the potential for erosion or the exposure of structures to differential settlements would be realized by this Alternative. Mitigations Geo-4, Geo-6a, and Geo-6b would be required to reduce these impacts to less than significant levels. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Impacts related to the potential for accidental upset, release, and environmental contamination of hazardous materials during project operation, and the potential impacts on the nearby children's center would be slightly reduced under this Alternative as compared to the proposed Project due to the fact that reduction in building size would reduce research and development activities on site with fewer employees and decreased use of hazardous materials. Mitigation measures Haz-la through Haz-le, Haz-2b, Haz-5, Haz-6a, and Haz-6b would be required to reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels. Similar to the proposed Project, this Alternative would result in impacts related to construction such as release of hazardous materials from structure materials during demolition, fugitive contaminated dust during grading and construction, potential contact with contaminated soils and groundwater, and the potential impacts on the nearby children's center. It is assumed that while there would be less square footage constructed under this Alternative, the footprint of the buildings would not change. Therefore, hazardous materials impacts related to construction would remain the same as with the proposed Project with the following mitigation measures required to reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels: Haz-2a, Haz-3a, Haz-3b, and Haz-4. PAGE 13-6 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Hydrology While the square footage on the Project site under this Alternative would be reduced by approximately 8%, the project footprint would not be expected to change under this Alternative. As a result, the Reduced Intensity Alternative would result in the same or similar impacts to hydrology and water quality as those described for the proposed Project. Mitigations measures Hydro-l through Hydro-4 would be required to reduce impacts to less- than-significant levels. Land Use and Planning Similar to the proposed Project, the Reduced Intensity Alternative would not result in any significant land use impacts. Noise Because the total square footage of the Project would be reduced by approximately 8% under this alternative, it is expected that construction phases would be shortened, thereby decreasing the duration of construction-related noise in the Project area and resulting in somewhat reduced construction-related noise impacts compared to those described for the proposed Project. Mitigation measure Noise-2 would be required to reduce the impact to a less-than-significant level. Transportation and Circulation Similar to the proposed Project, the Reduced Intensity Alternative would result in new vehicle trips in the vicinity. Reduction of building square-footage would be expected to reduce daily traffic to the site as shown in Table 13.2. and therefore somewhat reduce impacts to freeways and area intersections. The number of trips generated under this Alternative would still result in an increase over the threshold of 100 new vehicle trips, triggering the requirement of a TDM Plan. Mitigation measures Traf-2, Traf-6, Traf-8 through Traf-12, and Traf-14 through Traf-21 would be required to reduce impacts related to transportation and circulation. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-7 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TABLE 13-2. TRIP GENERATION - REDUCED INTENSITY ALTERNATIVE Building 1 Square Footage Trips 2 per Thousand Square Feet Daily Trips Project Reduced Intensity Alternative Notes: 1 Building square footage on the Project site is in addition to an existing 452,590 square feet of office/R&D uses that will remain in the non-project area of the Britannia Pointe Grand business complex. 2 See Chapter 11; Traffic, Trip Generation Table 11-13. This rate presumes office uses as those are higher traffic-generating than R&D uses and the proposed mix of the two is unknown. No reductions from the TDM program are shown for this comparison as TDM reductions are targeted at peak hours rather than daily rates. 461,500 422,910 11.01 11.01 5,081 4,656 Utilities and Service Systems As the Reduced Intensity Alternative would reduce the total square footage of the project, fewer employees would be accommodated at the Project site. This reduction in employees would translate to reduced wastewater flows relative to the proposed Project. Therefore, impacts related to increased wastewater flows would be somewhat reduced under the Alternative as compared to the Project. Mitigation measures Util-la and Util-lb would be required to reduce the impact to a less-than-significant level. Ability to Accomplish Proiect Obiectives Like the proposed Project, the Reduced Intensity Alternative would support all project objectives including increasing quality jobs, generating taxes and other fees, upgrading and providing quality research and development facilities for the continued development of the East of 101 Area. However, this Alternative would result in a Project of reduced size, which therefore would meet all the objectives to a lesser degree than would the proposed Project. REDUCED PARKING ALTERNATIVE Description Under the Reduced Parking Alternative, the Project's parking would be reduced from the currently proposed 2742 stalls to 2527 stalls, as shown in Table 13-3. The reduction in parking would coincide with the target reduction in peak hour single occupancy vehicles of 9.5 percent, which is derived from the conservative assumptions used for the traffic modeling for the General Plan Amendment, from the City's standard Research and Development parking requirements (City of South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.74.060). This Alternative would allow for a reduction in the size of the proposed parking structure and would translate to fewer vehicle trips and consequently, fewer air emissions. Reduced vehicle PAGE 13-8 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES trips would also result in improved Levels of Service on nearby freeway segments as well as on surface street intersections near the project site. TABLE 13-3. COMPARISON OF PARKING PROVISIONS - REDUCED PARKING ALTERNATIVE R&D Regulations Proposed Project Reduced Parking Alternative Notes: 1 Required parking as per the City of South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.74.060: Research and Development - 1 parking space for every 250 sq. ft. up to 50,000 sq. ft. plus 3 parking spaces for every 1,000 sq. ft. over 50,000 sq. ft. Parking Spaces 2792 1 2742 2527 Reduction from Required Parking n/a 2% 9.5% The Reduced Parking Alternative more closely aligns the amount of parking provided with the projected vehicle trips based on the reductions assumed for the proposed TDM plan. Inclusion of reduced parking shows a commitment to creating and maintaining a successful TDM Program over the life of the business park. Reduced parking would coincide with the City of South San Francisco's policy to promote reduction in parking from City zoning standards as a way to support trip reduction goals required per the City's TDM ordinance and supported by various policies in the General Plan (G.P. Policies 4.3-1-8, 11 and 12). Impact Analysis The impact analysis below focuses on those impacts that were determined to be potentially significant under the proposed Project. Less than significant impacts are discussed only if implementation of the Alternative will substantially increase the impact. Impact Summary Reduced parking would reasonably be assumed to result in fewer vehicle trips and therefore lessened traffic and related air quality impacts. This alternative would also allow for a reduced parking structure and therefore a somewhat shorter phase for construction-related noise. With no other changes to the Project, all other impacts would remain the same or similar under this Alternative as under the proposed Project. Overall, this Alternative would be environmentally superior to the proposed Project. Aesthetics Similar to the proposed Project, the Reduced Parking Alternative would be upgrading the site with highly designed buildings and extensive landscaping and would have no significant aesthetic impacts. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-9 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Air Quality Because this Alternative would result in fewer vehicle trips to the Project site than the proposed Project (See discussion of Transportation and Circulation below), air quality impacts associated with vehicle trips would be slightly less than those identified under the proposed Project. As compared to the proposed Project, this Alternative would result in the same or similar air quality impacts related to construction activities at the site, which would not be reduced because the building footprints are not expected to change. Mitigation Air-l would be required to reduce the impact to a less-than-significant level. As with the Project, despite contributing only less-than-significant levels to cumulative air quality impacts, the Project will be required to create and follow a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan (Mitigation Air-3) that will reduce the number of vehicle trips and therefore the amount of emissions. Geology and Soils Impacts to the exposure of people and/or structures to strong seismic groundshaking and the effects of liquefaction, densification, and settlement would be the same or similar under this Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. Mitigations Geo-2a, Geo-2b, Geo-2c, Geo- 3a, Geo-3b, and Geo-4 would be required to reduce these impacts to less than significant levels. Impacts related to increases in erosion during the construction phase of the Project and the potential for differential settlement due to unstable soils and Bay Mud would be the same as those described for the proposed Project. It is assumed that while the parking garage would have reduced square-footage under this Alternative, the footprint of the buildings would not change. As a result, no decreases in the potential for erosion or the exposure of structures to differential settlements would be realized by this Alternative. Mitigations Geo-4, Geo-6a, and Geo-6b would be required to reduce these impacts to less than significant levels. Hazards and Hazardous Materials While the size of the parking structure would be reduced under this Alternative, the footprint of the buildings would not be expected to change. Therefore, as compared to the proposed Project, this Alternative would result in the same or similar impacts related to construction such as release of hazardous materials from structure materials during demolition, fugitive contaminated dust during grading and construction, potential contact with contaminated soils and groundwater, the potential for accidental upset, release, and environmental contamination of hazardous materials during project operation, and the potential impacts on the nearby children's center. Mitigation measures Haz-la through Haz-le, Haz-2a, Haz-2b, Haz-3a, Haz-3b, Haz-4, Haz-5, Haz-6a, and Haz-6b would be required to reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels. PAGE 13-10 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Hydrology While the square footage of the parking garage under this Alternative would be reduced, the project footprint would not change under this Alternative. As a result, the Reduced Parking Alternative would result in the same or similar impacts to hydrology and water quality as those described for the proposed Project. Mitigations measures Hydro-l through Hydro-4 would be required to reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels. Land Use and Planning Similar to the proposed Project, the Reduced Parking Alternative would not result in any significant land use impacts. Noise While the footprint of the buildings would not be expected to change under this Alternative, noise impacts would be somewhat reduced compared to those described for the proposed Project because the construction phase would be shortened by the reduced square footage of the parking garage. Mitigation measure Noise-2 would be required to reduce the impact to a less-than-significant level. Transportation and Circulation Similar to the proposed Project, the Reduced Parking Alternative would result in new vehicle trips in the vicinity. However, it is assumed that while the square footage of the project would not change, AM and PM peak hour trips would be somewhat reduced under this Alternative, compared to the proposed Project. Further, because on-street parking is largely prohibited in the vicinity, including on East Grand Avenue or Harbor Way, it is assumed that the reduced parking provisions would result in either increased car/van pooling or increased use of public transit. Mitigation measures Traf-2, Traf-6, Traf-8 through Traf-12, and Traf-14 through Traf-21 would be required to reduce impacts related to transportation and circulation. Utilities As compared to the proposed Project, this Reduced Parking Alternative would result in the same or similar impacts related to increased wastewater flows and mitigation measures Util- la and Util-lb would be required to reduce the impact to a less-than-significant level. Ability to Accomplish Proiect Obiectives Like the proposed Project, the Reduced Parking Alternative would support all project objectives including increasing quality jobs, generating taxes and other fees, and upgrading and providing quality research and development facilities for the continued development of the East of 101 Area. Because this Alternative would have the same square-footage for office/Research and Development activities, it would result in a Project that would meet all 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-11 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT the objectives to the same degree as would the proposed Project and would additionally coincide with the City's policy to promote reduction in parking from City zoning standards in conjunction with a TDM Plan. E \lVIRO \lME \IT ALLY SUPERIOR ALTER \lA TIVE The CEQA Guidelines require that an environmentally superior alternative to the proposed project be identified in an EIR. The CEQA Guidelines also require that "if the environmentally superior alternative is the 'no project' alternative, the EIR shall also identify an environmentally superior alternative among the other alternatives" (CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6( e )(2)). In general, the environmentally superior alternative minimizes adverse impacts to the environment, while still achieving the basic project objectives. Consideration of the alternatives to the proposed 250-270 East Grand Avenue Project reveals that the environmentally superior alternative would be the No Project Alternative, since it would result in no new environmental impacts. However, in the absence of the No Project Alternative, the Reduced Parking Alternative would be designated as environmentally superior because it would reduce the project's significant impacts with regards to traffic and air quality while fulfilling the Project Objectives to the same degree as the proposed Project. A reduction in vehicle trips and related air emissions would be achieved by project design, through provision of a reduced amount of parking in conjunction with a TDM Plan, rather than by an overall reduction in the size of the Project. The square footage of office/R&D would be the same in this Alternative as for the proposed Project so would generate the same amount of jobs and revenue and improvements to the site. Table 13-4, on the following pages, provides a summary comparison of the environmental impacts between the proposed Project and the alternatives. PAGE 13-12 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES TABLE 13-4. SUMMARY COMPARISON OF IMPACTS, PROPOSED PROJECT AND ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative 1m pact Vis-I: Scenic Vista. Areas from which views of San Bruno Mountains-a prominent visual landmark in South San Francisco-may be adversely affected are not designated scenic vistas, nor are they places where people might be expected to gather in order to view the San Bruno Mountains. LTS s s 1m pact Vis-2: Light and Glare. The many windows and outdoor lights associated with increased development intensity on the Project site could potentially be substantial sources of day and nighttime glare. However, the Project proposes use of materials and lighting that would reduce the amount of glare. LTS s s 1m pact Air-I: Construction Dust and Exhaust. Construction activity involves a high potential for the emission of air pollutants. Construction activities would generate exhaust emissions from vehicles/equipment and fugitive particulate matter emissions that would affect local air quality. S s s Impact Air-2: Carbon Monoxide. Mobile emissions generated by proj ect traffic would increase carbon monoxide concentrations at intersections in the project vicinity. However, these increases would be below significance thresholds of the Air Quality Management District. LTS Impact Air-3: Cumulative Air Quality Impacts. The proposed Project would contribute to regional air quality emissions but would not exceed BAAQMD emissions thresholds for ROG, NOx and PMIO. S L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-13 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative Impact Air-4: Future Emissions Near Sensitive Receptors. The Project could include laboratory facilities or stationary equipment (e.g., standby emergency generators) that emit air pollution. These sources could emit small amounts of toxic air contaminants with the potential to affect sensitive receptors, such as the childcare facility at 371 Allerton Avenue. Impact Air-5: Construction-Related Diesel Odors. During construction, the various diesel- powered vehicles and equipment in use on the site would create odors. These odors would be temporary and not likely to be noticeable much beyond the Project site's boundaries. Impact Air-6: Operational-Related Objectionable Odors. While it is not known at this time exactly what businesses will occupy the completed project, these businesses will be required to conform to applicable air quality regulations. Impact Geo-l: Surface Fault Rupture. According to the latest available maps, the Project site is not contained within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone boundary. Published geologic maps of the area show the Hillside fault as lying 1,100 feet north of the site, but this fault is not considered active or potentially active, with an estimated age of most recent movement greater than 1.6 million years ago. Impact Geo-2: Seismic Ground Shaking. There is a high probability that the proposed development will be subjected to strong to violent ground shaking from an earthquake during its design life. Impact Geo-3: Liquefaction, Densification, and Ground Surface Settlement. The Association of LTS s LTS s s LTS s LTS s s S s S s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-14 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative Bay Area Governments identifies the proj ect area as an area of high hazard for liquefaction. Liquefaction or densification of soils underlying the site could result in settlement and differential settlement of site improvements including buildings, pavements, and utilities and pose a threat to human health. Impact Geo-4: Unstable Soils and Bay Mud. Undocumented fill soils are present on most of the subj ect site. Due to the presence of soil contamination at the site, these soils have not been reworked to provide a stable foundation for buildings, pavements and utilities. Fill soils of unknown quality are present in the proposed building and parking areas. Fill soils may settle due to new building loads. Bay Mud and alluvial soil deposits are present on adj acent sites and also constitute areas of potentially unstable soils. Bay Mud is likely present under portions of the proj ect site and may settle under design loading conditions resulting in differential settlement of structures. S s s 1m pact Geo-5: Expansive Soils. Expansive soils may be present in the soils underlying the site, but are not considered a hazard to construction. According to the Draft Site Management Plan prepared by GrafCon (October 2006), the site will be capped by a minimum one-foot soil cap, which may be composed of a structural fill material in areas of pavements and concrete slabs-on-grade. LTS s s Impact Geo-6: Soil Erosion. The Project would involve mass grading in a sensitive area near the San Francisco Bay. Demolition of existing structures and pavements could expose underlying contaminated soil to the elements. Excavation of soil for construction of new buildings and pavement sections would also be performed and temporary stockpiles of loose soil will be created. Additionally, as part of proj ect development, a soil cap consisting of one-foot of imported clean fill S s s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-15 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative will be placed on the site. Soils exposed during site grading would be subj ect to erosion during storm events. Grading would disturb site soils potentially leading to impacts to the San Francisco Bay. Impact Geo-7: Cumulative Geology and Soils 1m pacts. Strong seismic ground shaking, liquefaction and densification during seismic ground shaking, underlying unstable soils and bay mud, and soil erosion during proj ect construction and post construction are common impacts to proj ects located in the vicinity. The proposed Project would be one of numerous sites anticipated to undergo development/redevelopment in the vicinity and would contribute to a cumulative increase in sites facing these impacts. 1m pact Haz-l: Routine transportation, use or disposal of hazardous materials. The proposed development is for construction of a three-story office and Class-A laboratory building, two 5-story office and Class-A laboratory buildings, a parking garage, central courtyard, and associated landscaping and infrastructure. Class A refers to a research laboratory, not merely an instructional laboratory. Depending upon the nature of research planned at the proposed facilities, for which detailed information has not yet been provided, there are likely to be both hazardous and potentially hazardous materials stored and used on the site that will eventually require disposal. There are likely to be biological hazards, chemical hazards and risk of fire or explosion. There is also likely to be transportation of hazardous materials to and from the site, probably traveling along Highway 101 and East Grand Avenue. Impact Haz-2: Accidental Hazardous Materials Release. During demolition operations hazardous materials could be released from structures at the site or from the underlying soils. Following construction, operations at the proposed facilities LTS s S s S s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-16 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative are expected to represent a continuing threat to the environment through accidental release of hazardous materials since the site is proposed to include Class A laboratory facilities, where hazardous materials may be stored, used, and disposed of. Impact Haz-3: Exposure to contaminated soil and groundwater. During demolition and construction, workers could be exposed to contaminated soil and groundwater. Following site development, future maintenance work is also likely to penetrate into the subsurface where contamination remains. Soil and groundwater disturbance presents an exposure hazard to workers and trespassers. Disturbance of the subsurface also increases the potential for contamination to spread through surface water runoff, creation of seepage pathways, and through wind blown dust. s s s 1m pact Haz-4: Contaminated Dust. The Early Years Children's Center is located at 371 Allerton Avenue, approximately one-quarter mile eastward and downwind of the northeast corner of the property. During grading, contaminated soils that are currently buried would be disturbed. Disturbed soils could be mobilized by movement of heavy equipment and the wind, resulting in potential dispersal of contamination. Dispersed contaminants, of which the most probable is lead, could be inhaled, ingested or adsorbed and present a potential health hazard. s s s Impact Haz-5: Future Emissions Near Schools. Since the proposed development includes research laboratory facilities, it is likely that hazardous chemicals will be stored and used on the property. In certain circumstances these chemicals could spill, mix, ignite, or volatilize and cause a hazardous emission near the childcare center. s s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-17 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative 1m pact Haz-6a: Handling of laboratory wastes within one-quarter mile of a school. The Early Years Children's Center is located at 371 Allerton Avenue, approximately one-quarter mile east of the site. Since the proposed development includes research lab facilities it is possible that hazardous chemicals or biological hazards would be present and handled in close proximity to the childcare facility . Impact Haz-6b: Handling of demolition waste and contaminated soils within one quarter mile of a school. During demolition, potentially hazardous waste would be generated and require disposal. During grading and construction, contaminated site soils would be disturbed and require handling and possible disposal unless reused and buried under a clean cap. 1m pact Haz-7: Airport Land Use Plan. The proposed Proj ect would be located within the jurisdiction of the Airport Land Use Plan for the San Francisco International Airport. According to the East of 101 Area Specific Plan (available online through the City of South San Francisco Planning Department website), the most stringent height limits in South San Francisco are south of Forbes Boulevard and Lindenville, including the project area. In this area F ederal Aviation Regulations, Part 77, limits building heights to an elevation of 161 feet above mean sea level, approximately 12 to14 stories. Since the tallest proposed buildings are 5 stories and the parking garage is 7 levels, no buildings would exceed 161 feet in height, therefore, the structures would be in compliance with the Airport Land Use Plan. 1m pact Haz-8: Cumulative Hazardous 1m pacts. The proposed Proj ect would be one of numerous sites, some of which are also existing hazardous materials sites, that are anticipated to undergo development/redevelopment in the vicinity. The S s LTS s s LTS s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-18 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative Project would contribute to a cumulative increase in the number of sites handling hazardous materials, both in the vicinity in general as well as near a school, and would result in a cumulative increase in transportation, use, disposal, and potential for exposure to and/or accidental release of hazardous materials during both construction and operations. Impact Hydro-I: No Treatment of Parking Garage Runoff. Development of the proposed Project would contribute to the levels ofNPS pollutants and litter entering downstream waters, including the San Francisco Bay. An increase in NPS pollutants could have adverse effects on wildlife, vegetation, and human health. NPS pollutants also have the potential to infiltrate into groundwater and degrade the quality of groundwater drinking sources. No water quality BMPs have been proposed for the Parking Garage. Parking areas represent a source of suspended solids, petroleum hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. s s s Impact Hydro-2: Site Soil and Groundwater Elevations May Be Unsuitable for Vegetated Swales. Appropriate evaluation of site conditions is critical to the effectiveness of vegetated swales. The site history of soil contamination and the required maintenance of an existing of a I-foot clean fill soil cap impose restriction on the depth of vegetated swales that can be constructed. Additionally, groundwater conditions in the Project area can be as high as 2 to 3 feet below ground surface during winter months. If vegetated swales are to a depth that is at or near the I-foot soil cap, shallow depth to groundwater could cause underlying soils to become saturated and allow groundwater to surface water contamination. Vegetated swales are not considered suitable for sites that use or store chemicals or hazardous materials unless hazardous and toxic materials are s s s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-19 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative prevented from entering the swales. 1m pact Hydro-3: Potential Contamination of Local Groundwater. The Project site is located within a groundwater basin as defined by the D WR. The potential for groundwater contamination from infiltration BMPs must be carefully considered, especially in areas where the distance between groundwater and the swale invert is small or where groundwater is or could potentially be used for human consumption or agricultural purposes. The infiltration of industrial and parking lot pollutants into shallow groundwater could potentially impair the quality of local groundwater sources. 1m pact Hydro-4: Erosion or siltation on- or off- site. Construction of the proposed Project would involve demolition of existing structural foundations and pavement areas that currently help to stabilize site soils. Although no cut/fill estimates were available for review, significant site grading is expected to occur. Construction operations associated with the Project would present a threat of soil erosion from soil disturbance by subj ecting unprotected bare soil areas to the erosional forces of runoff. Additionally, new onsite stormdrains may require excavation of the soil cap and potentially, the soil below. Impact Hydro-5: Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. The Project site is not located in an area that would expose persons to inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow. The site is nearly level and does not lie in close proximity to a large lake or the ocean. Although seismically induced waves are a possibility in the Bay, the site elevations are above those considered to be at risk for tsunami wave run-up. S s s S s s LTS s s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-20 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative 1m pact Hydro-6: Cumulative 1m pacts on Hydrology and Water Quality. The increased construction activity and new development resulting from the Project, in conjunction with other foreseeable development in the city, would result in less than significant impacts on hydrology and water quality conditions. LTS s s Impact Noise-I: Permanent Noise Increases. Project-generated traffic noise and other operational noise sources such as HV AC equipment would not exceed noise standards and would not significantly increase ambient noise levels nor substantially impact noise-sensitive receptors. LTS s Impact Noise-2: Construction Related Noise. Project construction would result in temporary short-term noise increases due to the operation of heavy equipment. S Impact Noise-3: Cumulative Noise Increases. The proposed Project, together with anticipated future development in the area could result in long- term traffic increases that could cumulatively increase noise levels. However, these increases are not anticipated to be noticeable in the context of existing ambient noise. LTS Impact Traf-l: Project Trip Generation Exceeds 100 Trips During Peak Hours. The project would generate more than 100 net new trips during the AM and PM peak hours (397 two-way (inbound + outbound) trips during the AM peak hour and 383 two-way trips during the PM peak hour (see Table 11). The San Mateo City/County Association of Governments (C/CA G) Agency Guidelines for the implementation of the 2003 Draft Congestion Management Program ("C/CAG Guidelines") specifies that local jurisdictions must ensure that the developer and/or tenants will mitigate all new peak hour trips (including the first S L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-21 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative 100 trips) projected to be generated by the development. Impact Traf-2: Site lines at East Grand Avenue Driveways. Sight lines at the Project Parcel A's only unsignalized intersection along East Grand Avenue where left turns are allowed (the most easterly driveway) would be 600+ feet to the west (through the proj ect' s signalized entrance intersection) and 600+ feet to the east (through the Littlefield intersection 400 feet to the east). Minimum stopping sight distance for a vehicle speed of 40 miles per hour (five miles greater than the posted speed limit) would be 305 feet. Therefore, sight lines are acceptable at this location assuming low traffic volumes on East Grand Avenue. However, during peak commute periods, eastbound traffic may back up from the Littlefield signal and begin to obstruct the ability of drivers turning left from the site to see westbound traffic on East Grand Avenue. Also, any westbound vehicle or vehicles waiting to turn left into the project site could also block sight lines of drivers existing the proj ect site attempting to see westbound traffic. 1m pact Traf-3: Sight Lines at Harbor Way Driveways. Sight lines at both of project Parcel A's two unsignalized driveway intersections with Harbor Way would be more than 500+ feet to the north and 800+ feet to the south. Minimum stopping sight distance for a vehicle speed of 35 miles per hour (five miles greater than the posted sped limit) would be 250 feet. Therefore, sight lines are acceptable at these driveways. Impact Traf-4: Queues in Left Turn Lanes on Approaches to Project Driveways. Left turns are allowed from East Grand Avenue into the project site at two locations that have breaks in the raised median along the street: at the project's central driveway connection, which would remain S s s LTS s s LTS L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-22 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative signalized, and at the project's easterly driveway connection, which would remain unsignalized. The left turn pockets provided on the approaches to these intersections are 175 feet long (at the signal) and 125 feet long (at the easterly driveway), respectively. The 1 75-foot-Iong pocket can accommodate seven to eight vehicles, while the 125-foot-Iong pocket and accommodate five to six vehicles. 1m pact Traf-5: Internal Vehicular Circulation. The internal circulation plan as shown on the 10/5/06 site plan by DES Architects/Engineers appears acceptable. Each project driveway would be channelized at least 50 feet internal to the site, with the main signalized entrance along East Grand Avenue being channelized at least 100 feet internal to the parking lot. In addition, all surface lot and garage parking aisles are shown to be 25 feet wide, which meets City code criteria and good traffic engineering practice. LTS s s Impact Traf-6: Internal Pedestrian Circulation. Internal walkways are shown on the site plan connecting all new buildings (Buildings A, Band C), the parking garage, and existing building near Harbor Way. However, there are no walkway connections shown to East Grand Avenue or to the existing complex of buildings nearest East Grand Avenue that are to remain. S s s Impact Traf-7: On-Site Parking. A total of 2,793 spaces would be required based upon City code criteria, while a total of 2,742 on-site parking spaces would be provided on Parcels A and B combined (2,558 spaces on Parcel A and 184 spaces on Parcel B). This is 98.2 percent of code- required parking. Of the 2,558 spaces 1,134 spaces would be provided in a new multistory parking garage, with the remaining 1,424 spaces surface parking. The City of South San Francisco promotes LTS s s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-23 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative reduction in parking from City zoning standards as a way to support trip reduction goals required per the City's TDM ordinance and supported by various policies in the General Plan (G.P. Policies 4.3-1-8, 11 and 12). Impact Traf-8: Grade Crossing Approaches Missing Signing and Pavement Striping. The State Public Utilities Commission (September 26, 2006 letter to City of South San Francisco) has noted in a recent inspection that the East Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way intersection grade crossing is not up to minimum standards on one or more approaches for required advanced warning signing and pavement striping (i.e. R15-1 and W -10-1 signs as well as RxR pavement striping). This results in an existing safety concern that would be aggravated by the addition of proj ect traffic. s s s Impact Traf-9: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). S · Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 2.6 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case operation. Impact Traf-lO: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). S · E. Grand Avenue / Forbes Boulevard / Harbor Way AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 4.8 percent at a location with L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-24 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative unacceptable LOS E Base Case operation and would degrade operation to LOS F. PM Peak Hour: The project would increase volumes by 5.0 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. 1m pact Traf-ll: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). · Airport Boulevard / San Mateo Avenue / Produce S Avenue PM Peak Hour: The project would increase volumes by 2.6 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. Impact Traf-12: Intersection Level of Service. The following intersection would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Tables 11-1 and 11-2). · Gateway Boulevard / S. Airport Boulevard / Mitchell Avenue S PM Peak Hour: The project would increase volumes by 3.4 percent at a location with unacceptable LOS F Base Case signalized operation. 1m pact Traf-13: Intersection Signalization Needs. The analysis concluded that no unsignalized intersections would receive a significant signal warrant impact due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes or that project traffic would not increase volumes by more than two percent at the one nearby intersection (East LTS L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-25 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Potential Environmental Impacts Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative Grand Avenue/Allerton Avenue) where Base Case volumes would already be exceeding peak hour signal warrant criteria levels (see Table 11-3). Impact Traf-14: 95th Percentile Vehicle Queuing - Traffix software evaluation. The following off-ramp/approach to an adjacent intersection leading away from an off-ramp would receive a significant queuing impact due to the S addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-11). E. Grand Avenue / Grand Avenue Overcrossing Impact Traf-15: 95th Percentile Vehicle Queuing - SYNCHRO software evaluation. The following approach to an adjacent intersection leading away from an off-ramp would receive a significant queuing impact due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-11). Airport Boulevard / Grand Avenue AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 7.6 percent in the left turn lane on the southbound Airport Boulevard approach to Grand Avenue at a location with unacceptable Base Case 95th percentile queuing. The 95th percentile vehicle queue would be extended from 725 up to about 760 feet in a location with only 320 feet of storage. Impact Traf-16: Off-Ramp Queuing To Freeway Mainline During Peak Traffic Hours - SIM traffic evaluation. The following off-ramps would receive a significant impact with backups extending to the freeway mainline sometime during one or both peak hours due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes. . U.S.IOl Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand S S L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-26 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative A venue/Executive Drive Intersection AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 2.5 percent at a location with year 2015 Base Case off-ramp traffic occasionally backing up to the freeway mainline. Impact Traf-17: Off-Ramp Queuing To Freeway Mainline During Peak Traffic Hours - 81M Traffic evaluation. The following off-ramp would receive a significant impact with backups extending to the freeway mainline sometime during one or both peak hours due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes. s U.S.IOl Southbound Off-Ramp to Airport Boulevard / Miller Avenue Intersection AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase volumes by 5.0 percent at a location with year 2015 Base Case off-ramp traffic occasionally backing up to the freeway mainline. Impact Traf-18: Off-Ramp Operation At Mainline Diverge. The following off-ramp diverge locations from the U.S.IOl freeway mainline would receive a significant impact due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see S Table 11-6). . U.S.IOl Northbound Off-Ramp to S. Airport Boulevard / W ondercolor Lane Intersection This would be a significant impact. Impact Traf-19: Off-Ramp Operation At Mainline Diverge. The following off-ramp diverge location from the U.S.IOl freeway mainline would receive a significant impact due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-6). s U.S.IOl Northbound Off-Ramp to E. Grand Avenue / Executive Drive Intersection L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-27 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative AM Peak Hour: The proj ect would increase off- ramp volumes by 2.5 percent (from 2,019 up to 2,069 vehicles) with Base Case volumes already exceeding 1,500 vehicles per hour. Impact Traf-20: On-Ramp Operation. The analysis concluded that one on-ramp to the U.S.IOl freeway would receive a significant impact due to the addition of proj ect traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see Table 11-7). U.S.IOl Northbound On-Ramp from Oyster Point Boulevard S PM Peak Hour: The Project would increase volumes by more than one percent (1.5%, from 2,302 up to 2,337 vehicles) with Base Case volumes already exceeding 2,200 vehicles per hour. 1m pact Traf-21: Freeway Mainline Operation. The following U.S.IOl mainline segment would receive a significant impact due to the addition of project traffic to year 2015 Base Case volumes (see S Table 11-12). . U.S.IOl Southbound (to the north of the Oyster Point interchange) Impact Util-l: Increased Wastewater Flows. According to City of South San Francisco design wastewater flow estimates, the Project would contribute 184,600 gpd of sewage and industrial wastewater to the City's sanitary sewer system, which amounts to an increase of approximately 39 percent as compared with the existing building square footage on the site. The Project does not include conservation or recycling technologies that would lessen its wastewater flows to the municipal system. s s Impact Util-2: Increased in Demand for Utilities. The Project would lead to an increase in LTS s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. PAGE 13-28 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES Level of Significan ce Impact Relative to the Proposed Project Potential Environmental Impacts Proposed Project No Project Alternative Reduced In tensity Alternative Reduced Parking Alternative demand for utilities such as potable water and sewer capacity. However, the new demand can be accommodated with existing facilities or planned upgrades. 1m pact Util-3: Solid Waste Disposal. The landfill would be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs, and would not require or result in construction of landfill facilities or expansion of existing facilities nor would it impede the ability of the City to meet the applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. LTS s Impact Util-4: Increased Energy Consumption. The Project would have an incremental increase in the demand for gas and electrical power given the increase in development on the project site. However, the Project is expected to be served with existing capacity and would not require or result in construction of new energy facilities or expansion of existing off-site facilities and would not violate applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations relating to energy standards. LTS s Impact Util-5: Cumulative Demand for Utilities and Service Systems. The increased development resulting from the proposed Project, in conjunction with other foreseeable development in the area, would not result in cumulative impacts on utilities and service systems. LTS s L TS = Less Than Significant S = Significant A " -" (minus sign) signifies a minimal reduction in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project. An "s" (lower-case s) signifies the impact would be the same or similar under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Proj ect. A "+" (plus sign) would have signified an increase in the impact under the Alternative as compared to the proposed Project, but was not applicable to items in this table. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-29 CHAPTER 1 3 : ALTERNATIVES This page intentionally left blank. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 13-30 14 REFERE \ICES REPORT PREPARERS Lamphier - Gregory 1944 Embarcadero Oakland, Ca. 94606 510-535-6690 Lamphier-Gregory (Primary Report Preparers) Joan Lamphier, President Rebecca Gorton, Planner Questa Engineering (Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology) Will Hopkins, Senior Engineering Geologist Crane Transportation Group (Transportation and Circulation) Mark Crane, Principal Illingworth and Rodkin (Air Quality, CO analysis) James Reyff, Senior Consultant REFERE \ICES Association of Bay Area Governments, www.abag.ca.gov. accessed Feb. and March 2007. Bay Area Air Quality Management District, BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, 1996 (Revised 1999). Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Annual Bay Area Air Quality Summaries, 2003- 2005. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 14- 1 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Bonilla, M.G., Preliminary Geologic Map of the San Francisco South 7.5' Quadrangle and Part of the Hunters Point 7.5' Quadrangle, San Francisco Bay Area, California: A digital database, USGS Open-file Report 98-354, 1998. California Division of Mines and Geology, Earthquake Fault Zone Map of the South San Francisco Quadrangle, 1982. California Division of Mines and Geology, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas, 1994. California Division of Mines and Geology, Fault Evaluation Reports Prepared Under the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act, CGS CD 2002-01, 2002. California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), New Development and Redevelopment Handbook, 2003. California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), California Stormwater BMP Handbook, Industrial and Commercial, January 2003. Caltrans, Traffic Volumes on California State Highways, 2005. City of Daly City, City of Daly City Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, 1998. City of South San Francisco, prepared by Brady and Associates, East of 101 Area Plan, adopted July 1994. City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett & Bhatia, South San Francisco General Plan: Existing Conditions and Planning Issues, 1997. City of South San Francisco, prepared by Dyett & Bhatia, City of South San Francisco General Plan, adopted October 1999. City of South San Francisco, prepared by Carollo Engineers, City of San Francisco East of Highway 101 Sewer System Master Plan, September 2002. City of South San Francisco, prepared by Lamphier-Gregory, 249 East Grand Avenue Project Environmental Impact Report, Draft December 2005, Final June 2006. City of South San Francisco and Crane Transportation Group, Terrabay Phase 3 Final EIR, October 2006. City of South San Francisco, prepared by EIP Associates and Korve Engineering, Genentech Corporate Facilities Master Plan Draft EIR, December 2006. PAGE 14-2 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT CHAPTER 14: REFERENCES Department of Toxic Substances and Control, Database (www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov). accessed Feb. 2007. Department of Water Resources (DWR), California's Groundwater - Bulletin 118. Updated 2003, 1975. DES Architects and Engineers, Britannia Pointe Grand II Site Boundary Plan, December 6, 2006. DES Architects and engineers, Britannia Pointe Grand II Preliminary Drainage Plan, December 4,2006. Environmental Data Resources, Incorporated Radius Map and Geocheck database, January 6, 2004. Gard, John T., Estimation of Maximum Queue Lengths at Unsignalized Intersections, ITE Journal, November 2001. Geomatrix, Geotechnical Study Sugen and Metaxen Buildings, Britannia Pointe Grand Business Park, August 1997. Geomatrix, Geotechnical Study Sugen Phase II Building, Britannia Pointe Grand, January 1999. Geomatrix, Geotechnical Study, Exelixis IL Britannia Pointe Grand, May 2000. Geomatrix, Geotechnical Study Sugen Phase III Building Britannia Pointe Grand, May 23, 2002. GrafCon, Draft Site Management Plan Draft Site Management Plan Britannia Pointe Grand 250, 256, 260 and 270 East Grand Avenue South San Francisco, California., October 2006. Knudsen, K.L., Noleer, J.S., Sowers, J.M., Lettis, W.R., Quaternary Geology and Liquefaction Susceptibility, San Francisco, California 1: 1 00,000 Quadrangle: A Digital Database, USGS Open-File Report 97-715, 1997. Phillips, Steven P., Scott N. Hamlin, Eugene B. Yates, Geohydrology, Water Quality, and Estimation of Ground-Water Recharge in San Francisco, California 1987-92. US Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4019, 1993. San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Screeningfor Environmental Concerns at Sites with Contaminated Soil and Groundwater, 2003 State Water Resources Control Board, Geotracker Database (geotracker.swrcb.ca.gov), accessed Feb. 2007. 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT PAGE 14-3 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, 2000. Wentworth, C.M., Graham, S.E., Pike, R.l., Beukelman, G.S., Ramsey, D.W., Barron, A.D., San Francisco Bay Region Landslide Folio Part C - Summary Distribution of Slides and Earthflows in the San Francisco Bay Region, California, USGS Open File Report 97-745 C, 1997. Western Regional Climate Center. Weather Station: San Francisco WSO AP, California (047769),2005. Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, Earthquake Probabilities in the San Francisco Bay Region, 1001-2031, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-214. PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Baker, Bernie, Per email correspondence with Chadrick Smalley, Associate Planner at City of South San Francisco and Bernie Baker, Project Manager for the applicant, PMA, Inc., February 12, 2007. Castagnola, David, Per telephone conversation between Rebecca Gorton, Planner at Lamphier-Gregory, Inc. and David Castagnola, Superintendent, South San Francisco-San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant, February 2, 2007. Razavi, Ray. Per telephone conversation between Rebecca Gorton, Planner at Lamphier- Gregory, Inc. and Ray Razabi, City Engineer, City of South San Francisco Public Works Department, February 2, 2007. PAGE 14-4 250-270 EAST GRAND AVENUE PROJECT