HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-17 e-packet (2)5o~~x~~s-~•~~ T ~ r o ~ SPECIAL MEN; TING o CITY COUNCIL c`9LIFOR~l~ OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO P.O. Box 711 (City Hall, 400 Gra.ncl Avenue) South San Francisco, California 94083 MUNICIPAL BUILD][I~!rG COMMUNITY ROC-NZ 33 ARROYO DRIVL; SOUrhH SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1'1, 2008 7:05 P.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section _`-4~~56 of the Government Code of the State of California, the City Council of the City of South San Francisco will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, the 17t1i day of December, 2008, at 7:05 p.irl., in the Community Room at the Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, California. Purpose of the meeting: 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. Council of Cities Appointment. 4. Adjournment. RtJ~T~F~ OF ~A~F~E~I~IT~EPJT'~ 13Y TI-IE SAN MArI'EO COUNTY BOARD OF SUI'ERVISOI~S AN U CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE Adrienne Tissier, President San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Northern Judicial Cities r3rishaiae Cvlma Daly City Pacifica San Bruno South Sao Francisco Sepi Richardson, Chairperson City Selection Committee Ashnita Narayan, Secretary City Selection Committee Central Judicial Cities E3elmont 13urhll~a111e Foster City Half Moon F3ay E-lillsborough Millbrae San Mateo Sotitl~enl Judicial Cities Atl~~erton Last Palo Alto Menlo Park Portola Valley Redwood City San Carlos Woodside Updated June 9, 2008 Table of Contents ASSOCIATION 01~ I3AY AREA GOVERNMENTS (Ar~A~) ...............................................................................3 I3AY AREA AIR QUALI~,Y MANAGEMENrr DISTRICI' ................................................,...................................4 C'AL,II!ORNIA IDENTIFICATION SYS'rF~M (CAL-ID) ........................................................................................5 DOMES'I~IC VIOI,ETICE COUNCIL .......................................................................................................................6 MOUSING AND COMMUNI"I'Y DEVI~LOPMENT COMMITTEE .......................................................................7 I-10[)SING ENDOWME?N'h AND REGIONAL TRUST {kIEAIZT) .........................................................................9 LOCAL AGENCY FORMArI'ION CONI>/IISSION (LAFCO) ..................................................................................10 ME'1'RO('OLITAN TRANSPORTArrION COMMISSION (MTC) .........................................................................1 PENINSULA CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS I30ARD (CALTRAIN) ....................................................................12 SL11'P1,E>tiIEN'rAL LAW LNFORC(~MEN'r OVEIZSIGII~r COMNIITTEE ............................................................I3 SAN NlA"rE0 COUNTY ~'RANSIT :DISTRICT (sarnTrans) ...................................................................................14 SAN MA~rEO COUNTY 'I'RANSPOR'rf1TION AUTI IORITY (SMCTA)~ ............................................................ I S Cxecutive Board CURIZIJN'h MEMBE;RSII[P D~~te First Current Tend San Mateo Count ~~ ointed Ex~~ires Representing Adrienne '1•issiei' San Mateo County Rose Jacobs Gibson 01/12/99 San Mateo County Sepi Richardson, Brisbane 01/24/03 06/30/09 Cities Richard Garbarino, South San Francisco 06/22/07 06/30/09 Cities Alternate Members .terry IIill 0 (/0~/OS San Mateo County Mark Church 0l/23/OI Sau Mateo County Robert Gottscl~all<, Millbrae 09/28/07 06/30/09 Cities .Iohn Boyle, M~;nlo Park 05/30/08 06/30/09 Cities Authority: Government Code Section 6500; Joint Powers Agreement Resolution 15506 adopted September 26, 1960, amended Resolution 15815 adopted January 12, 1961. >V'lembership rediiirements: Two Supea-viso~•s and two City Councilmeuibers. Term of office: 2 years lluties: Recommends annual budget and summary wort{ program of the Association for adoption by the General Assembly; appoints, sixes the salary of, and removes t11e Executive Uirectoi ; acts on recommendations from convnittees for policy decisions; carries out policy decisions made by the General Assembly. Appl~inUncnt: Supervisors are appointed by the Board of Supervisors, City Councilmembers are appointed by the City Selection Corni~~ittee (Open Seat). Compensation: $150 per Board or Comnliltce meeting, with a n~~~aximum of 48 meetings per year. Meetings: 3rd Thursdays/alternate mouth, 7:00 pm -- 9:00' pm, MetroCenter Auditorium, 101 8th Street, Oakland. Coi~Cact: Patricia .tortes, 1'.O. Box 2050, Oakland 94604. 510-464-1933, 1,~~t~~ic.i~clr~r~.~tl}~a;~.~:4~.{..~. Regic~i~irl nric~Jorr~1 Pourers ~Ige~x~ies Roster ~ ~ Pcrg~~ 3 IZ/? ~0~4 C~~1f' ~F~~~ ~il~? C~UA-~~.6TY OVI~t~~-GI~OVI~~JT UI~TRiCT Date Tirst Curre~rt Term CUIZ_IZEN'T, ML-',MBrRS1 ~1N A pointed LY °~i-~es Representing Vacv~t carol ~tiatt, Daly city 01 /23/0 3 0 U24~ ~9 County o3i24io6 12131;09 city nuthurity: Health and Safety Code, Section 24345 a-Id 40200. Membership requirements: M-ember of~the Board of Supervisors and a City Councilmember. "herm of o(~[-ice: 4~ years fvr mEnlbers appointed by the Board of Slipe-~visors; 2 years for members appointed by the City Selection Committee. Duties: 'fhe Board is the governing body of the District and shall exercise all powers of the District, except as otl~e-tivise provided. The Boaird establishes and executes au effective program for the reduction of air contaulinants within the District. flppointment: Supervisor appointed by the Board of Supervisors, Councilmember appointed by the City Selection Committee. Compensation: $100 per meeti-~g, plus travel expenses, per diem. shall not exceed $6,000 per year. Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wed-lesclays of the mo-lth, 9:30 a~m at the Air Quality Manage-ne-lt District, 939 L;Ilis Strcct 7`~' Floor, San Trancisco. Contact: Ma--y Romaidis, Clerl~ of the Board, 939 >ullis Street, San Francisco 94109. (4l 5) 749-4965, r~--_crn~~_i,i~li~ir~.b~~a~_lt_-acl ~c7~~ Re,~io»c~l crf~c~Jvi»t Po-+~et~s <~lge~~~cic~s Roster' Pc~gc~ 12'2i~08 ~~LIFOF~~Ii~ I®~MTI~ICAsTI~t'ol ~Y~T~M (~~L.~ID) Date First Cur-•ent Ter-1~ CURRLN7, MLMI3ERSI-I[P Appointed ~E~ sires Re~~resentin;? Greg Murll<s S1leriff .lack Va-1 )=',dell, ~uC1111gamC Chlef •~an1eS Fob D-Strlct Adorlley Alltlloll}' COllstafltOUl'OS (H1llsbol'Ollgh~ IV~ell~ber-At-J_,ai'ge Ga-~y McClave, Daly City (C11air) Ctlief Adrienne 1'issier 01/04/05 Board of Supervisors Larry Franzella, San Bruno 12/(6/99 I2/~31i 10 Cities Acltllority: Penal Code Section 1 I 112.4, Resolution 47314 adopted September 24, 1.985. Membership requirements: 7 members; one meulber of the Board of Supervisors, Sheriff, District Attorney, Chief of Police ofthe Department having the largest number of sworn personnel within the County, 2nd Chief selected by all ot(1er Chiefs within tl~le Co--nty, 1 representative ofthe Cities, and member-at-large. 'Germ of Offce: 3 }ears, Beginning on January Ist and ending December 31st DIIIIeS: Determine the placement of Random Access Network (IZAN) equipment within the County and to coordinate acceptance, delivery and instalJ'~ation. llevelop procedures necessary to regulate the use and maintenance of the equipment, adhering to the policy guidelines and procedures adopted by the State Department of Justice. Appointment: Councilmenlber is appointed by City Selection Canlmittee, on behalf of the Council of Cities; Supervisor by the Board of Supervisors; 2nd Police Chief by Police Chiefs Association; and member-at-large is chosen by other members. Compensation: None IVleetings: Various locations, 2:00 pn1. Contact: Marls Hanlon, Captai-a, Sheriff's Office, 40G County Center, Redwood City, ~() 1~) 3()~3-~~,~~)~), t1;111~1111o1)CI~;Cat;),.`;<:illlTluttC'(:).C;~;l_ti`i. IZe~~i~»~rrl ct»c-'Jor'»/ P~~t-~ers Agencies Roster Pag~ S 12/2 ~Ob' QC~t~I~~TIC i/~CaI~~N~~ ~QUt~CIL CURIZC,NT MEMBERSHIP Appointed L~Ypires Category Marl< Church O 1./04/05 Board of Supervisors Richard Garbarino, South San I'rancisco 12/1.4/07 12/31/11 City Authority: Resolution 62407 adopted Noveit~ber 17,1993, amended Resolution 63609 adopted March 27, 2007. Men~bersl~iip: ~ member of the Board of Supervisors; the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court or his/her representative; the Sheriff or his/her representative; the District Attorney or his/her representative; tl~~e County Superintendent of Schools or his/her representative; the Chief Probatio~~ Officer or his/her representative; the Director ofd-lealth Services or his/her representative; the Director of Human Services or hisiher representative; arepresentative of the Council of Cities; a representative of the Police Chiefs' association; a representative of the Commission on the Status of Woolen; two individuals representing non-prof t agencies sewicing battered woolen; one individual representing agencies or individuals who provide treatment services to batterers; one indfividual representing anon-profit agency providing legal services to battered women; and four individuals representing the CUll7mllnity at large. 'term of Office: 4 years; malimum of 3 terms Duties: To evaluate, make recommendations and initiate activities regarding: current responses of law eirforcement, the judicial system, health care services and community resources; local government efforts to reduce domestic and fao~ily violence; public awareness and public education necessary to effect prevention activities; tl1e collection of statistics and data; the adequacy of federal, state and local laws; and the need for• services for those who are victims of domestic and family violence. The Councilwill develop an annual work plan and submit an annual report to the Board of Supervisors. Appoirlhnent: The members representing non-profit agencies servicing battered women, agencies or individuals who provide treatment services to batterers, the non-profit agency providing legal services to battered women and the community at large are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Compensation: None Meetings: 4'~' ~hhursdays/month, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pro, 455 Gou~~~ty Center, Sri' Moot, Redwood City, Contact: I-lonora 1\-Miller, Commission on the Status of \~Vomen, 455 County Centel, 5`~' Floor, Rcclwood City 94063, (650) 363-4372, (~~r~illc~r:~t-cc>..sar~rnrrtcc~.ca.u:z Retiro~rcil cr,~d Juiiit Po-rers ~I~~Yencics Kos7er~ Pcrg~ ~ 12/2i 08 fTl®l1~il~~ ~~C~ ~C)fU~t~tJTmIIT'~' ~EV~L®~I~I~~IT• C~i~1t11~IT~'~~ CURIZLN'1 MLMI3CRSI-lI1' Date Tirst Current Term Appointed 1/Y sires VAC'AN I' Susy Castoria 01 /01 /03 12/31/08 .lanet I1ol~fiuanll 01/Ol/03 12/31/08 Linda Lopez 01/01/03 12/31/09 Norma Fragoso, So. San Francisco 01/01/03 12/31/10 John I'locl: 01./01/03 12/31/09 VACANT Nancy Mangilli 01/01/03 12/'31/09 'honl Uavids 01/01/03 1213 L/08 VACr1,i'*dT VACANT VACANT 1 Ielen Karr 0 U01 /03 12/31 /08 vAC~AN~r Ci~~election Appoinhnents Represenlin~ C01111111SS1o11 Oll Aging COm1171SS1011 011 UlsablhtlES Homeless Contilluunl of Care North I~'air Oalts 1JOME Consortium Unincorporated At- Large (Pub.l'ac. / 1rco.Dev.) At-.Large (h,~~.r1c. />co.llev.) At-Large (Housing) At-Large (Ilonsing) At-Large (Ho„si„g) At-rLarge (llonsing) At-Large (PUI7.}'flC. / F~CO.DOV.) Low-Income Deborah Cordon, Woodside 01/01/03 12/31/12 Cities 1-lelell F'isical'o, Cohna Ol/01/03 12/3U12 Cities Authority: Housing and Safety Cod 341.20.5; Ordinance Code ~ 2.08010-050; Resolution 065783 adopted January 28, 2003. MGJllbel'SI11p I'ellu1rE111entS: 15- (7 Il1e111be1'; T1~V0 n1e111be1' appointed by the COLlllcll ofCllJeS, Olle 111elnbel' appolllted by the Commission on Aging, one member appointed by the Commission on llisabilities, one menlbel' appointed by the C~ecutive conunittee olFthe Continuum of Care Ylallning Board, one member living in the unincorporated area oflyIorth Fair Oaks, one member living in the unincorporated Coastside, one nlenlber living in aloes-income community, siY-eight Members-At-Large, one of whom shall. I-lave elpea•ience or etpertise in real estate, f Hance, development or operations and one member appointed by each Entitlement city in the Count}~ 1-IOMC Collsortii.uu (currently only South San .Francisco). '(,erns of off ice: Four years; ma~inlum 12 veal's. Unties: Make recvnlJnendations to the Board of Supervisors, through the Director of the Office of Housing, Human Services Agency, related to the e~Ypenditure of all housing and community development fiends' to review and provide a fol'unl For public comment oll affordable housing and community development needs and priorities related to the development of the Consolidated Plan and related Annual. Action Plans, and to formulate recommendations thel'eoll; and to review and provide a forum for public conlnlerJt on accomplishments and performance as related to said Consolidated Plan and Action Plans. I~e,~iorrrrl cn~c>'Jorrrt Poirer-s~,~tger~c~ics' Roster Fag 7 Iziaios ~1,ppointinent: The n~e~nbers of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. `The categori~;al members shall be nominated by their- respective agencies, however, the Board of Supervisors retains the disci°etion to coilfirtn o~r reject such nominations. CO111pe11Sat1011: NOl~le. Meeting: Minimum oCFour formal pulJlic meetings per fiscal year. Contact: Marina Yu, 264 1-larbor Boulevard, Building f1, Belmont 94002, (650) 802_5039, ~a~~:~r~s~;~cl~c~~~sin~,~~a-~.~. ......................u,,......._....~. RE~gi~»1c71 cn~cl.Iort~~ Po~ne~°s Age»cies• R~~sdei° ~ ~ Page 8 12/21 Q8 h-f®l~~i~JCa E~®~U'VI~~~T ~'aiWla f~E(~I~P~~-~ T~I.~ST (I°IE~F~.T} CURRf?Nrf 1~1EMBCRSI:-111' Date First Current Tenn Appointed ~~ires Representing Richard Gordo-1 06/24/03 02/~?&/09 San Mateo County Rose Jacobs Gibson 06/24/03 02/'(_8/09 San Mateo County 1_,inda Asbury (2/1.7/03 02/2811.0 At-Large Denise Aquila 12/17/03 02/281 ] 0 At-Large Bill Nacl: 12/17/03 02/29/U8 At-Large Karyl L;ldridge 12/17/03 02/29/08 At-Large 1'at Gen1-11a 02/28/08 At-Large Michele Jackson 12/17/03 02/28/09 At-Large John Conove-° 02/28/09 A -Large Larry Nibbi 02/29/09 At-Large .lulie I3aige-lt 02/2811,0 At-Large ['aul Shepherd 02/28/10 At-Large City Selection Aphointlnenls Pedro Gonzalez 12/14/07 02/28/11 Cities dal Torres, Daly City 09/26/03 02/28/] 1 Cities ,lohn Boyle, Menlo Park 01/26/07 02/28/11 Cities Gina Papan, Millbrae 01/27/06 02/28/09 Cities Diane Howard, Redwood City 01/27/06 02/28/09 Cities Carole Groom, San Mateo 09/26/03 02/<!8/09 Cities James Janz, Atherton 12/ 12/03 02/28% 10 Cities Larry Franze~(la, San Bruno 01/27/06 02/<!8/10 Cities 'hole I{aster, Hillsborough 09/26/03 02/28/1.0 Cities authority: Resolution 65988 adopted May 31, 2003 apps©ving the JointPowers Agreement joining the Housing Cudowment and Trust of San Mateo County ti'1eI11berSlllp requirements: 2 Supervisors and 9 City Councilnlembcrs (only Member Agencies) 10 me-nbers At-Large. 'G'erm of oflice: Supervisors serve at the pleasure oFtlle Board of Supervisors, Cities and Member At-Large serve 3 years, begll1111ng On Mal'Cll 1s` and ending; February 28t1i. Unties: The member shall be responsible for the joint fiuldraising, planning, adoption, financing, adn11I11Stl"atlOn, review, 111o11-IOI'lllg, enforcement, and reporting oilcertain workfot•ce and affordable (lousing program activities in San Mateo County. Appointment: Supervisors are appointed by the Board of Supervisors, City Council-nenlbers are appointed by the City Selection Committee and r'1t-Large members are appointed by the I-IF,A'T Board of Directors. Compensation: None. 1\~leetings: 4`I' ~~~ednesday of the month, 3:00-4:30 pn1, 330 'W. 20t1' Avenue, Room C, San Mateo Contact: Sherri Stevenson, I-TEARY (6.50) 872-4444, sl~~el~ri~~i?13e~rt~~l~:tirllc.al~g R~,~ior~nl ot~d Jozrtl Potve~•s Ag~er~cies Roster Page 9 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) Date First Current Term CURRENT MEMBERSHIP Ap~Olrited Expires Representing Vacant 01/12/99 T/Iay, Board of Supervisors Richard Gordon 01/12/99 1`/Iay, Board of Supervisors Sepi Richardson., Brisbane 12/21/01 T/Iay, 2010 Cities 1*jaomi Patridge, Half Moon Bay 12/14/07 May, 2009 Cities I coward Jones 06/20/98 T/Iay, 2010 General Public Robert Craig 05/17/06 May, 2008 Special District Iris Gallagher 05/07/98 May, 2008 Special District Alternate-Members Rose Jacobs Gibson 01/12/99 May, Board of Supervisors Barbara Pierce, Redwood City 04/27/07 May, 2011 Cities Linda. Craig 05/17/06 May, 2010 General Public David Altscher 06/18/06 May, 2008 Special District Authority: Government Code sections 56000 et seq. Membershi p requirements: 7 members; 2 representing the County, who shall be members of the Board of Supervisors; 2 representing the cities in the county, who shall be city officers; 2 representing special district in the county, who shall be elected or appointed special district officers residing in the county, and who may not be members of a legislative body of a city or county; and 1 member representing the general public. The; public member may not be an officer or employee of the county, a clay or district within 1:he territory of the county. There shall be alternates for all members representing public entities, and there maybe an alternate for the public member. (Govt. Code §§ 56325 - 56332) Tenn of office: 4 years expiring 1st Monday in May. Duties: Reviews proposals for the incorporation of ci~.ties, the exclusion of territory from a city, disincorporation of acity, consolidation of two or snore cities, or the development of new communities. Reviews proposals for the formation of special districts, detachments, dissolutions, mergers, reorganizations, consolidations, and the annexation of territory to local agencies. Initiates and makes studies of existing governmental agencies determining the maximum service area and service capabiaities. (Govt. Code § 56375) Appointment: The Board of Supervisors appoints 2 of its members and an alten~ate; City Selection Committee appoints the 2 city representatives and an alternate; the independent special district selection conunittee appoints 2 members to represent independent special districts in the county and an alternate; the other members of the commission appoint 1 public member and inay appoint an alternate. Compensation: $100 per meeting Meetings: 3rd. Wednesday of every month, 2:30pm, Boarrd of Supervisors Chambers, Hall of Justice and Records, 400 County Center, Redwood City. Contact: Martha Poyatos, LAFCo, County Office Building, 455 County Center, Redwood City 94063. (650) 363-4224, a~~~~~ ~t t~s~c~%co.s~;~~~~.~a~rr~=~.~:~.~i Regional and Joint Powers Agencies Roster Page 10 12/2/08 ..~~ METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (MTC} Date First Current Term CU1Zl~ENT MEMBERSHIP Appointed Expires Representing Adrienne Tissier 02/09/11 Board of Supervisors Sue Lempert, San Mateo 12/18/98 02/09/11 Cities Authority: Government Code Section 66500. Membership requirements: 19 members, 16 voting and 2non-voting; 2 representatives of the City and County of San Francisco, 2 representatives each from Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, 1 representative from Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties, a representative of the Association of Bay Area Governments, a representative of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, a representative of the Secretary of Business and Transportation, .and. a representative of the U.S. Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. Members are selected based on their special familiarity with the problems and issues in the field of transportation. Term of office: 4 years Duties: Maintains a regional transportation plan for the Bay Area which includes interstate highways, California freeway and expressway system, transbay bridges, mass transit systems, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, seaports and airports. Commission reviews applications for state and federal transportation funds, paying particular attention to the interfacing of the various modes of transportation. Appointment: For members from San Francisco, the Mayor appoints 1 member and the Board of Supervisors appoints 1 member; for members; from Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties, the City Selection Committee of each county shall appoint 1 member, and the Board of Supervisors shall appoint 1 member. The City Selection Committee's of Marin, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties furnish to the Board of Supervisors the names of 3 nominees and the Board of Supervisors shall appoint 1 of the nominees to represent the county. The Association of Bay Area Governments and the SF Bay Conservation and Development Commission each appoint 1 member. The Secretary for Business and Transportation appoints lnon-voting member and the U.S. Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration appoints lnon-voting member. Compensation: $100/meeting, not to exceed $500/month. Meetings: 4th Wednesday of the month, 10:00 am, Metro Center, 101 8t~' Street, Oakland. Contact: Rosy Leyva, Commission Secretary, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, MetroCenter, 101 8th Street, Oakland 94607. (510) 817-5775, A_l~,r~,, ~r~: ~~~~t~~. ~a. ~®v Regio~~al a~ZCI Joint Potive~s Agencies Rostej~ Page 11 12/2/Cl~ PENINSULA CORRfDOR JOINT POWERS BOARD (C~ALTR~-IN) CURRENT MEMBERSHIP Jerry Hill Jim Hartnett, Redwood City Art Lloyd, Portola Valley Jose Cisneros Nathaniel P. Ford Sr. Sean Elsbernd Ken Yeager Don Gage Forrest Williams SM Board of Supervisors Cities SamTrans SF Mayor SF MTA SF Board of Supervisors SC Board of Supervisors VTA VTA Authority: Gov. Code Sec. 6500 and Joint Powers Agreement of October 18th 1991 and amended December 6th 1994 between SamTrans, Santa Clara County Transit and the City and County of San Francisco. Membership requirements: samTrans Board: One Supervisor, one Councilmember, one SarnTrans Director City and County of San Francisco One appointed by the Mayor, one appointed by the board of supervisors and one appointed by SFMTA Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Two Directors representing the County of Santa Clara or the City of San Jose and the Santa Clara County representatives to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Term of office: There is no term length, although the members serve at the pleasure of their appointing bodies. Dirties: Sets policy and approves funding for the operation of Peninsula Commute Service. Appointment: See Membership Requirements (above) Compensation: $100 per meeting, $400 maximum in a month Meetings: 1st Thursday of each month at l Ovam at San Mateo County Transit District Offices, 12.50 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos 94070. Contact: Martha Martinez, JPB Secretary, San Mateo County Transit District, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, 94070, (650) 508-6242, ;.~~~~~ti~~czg~2~{~!~~~~~~tt~at~~;.co~~1. Date Fist Current Term appointed F;xpires Appointed by Regional and .Joint Powe.~s Agencies Roster Page 12 12/2/08 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Date First Current Term CURRENT MEMBERSHIP Appointed Ex ices Category John Maltbie ex-officio County Manager Greg Munks ex-officio Sheriff James Fox ex-officio District Attorney Mark Raffaelli, South San Francisco 09/28/01 Police Chief James Nantell, Burlingame 09/28/01 City Manager Authority: Government Code Sec. 300061 Membership requirements: 5 members; the County Manager, Sheriff, District Attorney, one Municipal Police Chief and one City Manager. Term of office: pleasure of the appointing committee Duties: Annually review the expenditure of the SupplE;mental Law Enforcement Services Fund to determine whether recipient entities have expended moneys received in compliance with the law. Appointment: Police Chief and City Manager are appointed by the City Selection Committee. To be appointed a candidate must have a majority of the cities with a majority of the county's population. Compensation: None Meetings: Unknown Contact: Unknown Regional and Joint Powers Agencies Roster Page 13 12/2%08 SAN MATEO COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT (SAMTRANS) Date First Current Term CURRENT MEMBERSHIP Appointed Expires Vacant O 1 /99 Adrienne Tissier Ol/OS Carole Groom, San Mateo Ol/08 Jim Hartnett, Redwood City 12/02 Karyl Matsumoto, South San Francisco 03/07 Rose Guilbault 03/Oc~ Zoe Kersteen-Tucker 03/06 Shirley Harris 12/0001/94/93 Arthur Lloyd 02/16/88 Authority: San. Mateo County Transit District Act 12/'31/08 12/31/10 1.2/31/10 12/31/08 12/31/10 12/31/08 12/31/10 12/31/08 12/31/10 Category Board of Supervisors Board of Supervisors Cities Central Cities Southern Cities Northern Public Member Public Member Public Member "Expert" Membership requirements: 9 members; 2 members of the Board of Supervisors, 1 transit "expert", 3 city councilmembers, 1 from each of the former Municipal Court Judicial Districts, 3 public members, 1 of whom shall be a resident of the: coastal zone. Term of off ce: 4 years, terms run January 1st to December 3 ]'~ st. Duties: Sets policy and approves funding for the transit district. Appointment: Supervisors and the "expert" are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The three councilmembers are appointed by the City Selection Committee, The 3 public members are appointed by six non-public members of the samTrans board. Compensation.: $100 per meeting, not to exceed $400 a month. Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 2:OOpm, at San Mateo County Transit District Offices, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos 94070. Contact: Martha Martinez, District Secretary, San Mateo County Transit District, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, 94070, (6.50) 508-6242, [email protected] __ Regional and Joint Powers Agefzcies Roster Page 14 12/2108 SAN MATEO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (SMCTA) First Current Date Term CURRENT MEMBERSHIP Appointed Expires Representing Richard Gordon 01/12/99 12/31/09 Board of Supervisors Mark Church 01/23/01 12/31/08 Board of Supervisors John L,ee, San Mateo 01/28/00 12/31/09 At-large (Cities) Jun Vreeland, Pacifica 12/14/07 12/31/09 Northern Rosalie O'Mahony, Burlingame 01/27/06 12/31/08 Central Rosaiule Foust, Redwood City 12/17/04 12/31/08 Southern Karyl Matsumoto 01/09/08 12/31/09 Transit District Authority: Bay Area County Traffic and Transportation Funding Act, and San Mateo County Ordinance 313 5 . Membership Requirements: Seven members; two Supervisors, one member of the SamTrans Board of Directors, who must be an elected official, and four representatives of the cities, one from each Judicial District, and one at large. Term of Office: 2 years -Term begins January 1st and ends December 31st. Duties: To implement Measure A as passed June 7, 1988. Appointment: Supervisors by the Board of Supervisors, SamTrans Director by the SamTrans Board of Directors, City representative by the City Selection Committee on behalf of the Council of Cities. Compensation: $100 per day, maximum $400 per month. Meetings: 1st Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm, at San Mateo County Transit District Offices, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos, 94070. Contact: Martha Martinez, Authority Secretary, 1250 San Carlos Avenue, San Carlos 94070, (650) 508-6242, ~~~~arti~~~za~~ii~,?sa~~~trarfs.co~~~. Regional and Joint Power°s Agencies Roste~~ Page 1 S 12/2/08 sax MnrFO couxrr CITY SELECTION CiMMITfEE "hO: MnYORS OI~~ SnN M~1'hEO COUNTY FROM: ASIINITn Nf\R~1YnN, SCCRC'hA12Y SUB.IECT: MEETING OF 'I'1lE CITY SELEC7'IOIJ COMMITTEE Dn'I'E: November 26, 2008 Se/~i lZiehorson, Choir 7err~~ 14'agel, F rce (.'heir Ashnito Norm-an. 5'ea•elor>> X100 Cozrn!>> Center • IZed~cood Cih~, 9~0G3 650-363-~~ 125 Cowlcilmember Sepi Richardson, Chair of the San Mateo County City Selection Committee, has called for a meeting of the Committee at 6:15 p.m. on December l9, 2008 at the Colma Fire Station, 50 Reiner Street, Colma 94014. ~GLl~~DA I) Roll Call 2) Approval of Minutes of the May 30, 2008. 3) Selection of one Councilmen~iber to serve on the Housi~ag Endowment and Regional Trust Board of Directors Tor a term beginning immediately and ending February 28, 2010. ('this seat ~~~~as vacates! by James Jartz, Atherton) (Note: The folloti>>irtg citieti> are ttvl eli~~ible to rtotttir~tale a cortncilntenther: Detl>> City, I-lillsborotrglr, 1ller~lo Pat•k, Sant 1~'r~ttno and Socttlt Satt Fr•arrcisco) ~) Selection of three Councilmembers to serve on the Housing Endowment ai~~l Regional T rust Board of Directors for teens beginning March 1, 2009 and ending February 28, 2012. (The seats are etn~•rerttly held by Cottneilrttetnbers Carole Gt°oottt, San Mateo; .Diane Hu~~i~~arcl, Reclrnoocl City; Gina Pa~~at7, 117r'llbrae.) (Note: Only cities that are tttentbers of HL'ART ntcty he aj~~oit~ttecl.) _5) Selection of one C~ouncilmember (Southern Judicial District) to serve on the San Mateo County Transit District (samTt•ans) I;oard of Directors for a term beginning January I, 2009 and ending Dccember 3 I , 20 12. Cottneihnetnber• Jittt Hartnett, Rechvoocl City is seelrittg r•eahpairtttttertt. 6) Selection of one Councilmember (Southern Judicial District) to serve on the San Mateo County Transportation .authority Board of Directors for a teen beginning January I, 2009 and ending December 31, 2010. Couttcilrnetttber Rossnttte I'oust, Rechiroocl Oily is seeking reah~~oirttrttertt. 7) Selection of one Counci(rnember (Central .Iudicial District) to serve oil the San Mateo County 1 Transportation Authority Board of Dil•ectors for a term beginning January 1, 2009 and ending December 31, 2010. Councilnte»~ber Rosalie O'l~1crl~~orty, I3zn~•li~~~ga»~e is se~elzi~~g r°ecrhhoiylt»tei~t. i) Election of a Chairperson of the City Selection Committee for 2009. (Mote: C.andid~ctes must be ~ current Mayor or C'ouucilme><r~be><-.) 8) Election of aVice-Chairperson of the City Selection Convnittee Cor 2009. (Note: C~ndiclates incest l1e a current Mayor or COL1I1C1Illleinber.) 9) Oral Communications ] f you have ilny C~LlestlOllS Ol' reClllll'e addltlOlla~ IIlI01'mat1017, contact ,Ashnita Narayan at (650) 363-41.25. 2 sax Mn~o ceaimr CITY SELECTION COMMITTER Z'O: MAYORS OF SAN M11TE0 COUNTY FROM: ASI-INIT'A NARAY'~1,N, SL;CRI,TARY SUI;.IEC7': MEETING OF "hAI3 CITY SELECT[ON COMMITTEE 1~~1EETING DATE: May 30, 2008 DATE: June 5, 2003 MII"~~J-TES Sepi IZicharclsorr, C'lrair Temp Nagel, 17ce Clrair- 1lshnita Narm•a,~. Secr•eta~7~ 400 Cotnrlr Ceriler• Rediroo~l Cih~, 91063 G50-363-•1125 I) Ro(1 Call: The following cities were present: Atherton, Belmont, Brisbane, Burlingame, Daly City, foster Ciiy, I~Ia(f Moon Bay, I-lillsborough, Menlo Park, Millbrae, Portola Valley, San Bruno, San Carlos, San Mateo, South San Francisco and Woodside 2) Approval of Minutes of the February 22, 2003. (li~Tot~oa: South. San h,rancisco / Sc~coixd: Menlo I'a~~k) 3) Selection of one. Cotuicilmember to serve as a City Alternate on the Association of Bay Area Government (ABAG) for a term beginning immediately and ending June 30, 2009. (1Vole: Coa~r~ciln~cmbcr• Kcvira 1(1a~lli~~~ ~~ritllc~~°ei~~.) Colrticilr~~err~ber• Jvlzit 13~1~~1e, Me»ly Pa~•k as seekiy~g nh~~oi>7t»tea~t. (Motion: Menlo Park / Second: Atherton) 4~) Oral Communications - hlone. i 7F SAia tv1ATL'-0l%~IUNI'Y TC}~ Ashrtita Nara}~an, ~©uncil of Cities FFt!C~[U1: Chris Mohr, Executive Director, I--iEAF?T a~1TE: 11l11/0~ ~UF~JEC'i": F-II~.AF~T Board Vacancies The Ilousitig rrldo~~`1x1eI1t /~I1d Re4ioll~.tl "Trust af' Son ~~1~teo County (I-YE,~1.l~Tj ;o.i11t poi-vets autllol~ity lta;; :Tour ~~acancies l~or ~.;ity Council 111~~Ialbers, to be cllc7sen by the t:.'ity Select.iozi CtlI7l.IT1IttE--(~. ~ 11C" tG'.Ci1iS aI~~ ~.tS ll)l.~.U~VS: ,'1. `~~tarec Seats C~~icxl far' Lleitio« to Ti~r'e~-~'ear'I'ertn: 3r'1J;Z009 - 2128/ZUl2 I.axcuxx~k~ents: C_'.ar~71c Groom, San Mateo I,~iaz~e. ~~lovval'ct, 1'v.F~~=1~w~ot)c~ City Gilla 1-'~zl~arl, l~'.liJl.brae 13. (.one Seat (.~tzerz for >Elc~~tion to l~'itZ U~~e:~i~iret~ '1'errx~: ~~-~he~n filIecl tt~-•ougll 2/2$/2~l (l Itz~:un'11aea>rt: :ta.mes Jiltlz, .~tlzcrtoll, i~ptFCi 11ot to I-><]n I't~r rc-election tc~~ t.lte Athi.;rtt:~n Toti~,~rl ~'ouncil. l:Iis terrrl ellcls 1 ~ / 11U8. ;~.il ?t1 cities are eligible try vot.~~, becailse G-t11 aI'e rr1e1111.?ers of thf~ Joint. 1'o~vers, :~utllol~ity. r~ can-r r r~>E,:~S The Follo~~~izl~ cities are eligi k}l~e to z~ocxiii~alc a ~,'~3uncil,l~'1e~nJ~~e>•: 1. 1~t11erto1l t7. East.:E'al~~r t~lti~ 1.1. Tortola ~'al.ley 2. iBelmotlt i. I~ostel- City 12. l~ecit~~czocl City ~. ~I"151?~11~ ~. ~-l:ll ( loll©0.11 r3tlt~ 1 ~. ~iclll. {`,3r~.C7S ~l. $url:irlgarne ~~. 1\~Iillbrac 14. Scar M~ltec~ . S. C~~~11.1~1a 10. Frzci~aca 15. ~Voods~it~e `Clle ftllloti~-ili~; CIt.IE~~ ~,re taot ell~aLilC to ]li)IT11Tl~ti' ~i C.'ouncll 1`V~.t=-I11~1t,1', because llzey ha~~e Board 111ember5 ~~,jhose tel'ms ~lrt. toritinuilig: 1. 1~a1y C~'ity ~. Hill.sl~orou~:h _~. ~'~i:.I110 ~~tl`1C ~. ~cl[1 }~I'lII1C7 5. So. San. J1'ancisco Please call 111e ~.t t.65~) S7~_4~14~1, ext. 1, oc c.111ai1 cnlol>s~«)l~ieai-tofs111c.c~rg iI'S~ou ha.~~e cluc:stic}zls. "1~1~a»:k yc~u .fvl' your aswis~ar~e:e.. C:\DOt,L1P•aIF--^1,~~,t~aAF~A-~1\U7Cl',LS~-ilTernl>','GParr~wise`,~ity Selectot7 - t-IFAP,T 2(10-11-1 t.cloc hfsa+?r It+:iyltln r'i?u~+t ~ :~=~ tll~vnr Utn7?e r iot~~+r+.l Crs:aicir C~1en-thcrs :atic:a c. ~~E.~+~~~~. I.tt, I_~;t;t, lint lrt:rln:ati .ieit rru L~,sc~~ara Piet::s' N~~verrtber ~4, 2UOB .''~.. ~ ~~ ~~ 1 ~ M~~ M~~~~~~~~~ ~ rnllntt~r~! 1, ~7 ,~~~, Sepi f~ichardson Chair Council of Cities (Sent via email s_c~pirichardson~sbc~~loi~al.net } Subject: F~eapi~c~intrYient to SarnTrans Seat Clear Chair F:icl7ardson, IGI? Itlll >> i`'I'f1 (,1) f:O;if) r?tci•.~isos.{ C1t), C.altl+~'t-:.t' Uh i-;i?til le{cphon~ t ~`t ' 7817-;~2tt y; fit;: ,; 7,,, .{,I,=~ I hereby formally submit rrty request for re7t~F~ointri~er7t to tf~e San P~rlateo County Transit District Qoard. I I~tave also sent r~~y request to Chair Tissier. It has been ~~ ctreat F~leasure to serve ctrl the hoard and I am aware this matter ~~vill come u~ at the meetinct of Gecerrtber 191h, f~iease let r~r7e know if you need any aciciitional information front rY~e. _f.ha{7k you. Sr~r~eer~ely, ~' ~' ,, i ,. + ~, 4 ~,1~~~~r N~rrtrtett. ,`R,'`City Council ~.-~er~rber _` F~edwoocl City F C: F~osann~~ Foust, P.~ayor ~~edwood City ~sf~nita Naray~~n, Sec:retan,~ Council of Cities ltSaylrr 1~~ dnttc r t>u~i ti ic~c 1~1n-„I ':~i ~11r, lli?s~:;7rd Cnulrcil'~9~:3nYua;c ~li~~iat A~.uirrc 1 111 1;171 f ~ ,111,: u:711i ti 11. ~!i t~ rra ltarl~.;ra i'tcrce ~lover~~ber 2~~, 20(?8 ~ "' ' ~'' ~~. ~M~• G~Illi~~€~1r~~1' rlttitit<rrt~ 18RI v..rah ;... . 7i`4`, Sepi Richardson? Cf~air Council of Cities (Sent via email se~~iricharcisor~;~sbccilobal.net ) Subject. Reappointrr~ent to Transportation Authority Seat Clear Gf~air Richardson, 1(li i Ili?L)i ~ ~` ' r ht~Tf\i) i.ctl;t'c;rr(I ("tl•, ~';rlll ~~ 71 i, t I hereby formally sl it:~n7it my request for reappointment to the San. Mateo ~.-ransportation Authority. Tf~is is a formal request that my name ~e submitted ~t tfie appropriate upcon-ring meeting of Decernber 39, 2C}(}~. I am currently finishing my second two-year term anr~i f'~ave tf~oroughly enj©yed and f~ave been an active participant. I am currently servinG~ as tfre Chair of this body. In addikian, 1 have served on the sub-corY~mittee for the Strategic Plan and interview panel for tt~e Citi~er~s Advisory Committee. It has been a great pleasure to serve on this E3oard and I i~ope to continue ors the board if re- appointed. Please lek me know if you need additional information. Thank you. E3est regards, Sincerely, ~_ ~ ~' ~~ ,>. i~t.~sanne Foust Mayor City of ~edwooCi City C: Qoard Secretary, ~Transpor-tatian Authority sent via email} Ashnita f~,larayarr, Secretary Council of Cities (sE'nt via en-rail) ~. ~ h it ~~. ~ ~` ~, f~ w:~. f?,nSAL1E. O'fv1;1H~t1Y, ~~AAYO~t ANN KLIGHA.I~hJ, VICE Pv'IAYGF: C%ATFiI~ ~Al'I_OC•K, C~)UNCILtAEiv1EL=R ~1 rF~RV h1At>rt., COlINCILhiFh'IB~R JFF~RY C~r_At_, (;(7llIJGILFJ1~Fw1FER Cll~~.~,i° ~e17i ~~i.clxardsazx. City Selec:tiall Calx_xlx7.ittee '1-(_)() ~~tJ11111~' Cetlt~J.' 1. I-1.0-200 ,~.ttetlton: ,~.sllzlit;~~ I~IaI'~yan, Secre~tat'y ~~eci"r ~s11Tllta, ~~~, ~_' r f ~ ~ -' pp ~y+. k a~ `~i,•lrnr:Tf iuCelm.~iea TEL: t5-`'0) 558-7200 FP.X: (650} X42-8380 E~1.AIL: CQUnc~I~vrlrn ~3f7'!E'..U1' "3 ll.l.s .I.e1t.el' I.S tt3 lIl]~c.71'I71 yl)LI 0~ a:x1y l.T]tC'I1"t~a:tl. t0 r~~CILIeS"r I'e~1.~.717a1Ixtlxlerlt tCl the ~T'rclnsl_~ortatXOZ~ Itiutl~~~z'.it:y l~alyd o~ ~)irectol-s C"~e1~.tz•a~ ~~'ounty seat. i='lease lI"l~:al~I"ix ~.rylt~` Select:iozz t~;azlZZrlittee z1~.el2.x~i~.t'S o:~ c11y z'ecluest tc} enter zny z1~IZ~e ]~o~ z~eap~pailltzxlez7t to this seat. [_,irzdez' C'EC) l~~licl~ael. ~ca~~larl's le~ac-le.t`slli~ I hat,~e ft~uncl t~I~y ~~rarlc ~~-ith the T,~ ~c~ard to be tlxe .mast re~~'ardillb a~~tl-te Iixazly ci~ric a~poz-tunities Z c}~cI'ish,foa~ bo~~z'd polic~f ~~e.nel:its evet-y se~znent of oi,ar populati.az~ arzd ewez'y ~zs~ect ol~l~usizless ~~'it:l~izl azld ti~~itl~atrr tt"1~; taunt}~~. T}~e pra~~~~ess of tla.e ~luxiliaa-y, Lazle :('roject, [i'oz~~ 'Ttxird to l~tillbrae ~~.ventie is ane of the ~;i.allt st~~1.7ti, successfully- zx~ta~rizlg ahead of sclledtil~;. 'T'he l~a~zz'd is .zxla~~in~ foI-~~ard ~~-it1z f`uttrz'c~ electz~i~ieat.ic~I~ of C;altz'ail~; ~LZZxdii-I~ x~~ore busses aa~ slltztt]es~ cliscerzx:ul~ ~7liz.zxa.~a.l ~;.t'ade sel~ar.-ati.olz zleecls fit~ozx~. il~e a:ssr~ciatecl. ~aatp.rizlt stu~l.ies;stxppar~iit~z` cast l~i~,latvay zleeds,allcl I~1ast I'eC~IltIV the sti•ate~ic 1>>larLZ~tll~ a~`t.r~~.rls~,artatian {alxcl tI'~ll7slt 1,11~IJI'C}~~el~"teI]tS tl-zralr~h ~t~3~?. ~1~ha1:11 yoLl, Sepi, 1~ar E.:nablin~; this z'e.ciuest. ~~ez'y truly yot.tz's, ~~s~~~ -_ w+'j.r"n l ~~asaliF; 1'v~. {a'1~~allollyJ ~'""~`° 50'1 P~zit,~ta.05~ f;r~Aa BUR~INGAivtE, CA 94010-39~J7 tiyv/~rr.?aurlir~r7me.or ». f~eyister online with isle City of E3urlii~game to recei~de regular City upcl~tes of wtiv_w.F3urlirt aq_ ri~~..er~':' - ~ '#=.. :r cam}` ;.~' i ~ ~ +•n'. 4 S ^.'~^`». t~}ctok~er ~3, ~~!t~8 Pv~ls. Set~i f~irf~~crrdsor~ C_ ity >election Con~n~ittee ~t00 County Center F;ed~~~ood City, Cfi~ 940~'~ ~'-rtler~-tir.~n: ~,. r~Jarayan, ~~;cretarY [~~;c-r Pv1s. I~i~~har~:~san: Cioe,kc~ cJ;• !:;IecTORS 2008 ADRIeNrar. TIS'_~IF;+, CrI;,IP, 7_Oc N.EF?57EY~.!1-TUCKER, VICE CHAL4 ('r r + ~ r;HOO'd 1 ..,SE LiUILE1f:UCi $i~l^I f'1 rIhR1?IS Jln~; .vtrrvs_rl JERR'i 111L1 AR i lil/R E I.1 U'Gp FJ:RYI, r,1R'T ~UPa1C.Tirr h;1lCFU.. E I..1 .5C ANI-<) N r,ErvErtq! n1au,:cewCEC Tt-~is letter is tc~ inform you that tine .~ovtl~~ern County seat geld by Jini H~_arlnett c~r~ tf,le San r,~lcateo Cc~urrty Transit C)istrict f~a-~r~~trans) ~oarct of C:)irectc:.~rs ext~~ires on Deco ember ~ t , 2008 and that a reappointn~errt or r7~w ~at_,pc~inir~--rer~t Cat' tt~e City selection Cr~rnmiitee therefore si~ovlc! be rr7ade. i~f7e terra for this office is Jar--uc~~ry t, 20(79 to Decer~r~k~er 31, 2012. If yo-_r havF; ar~y c~u~Jstror~s car rec:tuire cant' ar:~lctilic>nal ir7fort~c7tic>r-~, Tease fc,~~l free to c~~~+ntac:t m~~ crt 50~-b'~~t2. ~' :~ ~, I ~ ~ r ~ t 1r~i+~ri7a ,~. Mr~rfiinez [>Istf~ICt Sec~retar~y t ~F {,r`, C_7rT1T1Ur~-S hoard - °`~',<< n~,~. `~C:af1IOr1 C). Mll~er 121) San CarlaS Ave. - I~'.C7. Box 3U~06 Can Carlos, C>~ 9~C7G-13(lE> (fa ~0)~OS-t~20~J E1r~ tipG C'~i- V~IRErTI ~R5 2t)t18 ..•. ~ .:. ;:. ,iii x ,_ ~ ~ '~ ~'r°ar~~~~ar°'~~~Ci~a~ ~. -.l ~,:.- ~1c.tt~i~~er 28, ~OOf3 tv1s. Seri Ricl-~c7rdson City Selection Commili~~e 4~Q t"ounty Center Red~~,~~ooci City, CA 5'4C~b3 Attentior7: A,. i~~fir~rU~/are, c>er_.refir~ry L~ecar tuts. fZit:l-iardson: f~OSRIIE fi~fi:l:•HC~IJY, 1/ICE~-I1>If2 t~,1r~^IC CrurCF± ~ICF? G(JRC7C)N J<)NU Lc Y.nRYI PJtn,rs~ Ir~crt) JIM ~IhtElf.Nt? Ni!C;FiAE:. J. SCkrdL,t)N [tiC ~UrIV~ plizkCrUlt 11~is lei-ter is to inforr7~~ you that t1~e C~`entral County seal held Icy Rosalie C~'tvl~7irony on the San tvtateo County Trcrnsf~ortation Authority hoard of Qirectors ex.~.~ires on C~ecernl~er 31, 2Q08 sand that a rea~t~ointrnent or new ar~r~ointrnent ~y the City 5elec:tion Con~r~ittee tf~ierefore sr~oulci tie r7~ade. Tire term fc>r this of fic,e is January 1, 2109 to C7ecerr~k~er 31, 2C~ 1 U. If you f-~ave c:rny q~.~estior~7s or require any c7cficiiti~>ncrl ir~forr~~ration, ~~lease feE.l free io ~ onta~~t r~7e caf S0~-h2~12. `'lei-e1y`, ,' t`[~urtt~~a A. ~-tiariirr>v7r Y. Authority Sec:reti.^.rry ~_ c.: SMCTA ~oc~rr_I t~~l . St~c7 n l o n C~. 1v1ili~>r SAPJ I`ll-1T~lJ CCIUNTY i C~~r''t4SP(3RTAT1~(7E~ /~U~F°1~F~ITY 125(_7 San Carl~~s Ave. -~- P.C~. Br}x 3006 San Carlos, GA 9~1U70-~ 306 tGSC})508-6219 C-~OARi7 CJF ~irFECrgRS 2008 ,~~ ' ~.~ ~ : , ~~: r ~~ 1 C~cic~~er 2~, ~00~3 P~1s. Sepi Ricl~~c~rdsc>n Cityy Selection Committee 4G0 County Cerrter Rec.t~~'ood City, C~ °4063 Attention: A. ~~Jcarc~yc:~n, 5ecretcrry Decrr tv1s. Ricl-~ardsori: Rc?rtint'it•lY FUllST, f H>•113 RpSA.I_IE (J~tv1A.i iQIVY, VICE LFr:1!R VLL Ru,t~HURt,': R ~! I Gi1HOlIP7 J~/~~Nrr 1.~~ l~Ht1"'ri PJ1ftT:i4J1Ai)TO JIn.S VRF_EIANt~ ExECUrn,[ DIREr.70CY This letter is tc> ir~rform yC;!r_t than the Southern County secai held by Rosanne f=dust ~~an tt~~e San P~~atea County Transportation Auti~ority Baar~:! of Direr_tors exf~ires on Decemk~er 31, 2~~(JF acrd tf~at a reappointment or newt aE:al.~ointn~errt by tt~re City Selection Committee therefore shoulc~i ~?e made. The term fc.>r tt-ris otfir~_ e is January l , 20t~9 io Decernk~er ;it , 201 C,. If you have arty r~iuestic~r~s or re~.~uire an~y~ additic-'n~~l ini`ormafion, please fieel free to cc:?ritc~c:i rt~~e at 30~-6242. Cti+ ~.-~erely, ., *.~ } I ~i~ ~,.~ ~,~ F~~ ~ Syr ..~f~f ~~, J ~' ¢~~, ~ ~ S 4 ~" ~~',~lariha ~. r~~artinez Authr~rity Secretary `' c~:: SIv~C1~~^, ~c~a~'d h.1. Sccrrrlon D. Miller BAN Pd1ATE0 C(JUNTY -f R.;~NSP'(~fdTATlOhI AUTI~iORITY 1250 Saar C:arlc~s f1ve. - P.o- BCJX :~OU~ San Caries, CA 9a07U-1306 {65C))5{)~-62.19